Monday, November 22, 2004

Post 624.

Dear Blog,

you'll never guess what I saw today; 10 minutes before my class would start. Yes, THE class, that starts ar 6.30 pm.
I was checking my e-mail in the library, when I suddenly heard: >beep, beep, beep < ! Yes, it was the alarm. The girl, red as could be, turned around and said: Oh, that must be my cellphone! I had that earlier this week! (I myself, dear blog, never had any troubles with my cellphone...)
And then I saw it!! She was digging behind a shelf for her cellphone... and pulled a VCR tape out of it as well! She placed the tape on the table, placed her cellphone on the counter and walked through the portals again. No >beep, beep, beep<>
Triomphantically she said: See, it was my cellphone, and took it back, along with the tape. However, she walked back to the VCR tapes shelf and when she returned, she had her cellphone in her bag, but no >beep, beep, beep
Now, you think, a crime?! TSSS! BUSTED! Well, my sweet blog, the thing that makes me itch most, is that I'm studying to become a teacher. Just like every other dweep on this school.
This means, that the girl who tried to STEAL a videotape, will be a teacher in a couple of years.
Be ashamed girl, be ashaaaaaamed!!!!

I'll be silent though. But I'll tell a story about A girl who tried to steal A videotape. Just loud enough so that enough people will hear about it. Stealing from the school library... tssssss! And that will be the future of the Netherlands?

I shake my head in disbelief, my dear blog, I'm shaking my head...

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

I guess I'm good at creating problems; or seeing those that actually don't exist. My current problem involves giving gifts.
I love to please others, by giving them gifts. I love to see them happy.
But when it comes to certain people... it sometimes feels like I simply can't do anything right. I know they want me to become happy as well; I'm getting a lot of gifts.
The thing is, I don't always show how happy I am with things. At least, not in their eyes.
Each person that visits my house gets a tour of things I've gotten from the USA. They have to see everything! I'm so happy with them!
But... the person who send that gift... doesn't see that. He thinks I'm not happy at all with them. He thinks he doesn't amase me at all. But he does.
And when it comes to me giving gifts... half of the time I get to hear: "It's cool... but..." And there comes more then. "It brings bad luck." or "We already have so many of them." or, many many more things that gives me the feeling that they do like it... but rather would have gotten something else.
Funny. They always love the candy. The cheapest and easiest gift. And that they love.
But the thing that took me most of my time and money? They always say they like it, followed by a but.
It makes me wonder... maybe I should stop sending gifts. I don't know if I can handle one more but. I know they mean well, and that they don't want to hurt me...
It's the thought that counts. Yes, I know.
But why bothering sending anything again, if I'll just hear again: "It's cool, but..."
I know my friends don't want to hurt me. And in fact, it's only 2 people who do that. And I don't think they even know that they are doing that.
If they read this, I'll probably throw them into depression. Yay for me. Another person sucked along in my own petty depression.
I bet they now think I'm ungrateful, but I still have all the gifts I ever got, on my room, or in the living room's showcase. I honestly love my gifts. I just don't always show it to the givers, because they are not here...

Monday, November 08, 2004

Worship me for having my own personal site at

And other news: Yesterday, and just now, my pc suddenly seemed to have a lack of power and became black. Then, it restarted. If that happens and I get the scandisk; I'm holding my breath. Because if it starts scanning the clusters, it takes hours before it's finished T_T Luckily it hasn't done that yet. I'm gonna check the plugs to be sure, and I believe our personal Computer Guru will visit us soon again, and I'll notify him about this problem then.