Sunday, March 30, 2003

This is so...DANG! I almost managed to finish another project. Problem? I need a book which is in my school's library and don't get 2 parts of the asignment >_<. Not that it will take long to fill those in I guess....
So, I continued working for the Neosite. Kitt's Bios is completely done; all it needs now are 2 pics. But then again, they won't come online immediately since they contain a LOT of spoilers. So, why on earth didn't I continue with restyling the episodes?! (done: 27 episodes). It's so annoying to do that =S. Would have been way easier if all the files had the same... well... how can I call it? Layout? Because 1 chapter has all <'br'> codes (meaning no space between the lines) and then the other does have <'p'> codes (so it does have spaces)!! Good thing is that by the time I'm done all the edited chapters will look like the restyle as well.
For now I'm gonna make Serenay Moon Quiz 1. I want the quizes not to have more than 10 questions, otherwise it will get boring >_<. I hate those tests where people have so many questions I go: WAAH! When will the end come near?!
Forever Young has now 17 episodes, and still the story has just started ^_^. I almost write a chapter each day, but for now I'm kinda blank ^_^.
Oops, dad called: DINNER! Btw; he says the space on the computer is getting low, and that he almost doesn't have any space to store one of his files, which is ALREADY 200 KB!! MY GOSH, DAD! 200 kb! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! The computer can NEVER handle THAT amount!!! (for those who just woke up or are in need of a bed: that was sarcasm)

Friday, March 28, 2003

Done!! I finally made my school's website: It's Dutch, but I need kids between 10 and 13 who want to test it for me! ^_^. I need it before April 3rd. Here is the form with questions: If you are older than 13, or younger than 10, it's okay to look as well. And I appreciate then the forms as well!!
So people, pull out your little brothers and sister's and HELP ME OUT! (or pretend you are that age ^_^). As long as you are dutch......
Oh Demi, thank you so much for finding those pics for me *hugs*

Thursday, March 27, 2003

What do you say to little kids in your todler class who start crying because they want their mother? Indeed: 'Don't worry, mommy will come soon!'
Quote from today:
Me: Oh Emma *hanging over the 4-5 year old, just to tease her*...I'm soooooooooooooooo tired *she crawled on my lap btw*
Emma: Don't worry, school will be over soon! Just wait a little bit longer and then you can go home!!
O.o.......since when are 4-5 year olds THIS smart?! Awh, she was so adorable when she said that! More news? *tries to think*
Oh yeah, last night I dreamed that the music lesson I would give today would sooooooo fail big time! (An actual healthy nightmare) I was so NOT looking forward to it, but gave the lesson anyway. And my mentor's comments:
'Great choice of music, repeating things a lot, to be short: an almost PERFECT lesson.'
O.o Well, at least they listened. They didn't do that in my dream!

Wednesday, March 26, 2003

I didn't do anything today >_< Why? Because I had to go to school and went shopping afterwards (Luna P; they only have 1 Utena manga left; if you really want it.....). I was looking for a tiny gift and well, I did find it, but when I came no time left actually >_<. SO SORRY!
Anyway, my school thinks that writing down my emotions is way more important than my school work. Sure, yeah right. Dweeps.
Dang I'm TIRED! And nothing to tell. I just hope my beta-readers won't go all: WHAT ON EARTH DID YOU DO WITH EPISODE 14?! Cuz something happens that has to happen.....but I hope they will still like to read it then.

Tuesday, March 25, 2003

What happened? I did a lot for my website class. Just posting pics and a 4 page report about it and DONE! I even made a small animation for it! Everybody Dutch, pull your little brothers and sisters out of the closet because I'll soon need them =P. Of course, if you really want to help.......pretend that you are between the age 10 and 13 =P
I'll go write FY 14. Going along great, but actually the story just started. It actually already goes too fast. And I wrote something really tragic today. And WOW, I wrote something I thought I would never write! Okay, I expected it to happen in Alena, but since that story will probably never work out.....
But it's TRAGIC! And since I kinda know how long this story will be....I won't have the chance to write it before next year I guess =S. So, I already wrote it down! It will probably change then though =P.
More? FY 14, here I come!!!

Monday, March 24, 2003

Ah, Gomen Nasai Nanashi! I'm so sorry I forgot to add you!! There, you're at my friends list. Also added a new blog link ^_^. As for me? Well, spend my day uesless being at school; hopping from one class to another, not being able to actually do anything >_<.
But, I did do anything: Forever Young episode 13! This story is going along nicely! Sure, not just as much as Serenay Moon, but hey, it might come and this time it's not: 'If I want this to happen, I'll have to write it myself!' (hence why some of my chapters are so long ^_^. I want to write those things myself!! =D). Now I can easily make 2 chapters of it ^_^. Average of 2.5, 3 pages and so far my beta readers like it.
Will it come online? Not any time soon ^_^. Maybe after I finished season 1 (longest season I predict) and have some art done. And I already thought about who will die. Yes =P. Indeed!!
As for the Dreaming Moon Sage- a few of the best players finally quit it =P. And I'm still there. To knock some sense into Sultan's brainless mind!!
And I caught a cold.....wargh....makes me feel so pathetic.... this is the worse illness I can get (besides the yearly 24h flue) so please allow me to be this filled with self pity ^_^

Sunday, March 23, 2003

Okay, I'm officially ancient. *sighs*. I'm now 20 years old.......WAAAH. Anyway, I'm too tired to post actually, even since my b-day was 2 days ago ^_^. Yeah, I'm patethic. Anyway, my best presents (so far) was the book from my todler class (they all drew something for me, or just drew me! SO COOL!) and a collage of pictures from my friends and me, from my friends.
What my dad said: So, you're favourite gifts are the one that don't cost much.... yet they are so valuable... because it came from the heart.....

Thursday, March 20, 2003

4th day of my internship week. So tired.... satisfied yet tired ^_^. And at school today parents talked to me and told me how much their kids talked about me at home =D WAI! *feels über-happy*
What more? Well, I could always tell that I think that the name 'Operation Iraqi Freedom' is an insane name. They went to WAR. How could you call it that then?! It's like you want to talk something right that you simply can't! Anyway, I disagree with the war. I may not think that Saddam was the nicest person around (I kinda know what he has done and really disagree with that) but war is NEVER the way! I hate war! So much innocent people die! MAKE LOVE NOT WAR!!!
*digs in the attic and finds some hippy clothes; makes a peace sign*

Wednesday, March 19, 2003

Today- my 3rd day of my internship week (feeling SO TIRED) was just great! I mean it! I didn't do that much, because I got send out of class, but it was great!
When the kids had to do their work, I was send away to paste art from them on big sheets of paper. I wasn't allowed to return for an hour. Well, then you just KNOW they are plotting something ^_^. (Now it just hits me- she told a story about a boy who got a bunny for his b-day!! She introduced the activity to those kids and I sat with my nose on top of it....and never noticed it!!!) Anyway, when I was finally returned to allow I came in class.
Eva (6 yrs): We are making wrapping paper!!
Me (playing like I don't know a thing): For the flower shop? (our 'home- corner' is changed into a flower shop)
Eva: No, it's for...I can't tell you that, it's a secret!!
Eva is one of the smartest kids in class. I believe she's also the oldest and you can see that! She really took the lead in the designing the wrapping paper!
Eva: Who hasn't drawn himself at the paper yet? Ime, you have to draw yourself and write your name! Who more? Hester, come draw yourself!!
Dang, the kid is a 6 year old!!! And she's so smart!
Anyway, I also got the famous:
Levi: We made you a book but I can't tell you that!
I also saw a piece of paper while I was explaining Juultje what a secret was (cuz they were spoiling it all over =D) and I asked:
Me: Juultje, what is that piece of paper?
Juultje: *spots it, grabs it, hides it behind her* NOTHING!!!!
So cute- it's so hard for them to keep a secret- especially since my b-day won't come until friday!! C'mon, they are 4-6 years old; you can't expect them to keep such a thing a secret! But don't worry; I'll act surprised. ^_^. I'm a great actress
(And so is my new mentor =S. Dang, I didn't notice why she told that story until I was send away!! Gosh I'm STUPID! It was RIGHT UNDER MY NOSE!)

Tuesday, March 18, 2003

Did you ever have those days that went great (I almost gave the whole day class myself, and this is only my 6th day of internship!) and that you get home and find a mail from an american that actually says (not in these words) that dutch people are a bunch of idiots for: not knowing the difference between anime and manga, having a damn lousy school system, being stuck in the past (we are NOT!), staring at foreigners (this was the dumbest one I heard so far. Why would we?!), not speaking any major language (never knew English; which is spoken besides dutch by almost 75% of the country- most of the time people speak a 3rd language as well (I speak a bit german and a bit french- I count them as one) was NOT a major language) and so on, and so on.
I do wonder. Are there any americans out there who consider themselves better than any other country? Because I so hope this was just 1 case!! (not saying if it was female or male)
Anyway, there were not exact words that said this, but the way he/she reacted to my normal phrases.....!!!!

Monday, March 17, 2003

My first day of my week of internship. I dunno what I wrote in my blog last time, but I feel tired yet satisfied. With the 8th/ 6th grade with my last internship I got home, not feeling satisfied at all!! Todlers actually give me the feeling I'm doing something!! We potted plants today, and started a biology test: what will happen with a plan who gets no ground, or no water, or no sun. A small experiment, but for 4-6 years old it's hard and amazing enough ^_^.
And I got hugged to death today! Rinske said I was a very sweet teacher and halfway the day asked if she could hug me. Sure, (after I was done with something), she could hug me and BWAM! Before i could even blink she hung at my neck with a massive force! And I felt great! During play time outside, I sat down and BWAM, more kids suddenly hung around me. And that's why I love todlers ^_^. They make me feel so welcome!
I also made Lucas angry at me for a moment ^_^. I saw how the teacher handled him thursday and it was his turn to pot a plant. But, he refused. I said: It will only take 5 minutes and then you can continue painting. Still, he refused, and I said he couldn't continue painting before he potted his plant. Took him about 7 minutes, but then he suddenly joined the next group and potted his plant ^_^. Everyone had to pot a plant today so he had to do it too. And after everyone was ready, he even volunteerd to clean up! =O. But during playtime he hung around my neck as well. Tiny monsters. Tiny sweet little monsters.

Sunday, March 16, 2003

I added a new link to a blog that surely will get updated very soon ^_^. Togepi arrived in Japan! Ah, I'm so happy she's safe! Now, just 9 more months to clean my room.........*hears jungle sounds and grabs a large sword* Okay, let's GO!
>_<. Urgh, again I didn't do my homework >_<. Well, not that much. Kinda because well euh....I drew the right side for the site's re-do and finished up restyling season 1 episodes- kinda yeah eh.
I'll do it next week- didn't plan anything during my internship week so yeah- should be possible ^_^.
More news? I saw Twister yesterday- fun movie. And nobody has a clue what to give me for my b-day =P. And I have no clue what to ask ^_^.

Saturday, March 15, 2003

*does some weird dance she can pronounce but not spell* I'm having the day off next saterday!! WEE! No working!!! Though I wonder if I'll actually sleep long that day ^_^. Sailor Moon comes at 9.55!! (what a time!! >_<. I'll set the VCR and if I wake up in time I'll watch it). But poor Usagi..... 'The Knight of the MoonLight' (oo, rhymes!!) What a wacko translation! And I already thought Mamoru was a dweep- now it just got confirmed.
And even though they still have the samen opening as Sailor Moon, Sailor Moon R's opening is a tad....different.... Even the screen where the title is supposed to appear!!
And I'll spare you the details of my health =S. I think I'll go draw. For the new site- yup, yup ^_^.
Status? Eh..... not much change ^_^' . My school ends at the end of June, so I should be able to get the site up in July ^_^. Biggest pain is the redo of the story files =S. And the profiles will stay for a while- yes; these oldies- since the new profiles are already adapted for season 3!

Friday, March 14, 2003

I even already wrote Forever Young parts 7 + 8 >_<. I need to stop now, it becomes boring.
Hehe; I got my way. Wicked Lady has to stay Wicked Lady and not Usagi. *evil grins* But of course Sultan didn't reply on my question why Ruru was forbidden and Usagi was okay. Hehe. God what a jerk!
What more? Well....nothing actually. I should do homework today and I'll upload ep 47 or so.
When you've got nothing intresting to say, say nothing at all..... But I already spoke.......

Thursday, March 13, 2003

My goodness, how stupid do people think I am?! That FREAKING Dreaming Moon RPG...*sighs* It was not allowed to have Tellu named Ruru but it's okay to call Wicked Lady Usagi?! Gosh, you really see the friendship between those 2 arrogant dweeps! It's okay if Wicked Lady does something but it's forbidden to do the same when it's someone else! And people NEVER listen to me. But I will stay. Just to annoy them!
Well, that was it. Internship went okay. Why? Cuz it did. ^_^. Nothing more to tell. Now I'm going to do some homework since I actually want to do that. Better do it then too!!!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2003

I used to have a whole day of internship tomorrow. Please notice the words 'used to have'. Why? Because there is some studyafternoon for the teachers and that means I'm away at 1 pm!! =D. And I like that. Why? Easy ^_^. That new story of mine is going well. So far I got really great feedback on it (She is so cute! Awh, poor guy!) and I already wrote 5 episodes! And for me, that is a big accomplishment! So far I only had 3 big stories: Pokémon ABC (over 30 episodes; stopped when I lost 1 episode and wasn't in the mood for re-writing), Serenay Moon (60 episodes, 39 specials AND COUNTING) and now Forever Young. Has been in my head for about 12 years (as long as I remember) but changed over and over again. If I told you the first idea (when I was about 7-8; I daydreamed it then) and what it was about now, you would never know it was the same story. But it is. Because it has always been a part of me.
I'm not writing this for someone, like Alena, who I wrote because I thought we needed a filler. This is just writing for myself. That also means it's NOT an all ages story! Sure, no hentai, since hey, you can't teach an old dog new tricks ^_^. I stay me. But I do consider it at least ages 12 and up. Maybe even 14 and up.
If I manage to finish the first part, I might built a website for it. But it's a big might. So far I'm still sceptical if it will work out. (And the girl annoys me already ^_^ And that while she is the main char!! Makes me wanna scream: GROW UP!). The boy is actually based on a boy I know. He's just the sweetest guy.
Anyway, didn't do much homework again. Why? I asked help with an asignment: 'Well, you are THE FIRST who had ANY problems with it. Or you are the first who actually started with it. Just read it carefully, and then you'll manage it. I thought it was quite clear!' In other words: Gosh! You don't get it?! Dang you're stupid!
I also asked help with an activity tomorrow on my internship and she gave no help at all. And I should work for that stupid math teacher then?!?!
(Just to let you know, Math at my school is not what you think about it. It's more: How to teach children Match)
These 2 sites vanished from the net and I would love to see them again. Anyone knows where they went?
Prima Donna Adoptions - Sprites made out of Another Story Sprites
Lolido - Dolls

Tuesday, March 11, 2003

School so sux! I've done waaaaaay too little again. So sorry >_<. Tomorrow I'll work on math again! And friday I'll do drama/acting and finish up math!!
Can I kill my school? And kill myself cuz I'm SUCH A BAD STUDENT! I only have 5 projects to hand in! ONLY 5! How can I mess up this much?! *deep and sad sighs*
Anyway, my acting/drama teacher was really impressed with me and I-chan when we gave our presentation. We hadn't been able to see the stuff we were supposed to see (since it wasn't in the library any more) and we talked so long! Then she asked: Anyone questions and no answer came.... Then I whispered to I-chan: We bored them to death =P.
Have you heard? There is a new show on tv: Teacher Wannabe. A teacher is put in front of a very difficult class and has to teach them. The teacher that does it the best wins a prize........ *Teacher Wannabee.......... why does it remind me of Idols?*

Monday, March 10, 2003

Togepi should be in Japan now...I hope she arrived there safely!
Anyway, my day as been as the song upside down from A*teens. No kidding. I started out having wonderful mail (ep 59!) and even though school was boring like hell it didn't ruin my mood. Then I decided to make homework. That there were 2 annoying twerpy girly twinky girls in front of me didn't matter either. I started working, but halfway I found out half the books were missing so I could start all over again! NOW THAT DID RUIN MY MOOD!
Not only that, halfway a friend joined me. (Okay, he didn't ruin my mood!) I started hearing this annoying sound and when I'mn having a bad mood: HIDE!
So I said: What on earth is that annoying sound!?!?!
Those twerps in front of me: *whispering* Your voice....
And when I'm in a bad mood.... But I tried to stay nice and I said to my friend: You know what I really hate? People who talk about you and then think you don't hear them.....
Besides their giggles I didn't hear them any more. Twerps!
Halfway I stopped doing my homework. Bwech! I simply was too stressed up of annoyance! Then I went home and kept on thinking: 'happy thoughts! Episode 59 awaits you at home! Remember that! You loved that episode! It even made you cry! That NEVER happened before!'
And then it took me 4 hours to write episode 60. Long one, but not what I had hoped it would be. Just hope Stevo doesn't mind me writing this. ^_^. But I thought it was time......
I started a new story for myself. Really for myself. I'll see where it goes. Just hope it will be longer than 2 chapters......

Sunday, March 09, 2003

Wind blows as though it is trying to say... stay with me....
I loved singing that voice- but it's so hard!! Not to mention the 'great' high notes. Not all parts became equally pure =S. Then again, I'm not a professional singer.
Anyway, yesterday just when I planned to go offline a certain person came online and I stayed the whole night up ^_^. But not just talking to him. When he had left I couldn't wait any longer and tried to find a way to plug in my microphone. I thought: 'heck, I'll just plug it in somewhere and I'll see'. I plugged it in on various places until I noticed a dark blue sticker (I thought it was a black spot!!) with a microphone on it! (at least I think that was on it since I couldn't see =S). And indeed, my microphone works!! To, this morning I stood up really early just to try it out on the MSN........ but it didn't work <=(. I can record things, so I know it why can't I talk to other people?
I had put down my firewall and all! (hackers: too bad; it's on now again!). *sighs* So why doesn't it work?!
I also used my time to sing 'I see your Dreams', written by Chloé aka Uumie. I had a Japanese song with the melody but dang it was hard to sing!! And now my voice sounds even less pure than it was this morning =S. The longer I sang..... And the high notes were SUCH A HELL! I already reached my max and that was already too high for me and then I had to reach 1 more note... 1 higher...*sighs*
But it's a nice song to sing. And heck, I'm not a professionall.

Saturday, March 08, 2003

*so bored* I'll probably won't come online tonight- I'll probably go and draw ^_^

Friday, March 07, 2003

I'm a pasta and noodle freak at the moment. Hehe- I like it ^_^. It's easy to make and tastes okay!
Anyway, I went to school today especially to do an asignment with a friend but suddenly all the stuff we needed was gone! Someone borrowed it!!!! Even the things that wasn't allowed to borrowed!
Big problem- we have that presentation tuesday (last tuesday we got the asignment; wednesday we looked it up so we would find it easily, thursday we had internship and well... today is friday) and the stuff is supposed to get returned 2 days after that! Oh great. But, it's not our fault. We can't help it. We mailed the teacher.
So, we did other stuff. Not THAT much >_<. *sighs*
But I do have funny news. At our school the network system got a bug ^_^. We can print as much as we want for free now!!! GUESS WHO PRINTED about 100 PAGES FOR FREE!!!
(answer: almost everybody who knows about this bug- I wonder how long it will last. Should have brought Serenay Moon =P).

Thursday, March 06, 2003

Crescent....little crescent're the only light in this starless night.....
Like that is possible. Anyway, saw the crescent moon and got in a poet mood. Ignore it. News? Went to swimmingteaching yesterday, was okay. Had internship today, was okay too. Went better than expected. I got compliments!! I was consequent! Yay me!!
Gosh I'm boring today.
Tomorrow the update will probably be a bit late. Or not. I'm gonna resize new art now and probably upload new things already too. Just won't mention it so you have no clue what will be updated *feels evil*

Wednesday, March 05, 2003

Well, I have 3 topics:
~He's angry at me *laughs*
~Internship JerkGuy Part 2

First things first. He's angry at me. J-guy is angry at me *laughs*. And if you know why you'd roll over the floor laughing as well! I bet most of you know MSN-Messenger. It's a service from MSN which you can download. It allows you to talk to other people who have MSN as well- as well as added you to your list! Kinda like having a mini chatroom with people you only like.
Anyway, a while ago he talked to my while my status was 'busy'. He ignored it and talked to me. But, since he just got the programme I talked to him and at the end I said: 'You know, just to let you know, when someone's status is 'busy', it means she is already talking to someone and doesn't want to be disturbed. Just to let you know. You probably noticed it because of my slow replies.'
If my status is 'absent' or 'busy', that means I'm not that mood for talking. Only the people who I said to: You can ALWAYS bother me when I'm 'absent' or 'busy' can disturb me then. (However, many other people still ignore those status's and I'm too polite to just say: Hey, status is busy!). Unless it's really important of course.
So, I was busy again and he came. Asked me if I was busy. Took me 4 minutes to reply so I said: 'I guess you can answer this question yourself, looking at the time it took me to answer. Indeed, I'm busy- status says so'. So, he left (I felt he felt a bit insulted).
That night I talked to a friend. And she gave me a part from their MSN conversation. What turns out: He thought I was impolite and rude (I told him not to disturb me when I'm on status 'busy' and he did it anyway! DUH!). However, that very cool and super great friend said: Hey, her status is busy, that means she doesn't want to be disturbed. His reply: 'That doesn't mean she can be so rude!!'. She said he was overreacting and suddenly he had to go ^_^.
I told him I didn't want to be disturbed when I was on status 'busy' and he did it anyway. And now he doesn't want to face the consequenses ^_^. He's angry at me for THIS?! *rolls over the floor* I thought J-guy knew me better!

Ah, now for some less great news. I had to talk about my last internship (with the jerk-mentor) in order to get my internship signed off. Well, somehow I didn't get the feeling that woman wanted to keep me at that school. Sure, she probably wants that but she's very rational. So she really looked objective if I'm suited for becoming a teacher or not.
She did conclude that there is nothing wrong with my motivation. I do want to become a teacher and the only problem now is: how can I become a teacher that can not only put in low classes, but also higher classes! Higher classes are so hard! Both times I had that my internship kinda failed.
She thinks it might be because I'm afraid to fail in higher classes, something I don't have at all in the lower classes. But to be certain about that, she wants me to write down all positive experiences I'll have in the following 2 weeks when it comes to internship. Moments I feel: YES! Moments I feel: OKAY LET'S GO FOR IT! Moments I feel just great.
She also wants me to write down negative experiences. Things that didn't go so well. Moments when I felt afraid (like walking to the teacher's room - why should I be afraid for that?!).
However, she also wants me to include class experiences; negative (or positive) moments in my own class- with my classmates. *feels a lot Mandy related moments coming up! Stupid girl- can NEVER shut up!* Moments where I felt I wanted to just jump up and scream.
So far my dad sees it might help. So far it's pretty vague to me. They want to keep me at that school but they are so rational that I don't have that feeling. Mm, maybe a negative experience I should start with.
Maybe it's all fear related and that can be conquered. But we won't get higher classes any more unless we request that in the 4th year. I want to become a kindergarten/ todler teacher. Then I won't ask to be placed in the 6th grade! (group 8 here). Just leave me alone. I'm not that super duper suited for the higher classes. One day I'll learn. One day. But not now. I need more experience then- which I don't get.
Whatever. Just going with the flow- as long as I can stay. I want to finish this education. After that I probably want to try and get Serenay Moon on tv- but if that doesn't work I can always work in a school. This internship with MentorJerk is now signed off. I'll make a feelings dairy for them. As long as I can stay.

And now to Sailor Moon and MUST.KILL.YORKIDDIN. I called them today to ask when on earth Sailor Moon would get aired since they were too early saterday AGAIN. I also mentioned I waited 1.5 year on this show and that they would probably understand that I'm slightly not very happy. She understood that- that woman on the phone. She looked it up and said Sailor Moon should get aired at 9.55 am; but the strange thing is that it shouldn't get aired till 29th of March!!
She also thought it was very strange that the 4 different, not related places I use to determine the time were so off. Must have been a mistake of the press.
I also mentioned that the Yorkiddin site was WAY off- according to that site Sailor Moon would be aired at 8.30 am. Her reply just startled me: 'Then you must shut down your computer and restart the internet'........................excuse me? The fact that YOUR site doesn't work is because of MY computer?! I think she felt that my voice was quite pissed when I said: 'I can assure you it isn't MY computer, since the same happens on other computers! It's the same there!' However, it doesn't sounded like she believed me.
I also mentioned that they had that nice sweet button with : 'mail yorin', but that there was no e-mail service there. She said: 'weird, we shut down our e-mail service weeks ago!'. Well, the button is on the Yorkiddin site so I guess that explains all! Oh wait- that's MY computer's fault that YOUR site isn't updated! Silly me!
4th point was that I asked if Sailor Moon could be bought somewhere in the future. She said she didn't know that. 'Maybe you knew this, but Sailor Moon is a foreign show' (I waited 1.5 for that show- I said that. No, I didn't know it was foreign!!! *sarcasm*) Anyway, they don't own the rights to reproduce it.
She said she would note it and give it to those who concern it but somehow I have a feeling she won't do that.
Somehow I had the feeling I was talking to someone who had no brains at all =S. But if Sailor Moon won't come at 9.55 am saterday I'm gonna call them again!! And then less nice! Now I'm gonna pin them down on that time!

So, sorry for the long rant ^_^. But this was my today. I'm quite nervous for tomorrow with my internship- what if it won't work out the way I planned? But I don't have to worry ^_^. I thought things through!!!
Thank you for listning!

Monday, March 03, 2003

Today I've almost said the 'S*** U*' thing to someone through e-mail. But dang some people of the Dreaming Moon RPG act like they know everything! Not only that- they keep on complaining!
I'm so certain of it. If this RPG was the Wolfriders Tribe from Elfquest; those 2 IDIOTS would be Two Spear. I would be Skyfire. No wonder I can't ever agree with them!
This is so swell. In onrder to save my voice clips as MP3 again- I have to send a code to some e-mail adress; while I got this program for free with my computer!! EVIL! But I mailed from my hotmail- I don't want to get SPAM. *evil grins*
Also, the channel that airs Sailor Moon is so freaking out. I missed Sailor Moon AGAIN (well, the 1st half). I missed the first half of Sailor Moon R! Evil! Now I'm gonna call them! (well, not right now =S)
As for the Pokémon Game- just a little more practise till I go to Misty.
Jigglypuff (13) - Spearow (13) - Ratatta (12) - Pidgey (12) - Butterfree (16) - Wartortle (17)
Things I haven't able to catch yet: Nidoran (male and female) and Weedle. I need to think of what shall be my elite team. The one I have now is not that well balanced =S. I think I'll get a Psyduck in my team- he's Psychic and Water; and could be taught Surf as well! I need a Grass one; preferable Poison as well. Something like Bellsprout (like I'll be able to get a Bulbasaur!) The grass one could be taught Cut. Jigglypuff will stay I guess- the singing technique is VERY handy.
But then again- like you care what I'm talking about ^_^. But if you have any advice.......

Sunday, March 02, 2003

Yesterday my parents were both angry at me- and when I said I had no clue why they were angry at me, I only made it worse =S. So, my tip to all of you; if you're parents are angry: NEVER ASK WHAT YOU'VE DONE WRONG. They expect you to know that.
Today I picked up played Pokémon Blue at my pc. I still have a walkthrough. Some people still think I'm obsessed with Pokémon, but I'm not any more. It's just fun. So far I just beat Brock- I spend a lot of time training my Pokémon- so far I just have 4 different ones- and my caterpie is now a butterfree. I don't catch each Pokémon I see any more. Costs me too much money anyway ^_~. Next stop: Mount Moon!!

Saturday, March 01, 2003

I realised it today. Alena, Kasumi Warrior is probably not going to work out. I kept on writing it with my head, and not my heart- thus leaving my beta readers with boring chapters. I'm really sorry. But I think I don't need to write Alena as a filler- cuz I already got a new idea for a special. I won't remove Alena from my 2Do list, but I think Alena won't see the light in a near future.
You would think a girl would be empty with ideas after so many specials and stories yet to come. But I'm not. Yesterday I saw a picture of Sasami and came up with a new special: 'Gaia's Secret'. It might have 1 chapter, might have 2. Don't know that yet. But I really want to write that.
Why do I keep on getting ideas for Serenay Moon? I know, it's a good thing, but it seems like I can ONLY write good things for Serenay. Sure, I also liked writing Maryoku, but I was never 100% satisfied with my parts- mainly because it was dutch. Somehow I can't express myself that well in dutch =S. I really like the story, but I think my chapters sometimes missed a spark (sorry Togepi- but I still want to continue M2! Sorry for being such a horrible co-writer).
I don't want to spend my entire life writing Serenay Moon. I want to write more. But each new project seems to be missing a spark- especially if I write the story all by myself! Hehe, who knows, maybe it's Stevo ^_^. Maybe he triggers the spark. And writing along with Togepi helps a lot too. Maybe I'm just not able to write large projects by myself.