Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Go visit this gallery if you have a chance ^_^

The things you should not do...

  • Do not complain about a co-worker through the phone to another co-worker. Especially not if you are praising the one you are talking to and are not 100% certain it's not the same woman... (Shall I tell him? Shall I tell him not? Choices, choices, choices)
  • Do not set a date you want to have a refund and do not demand money when that time is not met. Especially not if you are not 100% it had not been refunded 2 days before the day you have set... (How to break the news quietly...)
  • Do not point fingers when it's obvious you ordered the wrong thing (Things do not magically change into something else!)
  • Do not, and I repeat, do not go crazy about a book. Yes, I know you've been waiting for it and that you're most anxious to read it... but it's a BOOK! The world won't end if you read it on monday instead of saturday. (I heard good reviews about it, but still... it's a BOOK!)
  • Also, do not blame the store if it's obvious the courier made the decision to postpone the delivery.
  • Do not say things like: "I have nothing to do with your courier services; I made a deal with you!". When you make a deal, especially with internet stores, the delivery is included. When we hand things over, it's simply out of our hands.
  • Do not think you are all high and mighty and do not point out what is wrong with that person if you know him less than 5 minutes. While the reply might be kind, trust me, whatever is being said, it's not well meant (try to THINK for a change!)
  • Do not ask a person: "Not to be rude or so... but what the heck do you even write a book!?", especially if you own hobbies are not the most sane in the world. (I have nothing against different styles and humans, but I have something against people who dress like they have been run over by a lawnmower and then think I'm crazy for following my dream....)
  • Do not critise me when you don't know me (woohoo! personal point! I mean: "I think cream would look great on you and blue is soooo not you!", while blue is my fav colour and I'm quite pale. Not to forget: don't touch my stories of art. You may give constructive feedback, but critisising is a big no-no)
  • Do not make annoying lists like these. Think; nobody will even read this to the bottom! And if people do read it, give them a compliment. A brain and patience; a rare combination.

Monday, July 16, 2007

So you hate me...

I wonder why....

Could it be, because I'm independant? That I think for myself and try to be unique? That I'm not a mind slave?


Could it be... that I completed the study... you failed in your past?

So no wonder he/she (from last post) hates me... He/she always hoped I'd be a failure... so he/she could look into the mirror!

Well missy/brotha.... I'm no mirror.

On other news:

Weather... why not just rain as a whole? We had thunder, the moist level is high enough to swim through the air... Just let it all out of your system... it's okay! =D It's okay to rain! Rain is fun!
(Moist enviroment and hot sun... is not)

Sunday, July 15, 2007

You know what sucks most? If someone starts a fight with YOU, totally uncalled for (not that I am a saint; I did make a mistake, but going all WAAHBOOHOOYOUNEVERTHINKABOUTOTHERSBUTYOURSELF-hangsupphone-* was totally uncalled for) and then in the end, you can't get it off your chest... at all! Not even in this blog, because there's a chance that person will read it!

Yes, I made a mistake
But I'm starting to see why that person has neighbour issues....

If this person thinks I'm selfish... then he/she will see selfish when my book gets popular. I will invite a LOT of people to my book parties.... but not him/her! I'm the trash of the family now? Then they won't have to expect a smile when they want to ride along on my success and work...

I called to my mom about it and did get a lecture (unexpected, but still, she can lecture me because she's my MOM)... but she said 3 more words before she hung up... 3 words...

"I love you."