Monday, September 30, 2002

Weird dream. I dreamed that the messageboard was already used a lot! Heh; I'll go and look within a few minutes but I don't think that has happened ^_^. Anyway, I finally got 1 review for my site. The others will be turned in later; or at least 1. So; I'll be checking back so now and then. If you want, you can comment on this or even give your own suggestions. Everything would be handy!

DATE SUBMITTED: September ??
DATE POSTED: September 29th
TYPE: Website--Orignal Story/characters
SITE NAME:Serenay Moon

Layout: Very fallish layout. Simple, but I like it. The picture that you use is gorgeous (The one with the little devil . ^^;;; ) I would suggest that you have all you background pages white like the main page. Some of the pages clash with the layout, and seem a little too bright . O.o But other then that, your layout is nice and simple ^^ This is kinda weird ^_^. From one site, they said they should use more colored backgrounds... and now they tell me to delete it all =S. Anyone? What should I do?


Where to start where to start ..

None of the stories/seasons, specials, or movie were graded. But I did look over them, and they had a good start, interesting too ^^.
Well, there is only one profile up right now . But I ll review it anyways ^^. :: blinks several times:: She s an Evil One and yet her element is Truth? O.o that seems to be a little awkward, but it works, I guess. Aletheia, very pretty Greek name. But the only problem is, I don t know Greek, and have no clue on how to pronounce it. Maybe you could post a :: scratches her head for a moment:: pronunciation key to help people like me on how to pronounce her name. Everything else seems relevantly good, and you got a back button to your profiles :: bows down to Kitt:: thank you. Hehe, I got that from another review; but... how to pronounce Aletheia... ehm... A as in a (jacket), Le as in lay (laying down), Thei as t-eye and A as a longer a as the first one. As in AAAAAAAAAh
Season 1
The background, like I said before, doesn t go well with your frame layout. The marronish color headings are fairly hard to read. >.> and the links of the mids are just a little to blue. ::hits her head several times:: I should know who the artist of Eye of the Tiger >.< But I just totally spaced. -_-;; Once I remember, I ll let you know. Over all, you got a wonderful, amazing, awesome collection of music. Good, good.
Season 2
Another good collection of music for each episode. Well done.
Season 3 & 4
I would suggest that you take the links for these two pages down sense there isn t anything there yet. It makes your site less cluttered and more organized.
I m a major Friends fanatic, so I know who plays/sings the opening song. :: gloats happily for some strange reason:: Rembrandts. I love that song. ^^;;;; Another great selection of music. Very nice, very nice.
Message Board
I never liked bravenet messages boards. And on your update page I noticed that you might be looking for a new message board, so I thought I might help out in your search. (has adds, but is a good service), (I really recommend this board host, this is where AR s board is at now) and (never had it before, but visited sites that did, very nice too.) are the ones that I suggest. ^^ I've got hyperboards now ^_^
Not graded.
Personality Quizzes.
Oi! I love quizzes. Very entertaining. Turns out on the first quiz I am Zach and the other one I am water. ^^
Nothing really was all that entertaining in this section. >.> I would suggest that you get maybe some java games. But no suggestion how to get them or whatever ^_^. And I'm not that much of a Java person; most of the time the loading takes ages!
The first button is direct linked, and so it comes up a angel fire banner. You might want to save the button to your hard drive and upload it onto your own server. Also the last neo pet is a broken link. Me? A broken link?!
Again, the background on this page clashes with your frame layout. Other then that, everything seems ok.
Adoptions, About us, FAQ, Awards, and Blog weren t graded.

Information: As far as I can tell, you gave most credits to where they were due. You have credits for the midis, and pictures which is good. I suggest that you get a page just for your credits so it is easier to find.

Organization: It s alright. The four drop down menus and links in between are a little confusing when trying to find something fast. Maybe you could make it into just one drop down menu and have that just divided into sections. Also a few pages had back buttons, but most of the others didn t. I suggest that you have each page have a back button for better viewing.

Originality: It takes a lot of imagination to come up with your own original story. Your site is very original from the characters to how the site is laid out.

Final Impression: Over all, I think you got a nice site on your hands. ^^ Somethings could be added and changed. Such as the drop down menus, the back buttons, the backgrounds, and the other things that I listed. Your artwork is very nice, and very well done. Good luck on your site. ^^

Sunday, September 29, 2002

OKay, that does it. I'm seriously doubting if I should continue to post my art on the web. For fun, I checked the site GenieHarem and enjoyed the Anime Art. Suddenly I saw some Serenay Moon pics drawn by Demitiri. Since he linked at them on his own very tiny page (I should link it =S) I figured out he donated them himself (and he did).
Then I spotted another picture, called rinigenie.jpg. Hey, the name sounds familiar... the drawing style looks familiar.... THE SIGNATURE LOOKS FAMILIAR. What tha freak; I drew that! I drew it for Dreaming Moon and now it's suddenly on Genie Harem! Who asked me if I thought it was okay that it was there?
So, I checked out the links. Oh yeah, and the link posted on the pic suddenly was deleted too so there is no credit at all besides my signature. NO-ONE is credited! They took the pics from all around the web and credit no one!
And I actually worry a bit too. Demitiri gave the serenay moon pics. Serenay Moon belongs to us. Yet we are not credited. Anyone can take those pictures from that site... so they can easily steal it.
I started to like that site and now I don't. Simply because they don't credit anyone. I learned a lesson on the net: always credit. It's not fair using someone else's picture without asking them first, but this way, the artists can't be asked! At least tell me who donated them, so I can flame them!
I have a new Serenay Moon Messageboard I know, I'm announcing it everywhere, but I really want to delete the old one. Okay, it has just as much ads, but it's easier for me to delete unwanted messages if they appear. AND only I decide when a message gets deleted and not Bravenet. Don't get me wrong, I like Bravenet. They have a lot of cool free stuff. I just like this messageboard more. AND you can even send private messages to others!

And as for today: I went to a gallaria in a city nearby. I had to go because of school. It was really tiny so I could have been done really early, but that woman over there was so enthusiastic and boy, she had a lot of intresting stuff to share, about how we should teach kids to draw. It was really intresting; we talked for about an hour!
Yesterday my grandmother came and we went out for dinner. We ate pancakes in a restaurant and wehn I got my ice cream, I walked back to the waitress (it was really quiet and she was busy with my father's sorbet) and said: 'Maybe it's just a thought, but I think a spoon would be handy too!'. She apologised and gave me one ^_^. I thought it was amusing. Then I went to bed early again cuz I had a splitting headache.
Now... you might think... WHEN WILL SHE FINALLY GET BETTER?! Well, good news: I'm in the final stage of my cold ^_^. A sniff here, a cough there, but nothing big any more ^_^. I can actually breathe again!

Finally, I would like to thank Cat because she edits Serenay Moon for me. Thank you! Arigatou (I think).

Saturday, September 28, 2002

I think some people are getting scared of me, or think I'm a meanie. Woops. Heh, I know, I can't be friends with anyone, but so far, on the internet, no one seems to hate me yet. Or at least that I know of ^_^. To all, I'm really sweet, but once a month, when the moon does those weird things, I can be a bit... different. No, not a werewolf. It must be the moon; what else could it be? If once a month the moon can turn people into werewolves, it shouldn't be that hard to have an other effect on normal people. Normal? Okay, I'm not normal, but I'm a person so I blame it on the moon. Or Evil Emperor Zorg. He even is responsible for the itch on my littlest toe (stole that one from Buzz Lightyear =P)
Okay, how many lines did I use and actually said anything? I think only the first 2-3 lines make sense. ^_^*. So, what happened today. A woman tried to insult me today at work. She said that I was trying to be smart because I was right and she was wrong. Her exact words: 'Look, University must be starting soon again'. I wanted to say this: 'Well, at least I'm qualified to go to University'. But I didn't say it. If I would have said it, I would have had a big fight on my head. She is so brainless! Trying to insult me while in the end... she never could insult me that way. I'm not that smart but hey, way smarter than she is. At least I have a High School Degree fit for University. And she? She made a 'career' out of being a Mail Deliverer *hehe- evil laughs*

Friday, September 27, 2002

I hate having a cold. First of all, I can't seem to warm up and my nose is just... stuffed with things I don't even want to know what they are!! Second, I got a bloodnose yesteday and that was very annoying. Because I was tired, I went to bed at 8 pm (early, ne?) and woke up tired! How on earth is that possible! Tonight I'll go to bed early again since I'll have to work tomorrow. Ew... work.
Anyway, went to school for only 1 hour. I didn't have any more classes and boy- what a waste of time it was! We had to talk about our first impressions on our new school where we'll learn to teach in practise. Mine is near my home, but the guy who is the actual teacher... seems uminterested in me. It's like he only accepted me in class is because they get paid for it. I know, it's my own responsibility and all, but the way he said that to me... I hope it was because of the 25th anniversery of the school and that he was really busy, but so far, I don't like him.
But, I'm still lucky. One of my classmates has something equal to hell: in the morning she has a teacher as example who could be best described as Mihoshi from Tenchi Muyo, or Usagi from Sailor Moon, or Mika from Serenay Moon. In one word: Chaos. All kids just do whatever they want and she doesn't mind. In the morning, they have about 1 hour of class and the rest is just... chaos. And what does this woman say: Well, I think I really have a great style of teaching! O.o
In the afternoon she has a man as example. He said: Oh, you'll probably want to watch for a long while ne? She: No, I'm here to teach! Oh, okay, then you can give History each thursday! And history is all they get that afternoon! They start at 1.15 pm and end at 2.15 with history. Then the kids can do whatever they want..... and again chaos.
They are going to find another class for my classmates cuz this is... crap. Crappy Chaos.
And another classmate: we started in Septembre with school and ever since we started she has been sick 1 day. On that day, we only had 1 hour of school, just like today. So, she only missed 1 hour of class (which wasn't an important hour too!!) in the whole year so far!
The next day, she found a letter in her mailbox: 'I have noticed you missed a lot of class and things are going wrong with you. You must change this behaviour otherwise you won't make this year!'
She was shocked... she only missed 1 unimportant hour! She was quite pissed about it and I understand that. She mentioned that to the teacher who send her that letter and he didn't understand why she was angry. He only cared about her; he didn't feel it as being too much.
Is he brainless?! Sending such a letter after a girl missed 1 hour because she was sick?!

Thursday, September 26, 2002

Me: *cries huge waterfalls of tears*
You: What's the matter, what is the matter?!
Me: It's horrible!!
You: What? What?
Me: I was looking so forward to it!
You: Oh wait, I remember, that Sailor Moon and Card Captor Sakura eppie! You saw it?
Me: *cries again*
You: Jeez, grow up!
Me: But your don't understand! They named that very cute looking guy in CCS Li; they gave him his last name as first name!!!!
You: And? Happened before. No biggie.
Me: And they.... Ami... she...
You: They named her Ami? How great!
Me: They named her Sailor Mercurius!
You: *silence*
Me: *sniff*
You: You... you must be kidding. They didn't; please... tell me they didn't!
Me: *nod, nod*
Me: And to top things off... I'm not feeling that well.
You: They didn't... they didn't... tell me they didn't....

Wednesday, September 25, 2002

W00t! What do you guys think of my new comment line? I never knew it was gonna be so easy... I never knew YACCS remembered my password; cuz I know I haven't. I probably have it somewhere....... Probably....Oh drats... can't find any notice with a password somewhere around here. Drats times 2. Oh, goody. I can get my password get send to me. I'll do that sometime soon. I hope.
Today? Well, nothing special- and looking at the time I should get to bed too >_<. Went to school, got bored, made a few asignments but mostly, made a template for a friend who wants to make a KissDoll 100% by herself. I'll trace it tomorrow since I want to give it ready for usage.
Then I came home (we were send home early! Wai!) and great; my dad decided not to pick up dinner for me because he couldn't reach me on my cell phone! And then he doesn't understand why I was angry! I said this morning to my mom: Mom, I'll be home at 5 pm, so if dad gets dinner, get me something too! She said it to him but NOOOOO, he just had to verify it and since my cell phone is downstairs and without sound (because of collage- I hate it when one goes off! And most of the time they pick it up too and chat!! Argh!) I didn't hear it. However, I once told my dad: call home too! Because if I'm behind the computer, I won't hear my cell phone!!!
When will the guy learn?!
And swimming lessons was quite quiet.... A kid was so annoyingly annoying that even my partner gave up with him. If he won't make the swimming exam, it's not our fault. We try; he simply doesn't listen. And I had 2 little kids crying because they lost their 'flipper'/ 'fin'. Actually, it was quite cute. They were so tiny and we did it for the first time! I just hope it won't stay that way each lesson. I had one like that the last season. I'm very proud at her now; she hard cries and is even a tiny bit .... well... she dares a lot more. I'm so proud.
And... Kitty caught a cold *sniff*

Tuesday, September 24, 2002

Okay, spend my day at school realising it was almost a waste of time. Why almost? I did an asignment by just being in class and got explanation about another. And I won a prize by showing a simple math excersise at the 'Abacus'. Just showing it how I would explain it to kids how to use it. It's a crappy prize though, some magazine the teacher had too much from and she had to get rid of it. Might come in handy though ^_~. And she was amazed how I managed to trade in 10 '1' poinst (eenheden called here; numbers 1 till 9) for 1 '10' point (tientallen; numbers 10, 20, 30 etc) at the same time while holding it with my other hand. Confused? Me too. Doesn't matter. I just did something she never managed to accomplish *wai, grin*
And for your reading pleasure, a small story at the bottom of this page; 100% ©2002 by me so no stealing! Unless you give me credit ^_^.
I can't wait till thursday! Why? Because then episode 8 from Card Captor Sakura and Sailor Moon comes! And if I followed everything well, that means Ami and Li Syoran (or whatever his name is spelled). Sy-thingie looks so cool! I simply love his outfits. I just wished they gave him a bit better voice. Oh well, he only said one line.
I also found out we have the North American Version of CCS, but on the order it's supposed to be. I already thought things were weird. Tori sounded as a japanese name but isn't! And they used Madison Taylor. Though her watch had written Tomoyo over it. *sighs*
As for Sailor Moon, Mamoru was quite... nice today.
And hurray for Cindy, this is the second time she said Bunny instead of Serena! Good for you girl, you might actually LEARN to introduce an Anime the proper way. I think someone actually saw the Anime before they wrote down what it was about. I bet it was because of Luna Puella and me; we both complained about the mistakes Cindy Pielstroom (?) made in the introductions... though.... a thank you would be nice.
First 4 hours off; then school. Drats.I'll be home about 6 p.m. And I have school tomorrow too! Argh! Why did they choose to air CCS and SM on thuesday too?! The only free day (most of the time) and I have to wake up early just to tape it!!

Monday, September 23, 2002

Unbelievable! I have till January time to visit about 6 cultural things! I can choose from museums, galleries etc etc. And I have to interview an artist! However, the teacher only conciders an artist as an artist when he or she completed the art school. What the freak?! So I'm not an artist?! You don't have to study for it. And most of the people who study make pieces of art I don't understand a thing about!
I wished I could interview any artist. They I'd have about.... *counts* at least 5-6 people to choose from! All are artists, but none of them studied for it- or, my guess is are studying a bit for it. Fortenately, my dad knows someone who knows someone and that way I can interview someone.
The teacher asked my honest opinion about it. I answered honestly: I wasn't in the mood for it. Why? Because I HAVE to. If it was my free will, I would have liked it to visit a museaum. Now I MUST visit one.
Then the whole class said I was being ridiculous, because I could choose almost anywhere I wanted to go! That still doesn't change the fact I must do it. They just don't understand it. It's just like reading a book for school. I like reading books, but if I must read a book, I'm not in the mood for it. It takes the fun away from it. That doesn't matter which book it is.
I want to do these things because I want it, not because the school wants me to do it! Is that so hard to understand?!
And I probably won't do much homework today ^_^. Oops.
Yup, I need a life. After trying to get this layout work (it took me 3 hours to find out I could do it in 10 minutes >_<) I traced everything (except for 1 pic) for the Postbank SinterKlaas Calendar. I need to finish it soon, though it won't take that long to put it all together. Want one too? Make sure you are beneath age 12 and make sure your mother or father is working for the Postbank. Are you above 12? Send your little sister or brother. Don't have a brother or sister? Adopt one. ^_^.
I kinda like this layout; I suggested to Luna Puella that if we ever make a Kiss-Site, this might be an idea for the layout. It would need a name though. And maybe other colors.
My review for the site is kinda delayed so I have to wait 3 or 4 more days >_<. Doh! I'm so curious!
What happened more? Nothing. I want to draw again, but I don't have that much time for it. Actually I wanna draw Kiss Doll templates, but I have no idea for poses. And I need to finish Kendra.
A few birthdays are coming up and I only made a gift for one; the other I still need to do. And I still need to make the Christmas card. And finish school. And not forgetting things- last night I dreamed I forgot a lot of important appointments. Though I don't have any....
I'm home early today; I guess I'm gonna do some homework then for a change. Cuz when I've finished that, I'm almost completely finished for that subject!
And in a while, I'll also have a week off again. I'm going to be at school almost each day then, so I can make my homework there. Then I would actually do it! I'm so dedicated *sighs*
I have something with art today- and if my guess is right, it will mean I have to copy something on a blackboard. One problem... I can't copy pictures >_<.

Sunday, September 22, 2002

I'm gonna change the looks of this page. Hopefully I get that done today Okay, it's gonna take a while! It keeps on saying that the page isn't quite ready to publish or whatever.
Okay, went on to plan 2! Saved the original codings and worked on the layout on this blog instead of a testblog. And voila! Like the result? I don't know why half the lines stayed pink, but it has something nice, hasn't it?

Saturday, September 21, 2002

Good things about work: It pays money and Evil Ellen moved to the other side. Bad things about work: a lot of people weren't at home for their packages. And halfway home, the chain fell from my bicycle so I had to walk home. I used my bicycle as a ..... ehm... we call it 'step'. Leaning on the bike and using your other foot to push yourself forward. It was heavier than I expected! Halfway I met a woman who had a question about the mail she was receiving but she couldn't speak dutch that well, so we continued in english ^_^. She had been getting the mail from the previous owners (she just moved here) but she didn't know where to send it, or whatever! It kept on piling up. I told her to use 2 words: Retour and Verhuisd. Retour means it has to be send back to the sender and Verhuisd means Moved. There; people, stop troubeling her with that mail!
I also found a wallet, but because of my 'broken' bike I couldn't bring it to the police. Instead of that, I looked up the name of the id-card in the phonebook and saw that there were about 5 people called like that in my city. 1 of them was living close to where I found it and I called that number. It turned out it was the wallet of a little brother's friend! So, what are the odds you find the wallet of someone you know the big brother off! (and when I say big, I mean really big! He's about 2 metres! He's so tall!). I brought it along and we talked a bit.
Now I'm at home. My sister traded her screen and the people first were a bit troubling. When she said the factory told her it was no problem at all and that she could trade it, they were suddenly so co-operative! But, to be sure, she tested the new screen right away in the store. 1 pixel broken. Screen 2. 3 pixels broken. 4. another pixel broken. 5: nothing broken!!! Wai!
Congrats with your new screen sister sweet! Okay, that sounded wrong....

Friday, September 20, 2002

I bought Elfquest's final episode and to be honest, it was a disappointment. It had so many words >_<. It was like reading a book! I was so looking forward to it! Beautiful pictures, okay, but... not a comic. But, what will happen now? Will the publish Wild Hunt here? I truly hope so. I adore Ember and I'm a great fan of Lorraine Reyes work. She draws so pretty ^_^.
And as for today... 1 hour of class and actually.... not that intresting.
It's like rain, on your wedding day. It's a free ride, that you've already paid
I so love Ironic from Alannis (?) Morrisette. Hehe, it's eps 27's midi. Sunday I'll get the review from Animates Reviews for the site. I sighed myself up for that since hardly anyone tells me how I could improve.
Buy stuff from my Neopets shop. I want Neopoints. I love Neopoints. Give me Neopoints.

Wednesday, September 18, 2002

Not much to tell; I traded my day off for a day at my new school. Next week they are having some party and it has no use to come there. Maybe I'll come for about an hour or so, but I don't know anyone there so why should I come?
Anyway, my dad called Iiyama again and roughly speaking, this was their reply: 'What the? Who said that? What a load of *****! She has 8 workingdays to return it, no matter what the problem is. They have to give her a new screen. When she goes back, she can tell them that and if they create any problems; here is my name, a piece of the policy she can show and from now on even the factory knows about it. Don't worry, she'll get her new screen'.
To be short: Good job Iiyama! Kick those shopkeeper's butt! Hehe!
Okay.... I musn't forget I have to finish the Postbank Sinterklaas calendar. I have th drawings roughly made, but I have to trace them and then my dad has to scan them. It will be done in a day, but I'm pushing everything away! I think I'm just lazy >_<. I also need to make birthday presents and the Serenay Moon calendar. Oh well, at least I almost finished one set of the KissDoll I'm making with Luna Puella..... wait a minute, that's not true. She is making it. She codes everything, I only deliver the pics. So... actually... she is making the kissdoll.....

Tuesday, September 17, 2002

Things I hate: People who tell me how a computer works while they hardly can find the on switch themselves! *huff,puff* God, what an arrogant ditz that was, telling me that a computer crash was a bad excuse for not doing our homework, because, after all... A COMPUTER CAN'T CRASH THAT SUDDENLY! *curses* Of course they can crash easily. The word 'crash' has written it all over it!
Don't worry, it wasn't my computer that crashed and it turned out only the internet crashed, but DANG, I know way more from a computer than she does and then she tells ME how a computer works?! It's like me telling Luna Puella how the Kiss-Coding works. *wants to kick Angela's butt all over the net*. I don't know a thing about Kiss-Coding!
And we had more computer problems. My sister bought her own computer and not too long ago she also bought a screen. 500 Euro, flat screen- very great quality. However, when she turned the computer on, it turned out 1 pixel was broken. In the center of her screen she has a red dot. Very annoying and it first appeared 1 second after starting the computer. So, it's not her fault or old age. She called the shop telling them she wanted a new screen (500 Euro is expensive enough; and it's the center of the screen!). Their reply: Sorry Miss, we have a 3 pixel policy. We can't take it back unless 3 pixels are broken. What the freak?! This screen certainly is going back! And my sister WILL get a new screen! She has 8 days to return it if she isn't satisfied. That's normal in the Netherlands. So, the friend who installed the pc: Okay; easy. We aren't satisfied.
So, I have good hope. But Iiyama..... So far I can't say anything nice about them. Maybe later; depends on how they are going to solve this problem. 3 pixel policy, my ***. That wasn't found in the guide, the receipt (?) or near or in the store. They have no right!

Monday, September 16, 2002

Not much to tell. Yesterday I went to some sort of comic book convention and we bought a lot of comics. Really a lot. My sister bought an Austin Powers doll for a friend of hers, but soon it turned out the batteries were already dead. So, she went back and that guy yelling at her that in the real shops they were a lot more expensive and that he couldn't help it and especially: He didn't WANT to fix it. Those were his exacts words. My sister left; that guy was so rude!
Anyway, I'm busy with the Kiss Doll from Luna Puella *waves* and me; almost have all the hair done!

Saturday, September 14, 2002

You won't believe it. I will shock you to death with this news... but... I had a nice day at work!!! That **** Ellen moved over to the other side so she couldn't whine about me anymore! Another idiot came to fill in a blank spot and gosh- how stupid can someone be?! She was... literarry (still can't write that word) ... dumb!
I now remember. I had a bad dream last night. About my mom dying in front of me. What the hell is wrong with me?! Ever since the father of a friend of mine died, I keep on having these dreams! First my sister died, next my grandfather came visit me from the after life and now the dream of my mom dying. *cries*
*sniff* Oh well, tomorrow I'll be away to something called a 'stripbeurs'; you can buy a lot of comics there, so I'll take along my list. Maybe I'll buy Gilles de Geus (Bryan the Bryant in English- it's dutch comic) if it's not too expensive. I like Gilles. He's funny. My dad wants me to take along some drawings to show to some artists. Like no one does that >_<. And I'm too much of a chicken for that.

Friday, September 13, 2002

I'm so tired. Even if I told you how tired I was, you probably wouldn't believe it. I feel like I can fall asleep any moment! And I'm not the only one. It turns out half my class is just as exhausted as I am. Though..... from only 1 I believe it. The rest are all ditzes. Yup, I have a ditzy class. Arrogant Ditzy Ditzes!
I'm hungry. I should eat more.

Thursday, September 12, 2002

*sigh* My school forced me to go to some boring museum. It was supposed to be for kids. If it didn't interest me, how on earth could it interest kids!
And on the way back to the station, some constructionworkers guessed our age. They guessed I was 17! WAAAAAH! I'm 19! And I'm loosing my youth! Not that long ago, all thought I was 15. *sniffs*
I'm getting old. Just give me some plants and a window. I'll go and site behind it.....

Wednesday, September 11, 2002

M, okay, we have now 3 new fish: Hinote (Hino; male) and 3 females: Aurora (Aura), Faia and wait a minute! I bought only 2 females! Oops. Darn I can't even remember what I bought.
Nothing much to tell. Well, at least not what happened today. I saw a baby getting blinded by the sun, and it shielded itself with her hand like an adult! That was pretty amazing. Further, I'm so tired. And then, at the swimminglessons, I had 2 hyper kids and I almost had to send out an entire group because they were only fooling around. I told them that I can be a nice teacher, and that I do not ask much: only coöperation. After that speech, I seemed to get a bit trough to them because they listen a bit better than. I want that same group again next week; just to tell them I'm not running away for any problems!

Tuesday, September 10, 2002

Or.... maybe not. Drats, 3 of our fishes died on the same day. And we just got a new male!!! We gave them the traditional fish-funural. Weird; most of the time they simply vanish (literary!) but yesterday they started having balance problems. Maybe I'll go and buy a few females today. Home alone anyway.
Need to continue my CG. Argh; I don't wanna but otherwise I'll NEVER finish it in time!

Monday, September 09, 2002

I wasn't in the mood for blogging yesterday as well as today. Bwah. I think I'll post chapter 7 tomorrow.
Oh.. and... draw me things. I'm cool
*hears laughter behind her* Courage! I didn't ask you for comments!

Saturday, September 07, 2002

Bwah. I can only whine on Saturday. But who can blame me? I spend my whole valuable morning with people who simple don't understand me! They are so... STUPID! I hate them. (Please note: if you haven't discovered this by yourself yet; this is how every saterday post will look) 'Don't make so much noise'. 'Why are you always so cranky?' 'Gosh, you are so depressing.' 'Mm, you are really weird; should I be worried now?'
And 2 new ones: 'You are scary'. 'Your parents didn't raise you well'. Say whatever you want about me, but never touch my parents, my sister, my dogs or my friends! Ellen, you are history! I'm only allowed the breathe there and she the one who always complains about me and today she complained non stop about the mail being late! If I do that, I get a long list that I should be cheerful and not that cranky bla bla bla. Guess who makes me cranky?!
And the scary remark: We came to the subject hating people and I told them when I really really really hate a person I sometimes write a story where he or she dies. If I truely hate them, I make them die several times. It has no plot, simply my rage, frustration, anger and violence in it. I never let it read to anyone. And they thought that was not normal! I gave them the option: I could write my frustration down on a piece of paper or let them go out and actually hurt a person! Not a hard choice, ne? And like they are such saints. I bet they sometimes felt like bashing someones face in the wall too. But nooooooo, they claim that when they have a thought like that, they push it away because 'it's not a nice thing to do'. Hmpf, at least I let my frustration go out on a safe way! They just pile it up. I always wish that their bikes will get a flat tire when they are walking their block, but I always fear that something like that will happen to me. 'Wat u niet wilt dat u geschied, wenst u een ander niet' (If you don't want it to happen to yourself, don't wish it at someone else). But it would be so much fun, just for one simple day, that they have tuns of mail, tuns of packages and flat tires while I hardly have anything at all. Just one sweet day of revenge.
In case you wondered, there are a few other things I really like to do when I have a lot of frustration I hardly can cope it any more: Playing Doom (killing aliens with one blast; too bad the computer that had that game on it broke down ;_;), Playing Dungeon Keeper (I'm an Evil OverLord!!) and jumping on an egg-box (without eggs).
If I pile my frustration up, it can come out these ways: I get a nervous-break down (the most safest way) or I get really really really angry and when I get like that even my sister is afraid of me!
So, what do you prefer? Me writing down a scenarion that will never happen by my own hands, or Kitt the Raged Insane KillerMachine? (though I will never kill anyone! I already cry when I accidentally killed a snail!)
So, don't worry. I'll keep writing down my frustration. I guess that would be the best option... or am I really a weirdo now?

Friday, September 06, 2002

Sorry if my spelling isn't the best. I only have 5 fingers right now. And I only use 3 of them. It's cuz I'm eating. Yup, that commercial is right: women are good at doing 2 things at the same time. And I can do even more! I could eat, read a magazine and watch tv at the same time. And actually knowing what's going on too!
I didn't eat that much yet today. I bought a small cake on school (I traded my freaking schoolcard (which you can buy food with) for another; it kept on doing weird things!), ate a free Mc Donalds Ice Cream (it was huge and hey, 2 hands again!) and about 30 seconds ago I ate a Wasa Sandwich cracker. I like how it tasts. I loved the Pizza version, but they don't have it any more. My fav. are now Unions, cheese, ham and Ham-cheese. I don't like the cheese version that much.
Yesterday I went to bed at 9.30; and I slept about an hour later. I had a bad dream *sniffs*; my grandfather was in it. That wouldn't be too much of a problem, if it wasn't for the fact he died about 5 years ago! There had been an earthquake and he predicted 2 more. Still, no problem, but then my mom and I saw a lizard and she wanted a picture from it, so I captured it. She then wanted the mesure it and we accidentally ripped of his head *shivers and sniffs* That's the second time I had a dream where I decapitated an animal! The first was about my pet hamster and not much later it died because I forgot to feed it. I'm sooooo glad we don't have any lizards any more! I hate dreams like this. I love animals. And I wished my grandfather was now here... I never had such a great bond with him as with my other grandfather (that died about 6 years ago) but I do miss him.
*deep sighs with a sniff* Oh well, I depressed you too much. How about chapter 6?

Kitt goes France
Chapter 6: Probably nothing intresting

The next day, 3 new people came. One of them was a German family, but since German looks a bit like Dutch, I could understand them... even if it was a bit. The other 2 belonged to, who I have named, Crazy Family. I hate Crazy Family. They are so nosey and I hate their twindaughters. They are so bratty!
The German family, on the other hand, was very nice. They listened carefully to me and tried to help me speaking german as good as possible. They were really patient. And they adored my drawings! Especially the one I made for episode 48 (The Choice that broke my Heart). I had to design a dress for Mika which looked impressing, so to me that means a lot of 'trinkets'. I hate 'trinkets' on a dress. I like plain dresses. Not too much details and so on. But this dress had to be detailed! And they loved it! 'Sehr Schön', as they said.
Tiamat had asked me to make up questions for a Serenay Moon quiz. I wonder... will 55 different questions be enough?
My dad insisted I should go outside and I wondered why. I would only see Crazy Family which I totally wasn't in the mood for! Their kids only played with each other (jealousy? possible at that time) and you could easily see who was the boss in the group, and who was the outcast. Poor kid, even her baby sister was higher in rank then that poor girl! She so reminded me of me when I was young... always last to be picked... and these were cousins!
Well, at that time I remembered something that happened 2 days ago. I had to go to the bathroom again and I left my tent. Suddenly I saw something big and black moving! Waah! I was startled; SPIDERS! But no, it was not a spider. It was a small toad. I remembered that toad; 3 days ago it hid under our tent (before the caravan). I picked it up and brought him to safety.
The next evening, the toad came AGAIN! What was this? A toad invasion? Would this tiny creature be a spy? You never know... you can't trust anything nowadays. Streetlights suddenly jump behind your car when you drive backwards, as well as trees. And if Birds starts a war (Chapter 2; Paris)... who knows?!
I also saw 3 shooting stars; I was so lucky! No one else saw them. They don't believe me either >_<. Oh well. I didn't wish for anything, I have everything I could wish for.
After I woke up, we went to the beach and would go to Rayon. It was said to be a big city with a lot of shops, but we had to go by boat. So, we took the ferry and took the dogs along. They didn't like it at all ^_^!. Even though my biggest dog is very fond of swimming, this was something she was scared of! And my smallest dog was one big stresschicken too.
Rayon turned out to be quite boring. Clothes, clothes and nothing but clothes. We really walked a lot, and when we decided to go back, the smallest one of our dogs was très fatige; very tired. So tired, that my mother decided to carry her. My dad took over though and at home it turned out she had a small pebble between her toes. Maybe that was what was bugging her. That same dogs also always barks at other dogs, but suddenly we saw one of the same breed.... and she didn't bark! For the first time! *is very astounded*
And again, that night, our little private toad had visited our tent. What was so comfy about our tent? The next day it was 37 degrees (Dutch ones) and that was very, very, very hot *melts*. I went to a big mall with my dad and I just saw the coolest slippers. But, as usual... they didn't have them in my size..... *sniffs* And then... I saw it... and giggled. I saw a pair of paints with a really famous figurine: Sailor Moon! I didn't buy it though, it didn't look that well, but they had Sailor Moon pants! And Power Puff Girls jackets! *laughs* This was so funny!
At other shop, a woman tried to cut line by being a bit pushy... and that is something you shouldn't do with me! *evil grin* If someone wants to go first and hopes we'll ask her because she has so little- but does it a pushy way (!!)... I always do very slow.... so slow.... I once had a pushy woman behind me and I let an old lady behind me go first... Oh, she was so annoyed! Just as much as that woman in France! Hehe.
My mom and dad left that aftertoon and buyed Ceramique (?) Lizzards. They wer quite big and are now stuck on our shed ^_^.
Not too many nights ago, Crazy Family decided to go eating at 10 pm! And then they have the nerve to claim our radio is too loud!! Especially since we hardly can hear it! This night, Crazy Family decided to eat a bit earlier but way more stupid! My dad told me a trick: if you flames on the barbecue get too big, you must throw salt on it. It will kill the flames, but not the burning embers. But nooooooooo, what did Crazy Familie do?! They sprayed water on it! My dad was buzy on another barbecue; only 7-10 meters away... and suddenly he was gone! Smoke was everywhere! And does Crazy Family listen to advice? Of course not! Daddy... where are you? Hello? Daddy! Oh, are you still there? Can't see you!

To be continued...

Thursday, September 05, 2002

I'm so evil. Yesterday I wasn't in the mood to blog, so I didn't do it! Bwahaha!!! What happened yesterday? Nothing much, I was so bored but not in the mood to do anything! I gave my first swimming lessons again and the kids seemed to like it. I also decorated my school t-shirt. I drew Kitt on it (very quickly so it's not that good) and wrote my site adress on it. Who knows?!
Today I had school again and well... it was not that intresting. Though, something happened that made me feel warm. We had to form groups from 4 and 3 people said to a 4th one: 'sorry, you can't come into our group because we already have a group of 4 people. Kitt is in it too!'
I didn't had to look for a group! I'm already part of one! This... is... *sniff* so... new for me. I've always been an outcast... but now I'm accepted in a group! *sniffs*

Okay... I'm not gonna cry.... I'm gonna post part 5
Kitt Goes France
Chapter 5: 3 boring days

You might remember what happened last episode; me, my parents and my uncle and aunt were accused of biting dogs. The next day my uncle and aunt went to the police; asking for explanation, because the life guards were really rude! While they were gone, I wrote in my journal.
That night; how was it else possible, it had rained like hell! And I'm sleeping in a tent! Sure, then you stay dry... but if you have to go to the bathroom.... Luckily I had one close; but I really hate it when I have to crawl in bed wet >_<. That day I finished more drawings and I found out my elbows and feet were 'a bit' burned.
After that, my uncle and aunt came back. They had talked to the police and the lifeguards and they got an apology: 'We were under a lot of stress; new people bla bla bla.' Like I care. That's no reason at all to accuse our dogs for nothing! The policeman said they didn't want to listen to my aunt (who speaks french well) because she was a foreigner, but that he had to listen to him. And they did! We were told where our dogs could walk freely and where not, so all was cleared up. All well that ends well, or whatever the english saying might be ^_^.
That afternoon I bought a new small drawing book because I thought I might need it. I expected to draw really a lot! And my big sketchbook is almost full (I didn't manage to get it full though >_<), so I thought: why not?
In that same store my mom bought fish for the grill. I don't like fish. I mean, I love to see them swim, but I think they taste aweful! And what did they have there?! A swordfish (Marlijn in dutch, I think), a shark (no wonder Jaws was so angry!), octopus and you could choose your own crab! And they were alive too! 'Oh look honey, let's pick that one and cook him tonight! He walks so funny!'. Like pointing at someone and saying: 'Okay, you are going to die tonight'. I hate that, I truly felt like walking on a graveyard. (And then I eat flesh- weird huh?). I'm glad my mom and dad don't do that. They hardly eat crab, and when they do, they eat it while it is a long time dead.
And to proove how much I dislike fish: I gave my piece to my dad. Salmon... yuck! No thanks, no more fish from the grill for me!
That night I had one hell of a dream. It was really cool and I wonder why Titus (I think he's called that way; the main guy of FFX) was in it. It had a lot of holograms in it and was really cool. I wrote down the plot; I hope I can use it one day.
I drew a lot of drawings that day, however, when I drew a picture of Mika, I had some trouble. 3 times the light went off. Some power failure. My dad had called my sister and she had told it was freaking bad weather in the Netherlands. Hehe. *evil grin*
My dad is pretty obsessed with so called cryptograms; they give you a sentence which seem to make no sense at all and then you have to find a word that they mean. My dad and I came up with a lot of cryptograms for each other. I can't give you an example; I only know Dutch ones...Oh wait! It's not as good as a dutch one, but hey: A friendly Englishman in a French town.... 4 letters. The answer will follow soon! Think quickly!
So, a little bit more text. Our smallest dog Holly tries to catch a ball in the air. She had never done that before! But she had so much fun... and so did we! Seeing her trying to catch something and then see her fail! Hehe, so cute! And she always shakes it when she has it; like: Death to all balls! So cute!
On the 11th of August, I didn't write anything. I only made a few drawings... a few?... ehm... me?
Well, here is the answer: A friendly Englishman in a French town.... 4 letters. The answer is Nice. Why? A friendly Englishman ~> Nice. Nice is another English word for friendly. Nice is also a town in France. I hope you understand now what I mean with cryptogram!

To be continued...

Tuesday, September 03, 2002

It finally happened! I saw Sailor Moon! Finally, I can fit in the crowd that says to have seen it! I only saw the first episode and boy, how clear it is we have the German version! (Moon stone, spin and conquer! ~ instead of Moon Tiara Action/ Perrilla instead of that first season Queen who's name I forgot). The introduction was actually quite disappointing- all was so stiff; as well as the episode! However, most of the time the first episode is stiff so I'm keeping hope.
The voices. Well, they are not that bad. I mean, Bunny sounds like our Kari, but her cries sound like our Misty- then again, both are done by the same actress. Luna was given a Belgium voice! *laughs* Sorry, that was funny. But she's way better than the American Voice! She sounds like a sweet mother, not like a britisch uptight... never mind ^_^.
To me, it seems like Sakura was given the same voice as Bunny. And wow! The art is stunning! The shades! Wow! I just have to remember Sailor Moon is way older than Card Captor Sakura, but dang! Sailor Moon gets the same shading about SuperS!
CCS was okay too. Stupid intro though and Kero has given the voice I hate most. I simply hate that voice! The same voice was given to Tai and what's his name from the 2nd Digimon Season... ehm... Davis.

But, now the most funniest part! The introduction! It was clear our hostess hadn't seen the episodes! She called CCS a bit fairy-tale like and she thought the name was hard to pronounce *sings the whole day Card Captor Sakura without any trouble) and that Sailor Moon was about a talking cat named Luna who gives Serena the power to fight evil. Serena? Huh?! You have the German version, baka! There she is called Bunny!! And all other names are the same.... I think.

Okay, now on to yesterday. I looked for WITCH 3- they didn't had it. Weird, but asked them to save me a copy.
Today it's my mom's and CJ's b-days. Happy Birthday you both! Have a nice day!
There won't come a chapter from my France journey today- I'm simply not in the mood and actually... I'm busy with a very big drawing I can't share more about right now. But it's gonna be big! 100% CG-ed!

Monday, September 02, 2002

AAAh! What cruel decision I must make! WITCH part 3 is NOW in the stores. But the stores are not open yet! And when they are, I will be at school! And what if they get sold out? How long will they last? Will I make it on time after school? When will I be out of school anyway? *thinks*. I believe I have till the 6th period. That would be somewhere around 3... I think... I just have to look sweet at my mommy.
Dang, she doesn't want to help. *says a prayer* please let there be one left! I'll be in the story at 3.45 pm! That shouldn't be too hard, is it?
Yesterday I wrote *can't tell*. So, that's finished also. And this morning I got 2 new pages of the Serenay Moon comic chapter 1! Wai! Way to go Tiamat! You are so great!! Oh yeah, yesterday I also wrote 54. I thought I had to write 53. Oops, my mistake. It was 54 ^_^.
Uhm... that would be all..... yeah....
Here is Chapter 4. Again it will be 2 days in 1.

Kitt Goes France
Chapter 4: Dogs on the beach

When I woke up the next morning, I realised that this night I slept quite well. No crying kids, just barking dogs. Not my dogs of course, mine are well behaved!! ^_^. I woke up at 8.45 am realising I couldn't sleep any more. I hate those days. Then ya wanna sleep, but can't!
I wanted to write my postalcards, but had no clue what to write! So, I didn't do that. Instead, I made 2 drawings that day. Out of boredom, I managed to write the cards anyway. Most of them had a tiny drawing (only on those I knew would like it and from a few I simply forgot) and of course, my personal stamp I bought in the Efteling! Turtles!! Wai! Turtles are soooooooo cute!
My mom and I went to Montalivet; she and my aunt had spotted a shop with Anime Shirts, so, I wanted to check that out. Guess what? They only had 1 shirt! Nothing more! I didn't like that shirt either. Too red. When we came back, we saw my dad drawing (he wants to pick it up again; when he was young he could draw great; but only copy-drawing). Oh course, this is fine, but he left my tent open!! He didn't understand why I was angry; now there would be bugs everywhere in my tent! Later it turns out there weren't any bugs in my tent.
There was also a circus in Montalivet. We saw a truck with tigers driving towards it shouting all kinds of things. We drove a while behind the tigers. In Montalivet, they only have 1 day circusses. That's because there are only tiny villages there.
I also found out that the parents from that crying %^*& weren't send away. They just moved to a cottage on the camping.
The next day we went to the beach and it was a lovely day. We also met my aunt on the beach and together with her and my uncle we walked. The dogs really loved it (though my biggest dog found a rock again). My mom comes here for 3 years now and she never had any problems. Suddenly a Life Guard came running at us and demanded the dogs went on a leesh. My aunt only asked where the sign was- because there was NO sign at all! The Life Guard refused to listen and left. So, we walked on. Another came. Yelled something and left. More came; driving like idiots in cars- all yelling. I suggested to put the dogs on the leesh, just to avoid problems but even my mom disagreed; it isn't that much trouble to stay polite. On life guard called names at my aunt and gave her the finger and they even called a policeman (who looked like a civillian) and there was a lot of yelling and stuff. My aunt just tried to explain what happened and that she didn't accept it being insulted. But, this policemaen didn't wanted to listen also!
After a while, my aunt left angry and he wanted to follow her, but then my superdupergreat daddy burst in with the words: "Excuse me sir, could you explain it to me? I don't understand." Calmly he talked at the policeman and he calmed down also. The matter of why the dogs weren't allowed was explained and my dad even managed to find some holes- it turns out the French law isn't very clear! Dogs are never allowed on the beach, but when the Life Guards can't see them, they let them stay. My dad then asked how fur those guards could see, and was it with or without binoculars. The policeman had no answer. Then he asked from which point. If you move closer to the beach, you can't see what's behind you. Again, he had no answer (Way to go daddy!)
The officer then explained why he was called: the Guards had told him the dogs had bitten one of them. What the freak?! Our dogs?! Biting?! Where was I? Impossible! Our dogs have never bit anyone! This was a great insultment to me- no one accuses MY DOGS of biting. But, I had to stay calm- I let my dad do the talking. He said it was not true, he said that he was willing to listen to anyone, but they must tell the truth. No wonder this policeman was angry when he first came, he was called for a lie!
So, with trembling legs my dad and I left (I had the trembling legs). I then found a pair of sunglasses; UV 400 and brand Bialucci. Looks quite expensive and looks great on me! =P.
I posted the cards (8th of August) and drew some more pictures. I felt shaking all the time, but it slowly vanished... when I went to bed...

To be continued...

Sunday, September 01, 2002

What Kimiki Character are you?
Well, no big things happened while I was sleeping. And yesterday I wrote Maryoku part 20. I'm starting to really really like this story. I already liked it, but now I'm getting addicted! Heheh. I wanted to write eppie 53 yesterday too, but it was a bit too late so I'll do it after a finished this post. And people don't like me any more! *sniff* I only had 2 mails today!!!! And yesterday only 5!

Kitt Goes France
Chapter 3: A night under the stars

My dad and I finally had reached Venday Montalivet where we would see my mother and our dogs again. Dang, they were really hyper when they saw us! They actually missed us! I had to sleep in a tent and that thing is quite small. You can't even stand in that thing; and I'm quite small. However, it turned out I slept the best of all! I had the best sleeping bag of all times!
In Vendays, you can see quite a lot of stars. I planned I would spend one night looking at those shining lights. But, it was day that time and already quite hot. My tent was an oven and I had a gigantic fly in my 'upper-tent'. My tent is like one of those Russian wooden dolls. It's a tent in a tent. So, this fly was stuck between them. It was quite annoying. Bzz, Bzz... stupid creature! The exit is one centimetre underneath you!! And guess how big he was? About 3 centimeters! Nothing compaired to those small black things we have here.
My mom and dad went shopping that day so I got stuck with our 2 dogs. No biggie anyway, gave me time to draw. Our table isn't as great as the one at home, but I managed to do 2 drawings. We had a German couple standing next to us (we know them; they are quite nice) and the woman saw what I drew. She immediately asked if I could make a drawing for a Poetry-Album for her small niece (note: she forgot to give it).
My mom is addicted to puzzels where you have to look for words. I said it was really easy and she challenged me to do it better if I could. She takes about 5 hours to complete one puzzle... did it in less than 45 minutes. Poor mom. ^_^. My dad said I shouldn't waste my time on doing a puzzle and should do something useful. On the other end of the table, my mom gazed at him. What did he say?! Hehe. He had a hard time making up an excuse ^_^.
My dad has a thing for saying 2 difrent things to make you feel confused. He told me to wear shorts so I did. But after a while, it got cold and I put a towel over my legs: "If you are cold, wear pants!". But dad! You just said... ^_^. He's funny *waves at daddy*
My uncle gave me permission to use his laptop if I wanted but I never used it ^_^.
I was quite tired that night and of course went to bed.... zzzz
The next day we all woke up annoyed. Why, you might ask? Well, we had a couple with a child on the camping and in the middle of the night that child began to cry. No, not a soft cry... A fire alarm makes less noise! Dang, that was LOUD! The whole camping woke up and after 10 minutes, someone I knew went to the tent and asked the parents how on earth they could let that kid cry like that. Their reply: When did he cry? They never heard it!! And they were sleeping next to it!
I know 1 other person who slept through it... my dad... weird.
After trying to wake up, we went to the beach. We looked for Sepia's... I think in English it would be a Catfish, if I recall well. It's a small squit (type of octopus) and my mom already find a lot of those oval white things; their skeleton. My biggest dog was completely getting hyper over a rock (Kill all rocks before they take over te world!) and we saw a gigantic jellyfish (no, not my old PE teacher =P)
After that we went to Soulac to buy ice cream and my postal cards. That woman didn't have enough stamps for Etats-Unis (America) so a certain person should have 2 green stamps; meaning I paid too much ^_^. The Ice Cream I had was huge! My dad had to finish it ^_^.
We closed the day with eating meat from the barbecue. The parents with the crying child are now gone. Were they send away? But at least, this night, I will be able to sleep well....

To be continued