Sunday, May 31, 2009

I can't write a post today XP

I can't write a long blog entry today. The reason is that I'm writing Forever Young like crazy! Already I wrote 4 episodes and a fifth one will follow soon! All episodes have 4 full pages at least, meaning I would have written 20 pages at least today!

You don't think that is special? I don't care, I do think that is special! Poor Sushi!! *hugs girl*

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Don't let me close my eyes

I'd honestly fall asleep. I planned to type 2 chapters today, but my sister called me to invite me over. Write 2 episode totally solo, or see my sister + husband + niece again? Ah, dillemma, dillemma... NOT! All I have to do are the dishes and then I'm out of here!

I'm still pretty tired from yesterday. So, I spend my evening playing sims 1. I'm thinking about re-installing the sims on my other pc and re-download everything I want to keep. It'll be a hell of a job, but right now I accidentally downloaded weird/ugly clothes, so sometimes I get a floating head XP. I only trust items created by Eph now! (check them out, they are so pretty!) or what she hosts. Other stuff simply does not work or I have no idea where to put the file. I do I hope can find back the purple haired girl though...
Wait, there was another site; Parsimonians or so? That one had awesome (non glitchy) items too. Still, it's the best way to get rid of the fluked items.

Is fluked actually a word? It sounds like an existing word...

Asides that? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Observe the emptiness.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Jumpy - Energetic - Cheerful - Normal - Done working - Tired - Exhausted - Zombie - Simply Drop-dead Exhausted

Guess which one I am now. Come on, guess! I'm at Zombie now. Type? Do I have to? I keep on mistyping half the time...

Went to visit a school today again; last visit and they had a celebration. Let me say this: 40 children at a petting zoo (kinderboerderij)... no matter how much parents you have along, it's never enough O.o I'm so tired! And afterwards the kids could still run around!
It was the same petting zoo as I had the schminck job, last sunday, so some were a bit confused to see me again XP.

It was also freaky sunny! I put sun-tan lotion on, because I easily burn and I think I managed to stay safe for once. Maybe I did burn my neck a bit, it feels hot... and it itches. Oh well, who cares. It'll vanish eventually. There's also hardly any wind, so it's quite hot today.

Other than that: can't recall a dream, was busy with kids all day and am soooo hungry. Hungry and thirsty. And in need of a bed. I could use one right now... Not certain if I will go write Forever Young tonight; way too tired

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Choices, choices, choices

Oi, I have the same trouble making up blog titles as episode titles XD Poor me! And to add to that, I have this terrible smell around me I can't get rid off. I know where it comes from and I can't say it out loud because you never know who might be reading this, but seriously... I'm very carefull of my clothes, but this smell makes me want to burn them, burn them long and forever! That's it; I'm gonna change clothes and stuff these pants into the washing machine.

Other than that: I JUST got the GREATEST idea (not, not really, just trying to convince myself) idea for a Pen-i comic. I'll do that before a new Forever Young chapter because well.. now I still know it and lets not postpone it XD. I only expected to write 1 chapter today anyway.

Last night I watchd Independance Day. Can you believe it some people never saw it?! And with some people, I mean people above the age of 20. Anyway, somehow the movie really affected me XD I really started to hate the aliens in the movie and quoted the 'president': 'Let's nuke 'em, nuke 'em HARD!' But while I already saw the movie, I still thought it was terribly exciting and really enjoyed it. More, we want more! And WHY can people suddenly work together when there's a bunch of aliens trying to kill us, but not when there is not an alien in sight!? Humans, I tell ya, HUMANS!

On the dream scene: what does The Princess and the Pauper, Barbie, Catterpillars (these types: English: Dutch:, The Russian Revolution and large humans turning tarentula have in common? Honestly, I wouldn't know, but it filled an entire dream! Oh well, at least it wasn't another musical with songs and dances...

Well, that was it. Need food and need fresh smelling clothes.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Comic Drama

I have to make a weekly comic, but thus far all I can think about was the grandma incident last sunday. Other than that: nothing happened. But that's because, very simply put: I haven't been out much. Still, I have 2 more days to come up with something...

Yesterday I visited my sister and niece... and later on also the husband/father, when he came home XP. We talked, lotsa, and I played a bit with my niece... as well as you can play with a 3 week old baby XP. She's growing nicely, but is hungry... VERY hungry!

Other than that... I dreamed about The Efteling, our national themeparc... again! It had already flashed by in an earlier dream. Why?!? It's not even in the news; why do I suddenly dream about that and killer rollercoasters? Well, not really killer rollercoasters... a safety that didn't work correctly and when we all got out in time, the owner of the parc blamed ME for sabotaging the thing.

Such a dream is TOTALLY NOT respresentive of the parc! Yes, they had an incident like that 3-4 years ago, but that was a technical failure and ever since the security and safeties have been doubled. Nobody was injured and the company took full blame and immediately took action. So why would I dream such a bad thing about a wonderful parc?

Maybe I should not focus on the setting, but more about the people who were around me. High School classmates (but one)? Still, haven't seen those for years either! Is there a reunion coming up I don't know about?

Or, MAYBE, this all was JUST A DREAM and I should forget about it. Yeah. I should do that. Just forget the whole thing. Good choice.

Moving on....

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Good morning!

Hello, good morning everybody. How are you? Me, I'm doing fine. Yesterday I watered the plants and, go figure, this night we had a thunderstorm. With rain. Lots of them *sighs*. But that's okay.

On the dream scene area; it was a normal one. 'Gather items to save the world, climb through a portal and go back in time, get chased by an angry mob, have a car chase in the past... get a submarine...' You know, those very vague dreams you don't understand at all.

The thunderstorm we had was pretty hefty and strangely enough, I wasn't scared. There were flashes all the time, so you couldn't know which thunder belonged to which lightning. I tried to match the brightest flashes with the loudest thunder, but that would mean the storm was directly above me XD

Other than that... nothing happened. Continued on my watercolours (hope to get it almost finished today), watched Men in Black and wrote some FY. I finally have an idea how to continue writing. I'm gonna use flashbacks =D

Not that this information helps you XD Book 2 still has to be released XP So book 4 is still far away!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Title unknown

I don't know a title XD Anyway, will be starting a new FY chapter soon. Somehow I'm feeling... sad today. I had a sad dream, that I don't remember, asides the fact that it was a sad one. Also slept till 10 a.m., which I usually only do on a sunday (but couldn't, due to the job I had).

Also, my legs are hurting like hell. I expected to have trouble with my back, because of sitting unconfortable all day, but nooooo, Miss Kitty Ocean has terrible muscle ache in her LEGS! You know, those things that didn't even MOVE yesterday?!

Other than that, it's really hot today; 23 degrees Celcius more or less. If you'd know me, you'd know I can't deal with heat at all and that I never get a tan, but only get sunburns. So, all of this together (my aching legs and the hot weather outside), it's a great excuse to sit down and write more Forever Young! Weee!

My watercolours image is going fine as well. Oh yeah, and don't ask me how, but appearantly I stepped into something sharp and now I have a tiny, tiny, cut underneath my right foot. Another reason to NOT MOVE today XD

Maybe I can write even 4 chapters today! Keep the Twitter in mind!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Pot, meet kettle

A: "Who is next?"
B: "Ah, my granddaughter was."
C: "No, ma'm, you are mistaken. My granddaughter is!"
B: "No, we were here first."
C: "Absolutely not! My grandchildren have waited the longest! My goodness, what an example for the children."

And then, 5 minutes later (no, not kidding; honestly 5 minutes AT LEAST!)

C: "Luckily we are above all of this. Honestly, you must be really proud of yourself. To set such an example for your grandchildren! Really a wonderful grandmother you are!"

Well, excuse me, Lady C, if you are SO ABOVE IT, then why do you NAG about it for 5 minutes! Seriously, Lady B was the one who won this fight; by a landslide! I honestly thought about butting in, telling Lady C that it was enough! People can be mistaken and you have to believe in the best of people! Maybe it's freaking naive, but YOU, Lady C, just set the WORST EXAMPLE EVER for your grandchildren. Not only that, you VERBALLY attacked a GRANDMOTHER before the eyes of her grandchildren! Who the hell do you think you are?!

In case you wondered, I was A; I was invited for a fair as 'schmick' artist (painting things on kids' faces), so even if I had the courage, I could not butt in. I was not involved and I couldn't let this escalate in front of the eyes of the children. Hey, look at that, I thought ABOUT THE CHILDREN! Even Lady B thought about the children! But no, you, Lady C, you think you are the best person ever! Because, of course, a wonderful person drags CHILDREN into a fight!

*huffs, puffs*

Even if you don't get it, the short version is: two people argued about who was next in line, one verbally attacking a grandmother and putting her down in front of the eyes of her grandchildren, while the attacker was a grandmother herself, telling her grandchildren how great SHE was and how BAD the other! Gaaah! I was so angry! WHO CARES WHO IS NEXT!? Waiting 3 minutes won't hurt you!

Other than that, sunny day, immense rush, painted about 50 children, could be even more. I don't even count such things. Painted 4 dolphins, an elephant, 2 pigs, 2 lady bugs and don't get me started about the princesses and butterflies! The downside of a rush like this is that you honestly can't pay attention to what you are painting; you have about 3 minutes a child. And my back; oi! My poor back...

Next year we seriously have to make a sign from when till when we paint, and include a break!

I just finished watching Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne and somehow it doesn't feel finished to me. It's way too open. The manga had a closed ending I really loved and this one was way, way different. And what's the deal with Chiaki, huh?! 'I can protect her as I am!' You have freaking awesome powers and you don't use them?!
Mou... and I really liked his long coat *sighs*. The veil was FINALLY dropped and then the guy doesn't henshin any more?! And what happened to Miyako afterwards? And Jeanne? And darn it; everyone else! And no li'l Natsuki.... I was really looking forward to that, as well as Zen-kun.

Note to seld about future stories I might ever write: If your hero/heroine has a magical sidekick who promises to protect the hero/heroine no matter what... then don't let them refuse to use their powers, thinking they can do without! You have those powers; USE THEM!

And you know the worst part?! Chiaki didn't even need his powers! Waaah! My head is spinning like crazy!

.... I need a cookie....

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Daily Report!

Since my 'vacation' started, I've been doing daily reports. I wanted to keep that for a while, since I doubt I have the energy for it when I have to return to work. It's not like that this is a tiring thing to do, but when I get back to work, all I can do is talk about work or about how stupid people are. I don't want to complain. I want to share happy news!!
.... Not that something happened on my day off, all alone ¬¬...

But let's start with last night. Last night, I dreamed in Japanese!.... Okay, I dreamed in Japanese SOUNDS, because Heaven knows I don't even know enough Japanese to form a grammatically correct phrase. So, it sounded like Japanese, but trust me, it wasn't. No Japanese person would understand it.
Good thing that I had English subtitles.

No, I'm not kidding. My dream had English subtitles! Otherwise I didn't have a clue what was going on XD. My greatest love, being posessed and me having to free him... Is it obvious I'm watching Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne almost non stop (and yet I found the time to write so many Forever Young chapters... O.o)? Talking about KKJeanne; they even put my favourite scene in it! From the manga! Downside... they completely altered it, to fit the story (boohoo! T_T). I can understand why, but... WHY?! It was so awesome in the manga... The Anime has its own charm, but the manga... why didn't they follow the manga more closely?

Anyway, this morning I gave swimming class, followed by swimming myself for a change. I know I'm not the fasted; I haven't swam regularly for years! I think I only swam 50 laps while the others almost did 65, but still... I did my best! Next week I'll probably swim along again, it's not like I have anything useful to do...

After swimming class, I went home and painted a bit more for my Art Trade with Gwennafran. The character itself is done (quite pleased too!), but the foreground and background needs to be painted. I hope it will scan right! I´m going way above the agreed 4-6 hours, but I don't mind. It's excellent practise and Gwennafran's Art is worth working for. I can't tell you more about it, in case she reads this blog and finds out what character I'm doing. The eyes, the hair, the skin... I'm so proud!

After that, I started writing Forever Young again. 3 new episodes, getting closer to the thrilling conclusion of this saga! Gasp! I repeat, GASP! I'm over 1/3rd of the book; I should have plenty of space for what I need to do... but how to fill the parts inbetween? When dad called, I told him I forgot a story idea, but while he talked, I suddenly remembered! Thanks dad! *hugs phone*

Now, since I did so much today, I'm going to reward myself and watch one more Kaitou Jeanne :) Weee!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Vaction = Sleeping long!

At least, I TRIED sleeping long! But that dream... ugh.

I dreamt I accidentally witnessed something and a couple of teenagers tried to kill me. They were insane; shooting with their guns. The police tried to protect me; even putting me in jail or disguising me and then put into a public jail... but each time the teenager found me. The leader of the teenagers was a girl and she truely was insane. In my dream I kept on running and avoiding bullets, while others got hit. So many people were killed by that girl and her 'friends'. Eventually they risked being caught, so they blew themselves up by using a bomb... but the girl survived. When everybody thought thay/I was safe, she returned and I barely escaped again... while numerous police employees were killed. They captured her, sentencing her to life time imprisoment, while being researched by scientists. Another 'patient' was put in the same room... and the killer girl simply bashed her head in by slamming it into a wall! When a police officer came closer, she hit him too and stole his gun. However, the officer grabbed the girl and threw her out of the window, with the intent to kill her...
But she was on the first floor! And now she was free again! However, she was terribly injured and I hid in the swimming pool... and while she was dying, resting within a true friend's arms... I got my magic 'back' (I didn't even know I had magic!) and she cursed herself, crying she couldn't kill me... and then I woke up.

And you know... I didn't even watch any explicit crime series last night! I did see House and The Mentalist, and afterwards some news, but that was all! But I did read Sam comics, which were pretty scary for once XD But that was all! Why do I so often dream about being chased or people trying to kill me... *shakes head*

Other news. Should I be flattered if 4(!!) guys jump at me at the same time when I get on MSN XD? Thought it was funny. I also accidentally lost the menues I have on my screen, but ith the help of one of those 4, I got them back :) Thank you! ^_^v.

Getting back to the Sam comics, while I read one last night, I found out the copies I bought were second hand. That's okay, they looked perfect and are hard to get. How do I know... someone accidentally left a letter inside XD It was a bank-letter, where you have an overview of what you bought and received the last couple of weeks ( 'afschrift'). The letter was completely sealed, but the envelope was from a company that is now merged with another company. The logo was also old. So, the letter, which is still sealed and which I will keep sealed (it's none of my business!) is pretty old; my guess is 5-7 years? I'll return it to the sender, because I have absolutely no idea what to do else. Destroy it? That's the other option.
Anyway, I wrote on the envelope that it has been recently delivered, but it's not really delivered; I bought a book and got someone's personal information for free XD But it's simply none of my business.

Asides that, yesterday I wrote 2 Forever Young chapters, watched some Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne and continued on my Watercolours Art Trade with Gwennafran. I will sooooo get over the 6 hours we agreed on, but that's okay :) Better more than less!

As for KKJeanne; the manga is way, way better. Okay, 7 volumes are spread out over 44 episodes, but still. I'm at episode 10 and Chiaki only recently showed his jealousy towards the thought of other men near Maron... and Maron doesn't even know anything about him! Plus he's more of a pervert than in the Manga. And what I really dislike, is the fact that what Jeanne 'frees', disappears. In the Manga it gets replaced. And why is Yamato called Iinchou (spelling?)most of the times, while his name is Yamato? Plus he's an even bigger loser than in the Manga ¬¬. I hope he will soon get closer to his Manga counterpart.
Not only that, I hope the series will get closer to the Manga soon! I want Sinbad to lose his stupid 'viel'/mask XD It makes him look ugly! Plus he's way more colder than in the Manga.

I'm gonna read the manga again! XP

Thursday, May 21, 2009

No title needed

Well, I have decided. Since the Serenay Moon Manga are not yet saved, I will not yet remove that from my list. I did, however, check all files, so I should have saved everything from Geocities. Phew! And if I missed something, it's probably so minor. Sure, a few images were not saved, but they weren't even on the account in the first place! I probably deleted them years ago...

Other than that: did the Pen-i comic last night and updated the Serenay Moon, Studio Tsunami AND the Forever Young site this morning. Yay for me! And while updating my collection pages... I found out that I already the missing comic I mentioned earlier! I now have 'Sam' 1 till 10 (I thought I didn't have 7 XD)! Hurray!

What more, what more. Today is 'Ascension Day'? (Hemelvaart), meaning all the stores are closed bla-bla-bla. Which means: Forever Young Writing! YES!!

But first breakfast/lunch because I am SO HUNGRY XD

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Behind or not?

As you can see, I am a tad behind with my to do list. On the other side, I've already went to a place I didn't expect to get until saturday. So saturday I have more time off. The Pen-i I will do tonight, as well as hopefully finishing the Serenay Moon files editing. Let's NOT forget to pre-update the Serenay Moon site too! I planned to make new linking buttons; the old ones are so, so, so old.

Today I went to a school, from the type Jenaplan. Never visited that before. It's really some getting used to. I'm used to a school where they say: you do this and you do that. On this school it's: who wants to do... I like it thus far, but I can't form an opinion until I've seen more. On the way back, I did some groceries, which I expected to do on friday.

In the tram I noticed people simply don't LOOK. I mean, there was this huge orange sticker saying the stamp-machine was out of order and people STILL push the card in it. 'Huh, why isn't it working?' Well, the 'out of order' sticker might give it away... and otherwise the pin that BLOCKS THE WAY perhaps. Oi *rolls eyes*

Since I was home early, I decided to grab my bike and look for a VGA-splitter (to hook up 2 monitors to 1 laptop), but alas... it seems that darn thing is too darn hard to find ¬¬. Luckily I still have months. Then I decided to look for iridescent glitter glue (found that 2 years ago on a Book fest and simply LOVE to use it on my watercolours art), but that too seems to be an extinct species. Did get the cutest mini guitar for my new niece, though she's two weeks old and that thing is for 6 months and up XP.

Other than that... Yeah, I'm overwhelmed today, which means I have to sort out all the impressions I got today at that school. And I have stuff to do. Like the dishes. They are caaaaallling meeeee *spooky sound*

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I FINALLY got SkyDoll part 3! Yay! So superduper YAY! *goes reading* What the... What do you mean, to be continued in part 4??! I already waited about 4 years for part 3! Waah T_T. I mean, yay for more SkyDoll, but that story goes incredibly slow! I thought it would be finished with this part *sighs*

Oh well, keeps the mind sharp XP. It also turned out that a recent collection/series I started, is already out of print. Way to go, Kitt, way to go... Instead of making your wishlist shorter, you only make it LONGER ¬¬.

Also got some Manga from my Archonia Wishlist. Bit stupid, since it means I am actually a bit more expensive XD Oh well, that's life! I have the manga now, instead of waiting 5 more months.

I also got the DVD The Golden Compass, which I won't see till August, since my parents will take it along to France and the movie will stay there in the Caravan we have there. And The Smurfs, for my mom. We still miss 1 new figurine.

I also couldn't find a VGA-splitter; so you can attach 2 screens to 1 laptop... *sighs*

This means, less on my to do list and MORE on my to do list. Gaaaah....

Endless Rain?

Typical, the day I FINALLY write my Endless Rain (link to the site in the title, my chapter is not up yet) chapter... the SUN shines XD How ironic. Anyway, finished the FYE2- re-reading, I am so proud! Because I finished it yesterday, I couldn't edit the Serenay Moon Site files, but those are in no hurry and will be done later on :). Today, all there is left is shopping with a student and drawing my Pen-i weekly. At this moment, I absolutely have no idea what to draw and the weekly is due friday, so in case of not knowing what to draw, I still have a couple of days. Besides what could I draw about? I've been at home most of the time!

And the moments I have been out, I only noticed how CRANKY people are nowadays. "Hey, I'm driving here!" - "Hey, I signalled! You idiot!" - "I'm waiting for you to cross over, you twit, so MOVE!"

I thought the sun was supposed to make people happier?! I do know their vacation is over, but still! BE HAPPY DARN IT! If you are in such a hurry, LEAVE EARLIER! It's not that hard! If I can do it, on my bike, than you can certainly do it too, with your CAR!

*huff, puff*

Yes, I get annoyed by people who are rushed and then blaim their incompetence to plan things correctly on others. Take some responsibility for your own actions, people! It's not that hard! The children from the swimming club can take responsibility for their own actions, why can't you grown ups?!

How, this has been my first real rant in AGES! Wow!

On the positive side: I opened a blog where I will post all my old unfinished stories. You can find it on . I'll try to update twice a week: Monday (English story) and Friday (Dutch story). I already posted the first story: Pokémon ABC!

Well, I have about an hour before I have to leave. Let's do some Serenay Moon files XP

Monday, May 18, 2009

Story Vault and First day off

Well, my first day off was filled with the same stuff as ever. Except, instead of spending it at work, I spend it re-reading FYE2 XD. Other than that, I did the same as ever. Will continue re-reading after this post.

Weather is bwech. It's hot, moist/damp and thunder is most likely in the air. Just rain already! This weather is no fun...

I also created a blog to post all my old and unfinished stories: . You are welcome to visit, but keep in mind, the English is in no way representive of my English nowadays! I wote these stories when I was still a teenager and most of my English is self-taught. Anyway, the first story is already up and I will try to update twice a week, on monday (English stories) and friday (Dutch stories).

Edit: Finished re-reading FYE2! Yay! I am sooo proud!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Posted a new to do list

The new To Do list is on the right side. See how little is still truely empty? T_T . And somewhere inbetween I have to send a package too XP But I can't tell when because it's a SURPRISE XP Won't tell who the package it for either, girl, boy, Netherlands, Europe or beyond... MUAHAHA

= Question: I have a LOT of unfinished stories, both Dutch and English. Some are good, some are bad, some are in Engrish (very bad English due to being young XP). Should I, or should I not post them on my website? The stories include a Pokémon Fanfic (in Engrish) and Maryoku (in Dutch) and way, way more.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Days off? Eh....

From Monday the 18th of May 2009 till June the 5th 2009, I am SUPPOSED to have 3 weeks off... however, it seems that when I have days off, people seem to snatch me away from my freedom. Because it's getting overwhelming and I want my sister to know where I'm gonna be (just in case), I'm gonna make a pretty list!

Monday, 18th of May:
- switching cards for sale in a local shop. Can't leave until 1 pm, expect to be back around 3 pm. Will also check book 2 for the last time in this week. Also have to buy a new 'Strippenkaart' for public transportation.

Tuesday, 19th of May:
- Manga shopping in Utrecht with a student. She won't be out till 1 pm, so it's gonna be quite late and there will be little time... But we're gonna make it!! I've done it before!

Wednesday, 20th of May
- Visiting a school; dunno when I will be home + swimming class.

Thursday, 21st of May
- Empty... I HOPE XD

Friday, 22nd of May
- Empty... I HOPE XD

Saturday, 23rd of May
- Swimming classes; will be home early and rest of the day off

Sunday, 24th of May:
- Schminck Job. Thought it was monday XD This list already proved its use!

Monday, 25th of May:
- Empty... I HOPE

Tueday, 26th of May:
- Empty.... I HOPE

Wednesday, 27th of May:
- Empty, but swimming classes in the evening

Thurday, 28th of May:
- Visiting a school, dunno when I'll be home

Friday, 29th of May
- Visiting a school, dunno when I'll be home

Saturday, 30th of May
- Swimming classes in the morning

Sunday, 31st of May
- T3h 3MPTY!

Monday, 1st of June
- To Utrecht with UUMIE!! (unless she rather wants me to go to her....)

Tuesday, 2nd of June
- Still empty! Dad's birthday though.

Wednesday, 3rd of June
- Swimming classes in the evening

Thursday, 4th of June
- Empty

Friday, 5th of June
- Last day of freedom! Sister's birthday too.

Saturday, 6th of June
- Cancelled swimming classes due to a family meeting I cannot miss/cancel/postpone. Only downside is that I will actually have fun O.o Sorry!!

Sunday, 7th of June
- Still empty

Monday, 8th of June
- Switching card again. Oh yeah, and WORK XD Let's NOT forget that!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Testing, testing

This post is a test. I think I got the title back and managed to put a link in the said title. Wow, if this works, I really did a lot of html today!

  • Posted Okúta (okay, not really html XD)
  • Uploaded the entire Studio Tsunami site
  • Re-'modelled' the blog
  • Added the twitter to the blog
  • Edited another blog
  • Found back the title etc etc
  • Oh yeah, and I already prepared next month's update for my webshop

So yeah... *YAWN*, I did a lot today XP

I changed the layout; the old one was way too old. I don't use my blog THAT often any more; I use Twitter more because that is easier to update.
This is a standard blog layout and actually the best one they offer. Tried to make custom colours, but I could change all except the background colour ¬¬. Maybe I'll make a new layout one day, but I should start using my blog then XP.

Wow, just saw CSI... what's with the suicide lately? Okay, this guy THOUGHT the gun was unloaded, but still... I think I'm gonna put some My Little Pony on. Happy thoughts and non-violence. There are so many crime series on TV lately...

ANYWAY, I moved my websites to all a new account, so check out . Please let me know if there are any broken links :).

Nothing else to say actually. Became an aunt last week :) Yay for babies!