Thursday, June 29, 2006

Happy news.

Joyfull news.

Just 1 essay left.

And then I'm done with college.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

I made my parents extremely happy today. No, I didn't do anything spectacular. I didn't save a puppy, didn't graduate (yet!!)... no, I made them happy... by buying a CD for them.

They had been bugging me for centuries I should look up mp3 from this band called "The Mama's and the Papa's". Their best known hit: "California Dreamin'" (Cool song, but honestly; that band name??!).

Since I can be such a lazy bum, I decided I could spend my time better, and simply bought a CD for them. Actually 2 CD's in 1 and I assume something like 'The Best Of...' but it was that one or 'Live'. And I know mom doesn't like Live Concert CD's.

Now, my parents usually complain I spend too much money.

My mom went all giddy.

My dad couldn't wait to touch the CD.

I made my parents happy.
Because someone stood up for me in the Live Journal Identity Theft, and used not so subtle language, all the comments were screened; meaning they are no longer visible.

And actually, I'm so glad that happened. Now I won't see her comments any more. That makes it easier for me to forget this all. Easier to close this all.

So yeah.... someone stood up for me (yay moment!) which resulted in all posts getting removed. And strangely enough, that makes me very happy.

I had to tell and convince them though, that I was not letting someone else fight my battles, which is true. If others post there, it's THEIR choice. I never told anyone to post there and say....whatever they said that caused these posts to be removed.

Actually, I cannot influence others that much. They are human beings (I assume) and do whatever they wish.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Okay, I've cooled down a bit. I still mean every word of what I said in the post below, but it helps if you have understanding friends who support you.

I can't believe myself. One of my friends started planning something and I said: "Ehm... maybe something less blunt?"

Oh my gosh! Already I'm giving her a second chance!! What kind of a loser am I??!

I must let this rest. She is not worth my time.

*goes Zen mode* Ooooooooooooom (<~ you know, that sound stuff. Could be not related to Zen at all)
Okay, hold yourself to your chairs. I'm going to do it. I'm going to use a bad word. I know, I know, I never swear. But this girl deserves it; she honestly deserves it.

Little uptight prick! Stupid arrogant twit! God what a bitch!

Oh, that made me feel better. It honestly did. And I don't care if she comes here and reads it. She may want to steal my name and life, but what goes around, comes around! I've got friends standing ready to make her stupid teenager life a living hell, but thus far I kept on managing to convince them this is just a stupid brat, and not worth their time.

But God knows I'm very close into letting them go.

I planned on talking about a teacher who completely insulted me today by claiming that I'm old enough to move out of my parent's home (and more!!). WHO CARES IF I STILL LIVE AT MY PARENTS' PLACE?!!?! (And who cares if I don't eat what I don't like? And who cares that I like carrying blue instead of the latest fashion!?)

But this twerp made me so pissed!! Who? Why, that SANDRA (see here, but please don't polute this live journal even more.) brat of course! And if you read this Sandra: you DESERVE to be called a brat! Come on! Claiming I, I repeat I , started the discussion about the name theft?! YOU were the one who called me a snob, who deserved her name to get stolen by the first teenager that comes around. I mean, COME ON!

Her words:
Fine, we'll stop this meaningless discussion. You started it. I'm still keeping my nickname, Kitty Ocean. Kitty is my middle name.
But like I said: You can steal my name, but you can NEVER steal the true essence of Kitty Ocean. Because God knows that character is soooooooo copyrighted (I've got so much proof for that as well!). You couldn't even tell where the name Kitty Ocean comes from!
How do you ever expect to gain respect if you are so disrespectfult towards others?!
And my dear friends, I'm letting you all go. If she comes here, and dares to share her 'I'm-so-good-beyond-you-and-I-think-Identity-Theft-is-okay', then by all means.... voice your opinion all the way. Uncensored. And if you can find out where she really hangs out, do as you please as well. I won't be holding you back any more. She used up all the patience, kindness and forgiveness I could give a brat like her. She got more than she deserved.
Cuz God knows Kitty Ocean has been my name since 2000. It has been my name for 6 years now. And this little prick thinks her latest annoyance justifies that.
Go on. I challenge you. Steal my name. But then be so ready to face the consequences. Because by stealing my name, you also give me permission to get back to you.... every legal way I can access!!

Monday, June 26, 2006

Ah, the World Soccer Tournament (World Cup - WC for schort) has ended for the Netherlands. But my, this last match will go into the books as the most... unique one! I didn't see it, and appearantly it was wise of me not to see it. My oh my.... 16 yellow cards and 4 red ones?! Holy freak!! Instead of keeping the control of the match, mister referee lost it more and more!

Also, WC moment of sunday (England against.... someone else XD):

Comment Person (appearantly a fan of Beckham): Oh, and Beckham is exhausted! He crawls all over the field! He can't take it any more. Look! He's throwing up on the field. But he IS going on! What a man! What a man! But then again, he IS the captain, and what he does, all shall follow! If he gives the example, the others know what to do!!! Oh, what a man!

Me: Ehm.... he gives the example and all will follow? Ehm... I'm not THAT interested into seeing a throwing - up contest XD

Anyway, on saturday I went to a b-day from a friend of mine. I didn't really want to go in the beginning; the only person I knew was the birthday boy. But I actually had a lot of fun! Not that I remember any of the names.... then again, I'm terrible with names, so no offense!
Fun moment: I found 5 euros, while the birthday boy had crossed that same spot 5 times XD FUN ...yeah... FOR ME XD

Anyway, typing this all... anyone out there??! *knocks on screen* HELLOOOOOOO? Anyone actually reading this thing? Come on XD I'd almost take ANYTHING for a comment XD


I bet people will start following this blog when I am in my kinda hiatus mode again XD

Friday, June 23, 2006

The Identity Theft on has been solved... kinda.

This girl (You were right Guardian Star! It was indeed a girl!) appearantly is named 'Sandra' and did this because she thought I was a snob for starting each post (I used the anonymous system because I have no LJ account) with 'From Kitty Ocean'. How can giving a name to yourself and identifying yourself be snobish? I'm very curious to learn.

And, as always, I replied with an uber-sweet-sweet answer. I love ticking off flamers by staying more than polite.

I would like to thank Killerwhalelove (I love killer whales too!!). I don't think she knows about this blog, but I still want to thank her. Even though she doesn't know me, she stood up for me all the time! She even offered to check the IP adresses (because that LJ logs IP adresses from anonymous posts), but I wanted to give this name abuser a chance of her own. But thank you so much Killerwhalelove! (And thanks for mentioning Identity Theft could cause Jail Time. That was cool!)

What was the turning point? I guess when she stated: "But when I answer these questions you'll tell me they are wrong!" and I replied with: "All the answers can be found online... if you know where to look." The second turning point was when I mentioned that that LJ logged IP adresses and that she could never win this.

But the good that has come from this:
- I got my first experience with an Identity Thief (though I have NO IDEA where she bases that snobish on)
- I managed to stay calm and replied by using facts instead of emotions
- The knowledge Identity Theft is reportable with the police XD
- I think I kinda made a new friend

It's so weird I'm drawn towards this Sandra.....

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Fixed my layout! Also added my favourite drawings I made.
Things I did today:
- Worked for the Thinkquest Competition (Schoolwork)
- Worked on my final essay (also schoolwork)
- Worked on this layout

It feels like I have never did this much on a day XD W00t! Yay!!!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

And the battle of the stolen personality continues. I expect it to be over soon though. I'm so happy the people around there (or at least 1 XD) never believed that stupid teenager with no life. *happy and relieved sighs* And to make news even more happier....

3 essays left!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Oh wow...
Someone with no life thought it might be fun to abuse my name and leave a 'un-kind' message behind on a LiveJournal. It's not a flame or so, but seeing someone using your name in a so-not-you way is insulting and childish!

The comments about the Elyon Doll:

I LOVE Elyon! I would never claim a post about her being pointless!!

Could someone, who owns a LiveJournal, please inform the owner of this community about this? I don't want a flame war, but I also don't want to let this slide.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Okay, let's do a recap about my internship...

For your last internship, you need to do 150 parts of a day.

The first time I did my final internship, I worked 5 days a week for 5 months. Even when excluding the vacations, I passed that amount big time. Yet, for reasons some of you know, and some of you don't, it didn't get signed off (short version: got stabbed in the back).

Then I redid this internship, a so called prolongued internship. I calculated it today.

I did 124 parts of days.

I almost redid my entire internship. And heck, don't they dare to say now I need to add another 13 days (26 parts of a day) because then I will sooooo scream. I did more than double of what I was supposed to do!

Record or no record of me having done these days; I passed my minimum amount big time. And I'm damn proud of it.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Scare of the day: Seeing an advertisment on tv (Nickelodeon) of NEOPETS! Oh my gosh! I was so stunned! A commercial of NEOPETS on TV??!

Also, I want to make a monthly podcast. Problems:

- You can only use Podsafe Music. The database might be immense, but I simply can't find much music I like. Why? Because I like J-pop dammit! I only found some Kingdom Hearts and Love Hino mp3 on a Podsafe site. And somehow it still doesn't feel that is Podsafe. Come on.... Disney and giving something out free to use???!

- What to talk about? What would interest people?

I already made my first Podcast (for school; in DUTCH) here:

For my own monthly podcast, I have to find a hole in the laws of music-copyright. I always thought samples were free to use; meaning: 15 seconds of a song or so. Appearantly, even that is not allowed. Okay, part of me can understand that... but why can some big sites use samples of music?! You can't convince me they asked every single artist!

However, you are legally allowed to listen to music with your friends. And you are allowed to use music for your own practise.

So, technically, I am allowed to make a podcast with any music I like, on the condition I only listen to it with my friends. Because that's what the law states! I can listen to music with my friends!
However, some of my friends live not near me. If I want to listen to that same music with my friends, I need to send it to them. I'm not sending them a full copy of the song then. Just a sample. To encourage them to look for that music legally themselves. So we can enjoy the music together.

And well, not all my friends have huge e-mail boxes. Some don't even have MSN! And I'm not kidding about that! One of my High School Friends doesn't have MSN! And sending big files from hotmail isn't that handy as well!

So.... I go to a File Uploader. Like . I post it on there, so my friends can download it. That's a lot easier because not all my friends are online on the same time. Some live in the USA, some live in Scotland, some live in The Netherlands. Time zone stuff and all.

So in order to create a podcast (for PERSONAL USE, and PRACTISE) and to listen to it with my friends (because that is allowed!!!) I have no other choice than to upload it and send them the link to download it.

Now to find a loophole so I can make a Podcast blog..... Maybe to use it so I can archive my practise and all. It's personal use, but blogs can be accessed by others..... I need to find a loophole for that.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

It seems.... It's INDEED Option 1!


Just 4 essays left! 3 almost done!! 1 I will start today! WOOT!!!!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Minor Edit: Hi Stevo! Hi K2!! (K2; you should know I am meaning you! We talked at school today! ;) )

My, I must say....

early this week, I got an e-mail. I didn't know where it was from, but the title was Re:Klacht (Re:Complaint), the same as the mail I got the week before... from the guy who insulted me in that store and who apologised by e-mail.
I doubted; should I delete it or not? I mean, where could it be from? Could it be a virus? But, I clicked anyway (I usually delete what I don't know XD) and what does it say:

'Miss Ocean,

I apologise for the behaviour of my employee, and I adressed him on this matter. I hope you accept my apologies....'

.......I was stunned! I got a 'personal' e-mail from the BOSS of that employer that insulted me! I was so... so... I felt so... respected and like my opinion indeed mattered.
Then I noticed a little line:

'I hope you are satisfied with how we dealt with this matter.'

And this is what I replied back; in a short version: "The way you dealt with the complaint deserves my respect and compliments! I truely appreciate what you did!"

And I have more news! Le Gasp! Is it even possible??! (Btw, the layout from this page shall most likely be changed soon again *rolls eyes* I can't stand it that it doesn't look right on other pc's!)

Today I made recordings with my digital camera for school. And suddenly; POOF! The screen was black and didn't want to change any more. Immediately I started worrying: ARGH! What if I need a new Digital Camera??!
But no worries peeps, rest assure.... the solution was..... charging the battery again. XD

Yes, I know! I know! You may laugh XD Loud XD Okay... not THAT loud! Sjeesh! You're making me deaf!!

What more... yes, there is more news!! Appearantly, I have a new grade on my gradeslist. This could mean:

Option 1) It's that meeting-bla-bla which I had for about 26 weeks (13 times), which was a type A project, which has been converted into a type B project. I already have all my Type A grades, but I was kinda told to do this project as well, which would mean extra work what would not count. But now, that work has been converted into another type, which means.............. 4 essays left (3 almost done!)! (In fast Dutch: Supervisie was een Differentatie Module die ik extra deed, maar wat is nu omgezet in een Kernactiviteit waar ik nog een punt voor nodig had.)

Option 2) The website I made (with Uumie) has already been graded, which means, 4 essays left: 2 Type B (kernactiviteiten), and 2 other ones (almost done).

I am leaning to Option 1, since the closing date for the website (option 2) is July 5th, and I got this grade on June 8th, when this teacher had not seen the website yet. Also, the teacher from that meeting-bla-bla mentioned that this Type A project would count as a type B project (which was June 8th...).

Can you still follow me???! Probably not, but think like this.
Option 1) Meaning I only have 1 essay I truely have to start on, the other 3 are almost finished.
Option 2) Meaning I have 2 essays to start, and from 1 I don't know a subject yet (I can pick the subjects myself). 2 Other essays are almost done.

Option 1 would rule. I mailed the woman who does all stuff with the grades, and hope she says option 1. Oh, I SO hope option 1.... but I shouldn't get my hopes up. I've had some misfortune, so yeah.... XD

Please let it be Option 1.......

Btw: FY typo-proofreading: 14/75 done!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

I can't believe this.... minutes ago, I was watching the TV, about the World Championships 2006. The guy read out loud News Paper titles (while he had a guest next to him).

He: "And this newspaper title says: "Won in the Oven" (Oven was pronounced as: o as in row, ven as in pun, but then with a v - aka: THE DUTCH WORD!) "

I honestly felt so ashamed. This guy... he could not pronounce "oven" right! Okay, okay, not everyone is top in English, but this guy PRETENDS and THINKS he is.

Other proof:

He: "And this title is: 'May not have been nice, but still 3 points! In Dutch:' Good for three points!"
Guest: "No, it says: it was not a good match, but still 3 points."
He: ".... No, it says..."
Guest: "I'm sorry, you were wrong."
He: "You want to take over?"

The guy could not even admit he was wrong!! He is so... so... ARROGANT! He already was that when he was reporting Tour de France (he did that for years), and now he's even MORE arrogant!


Yesterday, we had the 35th Anniversary of the Swimming Club. Mom was not completely in the mood, so I dragged her to some games. We ended up playing Darts. Now, you must know, that we know the rules. But we also tend to have our own game!!
My sister once threw the darts while she was not looking... and still hit the board.
I tend to hit the board more often when I throw 3 arrows at once.
My sister once threw 3 arrows at the same time while the palm of her hand was upwards (different curve).

So, yesterday, I was throwing 3 arrows at the same time, and mom did the same (even though she did the last thing from the list above).
And guess what... Suddenly... I had the bulls eye! I could not believe it, and rushed to the board. I checked; YES! I hit the bullseye!!
I threw my hands up in a cheer and... HIT MY MOM IN THE FACE!
Appearantly she was standing behind me! I felt soooooo ashamed and terrible. My mom had bit in her tungue, and even though it was a minor cut, she was in soooooo much pain. I still feel bad about it! Some other people joked about it, but I was ready to cry. I caused my mother physical pain.

I bet next year we can laugh about it. Maybe even next week. But at this moment, I feel bad XD

Thursday, June 08, 2006

*yawn* Went to bed at 1m this morning XD But it was worth it. It was SO worth it! Talked to a friend I rarely talk to. Somehow he always understands me, and we share the same sense of humor (at least, that's what I think XD). Result was I woke up at 10.30 pm... and still felt VERY tired XD

I have been feeling tired a lot lately. But so does my mom =S Maybe we need more iron XD

Anyway, since my blog post is not chronological today (my brain got fried this morning at 11 am XD), let's just talk what I want to talk about.

I found WITCH episodes 1 till 3 on Legal DVD. I KNEW IT WOULD COME! I KNEW IT!....However, I can NO WHERE find record of it being released T_T But it IS a Legal Disney DVD (Blokker, peeps, 13 euro's and in a LOT of languages... yet not French and Italien O.o)
But next time I'll go the the Media Markt and look for cheaper ones XD

Talking about Media Markt.... it's a store. Big one. Lots of people, cheap stuff... but the service stinks. Last tuesday I was looking for Final Fantasy Advent Children.
Man who was working there (Short: He): Oh, we don't have that any more. But if there is one left, you should look in the Hong Kong Section
Me: Hong Kong Section? But that's like searching for a needle in a hay stack!
He: Then why don't you apply for a job here and re-organise it all? *very sarcastic tone*
Me: Don't challenge me, because then I WILL be here tomorrow!

However, his comment kept on bugging me; I felt so insulted!!!! So, I e-mailed the store. I expected a total automatic standard reply.
But what do I get?

'Ms Ocean,

I apologise for my comment.'

I got a PERSONAL apology! I was so freaked out at first. It felt like I had to face the person right into the face XD
But anyway, I mailed back: "Apology accepted" . So I forgave him XD

What more to tell? My brain is still fried XD

Plugged comic that is cool:

Monday, June 05, 2006

What the heck have I been doing lately??! I so can't remember XD. My dad turned 56, my sister turned 25, I have a zillion birthdays in June alone (KYAAH!), FINALLY finished correcting the chapters of FY (turned out I forgot to do the first 11 O.o) so now I can correct it in the word file.

What more? Work related.... nothing much. We got treated on warm sausages on bread (saucijzen broodjes) because of our high quality at work (can't be because of me XD I messed up the week before XD Not that my boss understood what I meant XD). Though, still YAY.
And the Swimming Season shall soon be over. Somehow I can't wait. It means I will have the Wednesday Night off again. That is cool XD I'll miss the kids and all, but a Wednesday Evening off is always cool. Last week was the day they would hear if they could do the swimming exam or not. I was SO stressed XD The result was that the kiddies were quite calm for a change XD They just FEEL that when I'm stressed, they should not fool around XD. I always get stressed during those moments XD

What more, what more... finished 2 essays... kinda. 1 will need proofreading by my partner and being uploaded online, and 1 shall be handed in thursday. I e-mailed the teacher, and I hope I can have that exam-talk or whatever it is on the day I requested. If that is done, I would have only 3 essays left *happy dreamy sighs*

I also haven't really drawn lately. I did upload new art, but most of it is quite old:
Sounds like a Merodi:
MSN Avatars 01:
MSN Avatars 02:

And the FINALLY finished but FREAKING HUGE! (1.3 MB!!!!) The Forever Young Family Tree!!! YAY!! Viewable @

And a plugin to a very cool drawing by Uumie:

Yeah, I have nothing to share. I want to make a Podcast, but about WHAT?!