Wednesday, December 03, 2008

At 'Marktplaats'; a somewhat Dutch variant on Ebay:

Me @ Seller:

Dear Miss,

My mother loves Smurfs and when she was carefully cleaning her collection, a smurf simply fell apart of old age. I see you are offering the same smurf; what is the price you are asking for this smurf; shipment included?

Seller @ Me:


The smurf you are looking for can be bought for 4 euros; shipment included. Are you still interested?

Me @ Seller:

.... Where can I pay?

Such a low price XD We expected 4 euros WITHOUT shipment! And then like, 6 euros shipment.... but no, this woman... Wonderful! Paid without a discussion; such a low price?! Okay, buying online at ebay/marktplaats always holds a certain risk, but if this is indeed what we are looking for... then this woman earned herself 964 karma points!

(I'm into karma points nowadays; not really believing in it, but just for fun. People at work seemed to have copied it though XD I need 68246 more karma points before I can take over the world. Since the system at work roughly generates 126 karma points a day, for being amazingly ****ed up, I need to work about 550 more days before I can take over the world. And then no one can object, since it's all karma then XP

Just kidding! Jeez, don't believe everything people write!! XD)

Friday, November 28, 2008

Today I heard the story that lies behind 'I don't like Mondays' from the Boomtown Rats... Wow... Just wow. Some people are just plain crazy. A sixteen-year-old girl doesn't like mondays, and therefor shoots at children.... Isn't that just scary?! ... And why did she get a gun for her birthday?!

ANYWAY, happier news... Today I made myself some sleeve-gloves. I bought cheap long socks and cut off the feet. It probably looks better when using a sewing machine though XD But I am proud! The sleeve-glove reaches from my wrist just over my elbow. Not as long as I hoped and my mom will probably want to correct/redo them, but I am proud! Yes, I am! And I'm gonna say it again! I am proud!

I, more or less, made my own clothes... more or less XD

But I am proud!

Monday, November 24, 2008

I dreamed this morning; and it has been a while since I remembered it! It started with my parents, my sister and me going to 'Het Land van Ooit'; a Dutch themeparc that went bankrupt last year. Surprised it was still there, we decided to buy tickets and get in. And for that price... it had to be something then!
Well, it was something...
Something SMALL! About the size of 2 swimming pools! One half was all gambling machines, the other half a playground. Feeling ripped off, I decided to ask our money back, along with 3 other parents.
Unfortunately, the manager was a guy I know quite well. He refused us to give back our money, because 'we never gave a description of the parc'. Unwilling to listen, I decided to gather more parents and in the mean while writing a letter to the Customer Union of the Netherlands.
After that letter, I went shopping (after all, an answer doesn't come rightaway!) but since it was dark... and on the way to the mall, I saw some kids trying to break in a school. A teacher and me took the kids inside to wait for the police, but the batteries of my phone were dying (which is actually the case in real life too XD I need to plug it in!).
While waiting, we waited in a pastery of that school, where a cat ate mango slices (I know, I know!!)... and he (completely white) was acting like a crocodile; eating those slices. Rolling round and round and round... I suggested the people should call him crocodile...
And then my alarm went off ¬¬

It's monday again!

*sings* I don't like mondays...

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I don't know what bothers me more...

The fact that after swimming classes my bag with clothes was soaked...

or the fact that I put my bag on a dry spot and that suddenly the area around my bag was completely dry... except for the spot underneath my bag.

I may be paranoid... but it is simply impossible the area around my bag with clothes was completely dry... while my bag was soaked. I am not stupid. I put my bag on a dry spot. If someone moved it, it was deliberately put on a puddle.

Luckily I have so much junk in my bag stashed, that the water never reached my clothes. And that is MY revenge! MUAHAHA!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

I think I traded in 17 karma points last night. I KNOW they check for bicycle lights lately, so I ALWAYS check my lights before leaving... and last night... my batteries suddenly died! So, I'm away from home... on my bike... and my battery of my bicycle light is dead! TROUBLE!...

But yesterday evening was THE ONE NIGHT that they didn't check for lights XD

I'm gonna take double lights along from now on XP

Friday, October 03, 2008

Working on a new progress blog, but then FY only. I wonder if I will be able to keep it up to date.... XD

Friday, September 19, 2008

*phone rings*

> Hello?
< Excuse me, miss, I am looking for your husband?
>... Well, so am I... but perhaps you are looking for my FATHER?!

Do I honestly sound THAT old XD?

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


It's all a façade.

Just a flipping façade...

But I may not show.

So I'll just smile...

and uphold the façade

Saturday, June 21, 2008

I just walked the dogs. The youngest of them had to undergo some surgery a few days ago (she went from 'she' to an 'it' XP if you catch my drift) so she's wearing a 'cap' to prevent her from licking her tummy open again. Usually I click the line to that same cap; but today, during a walk, the cap suddenly popped off! And I had just crossed a busy street! So, about 75 Doom Scenerio's crossed my mind, and I called out her name in fright... and she simply waited for me on the safe grass. She hardly ever listens to me (I think she has ADHD and Autism or so - no kidding!), but this time she was like: 'Eh? You called me?' I'm still a bit shaky about it - what if...? But she's still here. Nothing happened. I'd better focus on that then!

Friday, June 20, 2008

I think I've got a new nightmare-animal. Has been a while since I had a nightmare...

Anyway, one of my online friends visited me and just when I was showing him around in a themeparc (unexisting; his mother made a cameo as well) with living dinosaurs and other animals, the animals suddenly break loose. Rampaging killer tigers, lions, hyenas... monkeys, gorillas... and a Tyrannosaurus Rex eating people here and there.

Luckily I had magic and some sort of acid, but of coooooourse, some people were behind those escaped animals and try to kill me, so the killer monkeys can go around and have fun. When we ended up in some sort of greenhouse, things got even weirder when Chibi Chibi gave Sailor Mars, Venus, Jupiter and Mercury 'cosmic powers'.

Not that that helps against a rampaging T-Rex...

So, after that split second cameo (with a jealous Uranus and Neptune), things end up in a mall. I go around, warning people of the T-Rex, but they go all: 'Oh, but he's a floor below and T-Rex-es can't climb stairs or escalators, so why worry?' and happily shop on.

Have you ever heard utter silence in your dreams? Now THAT is scary! Only the footsteps on a T-Rex reaching the second floor. Why do people never listen to me?! Turns out the T-Rex wanted to eat a girl named Scarlett (the name of a new character of mine) and followed her to the stairs. I was a few floors below already, using those same stairs. T-Rex right above me... and suddenly that thing moves DOWN the stairs! Forget all logic that it's too small for thing; apparantly this staircase was big enough! And forget all facts that T-Rexes had tiny brains; this one was smart!

So when we finally get down and flee into a cinema, I get seperated from my friend. He brings to poison to another group of resistance (all wearing a necklace with a miniature vial with a drop of green acid) and I try to... do something, but gets captured by the enemy. Forced to do various killer tricks, I end up having to race against a lion, a tiger and a hyena. If I lose, they get to eat me.

Luckily I'm not THAT stupid and when the match begins, I run to the opposite direction, fleeing THROUGH some walls (remember, I have magic!). Whenever I dream I go through walls, I often manage to get through the first two walls, but then lose that power. This time I managed to get through all walls.

3 Lionesses were send after me. They almost saw me. 3 Hyenas; also barely missing. 3 Tigers... what's with the number 3?! Eventually I come into a room and flee into some weird art sculpture at the roof (flying at it and going through the wall!!) where the leader of the enemy does that as well. The sculpture falls, he dies, I live... and I get reunited with my rebel friends, including my visiting friends.

And then came the killer monkeys and gorillas again... and then things got vague and I woke up. Killer monkeys ala '28 days later' (saw that movie about 3 years ago) in a dream is NO FUN! I already hated a T-Rex in my dream; now I also hate monkeys.

Downside: monkeys exist.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

The worst thing about smoking, is that you cannot forbid others to smoke. Especially if they smoke in their own garden... while the smoke, even with the windows closed, enters MY room.

My voice gets ruined.
My appetite gets ruined.
My mood gets ruined.

It's disgusting, smells like hell and honestly... I wished it could be banned forever!!... or at least that my neighbours smoke INSIDE their own house. But nooooo, they smoke outside 'so that their house doesn't smell like smoke'!

So it's probably okay to poison me, right?

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Wow, now this is a first. Instead of always missing the news... I somehow became part of it for the first time in my life! And right now... actually, when it was happening, I was all jumpy and all and now... I'm like, oh yeah...

Anyway, during work, one of the teamleaders suddenly said: 'drop everything you are doing, we have to leave the building.' Since he always jokes, we thought it was an unsceduled fire drill or so. 'No, really, there's a gasleak and we have to evacuate!' Luckily he was calm, otherwise there might have been panic (so kudos to him!)

So, we left the building and the police (the station is right behind my building XP) told us we have to evacuate a lot more; aka: LEAVE THE SURROUNDING AREA!

So, the entire company left to the nearby mall... seriously, they have had wonderful business today, as everyone calmly decided to lunch. After an hour and 15 minutes, leak had been closed and we were all allowed back. Work started again and well...

That was it actually. Amazing how calm people can be when there's dangerous gas steaming away, about to explode with the slightest spark...... and did you ever realise how many people SMOKE when there's a drama going on??! About 200 meters away from the gas leak, people laughed nervously... and light up a sigarette!! Seriously....

Another reason why I hate smoking XD

Saturday, May 03, 2008

I WAS going to rant about a dreadful hour of getting new equipment to work, but I'll forgive that same dreadful equipment for not working... because I probably, by accident, now have a way to hook up my keyboard (the music kind of one) with my pc. Since I've been wanting that ever since I got a microphone to hook up with the pc, I'll forgive it. I have a pretty good feeling I have the right plug to hook things up.

The case?

At Queen's Day, we managed to get a cassette tape from a fairytale series we gathered in my youth (Lekturama; red books - if you're Dutch and of my age, you should know it). That tape was the only one that got damaged in an old, old past *sniffs* (The Ugly Duckling). At Queen's Day; for 50 cents, we got a new one.
We are happy.

ANYWAY, we knew of the existance of a machine to put cassette into MP3 and we looked for it. From going to one side of the store to the other (litterary; we almost ended up where we started - darn big companies that don't know what they own), we eventually got an alternative. A line-in audio cable with the advise of good software (Picked Magix Music Maker 12 - 20 euro's is not much and I had an old version as a demo in the way, way past). Total cost: 26 euro's (we saw the machine that does the same for 90 euros somewhere else)

So, I decided to hook things up. Software CD-rom made enough noise to raise the dead (and other cd's work just fine...) but it finally got installed. Also figured out how to record when using the microphone of the laptop (real microphone was like, 1 floor up and I was busy enough so this was just a test.)

And then... hooking it up with the radio as instructed by the guy at the store. Result: doesn't want to work through Line-In, but does want to work through Microphone. End Result: metallic sound.
Gah part 1.

17 tries to get the Line-In working but noooooooooooo, it doesn't want to work.
Gah part 2.

21 tries to get rid of the metallic sound, but nooooooo, no result either.
Gah part 3 and ready to kill anyone who gets near.

Out of utter frustration and to prove the software is better than the freeware Vista offers, I go to the Vista Recorder. Each recording gets stopped after 1 second.
Gah part 4 and tears of frustration near.

When I FINALLY get it to record as long as I want, the background noise is enough to break me down. Mom even happily says she doesn't hear the noise. When she finally does hear it, she wants to hear the metallic software version again.

Option selected: Line-In

..........What the heck?! Since when is THAT option available??!!!? I changed NOTHING (but the timing of the freeware recorder and I thought it was in microphone instead of line in)


No noise
No metallic sound

And I have no clue what I did to change things.

Now that I talk about it again, it's enough to feel frustration again... but then I think about my keyboard being hooked in... and I am happy again :)

Now to learn how to compose a song and I'll be even happier.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Today, I drew during work (with permission).

It felt wonderful.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Message 800

Each year it's the same thing. Each year, one day before my birthday, I get the blues. Thinking I will be forgotten. Thinking I don't mean a thing to anyone...

- Yesterday a friend took the trouble to send me a gift through Postal Services. I'm not allowed to open it yet.
- I got my mom the latest Smurf Album (she's a smurf freak). "Why are YOU giving gifts while it is YOUR birthday tomorrow?" (as well as: "How much must I get you tomorrow if you're giving me this?!" XD)
- When I came home, I got an e-mail from a dear friend. He lives on the other side of the world. but he mailed me. Even worried he was too late. No matter how busy he was... he mailed me.

I won't be forgotten tomorrow. I know that. I also know I will get some gifts. My grandmother will also call. She always does. My aunt may call as well. She often calls, or maybe even always. My dad will hug me and kiss me on the cheek, while I laughing will push him away and call out 'ew!' (his beard tickles!). My mom may say 'Happy Birthday' all sleepy, just because she wants to make sure I don't forget it. If my sister comes, she will give me such a big kiss I always think it leaves a stain forever.

I won't be forgotten. And I will have a nice day.

But for now... pre-birthday blues.

Less than 7 hours from now... I'll turn a quarter of a century.

25 years...


I am soooooo old.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

I want this... but I probably never get the hang of it XD I can't write songs; only lyrics.

Friday, February 08, 2008

I really like Gaia Online... but now I recall why I avoided all Cinema....

The ppl in ther suxesfly made hed hurt; liek OMG yur breensells liek day ina secunt !!11!!oneone

Aka: the people in there succesfully managed to hurt the few braincells I have left. The spelling.... EWH! And the things people said... It was like college all over again! And trust me, the girls from my college... saints preserve us; if some of them are indeed the future...

... I just realised I compaired my college-classmates to a 12 year old AOL-er... that can never be good.

Oi, not even Haruhi Suzumiya's God Knows and Lost My Music can fix this burning feeling in my eyes....

Never again; never again. From now on, I'll wait a week after the release and look for an empty cinema. Before entering the cinema I had like, 10 braincells (succesfully regained some after college!) and in like, 2 minutes, back to 7. It took me 2 years to get those 5 new braincells, and 2 minutes to lose 3!!

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Hehe, I don't want such a nasty entry to be on top XP. Remember, below here is just anger frustration and shall NEVER be acted upon. So no worries!!

Oh yeah, and I finally found the Character CDs from the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya I am missing... okay, MP3 only, but I actually want them all... but this volume 6... OMG.... that is baaaaaad XD *shudder* It's not even cute, even though they try too.

Makes me happy I haven't bought the CDs.... not that I can actually buy them anywhere. If I could, I probably did... despite this horrific song!!
Sometimes you just have this.... urge you have no choice but to obey. In this case, it's a sudden wave of hatred against people you should not put me in one room with. The outcome will be nasty.... oh yeah, very nasty...

Number 1: Mister Art Thief
Crime: Stealing my art and posting it around; cropping my signature off
Possible outcome: A kick between the legs, yeah, only that, because he hasn't showed himself for quite a while now

Number 2: Mister Racist-No-I-am-not
Crime: Being completely racist, calling me a power-hungry dictator, acting totally egocentric and arrogant and pretending to be better than the rest of the world
Possible outcome: Being yelled at AND a kick between the legs. Tears of anger from my side might emerge

Number 3: Mister I-have-no-identity
Crime: For totally copying number 2, being a total jerk, not talking but only accusing and prettending to be better than the world
Possible outcome: Probably only yelling since the poor guy doesn't have his own identity

Number 4: Miss I-am-the-best
Crime: For always putting me down and thinking I'm a total loser
Possible outcome: She's a lot bigger than I am, so probably yelling and tears from anger, hatred and desperation

Number 5: Mister Law-Student
Crime: I don not know anyone who is more arrogant than he is
Possible outcome: Yelling. Already yelled at him once.

.... Ah, putting it down makes me feel a LOT better! All hatred is gone now and the above people are once again mildly forgiven (until their next crime). Don't get me wrong, I'm not a violent person and I hate conflicts... but sometimes some people just... well, you know the feeling. EVERYONE once dreams about putting people back onto their place with violence or verbal violence. But that doesn't mean I'm going to act on it.

No, I will NEVER act on it. It may be not having the guts, it may be because I don't want to hurt people... even if they keep on hurting me over and over again.

I will get back on them on an other way. Hehe, I'll become rich AND happy! Money can't buy all, so I want lots of money to live in this big-big house and find the time to live a happy and normal life. I want to be like the dutch artist Frans Bauer; he's rich and darn it, he's just almost like a saint! He's nice, sweet, takes time for his children... how I envy that guy. No gossip can be found about him, no matter how hard people try.

I want a life like that too: rich and happy. That's why one of the first thing I'm gonna do when I get rich is treat the ones who helped me get there. And I don't want to become arrogant; ever! So if I ever become arrogant; you may kick me!!

Monday, February 04, 2008

No matter what happens at my work... sometimes it's all becoming worth it :) I don't care my collegue 'Gem' gets credit for typing the mails, while both me and N-ster typed most of it.... in the end, justice was served!

Ladies and gentlemen, I bow to thee

My brother in law will get a computer he can play with (as in: taking apart as well as 5 other old pc's and turning them into 1)

And I will get the Complete Buffy Collection at almost 1/3rd discount


.... Sometimes my work simply rocks. I mean, today I could hardly work to various system errors.... and I still get the same pay! I drew 2 manga pages and I'm getting paid! You gotta admit, that simply rocks.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

I updated the side bar a bit :) Noticed the link Archive was not working and that some links were dead. Will update with more works from me I'm quite proud of soon :) ... I hope XP
Why does a certain person keep on nagging on me? Why? I never did anything wrong to her (except for existing perhaps), but she keeps on treating me like I'm the dumbest person alive and that I should write down how to breathe, because I'll surely forget that.


I'M NOT THAT STUPID! Sure, I sometimes act like a fool, but when I'm around her, I can NEVER be at ease. Whatever I do, she keeps on commenting. I'm amazed she hasn't noticed yet I always make a double knot in my shoelaces (this originates from the time I had shoelaces that were immensely long; made triple double knots then). She's probably comment I should cut my shoelaces, create bigger hoops or just get boots with zippers or shoes with velcro because that's more of my level. Well excuuuuuuuuse me for not wanting to be 'amazing' you! I have my own things and my own way to do things.

Who cares if I want to eat peanuts with chopsticks (very handy when working on a drawing, may I add!), or if I like to have two juices mixed. Who cares if I want to keep my bag with me... it's not like I'm all suspecious, it's just because I'm used to it! And who cares if I want to use PEN AND PAPER to write my laptop's serial number down that keeps on popping up on my screen, instead of creating a screenshot (what's the use of that screenshot if the computer crashes? - the answer was: priiiiiinting!! - why waste a entire sheet of paper for 1 number?! Printing this all takes 10 minutes as I have to hook that thing up; writing it down 1 minute!! AND, I can write it on the book that came with my laptop; ain't that handy?! -- well, nooooooooo)
(btw, as expected, the number was also on the bottom of my laptop, but at least I wrote it down and put it with the other papers)

She's thinks she is so smart and knows so much.... my goodness, part of me wishes she reads this because then she finally realises how much she puts me down each visit... because UNLIKE HER I am polite enough to give RESPECT to others... and you can't really go against her when you have family around. It's not like the relation between us could get wrecked... it was already nonexistant and fueled with disrespect.

If I ever get as arrogant as that twit, please throw a pie in my face... because then I really need to get in touch with reality!! I welcome advise, but the only way for me to accept advise, is when it's given out of sincerity and will to help and not out of disrespect.

You'd think after almost 12 years she'd accept me.... I could post some really mean and low comments about her, but alas.... I'm not THAT low.

She'd probably would.

No, she'd CERTAINLY would.

Monday, January 21, 2008

I have my own city now! It's really small, but you can help it grow =D

Just click here to see and visit DigitalOcean!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Oh man... I just typed the most brilliant rant ever... but I doubt if I should post it. ... Because I'd rather keep my job XD

So let's just post a fragment:

“Don’t be so damn cheerful, there’s nothing to be happy about. Just talk and act normal, like every other person, okay?”

If that's the first thing you hear after picking up the phone... than yeah, it ruins your day. *nods*