Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Old loves never die.
These are my fav. Pokémon (and the custom image just screamed Kitt, ne?) Ditto is the last one, because that's all pokémon in one... and trust me... I'd train it on a very special way!!! And so many male pokémon... wow.... me and guy pokémon XD I always thought I only wanted female ones... and duh, Togepi is in there :) Togepi all the way!!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

"Awesome wonderful necklace!"

"With awesome cool sounds!"
[picture of child with textballoon] "Awesome!"

"Awesome offer, only with this amazing pan set!"

I'm so glad everyone is spelling it out for me. All those awesome oppertunities and things I could miss!!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

This was the worst night ever...

In the Netherlands, you have to have light on your bike; especially now since politics are all *grawl* about it. Luckily, I always have a white (front) and red (back) light portable. I attach the white one on my bike.... >CRACK<.... white light on the floor... with the hook still on my bike.
Oh wait, I always carry a spare.... red.... light.... CRUD! So, I'm behind a POLICEstation.... with TWO red lights on my bike. And the white one in my hand.
I KNOW, I know I confused the heck out of traffic, but at least I wore light.
I was incredibly lucky I didn't meet any police on the way...

And second... white I easily apologise... and while I'm most worried if people think I'm nice... I am NOT going to apologise for something I DID NOT DO! I've dealt with quite my share of impoliteness... but to accuse me of being rude while I wasn't even present?! No way. No way.

I've accepted a lot. I accepted customers to throw swearing words at me. I let my internship play me completely. I allowed my school to add another year to my college. All without fights. But not this one. NOT.THIS.ONE!

Don't ever dare to say me I'm rude and impolite. Tuesday I got a Customer Service Degree.
And I scored VERY HIGH on patience and politeness.

So don't you dare.... don't you dare...

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

What is it, national telephone telemarketing night?!

Call 1:

Lady: Hello, with blabla from blabla. I assume I'm speaking with the wife of Mr. Ocean?
Me: ...I sincerely hope not!
Lady: Huh?
Me: Because that would mean I would be married to my dad!

Hello?! What the heck happened to:

Lady: Am I speaking to Ms. Ocean?
Me: Which one?
Lady: J. Ocean
Me: ...That's my dad....

So from confusing my dad with the wrong gender they suddenly make assumptions. Hello??! What the heck is going on?! Rule number 1: NEVER make assumptions. That's just common sense!

And, the next one (5 minutes later!! seriously!):

Lady: Hello, with blablatoofastformetohear from toofasttorecogniseaswell, I assume you are below the age of 69?
Me:... Yes... and what is that for a question?!
Lady: *high speed* We are doing a survey *couldn't hear of what* from resident doctors *again going too fast* and we would like to send you a folder free of charge, can we send you that?
Me: No, not when it goes like this.
Lady: But it's free of charge!
Me: Not when it's practically shoved into my face, I--
Lady: *interrupting; said in one breath* I do apologise for that *going too fast again* but can I still send you the folder?
Me: No, not when it--
Lady: *interrupting again; said in one breath* Then I wish you a pleasant evening bye.

About 75 rules of etiquette were broken in this one conversation! Target anyone?! Wanting to go home or so?! Even though I'm not an outbound telephone person (helpdesk; that's inbound, people call me and I assist them), even we have the '10 golden rules of telemarketing' on our screen.
I should have kept that twit on the phone and demanded she would let me finish my words. Impolite brat.

Friday, October 05, 2007

Note to self: Do not start writing complicated things when you are not fully rested. The result is an extremely psychological and philosofical piece, which you, the writer, half don't understand yourself.
Also, stop making it a Person B moment, if you planned it to be an Person A moment.

I swear, Rain gets way too little 'personal screentime'. Half the time it gets swallowed by Kai, the other half by Naraku. ¬¬. I'm starting to think a few characters will become more like: "the ones who are there, but not that important any more."

Kinda like the supporting cast of the supporting cast. Sometimes they shine out, but usually that moment is so small, it hardly gets noticed. I have a few characters like that... wait, correcting...

hold on... it finally means... I have 1 main character? Wow... I managed to get a story with one main character?

But I doubt if my last chapter is understandable enough... All magic is evil, unless it's done by nature. Because every spell upsets the balance of nature... so technically all magic is bad... and yet it brings good to the world...

You still following me? XD

Thursday, September 20, 2007

It's almost that day... just a week left! Just one week left and my sister will return home for one day... to get picked up by her soon-to-be husband the next day! I'm so excited! I wonder how she will look.... I wonder how he will look... I bet he'll look great... and I bet she'll look awesome!!

Anyway, I thought it was time for a new blog. I'm amazed I already blogged this month XD. My dad started translating my book :) So we hope to publish it in Dutch next April! Woohoo! My boss also got a baby-girl; so cute! When he talks about her... I can just feel his enthusiasm, his pride... his I'm-a-daddy-now!

Today I updated both my Novel's site (Forever Young) and my Serenay Moon website :). I hope to do the Tsunami page this weekend as well! I have a lot of new stuff now; thanks to a certain Massive Book Sale XD. I love books!!

Oh yeah, and my book is selling slowly, but steadily. It's not like I can't get rid of them; they are selling. Not HP7-fast, but hey, I'm an unknown author =D Give me some credit! Already 44 books are printed and spreaded worldwide! Even in Namibie!

I'm so not kidding XD My town needed a gift for it's sister town in Namibie... so they gave two of my books! One donated by me, the other by a politician. My book is now in AFRICA! Woohoo!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

I dreamed I lived on an island, and that gorilla like commandos would take over my home... if they had a chance. Since I was considered a kid, I was forced to hide with the old people. Somehow, we lost the war, because when I came out of my hiding place, those commandos (looking more human now) had taken over the place. But I was somewhat a rebel...
Amd I returned to High School again in my dream. It still looked like I remembered... while the place has been put upside down in reality! Haven't seen it yet though.

I dream again, and I recall some of the dreams as well. Has been a while since that....

Monday, August 20, 2007

Muahaha! I'm a Customer's Service WORST nightmare! Why?! Because I'm a Customer Service Employee myself! I know exactly how to recognise people who don't care a shit about what they do, I can ask exactly the right questions.... AND I can twist their words so they realise WHAT they just said! Oh, but I never twist them so that I pick out the opposite.

Her: "Yes, you need to pay that to registrate your dog in a foreign country."
Me: "But they already registered their dog there... Paid and all."
Her: "No, you can't register without that (piece of paper you will get)"
Me: "I understand that, that's perfectly clear. You need that to register your dog... thing is... they already registered it! So, if you need that paper, than how can they already register their dog, if they don't have it?"
Her: ".... It's not the Netherlands!"

Yes, AND?! I also asked a simply question: "Is this the last bill we will get, or will we get any more surprises?"

Her: ".... I can only see it for this dog.... and yes, this is the last one."

And saying that Belgium is not the Netherlands is a big DUH, but still the weakest attempt to get rid of ME XD. Sure, I'll pay. It's not my bill, but I'll pay. Not that much of an amount. But talking to people like that....

And later on I talked to the receptionist about how we were treated into the past. She did resolve to the "But we have our guidelines" once, which was a minimal sign of panic. You only refer to that if you don't know what else to say. It's a defense. But I easied her by telling her that rules simply exist and we accept that... it's the thing AROUND it! Customer Service means something and while the employees we met haven't heard of it (except for this Receptionist! Second one who treated us with respect!).... it still exists...

And moments like that make me feel awesome! I love my work. It gave me so much experience that I know how to be a total pain on the phone XD If needed though. I have two sides:

1. For the people I have a simple question to, or the places who treated me with respect: "Ultra nice and not wanting to be a boather."

2. For the people who act like uptight pricks and think they are above me: "Switching Roles Mode; combined with an Ultra Polite and Correct Attack!"

Most services fall into category 1. Thus far only 1 organisation falls under category 2.


  • Last Thursday there was no one in charge at work (due to illnesses etc). They asked ME to be in charge! I was so honoured!! Plus I did okay-ish for a first time :) No mayor issues :) We're pretty independent :) (Downside: I heard NOTHING about it the next day and eventually had to ask my superior: Any questions about last evening?. But hey, we're all busy. Would have been nice though...)
  • I'm waiting for my second shipment of books. Aaaah! I need them! People want my book and I don't have any left T_T. I hope they come this week...
  • They selected a group of people who will answer one kind of questions at work. This kind is the one send through the most often (appearantly...) and I'm IN that selected group! I'm so HONOURED!
  • Even though I don't get paid more for my specialised jobs (ones mentioned above), I do feel good about it. After all... THEY TRUST ME!!

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Waaah! T_T I burned my finger! On stupid flippin sticky RICE! I now have a burn spot on my finger that is like, .... actually the shape of a piece of rice XD. Seriously.

When was the last time I was actually injured?? I can't even recall... Well, there was that time during my last internship, which is now a year ago... I fell from the stairs. Couldn't walk and all for quite some time. Nothing broken, just sprained. Was up and walking in 3 days, up and running in 3 weeks or so.
And before that? Oh yeah... that stupid incident...

Dog A, still on a leash, goes left and then decides to run back... around my feet, going right! Dog B, on the other hand, still on a leash, decides to first go right and then left! Mom, who was holding both leashes, sees how the leashes go around my legs and decides to let go. The leashes decided it was fun to follow the dogs, causing a scar on the back of my legs; on the same height XD What a stupid way to get a scar...
Maybe I fell from the stairs during that vacation as well. I guess so. Couldn't walk for a few days, but was up when we came home from vacation. I could already limp during the last 3 days (I fell, like, 4 days before we left XD
Me: (after falling) Dad, I think I need some help here (ausch, autsch, trying not to cry and scream if pain)
Dad: (misunderstanding the text and goes to the neighbours) You need any help here?
Neighbour: No, I think something had fallen in your caravan.
Dad: Oh... Hey Kitt, they don't need any help!
Me: No, but I DO!)

And the vacation before that? Dog thought I was going after her ball so she leaped at it. I was simply passing through there XD Dog's nail in foot = autsch XD

I'm not that often physically hurt. And those sprained ankles were the worst things I ever had... so I'm pretty lucky ^_^

But to get a burn wound the shape of 1 grain of rice... BECAUSE OF 1 STICKY GRAIN OF RICE... is just plain STUPID XD

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Go visit this gallery if you have a chance ^_^

The things you should not do...

  • Do not complain about a co-worker through the phone to another co-worker. Especially not if you are praising the one you are talking to and are not 100% certain it's not the same woman... (Shall I tell him? Shall I tell him not? Choices, choices, choices)
  • Do not set a date you want to have a refund and do not demand money when that time is not met. Especially not if you are not 100% it had not been refunded 2 days before the day you have set... (How to break the news quietly...)
  • Do not point fingers when it's obvious you ordered the wrong thing (Things do not magically change into something else!)
  • Do not, and I repeat, do not go crazy about a book. Yes, I know you've been waiting for it and that you're most anxious to read it... but it's a BOOK! The world won't end if you read it on monday instead of saturday. (I heard good reviews about it, but still... it's a BOOK!)
  • Also, do not blame the store if it's obvious the courier made the decision to postpone the delivery.
  • Do not say things like: "I have nothing to do with your courier services; I made a deal with you!". When you make a deal, especially with internet stores, the delivery is included. When we hand things over, it's simply out of our hands.
  • Do not think you are all high and mighty and do not point out what is wrong with that person if you know him less than 5 minutes. While the reply might be kind, trust me, whatever is being said, it's not well meant (try to THINK for a change!)
  • Do not ask a person: "Not to be rude or so... but what the heck do you even write a book!?", especially if you own hobbies are not the most sane in the world. (I have nothing against different styles and humans, but I have something against people who dress like they have been run over by a lawnmower and then think I'm crazy for following my dream....)
  • Do not critise me when you don't know me (woohoo! personal point! I mean: "I think cream would look great on you and blue is soooo not you!", while blue is my fav colour and I'm quite pale. Not to forget: don't touch my stories of art. You may give constructive feedback, but critisising is a big no-no)
  • Do not make annoying lists like these. Think; nobody will even read this to the bottom! And if people do read it, give them a compliment. A brain and patience; a rare combination.

Monday, July 16, 2007

So you hate me...

I wonder why....

Could it be, because I'm independant? That I think for myself and try to be unique? That I'm not a mind slave?


Could it be... that I completed the study... you failed in your past?

So no wonder he/she (from last post) hates me... He/she always hoped I'd be a failure... so he/she could look into the mirror!

Well missy/brotha.... I'm no mirror.

On other news:

Weather... why not just rain as a whole? We had thunder, the moist level is high enough to swim through the air... Just let it all out of your system... it's okay! =D It's okay to rain! Rain is fun!
(Moist enviroment and hot sun... is not)

Sunday, July 15, 2007

You know what sucks most? If someone starts a fight with YOU, totally uncalled for (not that I am a saint; I did make a mistake, but going all WAAHBOOHOOYOUNEVERTHINKABOUTOTHERSBUTYOURSELF-hangsupphone-* was totally uncalled for) and then in the end, you can't get it off your chest... at all! Not even in this blog, because there's a chance that person will read it!

Yes, I made a mistake
But I'm starting to see why that person has neighbour issues....

If this person thinks I'm selfish... then he/she will see selfish when my book gets popular. I will invite a LOT of people to my book parties.... but not him/her! I'm the trash of the family now? Then they won't have to expect a smile when they want to ride along on my success and work...

I called to my mom about it and did get a lecture (unexpected, but still, she can lecture me because she's my MOM)... but she said 3 more words before she hung up... 3 words...

"I love you."

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Scenario: Mail Deliverer Job

Me: Good day Miss.

Old lady: Good day. Do you have any mail for my husband? You see, it's his birthday today and he is quite anxious for cards. ^_~

Me: Oh, congratulations mister!

Old man: Thank you. I reached 60 today!

Random old lady: Hey, you should congratulate HER!

Me: Huh?

Random old lady: Yes, I saw you in the newspaper. Congratulations with your first book; and in English too! I said to my husband: Look, that's our maildeliverer!

I'm so not kidding. Sure, this was the short version, but still... A second old lady recognised me too; and said she finally knew my name after all these years I delivered her mail ^_^

You can find the newspaper article here. (Alas, Dutch only T_T)

Friday, June 29, 2007

I had a dream last night. For the first time in weeks, months, or maybe even a year or so, I was sad to wake up... because it was such a cool dream! It was like I was playing in a Spy Movie, and some people I know were also playing a part. Some of the girls I can't recall, but two guys... well, I think those guys are really cool. They probably think I'm plain nice, but they don't know how much I look up to them *blushes*.

ANYWAY, the dream... Btw, some collegues or mine think blogging is for people without a life. Well, I never had one, so I can blog!!

It kinda started in the middle of it all. Just walking into a building, finding out something is wrong and when wanting to investigate it, enemies suddenly attacked us. One of the gyus I look up to was on the enemy's side.
Somehow I was the only one who managed to escape, and turned around a corner. A girl yelled at me, but she had really weird hair, so somehow I thought she was a dog so I ordered her to sit down or so. But when I realised she was a girl, I apologised and explained... in FRENCH!! Last time I honestly spoke French was last year. And my French is baaad. Not in my dream; in my dream it was okayish.
So, I escaped, but stupid me wanted to return and help my friends. Why? Why do I keep on being so stupid? So I returned, and found out all were brainwashed.
So, what happens to a girl in enemy territory? Well, of course I was captured and they tried to brainwash me too. Only problem was that they had to 'install' some sort of list with questions or it to succeed... and one question didn't want to get installed! The question was: "Is *enemy cool guy* ever going to be nice?" (Note: Cool guy IS nice; we just fool around a lot XP)
Somehow, that one question caused a huge error in my brain, causing me to very ill. Someone even called me a Female Micheal Jackson (What the??! Where did THAT come from?! I don't even care about the guy!); I looked that bad appearantly to that person.
The second cool guy came to rescue me, overhearing they wanted to kill me, but how no idea how to help me now my brain had been messed up like that.
The door opened...

AND I WOKE UP AGAIN T_T Aah! Now I don't know how it ends! I want to know how it ends!

And why the heck did those 2 guys appear XD? Oi.

But at least it was a cool dream. I hope it will continue tonight XD

Monday, June 18, 2007

Customer Service by phone... how lovely...

Customer Service Employee: I'm sorry sir, I'm afraid I didn't understand the question... do you want me to send you the information about your account?


Customer: Are you even Dutch??!

Customer Service Employee: .... Yes, I am, and I do not appreciate such remarks, sir!

Customer: *without listening* I want you to do *this and that!*

Customer Service Employee: I'm sorry sir, that is something I cannot do. I can only send your password to the e-mail you registered with, not some random e-mailadress.

Customer: Well, I see *name of company* doesn't want to sell! Good day! *hangs up*

Guess which of the 2 I was! Honestly, never before had I been insulted on this way. I have a flipping Dutch first name, with a flipping Dutch surname, and speak Dutch without any noticeable accent! And you ask me if I'm even Dutch just because YOU can't phrase a question right??!

What an ass. Even my teamleader agreed on that. What an ass. And most likely a racist as well; I mean, what kind of a question was THAT?! I didn't understood something, so that must mean I'm not Dutch which must mean I''m stupid? HELLO??! What kind of crap is THAT?!

My collegues even said I should have called him back, to make clear that he should show some respect to humans in general! I may be a Customer Service Employee, but that doesn't mean you are allowed to treat me like crap!

I hope all his orders get cancelled due to the fact he's an ass. Because that's what he was.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Some things come totally unexpected. Last night, close to midnight, we got a call. From my mother. She called to say that one of our dogs had collapsed on the field, right before they wanted to go home.

At this moment, we have 8 dogs in our house.

4 of them are puppies; 51 days old
Then you have the puppies' mother; around 4 years or so
Then you have the dog who collapsed; 8 years old
Then you have our oldest dog; who is around 12 years old
And then you have the dog from the neighbours who is staying over because otherwise he had no place to go because his family is on a vacation (happens about twice a year).

You would expect the 12 year old dog to collapse; not the 8 year old. My mom was calm, but most worried. This dog has a somewhat defective heart...thingie. A heart murmer thingie or so.
So, my dad was asked to call the vet, which he did. He was redirected and finally got an assistant. She asked us to first check a few things, and if there was any problem, we could call again.

- Did she drink enough? (it was quite warm that day)
- Isn't she overheated?
- You said she had an infection and had gotten medicine, maybe she is sick of that.
- When you put her onto her paws, does she sink away, or does she keep on standing?
- When she gets home, see how she will act in this familiar enviroment.
- Check her gum; is it nice and pinkish?
- See if she wants to drink.

So, my mom came home and called to see if she could go to the vet. My dad informed her that the assistant asked her to check how she acts in home. So, my mom picked up up, carried her to the door... but had to put her down because she had to take the key. The door opened... and our dog simply walked inside the house, the room, happy as ever and went to take a drink.

We were totally stunned! There seemed nothing wrong any more! Of course, then you get the typical worried reaction: "What the heck is she doing now?! I thought she was sick!"

Well, she most likely was. It may have been a combination of things; the heat, maybe too little to drink, the medicin, her defective heart (niet goed afsluitende hartklep), things like that...

Mom took her to the vet today and she made an appointment for an echo next monday. Maybe her heart condition has worsened a bit. She did not only scare my mom, my dad, or me, but also the dog club my mom was when it happened! One of the people who saw it called and asked for my mom. "She's not home? Oh, I wanted to see how Holly was doing."
I informed her, but told her my mom could be more clear.

So yeah, little sleep tonight XD Dogs are everything in this home and this gave us all quite a scare. It seems Holly is doing fine, but no way will my mom take any risks with her!!

Oh, and I FINALLY got my Card Captor Sakura Manga collection COMPLETE! Not only that, I got a box with gifts from Rocket Stevo! With Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Manga; the Short Stories! HE ROCKS!!!

Friday, June 01, 2007

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Me: So, you heard about S.V. ending up in the Newspaper already?
He: No, not really. Why? I never was in her class, but I heard she was an annoying girl. I only met her brother though; he was most obnoxious.
Me: *.* So, the world was NOT blind?!!!! Praise the High Ones!!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

During my break today, I read the newspaper. Who cares, happens all the time, ne? Well, for the first time in my life I suddenly called 'Ah, nee hè?!', which is roughly translated as 'Aw, you got to be kidding me!'

What it was about? A girl who was a talented producer and actress when it came to drama/ theather, while she was only 22. I won't mention her name; I don't wish to ruin her name. Yes, she worked for it and she might be good, but I know her.

Oh boy, do I know her.

She was in the drama club in High School. And so was I. Was she better than me? Who knows... and who cares anyway! I don't aspire to be an actress or so. But she was one of the reasons why I quit the drama club.

Why? Because she's a Miss goody two shoes and has an ego the size of Earth! The Drama teacher ADORED her, and I'm so not kidding. For 2 years, the Drama Teacher began with: "Let's write a play together!! Hand in your suggestions next week!"
And the week after?
"OH! We got a play people! Look what S.V. wrote!!"
Okay... so we were asked to hand in suggestions and S.V.'s story was picked. If that happens once, it's something that should be bareable. If it happens a second time, it gets ^&%JHGJBV.

So, she wrote a play. Twice. Big deal. If we had to fill some scenes ourselves, it was always okay... until S.V. rewrote it! Her version was ALWAYS picked. Hello??! Do we still exist??!

So, she wrote a play, twice, and her suggestions were always preferred over anyone else's. Annoying, yes, but that was not the end. EVERYTHING she said was enough to let her be carried on the hands of the drama teacher. S.V. this, S.V. that, look at how great she is.

So she had acting skills. Maybe she was even good, I can't judge that. But why, WHY, did she have to say it herself as well?! She didn't think she was good... she thought she was GREAT! Her ego smelled like last year's cake.

So she was the drama teacher's pet. So everything she said was adored by the drama teacher and the other students. Do I sound jealous? Oh please, I'd rather call it being realistic. Didn't ANY of those sheep had an own opinion? Or is having an own opinion the same as social suicide? Because, honestly, nobody EVER disagreed. NOBODY! That's simply unrealistic. The Drama Teacher put Miss S.V. on a hill and everyone kissed the floor around her because well, if the Drama Teacher thinks she's great, she MUST be great!

So, miss S.V. never heard of Teamplay, Modesty, or listening to others. And yet the world adores her. And yet she thinks she is great. So what that she's a 22 year old producer? If people NEVER disagree with you, they are NOT HONEST! She doesn't get things her way, she PUSHES things her way. Everyone around her just has to dance like she pleases.

You still think I'm jealous? Wouldn't you be? I mean, the girl who wrecked the Drama Club because of her ego and non-existing-ability to listen to others, suddenly gets mentioned in the newspaper. Only praise.

That's why I'm not mentioning her name. I don't want to smear the name she built. You see S.V., unlike others, I know how to admit bad things about myself. I know I'm jealous. Because you are all famous, while you were a %KBV^&VC.

And me? I'm struggling to get people to notice my book. But in the end, I will remain my modesty. I know I'm not the greatest in the world and I know I will never be that. The question is... will YOU ever realise that?

Oh, and good luck with your future. The day people will see your other side, will be a hard one. Be careful, because that one moment can wreck everything you built up thus far. A part of me hopes that day will come, so you will finally realise what kind of an ego-tripper you are. An other part of me hopes it will not come. After all, you worked hard for this all. ... At least, I assume you worked hard for it. Just like I'm working hard for my dream.

Just know that because of your ego, I lost the desire to become an actress. I rather wanted someone to call me a bad actress than losing my voice as a whole... like what happened

Friday, April 27, 2007

It certainly has been a while since I posted. There is not THAT much to tell. Well, maybe there is, but there's nothing that makes me want to say: YES! LET'S TELL THAT!

Anyway, I'm doing fine. Our dog got puppies, I got wonderful b-day gifts, my book is published... stuff like that. There's so much to do too. All my sites need updates, especially the Tsunami site! Oi!

So much to do....

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Just a few more hours....

At 21st of March; around 5 AM, Kitty Ocean will turn 24.

You can't stop me.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

.............AAAAAAAAAAAAAND, my sister asked me today to be her maid of honour/best 'wo'man/witness at her wedding so yeah.... I totally glomped her for the first time in our lives XP. I bet she didn't see that coming!


Thursday, March 15, 2007

I don't often post here. I know, I'm sorry. More than enough happened; too much to tell actually. So that's why I'm going to use this post to vent my current anger.

I mean, shitty customers at work happens often enough. I can handle that. EXCEPT when they go all crazy and tell me I give no service at all! HELLO!? I'm VERY Customer Orientated, so I always do my best to give the best care! I'm also SUPER polite; even when people scream and yell at me (like this customer), I stay calm and nice.

The girl next to me noticed I was getting ticked off, and also said that if it would have been her, she would have asked the woman to stop interrupting her 5 minutes earlier. See? I let a customer treat me like crap! And I STILL stayed nice!

And then... about 2 hours later, after the WHOLE issue is solved, I STILL see a mail from her: "I was treated terribly; got no excuses at all (I crawled through the dust for the woman!), no information at all (I told you we would look into it and that we would give the best solution asap!) and all she wanted to do was send an intern message (I can't do anything else!). This was the worst service ever!"

During the conversation she already stated her unhappiness (and I APOLOGISED for that!) and now THIS?! I was SO ticked off! Someone else handled her e-mail; I saved the case number and will check tomorrow what that ***** got as a reply.

SHE was the impolite one; NOT me!

Oh yes, and my sister is getting married. That is YAY!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Dear Mister X,

I am directing this letter to you, but unfortunately, I cannot send it to you. If I would do that, you would use it against me, to show what kind of a **** I am. You act like you are the victim here, and even after all you've done against me, I still want to preserve your privacy.

You accussed me that I never told my Guild why you left. You want to hear the reason why? Well, mainly because I didn't want people to think bad about you. Yes, you read that right, I wanted people to preserve their image of you, and not think I was trying to make you look bad. I know you didn't deserve this kindness from my side, protecting you and giving you the possibilities to say things yourself. And what did you do? You stabbed me in the back! Yet, I still remained calm... and gave you oppertunities to apologise and come back. The mod space would be reserved for you. Yet, you did nothing... and now come yelling like you are the victim.

This is how I saw what all had happened:

When we started our collaboration, you were a wonderful addition to the team. You had experience, you knew how to act and we were on one simple line of thought. I never worried! Then all of a sudden, you started making posts which portrayed how important another Guild for you was. Sure, I understood that; those were your friends! But actually, after that, it went down hill.

It was getting more than obvious, that you chose that guild over the one you were modding for. Still, things like that can happen, and usually that's not such a bad thing. It's very normal that you can mod 2 guild who have a different perspective.

Obviously, you started thinking that my guild should have the same rules as that other one. When I refused to kick out 600 members, you showed you didn't have faith in me any more. Still, I was hoping that was temporary.

But alas, you showed more and more you had no faith in me any more, and openly chose your other guild over mine. You seemed to be surprised that people complained to me about that; a mod should be dedicated to the guild he was modding! When I told you this, you immediately pointed fingers; and even accussed the wrong person as well.

When I got kicked out of your guild, I was upset. Sure, you would be too! Never a warning and then BAM, kicked out. Yes, I made a mistake by venting my anger on my own guild. I even apologised for that! OPENLY! I bowed down before the entire Guild, and apologised.

But apparantly, that wasn't enough. A member from your guild started showing me the things that were said about me. While peace had returned in my guild, your guild kept on bashing me. I decided to let it go. I made a mistake and of course, I accepted the punishment.

And still that wasn't enough! Things suddenly went downhill within months, and your remarks to people were getting less sensitive and were so unlike you. People complained, but I defended you. After all that had happened, I kept on defending you. After all, mods and guildleader should stick together, right?

You asked me to unmod inactive mods. After lots of complaining, I decided to give voice to your request. I send out a PM, asking mods to become more active or else I would be forced to terminate our collaboration. And what did you reply: "You can't just threaten people to unmod them if they won't become more active!"......... please read your response again. Then read again what you requested... I did what you requested! You wanted me to de-mod inactive mods, and I send out a warning instead of de-modding without a warning!

Unlike you, I do believe in second chances.

But the worst had yet to come. You started to vent remarks that could considered close to trolling. You said someone who commited suicide was selfish. True, suicide is always selfish. But WHY were they selfish because of you? Because your train wouldn't ride because of that! Not because of the scars the train engeneer would get (that reason came way later than that post), not because of the people they left behind... but because your train would not ride! And yet you were MOST surprised that people didn't react well on that. Well DUH!

Then you stated you would break up with your girlfriend if she take a motorcycle. While you are most entitled to do what you please with your girlfriend when it's within law, you were once again most surprised people thought that was the worst reason to break up with a girlfriend. After all, you didn't seem to be worried she would hurt herself, or even that she would drive too fast. No, you stated that if she would take a motorcycle, she would immediately become like those irritating youngsters in your block. Of course, humans change when they get a new plaything, and go from sweet-sweet to the devil itself. *sarcasm*

Still, it was your opinion, and you were allowed to voice that. You did seem most surprised that people reacted like they did though; but hey, you say something and people respond. Action = Reaction. And how strange that they don't agree with your points of view....

And then THE moment came. You said, openly, that all marroccan people were.... I won't state that here. Because it was the most racist thing I had ever heard from you. In the whole post, you were venting how you hated youngsters. It was very close to the PG-13 rule, but the racist line, I believe 5 or 6 words was what crossed it.

Naturally, I couldn't accept that. I removed that tiny little line, but left the rest of your post intact. I removed 5 or 6 little words. Let me repeat that: I let your entire trolling post intact, but removed 5 or 6 racist words.
And when I confronted you about it, and told you that you, as a mod, had to be an example...

Oi, where to begin! You only bitched. "I don't give a damn!" You kept on saying. "I don't care at all!" Sure you cared, otherwise you wouldn't have PMed me 20 times why I was such a terrible guild leader. In denial anyone?!

But still, I wanted to see if we could still work together. You suddenly posted in the Guild you were going to leave for a while, without stating a reason. Out of the blue, you stated that, making guild members confused. But, it was not my place to explain that we were having a disagreement because I thought it was NOT okay to call marroccan people what you called them.

I asked if everything was all right; you seemed kind of edgy lately. You said everything was fine. I respected that, and decided to give you some time to calm down. We would resolve this, later...

Then I got a PM from the member both our Guilds share. In your own guild, you appearantly said that I was the worst leader ever, that you've had it, what was wrong with me, and that I suddenly asked if you were having a depression.

........ Excuse me? I never asked if you were having a depression! And if caring about my mods makes me the worst leader ever, then guilty as charged! I only asked if everything was all right and I respected your 'No'.

I only said to you: "Pot calling kettle black I see." You didn't understand it. You were totally bashing me on your own forum. Let me repeat that: you were totally bashing me on your own forum.

And what did I do? I did nothing! I didn't want people to think what a lowlife racist scum you were, and didn't explain why we were having this disagreement. Unlike you, I didn't talk behind your back. Okay, now I am, but I have to get rid of this anger somehow. And my blog is my own thing. Use it against me if you like, but then be brave enough to show ALL that I've said!

You are not the great angel you pretend to be. No, the next day, you suddenly had left the Guild! You hadn't informed me; I had to hear it from a member! And what did I do? I openly said this was a surprise for me (truth!) and respected your choice (truth again!)... I even wished you luck!

But still you were bashing me around my back. And the member we shared? She/He told me she/he was afraid to show he/she was also a member of my guild, and left. You scared one of your own members. Way to go. Aren't you a great friend then?
Still, that member kept me informed on how you thought about me. What a champ you are. Never directly into my face, but only bashing me behind my back.

And now... now I suddenly get accused, like YOU said once, that I was a dictator to my guild. That I never listened to what people said. Let's see...

- My mod asked me to unmod unactive mods. When I did that, I was accused of threatening mods by that same mod
- Members said there were too many inactive topics. When I started deleting topics, people complained AFTERWARDS that they wanted to keep the topics.
- Members stated we needed a Mod's only forum. I created that, and now get accussed to we use it to secretly bash members behind their backs. The mod forum is the most inactive one of all!
- In the mod forum, we've discussed if we would take a Recycle Bin or not; to keep old inactive topics. But, since the mod forum is mods only, it seems like we're not doing a thing at all!
- People told me the main forum was in need of a restyle. They just never said WHAT was wrong and I had to dive into a sea to find that one little ring. Now that my MOD, yes, my MOD has given me some suggestions, I finally get the idea what is wrong, and am starting to change that. And what do I hear? "The worst Guild home ever!". I'm not even finished damnit! See the under construction image?! That means I'm not done yet!
- People keep on saying that I never listen to my members... maybe because most of them were either:
a - only saying SOMETHING was wrong, or
b - were explaining so much that the point of what was wrong was totally vanished.

So, I'm doing the best I can, yet I get bashed. If my members would complain, it would be enough. But nooooooo, you simply had to come back and show prove why I was the worst guild leader ever.
You quoted the people who left my guild and said that my guild was the most boring place ever. Sure, they have the right to leave; that is even the Guild policy! You don't have to post to be a member! Everyone is welcome, no matter their post count.

And now, I suddenly hear from OTHERS that one I respected is angry with me. I PMed him, apologising if that rumor was true, but also asking what I did wrong then?

And now you also say that I should make active members a mod............ Let's see.... if I did that, we would have like 20 mods by now. Oh, and stating that I said other people were not trustworthy was a low stab man. I NEVER said I couldn't trust certain members. Maybe I wasn't convinced of their capabilities to be a mod, but I always stated I would keep them in mind.

I think I should wind this rant up. Let me just say one more thing: while you kept on bashing me behind my back, I always respected your wish and made sure people didn't think bad of you. I NEVER bashed you.

You are making this more personal then I saw this.

You are officially acting like a forum troll. Well done, my friend. Way to stab someone who respected you in the back.

And if you show this to the world, please be mature enough to show this ALL and not just certain segments. I can't be mature about this any more... and yet I will.... because I still won't post this on my forum.

Because I still don't want people to think bad about Mister X. After all he has done to me, I still want to preserve the respect others have for him.

And if THAT makes me the worst Guild Leader ever... then damnit; GUILTY AS CHARGED!.

Monday, January 29, 2007

These are the characters I made up for the very first version of Forever Young, and actually made 'the final cut':
  • Shadowhunter
  • Whisper
  • Grasshopper
  • Ariës Kres Amber Al (Aqualupa --- could there be a connection between the Aqualupa and Touched by Frozen War? Gasp! We shall never know!)
  • Reia
  • Kana
  • Dillan
  • Martayn Daykah (though I changed his name a bit XD)
  • Cat (Changed her name 100%)
  • Cegea
  • Aqualupa (okay, a tribe's name XD)
  • IceHunters (again a tribe's name)
  • MorningSnow
  • The 3 moons
  • The snowscenery
  • Irina (though her character changed a bit)

Other things that were mentioned:

  • Lady Lirraine (she was a princess in the first version, now she's only mentioned and not a princess)
  • Whisper Shadowhunter (belonged to another story)
  • Kessey (name belongs to another story)
  • Aemilia (name belongs to another story)
  • Ae (name belongs to another story, and used to be female)
  • Eyeris (name belonged to another story)
  • Xist (name of another series)
  • Schemer (in the first series, there were twins: Schemer (meaning Twilight) and Shade)
  • Seven (was a girl in the first series, who betrayed the IceHunters; now a boy and a good guy. I kept this name because my friend Togepi suggested it XD)
  • (( The name Vena belongs to the first series of Forever Young, but moved to Serenay Moon and shall not return to Forever Young ))
  • Varen was a character in a short Dutch Elfquest fanfic
  • Morningglory (aka Glory - was a girl in the first series; what happened to her in the first series still happens in the Sci-Fi series)
  • Northern Light (character in another story)
  • Auro (was a child of... someone in the first version of Forever Young. Perhaps Reia's, can't recall XD Now a grandson of Yume XP)
  • Reym-Ryu (character in another series)
  • The names Mayonaka and Sushi belong to another failed series XD
  • The names Blade, Naraku, Yume and Suta belong to the 3rd version of FY (the one that was never written down)
  • Ramysh (aka Mysh; again another series)

Sunday, January 28, 2007

I want to blog again, but have no idea what to talk about. I finally moved me flv to mp4 software to my own pc, to convert all flv tracks in the hopes I can split audio and movie to get the songs I want. Yeah, I know, totally a very detour to get what I want but hey, if it's working, I dun care!
Mm, while typing this, I started thinking: maybe I can convert flv to mp3! Now THAT would be easy! I'm trying this right now, as I am typing so yeah, you will hear if that works as well XD
Anyway, you know what annoying is? If you want to find 1 mp3, I repear 1 mp3, but in order to get it... you need to download a WHOLE cd! Sjeesh! I had that with 1 song of Cyndy Lauper, and now one with Martina McBride.
Okay, the converting is done; cool! I now have mp3 XD I managed to split things! Now THAT was easy XD So now I can get the songs I want, using YouTube! Interesting =D

What more news about me? Not much. At all. Sorry. Life is silent for me. I'm working on my book today. Yeah....

Friday, January 26, 2007

"When will you blog again?"
Good question. Honestly. Any more questions?

Anyway, Kitt-Kitt is doing fine. Working hard on my book, got an evaluation on my work that was pretty good as well... (but boy, do they have high standards O.o You'd think the payment would reflect that XD)... but yeah... nothing to tell XD Sorry!!

I just hate being dependent on others. Next time I won't hand in the first version of my manuscript if I still want people to edit it XD I have a deadline, and am waiting! Kyaaah! That's the only thing bugging me. Good thing I have understanding friends. They say they will send it in time... But all that waiting...KYAAH XD

Oh, and my manga order is being DELAYED T_T And the worst thing is, since I ordered it at the company I work for... I know every procedure and loophole... but thing is... there are NO loopholes when it comes to delays T_T I want my Cyber Idol Mink manga!! Boohoo! XP

Edit: I love my job XD
Around 4 pm, I got the mail: "Your order is delayed; we're sooo sorry"
And then, at 10 pm, I get the mail: "Your order is send!"
Weee! My manga are coming! And delayed a WHOLE day! I'm gonna spam the Customer Service now, and tell them how disappointed I am in them! *sarcasm* XD