Thursday, December 30, 2004

Even when I point out the obvious, half of my friends are blind. Okay, maybe if I spell things out they might get the hint: Everyone comes to me to talk to me, and I love helping them. I always try to solve their problems. In the mean while... who will solve mine?

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

How I hate stupid dissappointments.... when I created something, I either like it or hate it. And what I like, other people respond mildly on, like: I don't understand the symbols, and what I hate, people absolutely adore. Reminds me of history essays. Whenever I worked hard, I got a bad grade. And whenever I hardly worked at all, my teacher praised me to death.

Why even bother then?
Gosh, another entry?

I dreamed about water last night. Rivers filled with (tropical aquarium) fish and when I returned to catch them, they were gone, because of the river was stuffed with sand!!! When I woke up, I immediately knew why I got that dream. Last night, I watched the news. I don't think I will have to tell you about the Tsunami and the Indian Ocean? It's terrible what happened, and so many people died..... But, don't get me wrong on this, I do think it's terrible what happened, I'm glad that... these people didn't die because of war or terrorism... These deaths aren't the result of human insanity... it was nature. Because I'm not personally affected, this softens the pain for me. I can image people who are personally affected think I'm cold and heartless. I can't blame them. It's easy for me to talk about it this lightly. I didn't loose someone dear.
It was also the first time I actually saw a lot of dead people on tv. I mean REAL dead people. They always showed a foot or so, or the body from far away... but now they showed a truck driving with a lot of bodies on them.
Half of the missing persons will probably never be found. Half of the found persons will probably never be identified...
And the only thing that makes it bearable for ME, is the one thought: at least it wasn't war or terrorism.

But I must forget that dream, as well as my small second dream, about people being locked in a building and while I wasn't one of the persons in the building (I was more like a spirit there), I knew that this building would get blown up and that all these people would die.
Does that dream ring a bell with you?

*smacks head* Happy news, happy news, try to think of happy news!!!! I must focus on the fact that my friends all got their gifts. I send them quite late, and all arrived on time, or a tiny bit too late (yay for postal service (and boo for christmas card senders *hisses* - even though I'm one myself XD)), and as far as I know they all like it. Togepi got it the fastest (she's a dutchie too, so no surprise XD), Uum got it second (when I visited her), and then Nanashi and Demi. Both didn't say much about it (Demi mistook candy for old hard bread XD That was fun!) and I should have gone with my doubt (Somehow I felt that getting Demi milk chocolate wouldn't be as great as white chocolate XD) But hey, they liked it, and that's what matters ^_^
I also got the news that Stevo got a package, but when he mentioned that he got the WITCH books, I knew he got them both. After all, 1 package contained book 1, and package 2 contained book 2. Could have been the other way around though ^_^ And he also posted the cutest and coolest art on DA.
And one of them is for ME. ME I tell ya! ME! ME! Not you, but ME!

*grabs the drawings and hisses at everyone who dares to get closer*

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

lately I'm having dreams about games again. I'm in a team (sometimes I'm the team leader, sometimes I'm a random person, and sometimes can't see my team members) and have to finish a game/ puzzle/ whatever. 9 out of 10 times I need to do that to save someone, or the world. Why? Why do I have such stupid dreams?

Anyway, today I'll try to make a website for Forever Young. I can't come up with anything nice, so it'll be a basic layout. With ccs for a change. So that I can always change the colours of the episodes, without redoing them all. That would be sooooo handy XD

Monday, December 27, 2004

Well, I started posting the new calendar on my DA page. Yeah; worship me, blah blah blah.

Also turns out my gifts for Demi and Nanashi reached them on Christmas =D Wai! That was fast! I hope that Stevo got BOTH his packages already as well.

Monday: can't remember what I did. Oh yeah; got new internet and stunned all with my drawings again.
Thuesday: played with my new internet and... eh... went shopping with mom?
Wednesday: went to swimming lessons again. Was really quiet.

Thursday: went to visit Uum and also met one of her friends. He was really nice! And Uum rocked as always. Got this COOL image from her, that now hangs above my fish tank =D. One of the first things I see when I wake up! I saw a lot of cool stuff and bought a new book; which I finished within an hour XD But it was a cool book =D. And, of course XD missed the train XD As always XD I always miss the train there.
But I had a great day!!!

Friday: Shopped with mom again? Oh, and I found this awesome shop in my town; a shop that sells all types of asian food =D Wai! And a few asian things like soup bowls and stuff. Very cool.

Saterday: NO WORK! W00t!!! Drew some stuff. And saw Harry Potter the movie. Yes, I, I yes I saw Harry Potter the movie. And MY opinion is: gosh, what typical characters. Sure, it was a cute movie and all, but was that what all the fuss was about? The perfect hero, the smart girl and the clumsy boy with a golden heart. I hope the book is way better XD. But then again, I'm VERY hard to please with movies lately. We ate tibet noodle soup. It was okay ^_^ Also did a lot with Gaia Online. Collected all the gifts! And I saw Three Days. I already knew that it would end like that, but it was still a sad movie XD.

Sunday: Grandma came. Drew a bit. Also made a drawing for my local chinese restaurant. I was so embarressed when I gave it XD. The service is great there, and we always have a lot of fun, so I thought they deserved something. Plus, I once scribbled on a paper plate and the owner loved that. Resulted in a free drink =D YAY!
I also printed one of my latest drawings ('Get your own N1nj4 St3v0 Doll') on a t-shirt ^_^ Looks cute!

So, that was about it. Nothing special happened. Still no internship. Blah Blah. Draw me something XD

Monday, December 20, 2004

So much to say....lemme order things:

- I went to Holiday on Ice. It was nice. everyone went ooooo and aaaahhhh and I thought: what?! Never seen a figure skater before?! Oh, I agree, it was very pretty what all happened (she fell! sjeesh!) and I loved the part where there were 3 types of music through each other, but those people honestly overreacted with their ooos and aaahs. They reacted like they had never seen SKATES before.

- I was sick. For a day. As usual. I honestly felt brainless and that I would drop on the street. My voice was also gone, and it was hand in day- I HAD to get out. On the way back I picked up Lord of the Rings 12 DVD Special Edition for my mom and dad, bought some other stuff I gave to my sister and mom and dad, and managed to stay standing on my 2 legs.

- The day after, I was recovering, and Frodo, our 11 weeks and 6 days old puppy was ill. We all thought it wasn't that serious, so my mom left for a party she had to attend (otherwise my dad would be there all alone blah blah) and asked if I could see the vet with Frodo. Turned out that she had a light throat thingie, and that it was seriouser than expected. But, she's all jumpy now again, so no worries; she's better again.

- I just realised that I have more options in this blog, like this, and this on an easier way. Yay for IE 6!

- We now have new internet. Works nice! And I still have all the adresses ^_^ Yay!

- I realised that I have an intresting relation with half of my friends. You see, half of my friends.... either annoy me every now and then, or have really annoyed me at the start!!! Ief, my high school best friend, was someone I started out hating. Or Cat. She knows this; in the beginning I didn't like her at all. And she's still one of my best friends.
But I also have friends I liked from the beginning. And who cares what I thought about them in the beginning? What matters is what I think of them now. And I love them all.

- I especially currently love Craig and Demi. They know why. But I so love them at the moment.

- Thursday I'll be off to see Uum again. FINALLY again. Maybe, if Uum helps me, I can find WITCH collection novels 1 and 2. I have all loose episodes myself, but if Demi would like them, I at least have them. And otherwise I keep them myself ^_^

Ooooh, just look at these nifty options.........

Friday, December 17, 2004

Yesterday I was sick... today my 11 week old puppy is sick T_T The vet doesn't think she's very ill, but since she's a puppy and all.... I'll just have to make sure she's warm!!!

Thursday, December 16, 2004

me....ish......sick..... bwech. And that on hand-in day... That so sucks. I'll still go. Just hope I won't get hit by a truck.....

Monday, November 22, 2004

Post 624.

Dear Blog,

you'll never guess what I saw today; 10 minutes before my class would start. Yes, THE class, that starts ar 6.30 pm.
I was checking my e-mail in the library, when I suddenly heard: >beep, beep, beep < ! Yes, it was the alarm. The girl, red as could be, turned around and said: Oh, that must be my cellphone! I had that earlier this week! (I myself, dear blog, never had any troubles with my cellphone...)
And then I saw it!! She was digging behind a shelf for her cellphone... and pulled a VCR tape out of it as well! She placed the tape on the table, placed her cellphone on the counter and walked through the portals again. No >beep, beep, beep<>
Triomphantically she said: See, it was my cellphone, and took it back, along with the tape. However, she walked back to the VCR tapes shelf and when she returned, she had her cellphone in her bag, but no >beep, beep, beep
Now, you think, a crime?! TSSS! BUSTED! Well, my sweet blog, the thing that makes me itch most, is that I'm studying to become a teacher. Just like every other dweep on this school.
This means, that the girl who tried to STEAL a videotape, will be a teacher in a couple of years.
Be ashamed girl, be ashaaaaaamed!!!!

I'll be silent though. But I'll tell a story about A girl who tried to steal A videotape. Just loud enough so that enough people will hear about it. Stealing from the school library... tssssss! And that will be the future of the Netherlands?

I shake my head in disbelief, my dear blog, I'm shaking my head...

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

I guess I'm good at creating problems; or seeing those that actually don't exist. My current problem involves giving gifts.
I love to please others, by giving them gifts. I love to see them happy.
But when it comes to certain people... it sometimes feels like I simply can't do anything right. I know they want me to become happy as well; I'm getting a lot of gifts.
The thing is, I don't always show how happy I am with things. At least, not in their eyes.
Each person that visits my house gets a tour of things I've gotten from the USA. They have to see everything! I'm so happy with them!
But... the person who send that gift... doesn't see that. He thinks I'm not happy at all with them. He thinks he doesn't amase me at all. But he does.
And when it comes to me giving gifts... half of the time I get to hear: "It's cool... but..." And there comes more then. "It brings bad luck." or "We already have so many of them." or, many many more things that gives me the feeling that they do like it... but rather would have gotten something else.
Funny. They always love the candy. The cheapest and easiest gift. And that they love.
But the thing that took me most of my time and money? They always say they like it, followed by a but.
It makes me wonder... maybe I should stop sending gifts. I don't know if I can handle one more but. I know they mean well, and that they don't want to hurt me...
It's the thought that counts. Yes, I know.
But why bothering sending anything again, if I'll just hear again: "It's cool, but..."
I know my friends don't want to hurt me. And in fact, it's only 2 people who do that. And I don't think they even know that they are doing that.
If they read this, I'll probably throw them into depression. Yay for me. Another person sucked along in my own petty depression.
I bet they now think I'm ungrateful, but I still have all the gifts I ever got, on my room, or in the living room's showcase. I honestly love my gifts. I just don't always show it to the givers, because they are not here...

Monday, November 08, 2004

Worship me for having my own personal site at

And other news: Yesterday, and just now, my pc suddenly seemed to have a lack of power and became black. Then, it restarted. If that happens and I get the scandisk; I'm holding my breath. Because if it starts scanning the clusters, it takes hours before it's finished T_T Luckily it hasn't done that yet. I'm gonna check the plugs to be sure, and I believe our personal Computer Guru will visit us soon again, and I'll notify him about this problem then.

Saturday, October 30, 2004

Today I officially had the worst day of my life at work. Honestly. I never cried at my work before. But it was just too much for me.
I believe I worked 30 minutes, when I heard from 2 persons: "Can't you shut up for a minute?!"
I was only muttering to myself, and I said: "Hey, I have a right to talk as well!"
Bitch: "No, because your voice annoys me."
I was so pissed off: "FINE! Then I won't speak any more, FOR THE REST OF THE DAY!"
Bitch: "Hah, she'll never be able to do that. As soon as she's alone with Angel, it's blah blah blah blah!"
But I was silent. Furious as hell but silent. Finally bitch left, and a guy said (he didn't mean it that bad): "You know, you may talk."
But then something snapped. "Oh, I MAY talk?! How great that I have PERMISSION to speak!" I cried for the first time of my life (on my work).
Didn't they realise how much it hurt me? Couldn't they see my anger- let alone HEAR it when I snapped that I would be silent for the rest of the day?
I hate Bitch. I thought the relation between her and me was becoming better, but she's an ass!
She makes me so furious. I hope you trip and fall in a dogpile.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

I met an old classmater today. One thing about him (aside the fact that's he's cool ^_^):

He talks just as much as I do.



Tuesday, October 26, 2004

WARNING! This post has a high whining and complaint level. If you can't handle that, then don't read this. Also, DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT take this personal or blame yourself. This is just a description how I FEEL, and NO ONE is to blame for this!

Well, it's that time again. My depression is so back. I've tried to fight it for 2 days now- hoping I wouldn't get depressed again. Yesterday I had so much fun at Uum's that I completely forgot about it. But when I stepped into the train, it slowly came crawling back.
Feeling sad is bad enough. But I can DESCRIBE EXACTLY what I feel. And that's the worst part, because that isn't true at all!!
I suddenly feel so empty; and I even feel that no one gives a damn about me. That's not true- I already have at least 10 people who care about me. Half of them... just isn't here...
Feeling empty is one part. I just long for someone to hold me and comfort me. But...
The worst part about this depression is also the biggest lie. I keep on feeling I have given and done so much, and that I hardly got anything back in return. Not true- I even got gifts from across the ocean! How many people have that?! But I just keep feeling that I continue giving and giving, working so hard, and getting hardly anything in return...
And what goes with it are 2 expression I heard more often than you can imagine the past 2 weeks. 'Wow, you really talk a lot!' and 'Do you ever keep your mouth?' When complete strangers say it, it just bothers me, but when my mom today joked: 'Hey, give me some candy because this conversation is really silent today! You usually talk so much...' I couldn't take it any more.
And then those sweet people around me. They keep on saying: 'Oh, I know how you feel...' (How can you? You are not me...), and even the typical: 'Why didn't I notice?'
Maybe because I don't want to be depressed. I'm not the kind of person who goes screaming 'Hey, I'm depressed, cheer me up!!!'.
Strange... in my whole life, I only heard once: 'Are you okay? You are so silent'. Too bad I wasn't down back then. I was just busy with typing a story (and I had told him that).
But I don't think I can handle one more: 'SSHHHH!'. It makes me feel like I'm not allowed to talk. Who cares if I have a loud voice! I know everybody means it so well, but I just want to be loved and being... me.

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Lately I'm having a lot of dreams that include quitting. Everyone around me just keeps on saying: 'What's the use?' in my dreams, or just makes me feel like that. Should I quit with school? Hell no! I'm going to finish what I started!!!
So stop giving me those damned dreams!!!

Also, I saw my newest dog. The cutey is only 2 weeks old and still swims instead of walks XD Such a cutey. And her name MAY be: Leonieke's Kawaii Kayoubiko Batjoy - Frodo for short. Don't look at me!!! *points at mother* It just takes a while to get used to the name XD.

What more, what more? I only have to make 2 more calendar pages, and finish one. As soon as Uum checks the days, as well as the text (which I still have so send) the calendar is actually ready to print!!!.
As for the Christmas card....I'll probably draw ChibiLuna again XD. She's just cute and all.

Monday, October 18, 2004

I'm actually posting something just because I want to post XD. I have nothing to tell. Today's scedule: Calendar page and Paint Shop Pro for school. Poooooor me. Calendar is okay, PSP SUCKS XD. I'm already halfway done.

Also, a girl at my work thinks I'm nuts and that she's superiour. She's 17 years old and has Twinky written all over it. She actually kept on complaining what her new job description would be, because of 5 minutes of change. Isn't it easier to give me my old job back and her the other one? Otherwise you had 2 people to train, and now only one. She stopped complaining when it turned out the manager had miscalculated and she got more than an hour extra paid. Loser. At least I'm happy with my 4.20 hours to work.
And she thinks she has right to speak. I work there for about 4-5 years now. And she worked here less than a year. And yet she thinks she has more right to speak than I do.
Respect is something you have to earn, not something you can claim. She thinks she's all high and mighty and that I'm a loser. At least I enjoy my life and am not worried about (group)pressure that much ^_^. I am who I am.

Also, a shameless plug: - My newest dolls.

And I had a bad dream. Bad dreams sucks. It feels terrible to be hated by all, and when you help others, they hate you more. So much hate in one dream...
A while ago I had an other dream, and there I felt what true peace and love was like. That was so great.
That dream with hate in it... I don't recall a dream like that before. But why should I worry? I'm not going on a school camp any more, so this can't happen again... can it?

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Isn't it strange? Each time my parents go away on vacation, I'm afraid to go to bed. I don't like being all alone in this 'big' house (not that it's so big, but it is twice as big now because it's empty), and all my friends don't have vacation yet T_T Pity me.
Oh well, I should draw today =D Yeah! Going on with the calendar =D

Thursday, October 14, 2004

This Yahoogroup is owned by Anime Sultan. Regular readers can already do the math. Newbies: He steals art. This time not mine, but almost every single bit from Demitri Scaramanga and Serenay Moon (and Sunrise, his own series).

If there is someone who kicks him between the legs, note me, and I'll draw you (almost) whatever you want. I do need proof though.
I just got another report back. A 9 out of 10. Again. And the teacher's comment: You really put a lot of effort in this!

No. I did not. Yes, it did depress and affect me, this report about child abusement, but really worked hard? Nah, not really.

This is how it goes on school:
I work hard, get an 8 or 9, and get 1 credit-point for it (we need 42 credits for each year)
I don't work hard at all, get a 7 or even higher, and still get 1 credit point.

So, even if I don't work hard at all, I still get high grades! I used to work hard for my grades on high school, where a 7 meant a 7, and a 9 meant a 9. Now I'm on a school where it doesn't matter if you get a 6 or a 10, it's still 1 credit.

I can't be proud of my reports any more *sighs*. Why even bother working hard? I'll still pass anyway....

Monday, October 11, 2004

My pc died -> My pc got revived -> My pc died again -> My pc got revived again -> Called the helpdesk to get internet back online -> Helpdesk refused to help and send me to another helpdesk without giving a number -> Other helpdesk tried to help -> internet works again.


1. Worship my sister's boyfriend for reviving the pc twice as well as upgrading it.
2. Worship the Tiscali helpdesk and kill the KPN Helpdesk
3. Worship Togepi because it's her b-day.

I can also post normal in my blog again. YAY!!!

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Wow, I blog a LOT lately!

Wow, I blog so often lately XD. Incredible. Well, I'm still okay ^_^.
Homework is not going as fast as I hoped. I might be able to hand in 3 reports next week. Had hoped it to be more. Maybe I can add a 4th.
I went to Swimming Camp. It was fun. Tiring, but fun. Being a leader is so much harder than being a kid XD. Next year again! =D.
And, I caught my annual cold. Yes, that's how intresting my life is lately.
I want a new manga or a drawing book. But I went to Amsterdam yesterday and there was nothing in the American Bookstore. Darn =(.
Oh yeah, this pc is freaking beyond words. We had 'operating system' messages for 3 times now. It's dying. My poor, poor trusty old pc. Then again, 9 years for a pc is really old.....

Tuesday, August 24, 2004


'Sometimes I feel like I'm surrounded by idiots, and then I'm not talking about my classmates....'
This quote comes from Serenay Moon, and sometimes I feel like this.....a LOT. I mean, appearantly I'm typing an unknown language, because people always manage to respond the wrong way. Even with the simplest things. I ask this, and I get that. And all feel so helpful... while they are not helping at all!! And then I just keep on smiling and nodding. This doesn't limit itself to the internet btw, this also happens in real life. Maybe I should tape myself, and find out what language I'm speaking. I thought it was Dutch, but appearantly I already mastered Japanese, because I never get what I'm asking for.
*sighs sadly*
Maybe I'm just feeling like this because my lovely dog kept on barking for nothing at 9 am. And since this is my last week of freedom, that's early.

Saturday, August 14, 2004


It was the first time my sister would drive this long, and I know my sister- she's really stubborn. I was afraid she wouldn't admit being tired. But, she did. On the way there, she stopped 3 times to sleep a bit. On the way back, we travelled by day and she remembered to stop once in a while ^_^. So, she was quite responsible ^_^.
So, what to tell, what to tell.
We came there: Rain. Lots of it. But the rest of the day: FREAKING HOT. Anyway, my mom was totally surprised seeing me there ^_^. I cried, because I missed her so much. I miss her again, even though I will see her before the end of next week again.
To tease my mom, I jumped on her bed, but instead of teasing...I fell asleep XD. WOOPS! And, I already suspected it, but my dad indeed knew about me coming along ^_^ It was okay, made me feel a bit better.
The days after that: hot - thunder - rain - hot - thunder - nice day - rain - rain - hot - hot - blah blah and so on ^_^. Very changy weather! I went to Bordeaux with my dad, my sister and her boyfriend, and it was okay. Very big town - too big for me - and not seeing the beaty everyone else is seeing XD To me, Bordeaux is nothing more than a pile of houses ^_^.
One day I went to the beach. With a stick I drew in the sand, and my sister saw it. Her reaction: 'Even THIS WAY that twerp can do it!!!' She doesn't want to admit it, but she's jealous of my drawing skills ^_^ I envy her too- she too can draw awesomely, but then another style.
When we wanted to go home, I wanted to put on my slippers. However, my dog thought I was going to get her ball and jumped at it. She grabbed it; unfortunately her nail was then already in my foot XD Man that HURT! I don't blame her- later it turned out she was having a sore leg so we both were cripple for a while ^_^. It doesn't hurt any more, and it was all a misunderstanding with my dog so I don't mind.
I wanted to share one more thing, but I forgot about it XD. Oh yeah, my uncle hadn't been feeling well during the vacation in France (he was 2 tents away from my parents). Yesterday he was hospitalised because of a heart attack T_T. He's already home now, and my sister and I bought a beautiful vase with flowers for him (truely beautiful!!!) and when he called me (I was quite surprised) he told me he could see our flowers ^_^. We already visited him in the hospital yesterday.... man wasn't he optimistic *sarcasm* Anyway, they couldn't find a thing with him, so let's just hope things will go better now.

Saturday, July 31, 2004


I'm sorry -_- you're right, you did make your Guardian of Fire before I
made mine, but they are quite different people, and I haven't gotten around
to changing Ember's name yet. My Guardians perhaps started out as a twisted
imitation of yours but have grown into something completely different... as
you can see, my Ember looks nothing like yours.

And... I will never get around to writing most of the stories about my
Guardians..... I have a bajillion other stories that are on the waiting
rack. So not to worry! And when I do, I could certainly put a note of
gratitude and disclaimer-ness for the original idea, and perhaps I could
tell a little story about how I used to be your editor and draw you pictures
=^..^= I haven't forgotten you!

I don't know about you, but for ME it's settled now ^_^. Happy Holidays- I'm
AWAY to France!!!!

Friday, July 30, 2004

Character Theft is OKAY according to DA

Currently: Very tired of all this.....

Away from the 31st of July till the 15th of August. I will keep the
pictures watch on, but will shut down the journals. When I get back, expect
me to take about a week to get things back online here ^_^


This is copied from my DA journal.

To make things clear; these are my thoughts and it isn't
my intention encourage anyone to flame that girl. Flaming is wrong. If you
really, really want to contact her, please use reason and no flaming.
I dissaprove of flaming.

'You don't have Trademark over your character, so this is not a

EXCUSE ME?! I DO have Trademark. In the Netherlands Trademark and Copyright
are the same. I'm Dutch. Thus my art falls under the DUTCH copyright system,
no matter WHERE I post it. Besides, I have a whole copyright notice on the
site telling we own every single bit on that site.

If I would take an American Character that has been Copyrighted and
Trademarked, I would get in serious problems.

This girl takes a DUTCH Character that has been Copyrighted AND Trademarked
and gets away with it.

Am I the only one who doesn't get that any more? The only thing I can do is
pray that she acts with her characters the same way as she acts to her
sites: abandoning it. I'm only thankful many people know I designed her

Lia, Cora, Ginger, you are hereby the first who stole a character of mine. I
thank you. I will get you back on the most polite and legal way there is. If
you only mailed back....................

Part II:
Okay, I went into a discussion about it in the forums. I believe the short
message everyone is giving me is: 'Shut up, she did nothing wrong blah
Eh......¬.¬ Who is the victim and who is the thief here?
I bet that when one of their characters is stolen, they go jumping high and
low and screaming it's stolen.
Maybe I'm just stubborn, but I won't be giving up. I know my character is
stolen and even though I can't sue her because everyone claims it to be a
coincidence, I still have faith that one day I'll show the world who's
laughing last.

Issue this time:

The information is taken from her cosplay page as well:

The case:
This is her character. Ember Burns. Has an alter ego called Lady Ignis. Has
blue eyes and wavy red hair. Has a black dress. Is the Guardian of Fire. She
wants to do a manga about it, because it's her character. Appearantly, the
first drawing is made in 2003, and I guess this character is designed
somehwere in 2003 as well, maybe 2002 on the earliest.

The problem: Made in 2002 Made in 2002 as well. Made in 2001

There does exist a 4th picture, made in 2001, but I haven't posted this one
yet. Or, I haven't found it in my gallery yet XD

She drew 3 fanart pieces for Serenay Moon, including Lady Ignis. We link to
her site.

Well, the Serenay Moon Lady Ignis, designed in 2000, is the Guardian of
Fire, is also known as Ember Burns (and Chibi Ignis), and has blue eyes, red
hair and a black dress. Ember Burns also has blue eyes, red hair, and a
black dress. Chibi Ignis has red hair, blue eyes.... and a red and blue
dress, but she doesn't count along in this issue.

I do believe things can be done unintended and that coincedence does
exist... but isn't this a bit TOO much like a coincidence?

Why me? What have I done wrong?

DA contacted me, but I doubt they will do something about it because, if I
understood well, they consider it too much coincidence, and that anyone can
come up with something like that. Sometimes I truely hate Dutch Copyright
when something is yours when you sign it, while in the USA it's completely
different. I could have misinterpretented it though. The girl itself still
hasn't mailed me back, to explain herself. How... great... *sarcasm* I
created someone, someone else copies her, and gets away with it, because of
copyright differenses.

Thursday, July 29, 2004

Down, Down and Away!!

Hey everyone!!!
Sometimes I hate going on vacation. There are so many things left to be resolves. Art Theft, Character Theft, Personal Problems. My friend told me not to think about those problems on vacation, or else XD. Gotta love her.
I'm away from friday evening till somewhere around the 15th. Not sure when I get home. I'm going together with my sister and her boyfriend to France, and since this is the first time she's going to drive this far, we don't know how long the way back will take.
It's a secret though. Well... the WHOLE world knows about me going to France, except my parents. Oh, it's not that I'm doing something illegal or so. My parents are in France and we're going to visit them. They know about my sister and her boyfriend coming, but not about me, so it's gonna be a surprise!!
My mom's horoscope only says: Things will not go as planned. Friends will come over and drink all there is to drink and eat all there is to eat. And to top it all, they are leaving all the mess and total chaos behind.
This is the FIRST time things will come true for a horoscope XD.
So, AWAY till the 15th. I won't be able to mail or so ^_^. Vacation in France means NO INTERNET!

Tuesday, July 27, 2004


I don't know if this will work. I still haven't figured mail-posting out

I think this would describe it all:
Elfquest - Wendy Pini - Art - Lorraine Reyes - Ember - Kahvi - Yun - Drool -
Worship - Obsessed.

You are<br />most like Shuna

target="new">What Elfquest Leader Are You Most Like?

by Peacepine at For Elf Eyes Only.

I wanna be EMBER T_T Oh well, she is not listed, and Kahvi is a bit TOO
bloodthirsty and often brainless XD But you gotta admire her spirit!

Is this gonna work the way I want it to work? XD

You are an<br />Elf

target="new">What Elfquest Creature Are You?

by Peacepine at For Elf Eyes Only.

Phew. I'm an Elf. Elfs rocks.

If this doesn't work; I'm adding a rich text post after this

Monday, July 26, 2004

Why me?

Why does things like this always happen to me? Why can't I seem to have 1 average week?
The information is taken from her cosplay page as well:
The case:
This is her character. Ember Burns. Has an alter ego called Lady Ignis. Has blue eyes and wavy red hair. Has a black dress. Is the Guardian of Fire. She wants to do a manga about it, because it's her character. Appearantly, the first drawing is made in 2003, and I guess this character is designed somehwere in 2003 as well, maybe 2002 on the earliest.
There does exist a 4th picture, made in 2001, but I haven't posted this one yet. Or, I haven't found it in my gallery yet XD. Maybe it's already online on the Serenay Moon gallery.
She drew 3 fanart pieces for Serenay Moon, including Lady Ignis. We link to her site.
Well, the Serenay Moon Lady Ignis, designed in 2000, is the Guardian of Fire, is also known as Ember Burns (and Chibi Ignis), and has blue eyes, red hair and a black dress. Ember Burns also has blue eyes, red hair, and a black dress. Chibi Ignis has red hair, blue eyes.... and a red and blue dress, but she doesn't count along in this issue.
I do believe things can be done unintended and that coincedence does exist... but isn't this a bit TOO much like a coincidence?
Why me? What have I done wrong?


Today is the worst day ever. Honestlty. No, no dead fish. Do you know parents that do this? When you lose something, they claim it's your own fault for having so much mess. And when they loose something, they go all angry, demand everyone goes helping searching for it and say it's because of the mess YOU make. Well, my dad is like that. I'm working on b-day gifts for friends, and it has some small parts in it. I had 6 pieces in total. I left it on a wooden plate to dry, and went away to visit Uum (was great once more!!). I haven't been at the table for 2 whole days. This morning I wanted to continue my gift and... only 5 pieces. I've cried and searched for a whole hour, but I couldn't find it. And only my dad has been at the table. I looked everywhere, and when I called him: Mm... how did that happen then? HOW SHOULD I KNOW?! I WAS NOT AROUND! Now I can buy a new one on his expenses, but thanks to him I have to bike to the other side of this stupid town once again, in this stupid moist and hot weather. Why do I always loose stuff when I'm alone with him? Is it so hard to just NOT TOUCH anything in that house?! He always manages to mess things up. And always tells me how to cook. If you want to survive, don't tell me how to cook. I KNOW how to cook.
I won't go online today, on MSN or AIM I mean. Or at least not before I completely cooled down and/ or found that piece back. Or managed to find a new piece in another shop. Because I'm too angry for words. And the people online do not deserve to face that.
And I just hope that certain people will get brains. Somehow having brains is a rare event to some friends of mine.

Friday, July 23, 2004

Great week

How I love sarcasm. This message will be filled with it!!! I believe it was monday when I woke up and discovered 2 fish dead. Could have been tuesday as well. I cleaned out the tank the best I could (I haven't done it that often yet), and gave freah water. Then, everything seemed to be fine. The fish were eating the food and no fish died.
This morning I woke up and- HUZAA HURRAY - 1 more dead fish *sarcasm*. So, I once again cleaned out the tank (I planned to do the filter next week before I would leave for France, but that thing was stuffed O.o), and have once again fresh water. What a waking up call.
Anyway, I've started to Demi's b-day gift for this year. I already learned a lot from it XD. I should have made a new sheet for it, but I just know that if I did that, I'd be very annoyed because that would mean starting all over again. And then the gift would become worse. So, I'd better continue this way. And besides, aside from seeing some things a bit through, it actually looks nice!!! It's a gift he can never guess ^_^
As for Nanashi, I only need to get the candy she requested, and get some information before I can start on hers ^_^. For her too I won't use a new sheet, because.... well..... Or maybe I should..... I'll think about it. Hers will be done with pencils mostly, but Demi's will be paint ^_^. That's because Nanashi's gift would turn out better in pencil, and Demi's in paint ^_^.
Whatever the end result will be, I'm already proud ^_^ But painting is not my strongest point XD I have too little patience XD.
Stevo's gift was actually what caused giving me the idea for Nanashi and Demi. Because if I didn't have to bike to the other side of town for it, I'd never walked into that shop where I got what I needed! And aside that...... just 600 more pages of translating XD.

Thursday, July 22, 2004

Just testing

I so dislike those hotmail/ msn adds under each post, so lemme try a new adress that won't give it ^_^. I'd be able to get a nicer layout then too!
This saterday and sunday, I'll be at Uum's place- YAY!
Next Saterday, my parent's think I'll be leaving to spend a week at Uum's. I so hope they will keeping this that XD. To be honest, I'll be joining my sister on her quest in France, to go to my parents ^_^.  My mom is there already (like every year -_-), and my dad will join her the day we leave. So, I'm gonna surprise my parents! Huzaa!!!
*imagines the scene that will happen*
Kitt: Yo, mom, dad, guess who the secret guest was!!!!
There is just no escaping from ME! MUAHAHAHAHA

Wednesday, July 21, 2004


Well, I can blog again and guess what!!!!

For the 5th time!

About the 5th genie related picture that is online (the 6th one never appeared online and won't appear either)

By the same person for the 5th time (next time I'm gonna publish his name)

And for the 5th time on the same site.

New pictures:

MY Kasumi-Genie picture, that was DeviantArt ONLY, and the text and signature has been cropped off.

You'd think that would get me down. WRONG Anime Sultan; the hunt has just begun. And if your friend, the site owner gets to pay for that, either with or without my intention (I'll keep on trying to NOT include him), it's YOUR fault and not mine.

I just want this to stop. And it WILL stop. One way or another.

And oh yeah, that promise that if I met you you'd get a kick between the legs? Add a punch to the face to that list.

You are the FIRST person in my life I truly loathe and am disgusted off. Thank you. Now I know how it feels to hate someone.

MSN Zoeken, voor duidelijke zoekresultaten! klik hier

Testing, testing

If this works I can currently update my blog by mailing at it. So, if you see this, it worked =D

Site: Serenay Moon (Original Story)
Blog: Kitty Ocean's Boredom

Ontvang Hotmail & Messenger op je mobiele telefoon klik hier
Hi everyone!
This message is posted my the Great Uum (yes she is great! Who dares to disagree???? *holds cookie ready for throwing*). That's because I suddenly can't post in blogger any more. I dun know why. I just can't. The text block seems to be missing, and I got a loading image picture for it instead. I already mailed the help service, but no reply thus far T_T. So, till Blogger works again!!!....... or not XD

Thursday, June 24, 2004

Post 601....
Man, today was my last day of internship. This time I didn't get kicked out, but I did feel bad. I still do feel bad. But why? Because I already miss those kids. I spend about half a year with them! I finally got to know them! I finally found out how to handle certain kids. I finally got a bond with the guys. I finally got a real bond with the girls.
And now.... just 4 more schooldays and the year will be over for them. I picked today as my last day because tomorrow they'll got to a musical, monday they have to say good bye to the monday and friday teacher, tuesday they have to say good bye to D (who will be hold back a year), and wednesday goodbye to their other teacher, and maybe also to C., who'll change schools.
Really busy so, I did it today. 2 kids were sick- and one of them was the girl I first bonded with (she loves to draw XD).
Those girls, so sweet and cuddly. Those guys, little mischiefs but still so cuddly..... (they are 7-8 years old!!! THEY ARE SO FREAKING CUTE!)
I had the best time of my life there. Just seeing those kids always made my day. And this was what I did as a good bye:
- I told them a story. Usually I ask them: Who, What and Where, and they'll give me answers. And then, at the spot, I'll make up a story. This time I got some subjects a few days early, but I still made most up while telling the story. About a female teacher who had a talking horse, and was in love with a male teacher who loved soccer (made up in occasion of the European Soccer Championships- WE WON?! THANKS Czech Republic!!! (they won from Germany- loooooong story XD)). But, the male teacher would only notice her if she would have a ball in her hands XD. So, she signed up for the Teacher Tournament- there was just 1 problem. She was so freaking afraid of the ball XD. But, in the end she made 2 (!!!) goals and they both got married. ^_^. My mentor just LOVED hearing it- she was laughing ALL the time and the kids: HUSH! Be quiet!!! (they thought it was exiting- and cool when I did a scene in slow motion XD).
- I made candy necklaces with them ^_^
- I taught them how to write their names in Japanese ^_^ , and to count, and to say a few phrases ^_^. They loved that too!!
So, overall, I had a great last day. When the kids left, I turned to my mentor and said: Well, they're gone.... now I can finally cry XD. And I let out what I had been hogging up for 3 days now.
It's really over. I won't see them again.
I loved them. And they liked me.
Stay healthy you all. I'll miss you all... with all my heart.

Sunday, June 06, 2004

Well, last friday I went at my niece's wedding. She was so beautiful! And when her (now) husband said 'yes' she burst out into laughter XD I cried XD But dun tell my parents that, because they would say that it was stupid XD I'm just emotional.
Saterday it was my sister's birthday. It was fun! I saw a kid (yeah; 15 years is still a kid XD) I hadn't seen in like 5 years or so. My goodness! At first I thought it was someone's boyfriend who had tagged along because he was so tall, but it turned out to be that same boy I last saw for 5 years ago. But 5 years ago... he was so tiny XD And now he was HUGE! My gosh....
Today, sunday, I visited the 1st communion (???) from the kids of my internship. It was the first time I actually witnessed a church ceremony, and also a communion so it was very intresting. But, at some moments I felt so weird. When all went praying I went all: 'I'm just gonna stare at this book and prentend I'm a silent prayer XD' and suddenly everybody shook hands; wishing everybody Jezus' peace of something like that XD. And then everybody could get some hosti (??) and all and I was: 'AAAAAAh! I dun wanna go! I bet I'm the ONLY ONE who doesn't go!' but it turned a few more (3 or so XD) people didn't go as well. And there was a donation. I was so happy I had my wallet with me XD. All those people would have stared at me if I wouldn't have put money in the basket.
I'll only do this again if someone important to me will do it, otherwise I won't do it again any time soon. For someone who is raised without religion, it was overwhelming and intresting at the same time. It's not something I feel comfortable with, but all those people in church were happy so...... BLESS THEM!

(If anyone is offended by this message, please know that I'm not religiosly raised, and that this was a complete new experience to me. I do not intend any harm, nor did I intend to insult any one. Please forgive me and tell me what was offending so I can learn from my mistakes)

Thursday, May 27, 2004

I'm so sorry I haven't posted anything lately =S I dunno why; somehow it seems too much at this moment. Maybe I'll be able to post soon again.
Anyway, I broke my record holding my breath. From 59 seconds to 1 minute and 4 seconds! I'm so proud! I need to hold my breath for 1 minute at least to pass a certain swimming course XD Did you know that one of the kids I once gave swimming lessons can hold his breath for 5 minutes?! And he can do it longer!!! WOW

This weekend I'm going to Uum! I'm so exited that I can barely sleep and eat XD I'm so silly. UUM! I'M COMING!!!!!!!

Sunday, May 09, 2004

I'm gone from Monday till Wednesday. I'm on Ameland then, that's a small island that belongs to the Netherlands. I love islands! I've already been to Terschelling twice, and since I love Ameland, I hardly can't wait!! What's keeping me back are my classmates ....... XD. Oh well, we'll see!!! Dun miss me too much =D

Saterday I went to Dougurasu; I was invited to his b-day party. Poooooor guy, he had to run to all the sides of the house and also pick me up ^_^. Anyway, he introduced me to his friends. Nice people! Yup! It seemed like they already accepted me! And for me, who has lots of trouble getting accepted in a group, that was very overwhelming! It was cool though! When I'm around new people, I'm usually quite shy and a coward. In this group, I already felt like I could do more, which was amazing. And his friends are so happy and outgoing! Really nothing like me ^_^. Or, maybe I will become just as outgoing when I know them better; who knows!!
Anyway, I had a great time and today I watched some of the disks Dougurasu gave me. I felt so stupid because the videos didn't work. Then I saw other files and Dougurasu told me I would also get some art programmes for him, so I decided to install those.
Turned out to be media players! I could see the clips! AND I could take screen caps!!! I LOVE THIS THING!!!!!!!! *screams happily*

Good things Douguarsu has given me: Megatokyo volume 2 (hey, if you hadn't found it, I would have never gotten it!!!), a COOOL new Media Player, Stumperman Episode 1 & 2 and episode 5 till 20 of Card Captor Sakurau (Mizuhi still has 1 till 4 XD Gives me a reason to meet them again!)

Sunday, May 02, 2004

<----start loser rant---->

I'm such a loser. I truely am. I had a great day today, and yet... I can't even manage to stay happy for 24 freaking hours!! I'm now back into depression. And why? Why on earth should I be depressed?
I have a great life; I have people who like me, even some fans, and yet I still feel alone. Why dammit? I don't want to feel like this!
Maybe it also has to do with me being tired and having a splitting headache. Should've brought more to drink along. Right now I'm in dying need for ice cream, chocolate, or chips with garlic dip. Aka: comfort food.

And why do I actually need it?! I had a great day today! I met Dougurasu today and he's a nice guy! Everything went 100%! I think anyway....
Anyway, first we went to The Hague- turned out to be a dissappointement and we hopped on the train to Amsterdam. Dougurasu found Megatokyo part 2 for me! The last copy! That should be enough to let me go hyper for 3 days.

Maybe I just need a nice sleep. I mean, all that travelling has wore me down a lot. But, what it comes to is this: you have a great day, and then return to an empty home... (I tried to make a conversation with the fish, but that didn't go that great...)
And I hate this headache. No matter how much I drink (soda, may I add!), it just doesn't want to go away.
Oh well, at least I have a birthday coming up saterday. Yeah, Dougurasu's. I'm gonna turn in at 5 pm on Friday so I will be all happy and genki. Yay me.

PS. I envy all who can make comics or manga's. I so wished I could do that.

<----/end loser rant---->

Thursday, April 29, 2004

Tuesday J-guy took me to Amsterdam. I wanted to go there because I wanted to buy a few new manga. Since manga are really expensive here, I made a budget of 100 euro's max. That should allow me to buy 3 manga's.

I thought.

I did not expect the Tenchi muyo Manga to be on sale!!! I could buy 4 of the missing manga's (I now miss Volume 1 and 2 from Tenchi Muyo) and wow...


It was there


You could compair how I felt with a ditzy teenager seeing Idols live. My heart skipped 3 beats, and I just had to have it.



I read it 4 times already XD. I SO LOVE IT! It's my most precious possesion at the moment XD Yes, I'm that sad.

Wednesday, I had another feel-good-moment. On my swimming club, he have a diving (you know, from a plank) section, and a synchronised swimming section. Both are filled with 80% ditzes. No kidding.

Imagine me, in a room with: 7 or 8 diver-ditzes, 1 mother, and 2 little girls (one of them was one of my students ^_^).

Me: *to small girl* lookie! I'm so hot now! *for fun, may I add!! I never mean something like that serious XD* Everybody has these shoes, and I have them now too!

Ditz: What?

Me: These shoes. Everybody has them

Ditz: *with an I'm-so-cool-and-you-aren't-attitude* You are so behind; they were 2 years ago in fashion. You are so late.

Me: Late, early, on time, who cares. In time it will all be fashion again (after all, 70's have been in too =D)

Ditz: yeah, but you want people to like you, right? (this just BEGGED for a I'm-so-stupid-please-let-me-know-that-moment)

Me: If people don't like me because of my clothes, then they are not worth to be called my friends. Besides, I wear what I want to wear, and not what others want to wear (and I said this with SUCH a HUGE smile!! ^_^)

Ditz: *shared an annoyed face and utter silence*

Outside the mother complimented me. I stayed SO nice and I had SUCH a GREAT comeback! Yay! And she said that girl had no brains too. *raises hand* I so agree.
Anyway, we all felt sorry for that ditz's mom. Cuz that mom will have to spend an aweful lot of money on her ditzy clothes because: 'If I wear yesterday's clothes people won't like me any more!!!!'

And last but not least: I will meet Dougurasu this sunday. Yay! Can't wait!!! I hope he likes his gift XD

Monday, April 26, 2004

The person who created PDF, Acrobat Reader and what not more has no brain at all. It just doesn't work!!! It has NO USE and is a HELL to work with. They claim it's sooooo easy, but all it causes is frustration with my dad he lets go on ME!
Prove why it sucks:
1. It takes AGES to open
2. It takes AGES just to scroll 1 inch
3. Text that I CAN see in Acrobat Reader 4.0 on Windows 98 are INVISIBLE in Acrobat Reader 5.0 in Windows XP
4. When I want to print the PDF file, I get to see white text (aka: text is GONE)
5. I can't edit PDF
6. It takes a lot of space
7. I can't correct typos in letters they send me with: 'please correct this for me if you find any mistakes'
8. I can't save it, let alone copy it to another source, without doing it by right clicking on the file itself

I can't understand the use of PDF. Let alone why people keep on working with it. And why does it work BETTER on my ANCIENT PC than my HYPERCOOLBRANDNEW PC?!

I curse the inventor of PDF. That he or she or it (hey, you never know these days!!) may have carrots growing between his toes (for only a week or so because I can't seem to wish something really bad and permanent to people XD... unless they are Anime Sultan- that's a different story)

Friday, April 23, 2004

My god... just a couple more days in a mood like this and there will be 2 possible outcomes:
1. I'll end up in a deep depression, feeling really alone while I'm not.
2. My ego will grow too much, because more and more I feel like the people around me are plain stupid. With a few exceptions. Of course.

Today I'll try to finish Dougurasu's b-day gift. And finish a drawing with the title 'Life wouldn't be the same without you'. Lineart only probably, and maybe I'll colour a copy or so, I have no clue yet.
I miss my friends.

And dammit, why didn't he listen to me?! I told him half a year ago he should arrange things and now he may not be able to come.

How I hate my life.

Monday, April 19, 2004

Either I'm smart or they are just plain stupid. What am I talking about? I just my grade from my last final from this school year (and probably the rest of my school carriere- I believe I don't get any finals any more in the next year)- a final that claimed that 60% of the students wouldn't make it in one try. It was that hard.

I had a 9 out of 10 score.

I passed it. With a high grade too. Okay.... 60% is said to fail... I'm not the brightest person in the world- but this is my 3rd high grade!!!

This year I had 3 finals:
Children and Law: 9 out of 10
Dutch as a second Language: 7 out of 10 (started studying waaaaaay too late XD)
And now:
Math for the 6th grade (with things like 6/8 x 4/5): 9 out of 10

How am I supposed to tell my class this?! They already think I'm a brainiac!! I'M NOT SMART!!!

This just means my classmates are plain stupid. And when I see 40% of them.... as well as the teachers... yup, they are dumb XD

Sunday, April 18, 2004

The owner from took my image down. Unlike what most people think, he IS a nice guy. Heck, the owner itself thinks I think he's a moron- but I think he's a nice guy having a hard time because of Anime Sultan. Yes, it was him again. He once again stole my art. But I know his real name now. That makes me feel stronger.
If you flamed the owner of, please mail him again and tell him he's not the blame XD It's all Anime Sultan's fault. He donated that image.

Maybe you have noticed the broken links in the Serenay Moon Midi section and this blog. Turns out that if you don't log in on for 60 days, they clean out your account XD. Woops. So that means I lost all the midi's... I'm so not gonna re-upload them.
1. It's illegal and I don't want to get into trouble
2. It took me combined more than a week just to upload those freaking things.

So, because of the current 4th Art Theft by Anime Sultan (if you want to have his real name, I can give it to you on request) I'm now afraid to post what I want online, just because that moron will steal it.
Isn't it insane I can't draw genie-related images and then not post it because Anime Sultan will steal it?! And even take my signature off?! WHAT KIND OF A FUCKING LOSER IS HE?!

Also, a colleage from work died this week- I found that out yesterday. Damn. He was a nice guy. A bit annoying sometimes, but he was okay.

Anyway, because of all this, I'm going to make a fresh start with my blog. New bright layout, instead of the black.

But if I ever meet you in Real Life Anime Sultan... you can expect a BIG and HARD kick between the legs. Not because of what you did to me, to Demi, or many other artists... but mostly because of what you did to that owner from He is now flamed because of YOU!!!!

Friday, April 16, 2004

I will never ever draw again. Never ever. This is it. I can't take it any more. Another of my drawings appeared on I know the owner is not to blame, but the guy who took my signature off and donated it. If I find that guy, I will surely kill him.
But I can't take it any more. I will never ever draw again.

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

I'm getting such weird dreams lately... First all kinds of kids from my internship appear in all possible forms, and now I had a dream where I was in some kind of jail (what the hell did I actually do wrong?! O.o) and when I was set free, I had to pick if I wanted to be in the red group, or the blue group, otherwise I would get killed.
We weren't allowed to contact anyone at home or so, but I managed to hook up my computer online XD. And what did I do online?! I LOOKED UP AN MP3!!! WTF?! I was taken hostage and I look for mp3?! I'm NUTS!
Gosh my dreams are annoying........

Last Monday it was 2nd Easter Day (in the Netherlands). My parents and I went to the Chinese Restaurant. We go there very often; it's a nice place and there are 2 waitresses (the daughters of the boss) who have an excellent form of humor ^_^. We always laugh our pants off there ^_^.
And then the other guests wonder who that insane family is.....
Anyway, I usually bring a notepad to scribble on along. This time I didn't, but I wanted to draw anyway ^_^. We had paper placemats with a waiter on it. So, I scribbled on him, giving him pigtails (Sasami Style ^_^), decorating his jacket, giving him eyebrows etc etc and in the end it was a girl XD. Then suddenly the boss came; checking out why we were laughing so much (I also made other things on the placemat, like giving the rabbit a basket on his back and writing 'Easter Bunny' with it, or striping away 'Rooster' and writing: Chicken, because roosters can't lay eggs). Suddenly he pulled the placemat underneath my hands and showed his wife! He loved it!
For fun I said: But I'm not done yet!!! So I got him back..... as well as coloured pencils!!! XD. I coloured it, and made a new one on a new placemat as well, and handed it in. He even showed it to other guests XD.
Next time I'm gonna make him a real drawing ^_^

Friday, April 09, 2004

My mom is sick =( Very sick.... I just hope she will be better soon.....

About the mails from the previous post. I heard he doesn't want to talk to me any more, because he thought I was being very unreasonable. Most people tell me just to forget him; he's a wast of my time.

Well, I'm not mad with him. He thinks he's giving me credit; the picture has my sitename and signature on it. But to me, credit is a tad more. A line that says: Made by.... or, maybe a link to my site.

He think that a simple alt code will mess up his site. It's won't. And if he does that, people will respect him even more!! In my opinion anyway. I was giving SUGGESTIONS and he took it as something I had to do from me.

I heard from a friend he doesn't want to talk to me any more. So be it then. I was willing to try and resolve it, but I won't go running after him; 'please love me'. I will try to resolve it a bit later, when he has calmed down and is willing to talk again.

Thanks. I know I messed up, and I have to resolve it myself. I feel so childish to just turn away and then say: 'So be it! You dun like me, you not worth of my attention!'

(The mail to my friend:

Hey *****:
Please don't be sad. i am not mad at you,at ALL. I AM mad at your friend,and i don't want to talk to her anymore,and that's that. I think she was unreasonable. Her piece,the one that was one my site,had her name AND her website on it,and yet she STILL said i didn't give her any "credit".
I have no idea what her concept of the word "credit" is,but it's a lot more than what I am willing to give. She wanted me to ALSO put a link on the page NEXT TO the thumbnail,which would ruin the look of my site. (that was a suggestion from my side, I believe, not something obligated XD)
She wanted me to put special code on her pics. It was going to be a lot of work for me,and clutter up the pic and the site (Alt codes don't clutter up a site XD). It's not worth the time and trouble. So,i took her pics and the ones she claimed to own,off. She wanted me to take yours off,and i said no,not unless YOU told me to,since you sent me stuff before.
het opent.
She wasn't happy about that.
I try to be nice to the artists,and keep their copyrights on the art,but if she doesn't appreciate being on a site that a thousand people see in a month,i can't help her. (Indeed, I don't want to be at a site that doesn't give me a link but does show my art =S)
So,that's that. Her art isn't worth all the trouble she is giving me.
I'm sorry you are upset. I am not mad at you at all,i promise. None of it is your fault. Thank you for all your kind words. )

Thursday, April 08, 2004

Mm... woops. I think I accidentally insulted someone. I thought I was reasonable, but I guess he didn't take it that way...

My mail to him:


I e-mailed my friend already about this, to check it, but I noticed that a lot of his pictures are posted on your page. Problem is, that his signature is removed. It concerns the following pictures, made by Demitri Scaramanga:

There are more of his pictures in your gallery, but they have their signature still on it, and I also believe he gave permission for it. Most of your pictures in your gallery don't give credit to the original artists. If you would look at it legally, your gallery is violating the rights of copyright. I know that sometimes it's hard to give credit, but I advice you to start doing it. You may get into trouble one day if you won't.

Also, I would like to ask you to pull down a picture from your gallery. It's a picture I made, and that was donated by Anime Sultan. It's on page 4 and the adress is ( The reason why I ask you to pull it down, is because I'm not getting any credit at all, and the other reason is Anime Sultan. He has stolen 2 of my pictures (one is that one, the other is only posted at his site) and because of that, I forbid ANYONE to post the picture on ANY site. I know that I once gave permission, but I changed my mind. Also, if someone would find that picture on your site, they will accuse you on thievery, since I stated that no one is allowed to post that picture.

And as a last subject, I heavily advise you to give credit on the following pictures, or to remove them. They are also on page 4.
They belong to Serenay Moon. If you would read the copyrightnotice on the site (, you would find out that they are illegally on your page; no matter if they are donated or not. They don't belong to you but to me, and I did not gave permission to post these. If you give credit (with the site link), they may stay, otherwise you are in violation of copyright.

I hope you understand what I'm trying to say, and, even though it may be hard to believe, I'm mailing you this so you will stay out of trouble. Thank you for your patience and time, and awaiting your answer,

Sincere greetings,
Kitty Ocean

I thought I was being polite... I got a polite reply back anyway:

Hi,how are you? :o)
I know Demitri,he's a good guy and a friend of mine. I will admit that Jer is a REAL problem,and i am going to talk to him. I do not and have NEVER approved of taking copyright information off of images! The artist deserves credit;if he puts his info on his art,i make sure it stays there. If Jer is taking that info off, i will stop accepting submissions from him!
I am keeping the Demetri pics on the site. He has given me permission to use his stuff before,and he donates stuff. If he wants me to take them down i will,once he emails me.
If you want me to pull your art piece down,i will. I am not pulling down the last three pieces you mentioned because i AM "giving credit"...the artists' names are right on the pics!
In conclusion,if you or any other the other artists would like me to put a link on my site to your pages,i would be happy to do so. I would put the links on my link page.
Alexi Razor
P.S. are you Darkkittywannabe on AIM? ;o)

So, since he was nice, I tried to find a solution both would like.

Hi, I'm fine thank you! I hope you are doing fine too.

I'm glad you always try to give credit; there are many people who 'forget' to do that. I would really appreciate it if you would pull my art piece down. I'm glad you understand.

As for the Serenay Moon pictures; yes, the artist's name is on it, but please remember that I own Serenay Moon. Demitri donated those pictures without asking me first. That was a misunderstanding we cleared up. I would really appreciate it if you would post a link near it, because that will avoide future trouble, when Serenay Moon gets for sale. Because, when that happens, if you don't give credit, it's like taking images from Naoko Takeuchi (Sailor Moon) and not giving credit.

And I would hate it if I would have to take legal actions; especially because you are so understanding and co-operative. It's because Serenay Moon WILL get for sale.

I hope we can come to an agreement. I thank you for your patience and understanding. I don't meet people like that often on the net. (Most of the time it is : SHUT UP YOU *****).

I just came up with an other solution. Maybe you could put in the alt="blahblah" code: This picture belongs to Serenay Moon. I guess 60% of the problem is then already solved; what do you think? Besides, Serenay Moon has a genie-related comic online ^_~.

Kitty Ocean
PS. No, I'm not darkkittywannabe- the name sounds familiar though. Isn't that a girl who plays or played in Shadowed Moon?

Quite a resonable solution, right? And I just want to warn him that when Serenay Moon comes for sale, he could get intro trouble, and since he was nice I didn't want that!

His reply:

Fuck this ridiculous shit. I have 3000 images on my site,i can't be bothered to waste my valuable time altering pics so that they have a PARAGRAPH of artists' info on it!! Nor am i going to ruin the look of my site by putting "artist's links near the pics". Please!
So i took your pics down. If you don't want to be on a site that gets 1000 hits per month FINE. Who needs free exposure,right?
I can't believe you threaten my with legal action! My site doesn't make any MONEY,moron!
Goodbye and good riddance,you unreasonable and difficult little child.

Eh........ why the sudden change? Why do I have a feeling he talked to Anime Sultan? I wanted to find a solution together, but appearantly I'm being unreasonable about that.....

My reply then:

Eh...... Why so angry? I thought I was being nice AND reasonable. I thought we could come to an agreement TOGETHER. I'm sorry to have upset you; I apologise. I'm sorry. And I didn't threat you with legal actions, I just told you what may be the consequenses in the very near future. Once again I apologise.
If you didn't want to do that, you could just have told that. Then I would have tried to find another solution.
And yes, I don't want to be on a site that gets 1000 hits a months. Free exposure is nice, but if I don't get any credit, or if people know how to find me, what is the point?

I'm sorry to have upset you, and I even can understand why you insult me by calling names. I don't hold any grudges or so. I thank you for taking my picture down. Again, I apologise; it wasn't my intention to insult you.

I hope you will accept my apologies. Could you tell me what part of the mail you thought was insulting? Then I can learn from my mistakes.

Greetings and apolgies,
Kitty Ocean.

Sometimes people so confuse me. I have the right on my own art, right? Then that should mean I should decide what happen to it, right? I just don't understand it....
In someone else's case... let's take.. Uumie and Blackout. If a picture from Blackout would suddenly get posted on someone else's site, and Uumie would get no credit, wouldn't Uumie want it to be taken down as well?
And what about Acrocat and Deep Blue Eyes? If her art would get posted on someone else's site, and she would get no credit, wouldn't she want it to get taken down too?

And why did he suddenly call names and so? That's what confuses me most; I thought I WAS reasonable... to show I'm willing to find a solution TOGETHER.

People are confusing. Yeah they are.

Monday, April 05, 2004

Today, when I came home from internship, I stumbled on Silke and Esther- 2 girls from my past internship. You know, Silke from the last post? Well, both saw me, and suddenly I had both hanging on me.
Wow... and that for an intern who hasn't been there that long!!

'Hi Miss Kitt!!! You know, you left really soon. Why don't you come visit us one day?'

'Eh... I don't think your teachers will approve that.'

'Why not?'

'You will have to ask them that yourselves.'

I couldn't tell them their teachers hate me, think I'm a sucky teacher, and that they don't want me there any more. That would be not so nice from me XD. It's like saying to you your mother is not nice and all XD (JUST AN EXAMPLE!)

Saturday, April 03, 2004

I've been to Uumie's yesterday. She showed me Final Fantasy IX. I'm a sucker for romance *sniffs* Very pretty game though.
And eh... she showed me lots of art and stuff I cannot tell *zips mouth shut*

And I can't believe it... XD Dougurasu actually send me a postcard XD.

Rare event!!

This event happened today, and dates back to my internship where I was kicked out. There was a girl in that class, and I thought I didn't have a bond with that kid. That she didn't like me that much. Today I went to swimming lessons again (I sometimes give them on the saterday morning) and I saw her... with a big smile on her face.
Me: Hey Silke!
Silke: *having a huge smile on her face*
Silke's mom: It really is you! She already pointed: Look look! It's Miss Kitt! You know, she really had to cry when you left from that internship. She so hated that. And she's so happy to see you again!!
Me: *stunned*

I thought she didn't like me! Turns out she even CRIED because I had to leave! EAT THAT YOU ^T&*%(*&%( SCHOOL; who said I couldn't bond with ANY of the childeren. ('At least WE have a bond with them- we know EXACTLY how to interact with them!'- suuuuuuuure).
If Silke missed me, I bet more kids missed me!

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Isn't it strange how landing back into reality can make you feel so upset? I'm sad, and dissappointed, just because I found out that one of my close friends is human... How I hate boys who thrive on hormones, and ask: 'So, who's the guy?' when it's actually a girl and one of my other close friends...

Maybe this doesn't make sense to you, but landing back into reality is not nice... I just hope he will return to his 'usual' shy and respecting ways soon... I hate feeling like this; feeling hurt just because he's being a guy and that doesn't fit into my ideal picture of him....

I'm just childish I guess...

Sunday, March 28, 2004

Uumie came. Togepi came. And I can't remember a day that has been so timeless and so perfect. Life should be like those 24 hours that we spend together. Honestly.
It was the greatest gift I could get. And to top it, I got a drawing book from Japan! Thanks Togepi! And, both Uumie and Togepi checked my Anime and Manga project from school (for which I got an A+; yay me!) The information was correct, but the spelling...... NEXT SUBJECT! ^_^'.
Anyway, how it all began...
In the beginning, there was nothing, nothing whatsoever - Mm, is this gonna be a Stumperman Clone? - Shut up, I'm telling the story! - Eh, no you're not, I'm taking over! ARR! I commondere this blog!
2 pm. Was on the station and time was actually going quite fast for once XD. I spotted Togepi soon and almost kocked her over when I jumped her XD. Not much later I spotted Uumie, and I was more careful then XD. We ate ice cream- yeah ^_^
Then we went to my place, and talked. And talked. And then I believe we went to my computer to show them the Anime and Manga project I made. Gosh, it started: 'Ooh cool!' and then: 'Hey, you misspelled this! And that! And that! EDIT!'. But, it was all very funny! Corrections were made, and Uumie and I got some extra explanation on Japanese... stuff ^_^.
20.30 Went down, ate pizza while watching Pirates of the Carrabian! WOOHOO! It STILL rocks!
23.00 We kinda prepared our beds. Then I asked them if I should tell a story, and they wanted one. It was supposed to be a scary one, but we laughed like hell. C'mon, HARRY POTTER was in it! That makes it scary, but also VERY funny XD. Uumie then made a second part, and Togepi finished.
I don't know if I've actually slept, but Togepi and I traded beds because she couldn't sleep in that bed. I kinda did manage to sleep there ^_^.
The next morning we got up early and Togepi showed lots of photo's and art she made in Japan. COOOL! Then we finished the CD's I promised the burn, and my dad drove us to the Station.
OO, before I forgot, Uumie and Togepi selected some pencils from my pencil collection ^_^. I have WAY too many. Not from the ones I got from my b-day though; proffesional pencils. And they loved it ^_^
Anyway, I dropped them off the train and went home.
I can't really describe our days together... because it was unbelievable, undescribable.... perfect.

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Okay.....I keep on forgetting I have this blog XD. I think I have way too much on my hands.
B-day was nice- also celebrated it with the kids from my internship. Got lots of chocolate! And, a little boy made a drawing for me, but never gave it to me, he just added it to the pile of my presents ^_^. Awe, how cute!
Today, I skipped English for Swimming ^_^' BAD me! But come on! It was either telling in English why I decided to become a teacher, or to give swimming lessons.... I don't remember why I became a teacher O.o! So, I gave swimming lessons and a mom stepped at me:
Mother: I heard you failed that Swimming Teacher Course. Why? Because you are too strict?! You want me to write a letter; because that is NOT true!!
And her son said that too XD. Cool huh?
What more? Eh.......... Rocket Stevo rules, Demitri Scaramanga rules, Uumie rules, Dougurasu rules.... eh... and many more peeps XD

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

I'm at school now. It sounds odd, or maybe even whiney, but I could really use a hug right now. I'm not sure why... I just want one. From someone who cares a lot about me... and I'm serious about it too!
Last week was internshipweek. Darn those kids were jumpy! I couldn't control them T_T. I try so hard and so hard... but they were just too excited!!! ANyway, also had a meeting with my councelors and all blahblah blah. And to be short: I'll hear the end of the year if I get my points or not. So, that means, I hear the end of the year if I have to quit school or not.... oh.... great. And then they try to cheer everyone up with: Oh, don't worry! 15% of the school gets their diploma the first try!!

Okay........ if it just me, or does that tell a LOT about the school, and not about the students?

And, saterday and sunday it was that time again..... headache that can be compaired with getting a lamppost on your head, feeling hot and cold at the same time... sleepy.... Yup! Kitty Ocean had het 2 year annual illness!
Monday I still had some loss of hearing, but I'm okay now. Just hungry and in need of something to drink though XD.

Project week this week. I tripped over a great group. We're almost done! S-chan saw I was browsing and she so loved my art blahblah blah XD I'm kind used of it that peeps on my school love how I draw. They all start with:
"Why don't you do something in the cartoon business? You shouldn't let it get to waste!!"
Oh, I won't. I will become a writer and make my own drawings ^_^. Anyway, S-chan almost begged for the calendar so I printed one out for her. The class drooled over it again this morning XD
She also requested if she could get a copy of a drawing I made for school last year; the asignment was to make a cover for a book. Mine was called 'I am a Witch'- I will make story for it this summer- I hope anyway XD. Anyway, she said she would post it above her bed XD She's 20! Maybe even 21! I thought I was the only nutcrack who did that.........

But anyway, that's how my life has been. I hope to give you some news about an Anime and Manga project I made for school soon. I really love how it turned out.

BUT FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FRIDAY! WOOHOO! *does a boogie* Old Friends from High School for my b-day!!! YAY! Saterday: Family! WOOHOOO! Okay, except for that *insert ugly words* They made my mom cry! They blamed her for the ENTIRE fight while she did NOTHING!
Sunday: Being home alone, homework on my b-day XD Poor me.........
And then Monday: Celebrating b-day with internship
Then that Saterday and Sunday. I know Togepi will come..... Gotta call my sister for a detail about that day...... And maybe Uumie can come too!!!! *prays*

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Haven't forgotten about you. Just too **** busy to blog =(.

Last news:

- Turns out the group doesn't want me to leave- WAI! Things turned out well!
- This vacation I managed to finish 2 big reports. If graded well, I will get 4 points! Yay me!
- I started 2 other big reports. One needs to be finished quite soon, for the other I won't make the deadline so time enough.
- DA moved all my art to Digital Art thus I need to move it all. Takes waaaay too much time T_T
- Today I finished 1 group report.
- Next week I'll have an entire week of internship. I will do a project then, with as result I will be able to finish one more project.
- I STILL need to finish my science project, which is due soon. I hope I will do that tomorrow.
- I also started my own business; yay me and I'll give you a link as soon as my page is customised.
- My brain is now one big swiss cheese, but it turns out 60% of my classmates have the same. We are just so done with this school XD
- Oh yeah, I HATE this!!! School till 8 pm T_T

Monday, February 23, 2004

You'd think I would be happy, but I'm not. I'm heavily considering to stop Shadowed Moon, the RPG I am in now. 70 mails a day; checking it 3 times... I can't keep up with it. I should be happy....but I'm not.

You'd think I would be angry, but I'm not. I've been in that RPG for almost a year, and one of the 3 players that always stayed active. But, they don't even LISTEN to my plea of please slow down! You would think they would say at least: 'we'll try', but no, they won't even try. It seems like they don't even WANT me there! I feel like I did so much for them, and that they stab me in the back now. I thought they wanted me there!

You'd think I would be sad, well, I am. I'm almost crying. I want to stay in that group, but I can't keep up. They keep on playing on while they KNOW I'm asleep. I can't help it most of them are American! I always tried to keep the time difference in mind; why can't they?
Why won't they even try to let me stay? It's a Role Playing GROUP- and right now I'm feeling kicked out of that group. Like I never belonged there.

So I guess it's best that I quit that group. If they care so little about me, and I can't keep up, why should I stay? Please, give me a reason to stay!
I can't see a reason, yet... why do I feel so sad then?

Saturday, February 21, 2004

Oh, this is so annoying. I just finished answering all the mails from an RPG group I'm in, and now, just 1 hour later, I have 20 new mails! What's with these people?! They are really nice, so don't get me wrong but DUDE; they seem to be online 24/7! Seriously!
In the morning, I quickly read around 20-30 messages. I reply to those who needed to be replied to. Then I rush to school.
After 2 hours of class, I usually check my e-mail again. Because I know I have to... Because I then have between 10-20 NEW e-mails!
When I come home again, around dinner time usually, I find another 20-30 mails in my inbox. I have to check my inbox at least 3 times a day to keep up with these... *counts* 4 or 5 other people!
And then, when I'm done replying- BAM; 10 more within the hour.
I must be the only one of them who goes to school and who sleeps O.o. Otherwise I can't find an explanation why the others manage to reply when I'm just done replying ALL THE 3 TIMES!
And since most are American, they even manage to reply during midnight...
I like this group, but it's really getting out of hand...

Other news:
Vacation has started, as well as throwing myself on my reports. I'm over halfway the 1st (out of 5), and will finish it tomorrow. One problem though. The teacher said I would need around 15 pages for each assignment. Eh... I'm now at 23.... O.o I typed so much! I just hope I typed something that made sense!!

I'm thinking about that if this vacation goes well (some will know what I mean), that I will go to California next year (or maybe the year after). Not certain though. Money is one issue, finding a place to stay a second one. Third issue is that I do NOT want to go alone.
Before people go yelling; don't invite yourself. I hate people who invite themselves ^_^/ XD.
Anyway, I have my eye on someone who I'd wish to go along but then... first issue is that she has to be allowed to go (which is already tricky enough O.o) and the second is money. Oh yeah, and she has to WANT to go as well XD Always handy.

More news? No... I guess. I'm really tired. XD I'm gonna draw tonight. I have a cool idea; featuring Liberty and Courage twice!! ^_^. If it works out anyway.

Thursday, February 19, 2004

Hi guys, it's me! Missed me?

Anyway, a kinda week report.

Internship. Had fun and it went kinda well. The children are supposed to learn a song for friday, and I know that song. It's a cute happy song!!! Too bad I have bad memories with them XD The music teacher that taught me that song is INSANE XD. But, then again, who at my school is NOT insane?
Anyway, when I went home, I was the only one in the bus! I talked to the busdriver, and that was okay, but wow... it's NOT okay to read a book while you drive!! I didn't feel really safe.

Internship again. I wanted to tell you something funny about it, but I can't tell it here because some people might read this and then tell that to my mentor and all XD And then I'm in deep shit!!Anyway, it was okay again, copied a LOT for school and blah blah blah. When I came home I typed out 2 thingies (not much work), and the next day I found out that one thing wasn't due till somewhere else this week XD.

Can you describe: hell? Because I've been there. Oh, the classes were okay and all (can't seem to remember what I did XD) but afterwards I had a class called English Skills; some sort of class I picked. Hell thing about it: I was done with my classes at 2.30 om, and that class wouldn't start till 6.30 pm!! And the computer room was open till 5 pm! POOOOOOOOR me!!
I started a big report, and I came quite... well, not so far XD. I also got an e-mail from one of the computer teachers, if I'm intrested in attending some fair or so in Groningen. Today I said yes to her, and now it's waiting if there is still room for me or not XD. If there is, I'll be gone next monday till wednesday. Yay... again no swimming... BUT, I get a credit/ point and all I have to do is attending it and make a report! So YES PLEASE!
Okay, then the computer room closed. I was stuck with Anne. Later a guy from class joined and oh my gosh... ANNE!! HOW COULD YOU! If he was starting about it himself it's okay, but Anne simply kept on asking about his ex-girlfriend who he loved so much, but that she couldn't see him as a boyfriend and all. So, broken relation and he was sad... and Anne kept on asking and asking! Nosy girl! She's the gossip kind of girl. And when the subject changes to her: Oh, I don't want to talk about that!! And, she's very dominant as well (Anne: I'm not dominant at all!!). And when that guy said his opinion about something, she simply stated: Well, I don't think it's meant to be that way. EXCUSE ME?! Having a differt opinion is okay, but not stating someone else sees it wrong!

And then, FINALLY English Skillz. To me the teacher had an Irish, English and American accent in one. To the rest of the class he had a Dutch Accent. (Balkenende English, but then only using English words). He thought Kim was a guy's name!!! EXCUSE ME?! Okay, I know Kim is also a guy's name, but he honestly thought I was a guy! How many guys in my school are named Kim?! NONE!
He also looked very .... yucky. Okay, I know I'm not the top of hygiene, but he looked... he kinda gave me the creeps and made me feel sick. He handed out the assignment and then we had to do a test on the internet.

Time given: from 7 pm to 8 pm (kinda). Most people need 2 hours.
Time used: 30 minutes

It was FREAKINGLY HARD! It was testing your English Skills!! (Lazy bum! He could do that himself but nooooooo, he needed to let a COMPUTER test us). The English used was VERY advanced!

Anyway, I got 70%! 88 out of 125 questions right! Yay me! It's on
for those who want to do it as well. It's LONG, ANNOYING and HARD!
Just don't do it if you go by the name of Uumie or Cat. Because I just know they will get a way higher score XD.
I saved the last assignment, so if anyone wishes to read that, they can.

Sunday, February 15, 2004

My reply to the replies of the previous entries, because I couldn't comment XD
'And yet you called it 'cool' Uum XD. But even I'm entitled of a bad mood every now and then.
And thanks for the hug Sol!'
I hate Valentine's Day. I'm so happy that hell is over now. People who talked to me online yesterday noticed I'm not always a happy bouncy girl. I can't recall the last day I had such a bad temper.
Oh, Valentine's Day was not the only thing to give me a bad mood. Several other things caused it as well. Annoying people who were spamming me on the MSN for example.

Thursday, February 12, 2004

Hiya all! Just me again. ..... Why are you running away?
So, in no particular order: things I wanted to share.

My school-counselor-thingie; as well as my mentor now both whine about me getting a therapist. They now officially used those words. My father wanted to talk to my councelor; asking her why it was necersairy and telling her that the doctor doesn't think it's needed.
As for the result; appearantly my mentor is still afraid of letting me talk to other teachers. Nani?! Excuse me?! Pardon me?! AGAIN a person has given me a false feeling. AGAIN someone who acts nice, and who I feels safe with, and then it turns out she's not letting me talk to other teachers; worried I will make mistakes by saying the wrong things.
But, I mustn't forget my mentor has private problems that ask a lot from her. And I understand that. Her situation is rough.

Today I saw J-guy again; sure has been a while! We spend the day together, and I showed him a secret project. He was really impressed of those 5 minutes XD. I also showed him a short Anime episode, and he said it was not entirely his style. I said that was okay, and after all, that was a GIRL's anime! (Sailor Moon Super S Ami's 1st love) ^_^. He does know a bit more about it now though.

And, my head is one big bowl of spagethi! Yesterday:
Me: What?! We have workshops you had to sign in for?! WHEN?! And I thought we had 3 hours off! Oh wait... that's TOMORROW's scedule. (I managed to sign in for 2 workshops though XD Just in time!)
Me: We only have 2 hours? What about that 7th period then? That's a workshop? I haven't signed in for that one... so that means we only have 2 hours today?

At least I know for certain I have the day off tomorrow!!!!!

Saturday, February 07, 2004

Okay, think with me guys.

I got my grade back from that final I started out studying way too late for. This is what happened:

For the first final this year I studied a LOT. I got a 9 out of 10. High Grade.

For the second test this year I studied too little (the last one). I got a 7 out of 10. 1 point above average (6; the grade I need to pass).

I have one more final coming up this year. Now... who can predict how much motivation I have to start studying early????

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Hiya all!

*singing* Pirates, pirates... lalalala
Okay, I'm at school now. The worst project has just begun. 'Design an educative WEEK for an ENTIRE elementary school with your team'.
All right... eh... my entire team agreed: This was a nice concept, but in reality the most shitty assignment ever. We don't even know each other; how are we supposed to work together?! Well... that already united us ^_^. And we agree on a lot with each other. Concept thus far: Knights and Castles (Medieval time).
What more to tell? Well, each monday and tuesday I will have internship from now on. I gave maths yesterday. And the kids knew what to do! Yay me! But... the teacher told me that they only knew what to do, and that it wasn't interactive enough. But... they had to do it on their own! I just had to explain the exercises and put them to work T_T. She also sounded a bit cranky. I know she has some trouble at home and one of the kids of the class is also causing trouble but... WHY DID SHE WHINE AGAIN ABOUT ME GETTING HELP?!
I'm getting my life back on track and then she wants me to talk about it to a professional person and mess things up again! No sense! That makes no sense! Besides, what would be the use if I think I don't NEED help?

Warning: I'm gonna ramble very cryptic now. Because I can't spoil it and yet I wish to talk about it.
I've been spriting again. Sprites that won't appear on the site. A different kind of sprites. And I need to make LOTS of it. And I like that! Dougurasu-kun is also very nice and patient with me ^_^. I can be a pain to work with if it's about Serenay Moon or Forever Young- heck I can always be a pain to work with ^_^. Just ask Demi how much of a pain I can be XD.
Anyway, I'm almost done with the girls of Derak's gang; then I would have to make up the boys. After that I will make more random people and after that the characters again. Random people are important! Yup yup!