Sunday, December 28, 2003

I feel like all my pieces of art or stories are missing.....something. A spark or so... I don't know. It feels like something is missing....

Saturday, December 27, 2003

I must stay awake, I must stay awake. I FINALLY talked to Demi again since AGES and he had to go offline for an hour, but he never got my message telling him I would wait, so maybe he doesn't know I'm waiting for him right now!
Week report time!!

I left early to pick up Uumie. We came home quite early and I learned how to use an electric pump with an inflatable matress. Step one: Do NOT blow air into the hole where the air is supposed to go OUT! It's quite hard to blow up a matrass then. But, anyway, we succeeded.
We watched Spirited Away and Uumie thought the same as I did: Very strange movie. I like it though, even though it's strange. I just don't get it O.o. Maybe I'll understand it one day...
That evening we went to Finding Nemo. To be short: MINEMINEMINEMINE - BUBBLES! - I WISH I COULD SPEAK WHALE! - INTERVENTION!
Went home, went to bed and slept.....

Woke up, my dad took us along to the local mall, walked around, I learned Uumie a new receipe (she doesn't like but heck that's a detail! XD) and that evening we both tried hard to stay up long... but ended up in our beds at 8.30 pm XD Both of us felt quite sick XD Pooor us!
My mom even came by to check on us, and she was very nice: 'Are you nuts?! Do not have a heater this close!'. That's my mom being worried ^_^. That was her being nice btw. We woke up about each 2 hours and all, and then...

Wednesday!: Boy I had trouble getting up and the thought of having a 4 hour trainride again was enough to drag me downstairs and look at my dad:
Dad: Let me guess: if we can drive her home with the car?
Kitt: Would be nicer for me too; then I won't be alone on the way back (I was feeling better again btw)
Dad: Well, your mother and I already decided yesterday we would bring her home...
So, daddy drove us to Uumie's place! And I met her mom! And dogs! And cats!
On the way back, we got in a huge traffic jam. What should have taken us 30 minutes now took more than an hour.
The evening my parents were asked to visit my sister's boyfriend's mini concert (he's in a band). I was quite dissappointed I wasn't asked along, but when I arrived there, my sister didn't seem to mind. Lemme see:
Band 1: Not the best around
Band 2: If this was Idols (Dutch version)... those girls would be crushed by the judges! O.o Man it was OFF KEY! It didn't match at all and the band didn't sound like a band at all!
Band 3: My sister's boyfriend's band (okay, he plays the guitar, but he's good at it so NYA! =P) - not exactly my taste, but the singer had a nice voice (even though I couldn't hear what he was singing O.o) and the band sounded like the practised! (unlike band 2...) It was the best I heard that evening!
Then went home and to bed again....ah.... bed....aah....

Thursday: 1st Christmas Day here
I don't recall what I did... probably restyling Tiamat's gallery. I'm done with hers and it's a lot harder to steal art now. Not impossible, but harder. I didn't think about the adds though... I hope it will still look nice then O.o
Looking at the art may be a bit annoying but you have a certain thief to thank for that....
We also ate pancakes, but the frying pan was a meanie so they failed! Even my mom couldn't get them right!
We taped Pocahontas (Dutch version) and Tiggr's Movie (Original Version, no subtitles) from TV.

Friday: 2nd Christmas Day here
Grandmother came, Sister came, Sister's boyfriend came, and I typed the final part from Silent Threat on our 'new' laptop. It's done now! Woohoo!
We ate 'gourmet' again, like all 2nd christmas days, and to be honest.... I dun like it that much any more.
We taped Mulan (Original Version, no subtitles) from TV and later on watched it. Awesome movie! I wanna wear that 'kimono-like-dress' she wears when saving the emporer too!!
Then went to bed, read some (Yay! I READ!) and went to bed....

Work... bwech. Wasn't that busy but I didn't wanna work T_T. After that my parents picked me up and I went to some Garden Malls - Christmas Sales!!! My mom bought new lights... AGAIN! Last year she bought exactly the same! And I swear, if I dun put my parent's on a leash... I lost them 3 times today! I did find them back though.
Went home, went online, waved at some people, had dinner, went to my grandma's because we're missing some pills and we feared she may have taken it along accidentally (we couldn't call her since she accidentally didn't put the horn on the phone), which she hadn't, so now some pills are suddenly missing.... Then I went online again for something I can not share MUAHAHAHA!
And I have a feeling Demi's not gonna come any more T_T. NOT FAIR!!!
Well, at least you know what happened the past few days!!

Sunday, December 21, 2003

Hi Everybody!! Missed me? Has been WAAAAAAAAAY too long =D.
The internship.... finally over for the year 2003. It was tiring, VERY tiring. More things my teacher said to a collegue (which I overheard): 'I have a very smart intern student and she's a computer specialist too!!'
What the...? Just because I have a website, can unplug a computer (and later on hook it up again XD) and came to the idea to play a copied CD through the computer (because 3 other CD players wouldn't take it) I'm a computer specialist?! XD Flattering though, very flattering.
And just because I happened to notice a candle becoming very small and dangerous, I'm smart?? Oh well, thanks for the compliments =D
And guys, I'm truely sorry....... I'll be gone till wednesday evening so no posts till then.... okay, technically I'm not gone. Uumie will stay at my place! WOOHOO! And it's impolite to go behind the pc then ^_^. Unless she wants too. My parents always taught me: Guests First. ^_^. I can't wait!!! I'll pick her up tomorrow morning!
Okay, on with the BLOG! Last Saterday I got my christmas package from my job. It was filled with 3rd world products and to be honest..... last year's was better XD. Okay, the fact we had less than last year doesn't matter.... but.... it was filled with ORDINAIRY things! Only good thing is that we helped 3rd World farmers...
And yesterday was the busiest Saterday of the year at my job. All those Christmas Cards....But anyway, halfway our group manager came and gave us a bag with goodies! A 2nd Christmas Package because this year's efficiency has been way higher than last year! Heck, you dun hear me complaining =D It what was in it was actually BETTER than the Christmas Package XD.
Talking about Christmas, I got a Christmas Gift from my internship school as well.... just dun know where to place it XD. And I went to the school's christmas musical and was on stage as well ^_^. To keep the tone with the kids in the song XD Because they can sing too high if they forget the text XD. Went great!
And the World's Largest Christmas Tree stands in..... Lopik! Near my City! Okay, technically it's not a tree. It's a radio tower. With lots of lights you can even see in Odijk! And that's FAR from Lopik =D. It has been there all my life (only around christmas though) and because of the costs they didn't plan to do it this year... but everybody thought that was no fun at all and they found sponsors!!! And now it's here again!! YAY!
What more? I'm still a bit tired and I cleaned up my room ^_^. It once again looks like a room =D.
Oh, and my dad placed the Christmas Tree (2 actually) and this year I decorated them! (Mom was too tired...). The biggest one doesn't look that great, but the small one rules ^_^. And my mom used MY blue christmas balls! She didn't know they were mine but mom....... you only have silver christmas balls ^_^. Oh, don't get me wrong, I don't mind at all!! I was very surprised she used it! My mom is really great with decorations; she has a great taste!
And.... what more? Eh..... I can't recall XD. Need to prepare stuff for tomorrow......... I hope I can SLEEP tonight =D

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

Just a little news to the peeps out there. If you followed me around, you know I've got kicked out of an internship and that I had a new one (after 9 weeks...), but that I was on probation (till next week friday). Today I gave my first lesson.
Teacher's reply: 'I can't understand why things went wrong on your previous internship! You did pretty good! And you have to have internship till January? Well, you can come back after the Christmas vacation and finish your internship here!'

I wanted to post this sooner, but I won't be able to post anything till next week's friday, because I have INTERNSHIP! WOOHOO

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

I am here. Again. This early? Yes!
I had internship. It was pretty cool, but I can't make a judgement yet, because it was true chaos XD. Why? Because of Sinterklaas. The kids were really really hyper and all, but that's okay ^_^. I was quite surprised that they started PRAYING! Not that there is anything wrong with it, but since I'm not religious (ly raised) I had no clue how a prayer goes. I was the ONLY ONE in that class that couldn't. But, she gave me the text so I must memorise it XD.
What more, what more? Was at home at 6 pm. Am very tired... need sleep *snore*
Tomorrow internship again, and friday a day off. Next week internship week (I will probably not be able to update on friday- it may become saterday) and boy I think I will be TIRED O.o
I should sleep better....yeah. Hardly slept again last night. Did have a cool dream though. Kinda Totally Spies, but then with different spies. I believe only Clover was the only one from the series in my dream. The rescue was a great part!! Hehe, a MALE spy =P Same kind of outfit, but then a more male outfit ^_^. Very cool. I do believe I was not in that dream though. It was more like watching tv..... I want to remember it more!!!

Monday, December 01, 2003

Well, tomorrow my fist internship day in weeks again! I'm quite nervous- wish me luck!!
I also had a talk to the School's counselor. He too thinks it may be wise I go see someone to just talk to him. It may let me feel better. The fact that I moved on with my life, doesn't always mean I closed the subject. May be true. He also said that whatever the previous mentors have said to me, that they weren't allowed to say that at all (things like that they doubt if I'll ever be a good teacher). They have goals and the mentors should see if I improved enough. That was all.
But, what bothers me most right now, is that I never thought I was troubled until THEY brought it up. My life was perfectly fine until they went all 'maybe you should get professional help'.
So, I now have to decide if I get help or not... It may be nice to have someone to talk to, but am I really that messed up that I need help? I feel more messed up because of what they said.....