Wednesday, December 30, 2009


At work, I found out that K. and I share quite a lot of history... and I never recognised her! She did recognise me... and now it turns out she knows S. as well.

S., my childhood.... well, if I'd say nemisis, I'd be totally overreacting. But still, S. was very arrogant, but everyone adored her, thinking she was Miss Perfect.

And now K. told me: "Oh yes, I know S. as well! She totally hates it if people drool about her like that."

And I was like: '...Eh...? Are we talking about the same S.?'

She now seems to hate it if people say she is so wonderful all the time. She seemed to dig that during High School. So, that leaves me with 2 options:

1. S. outgrew her arrogant phase and grew some modesty. That would be like, totally wow.

2. S. only says that hoping she'd attract attention (which she used to do); kinda like: "Oh, but I'm not perfect at aaaaaaaaaaall, I don't know whyyyyyyy people keep on saying that?" (I knew 2 other people on High School who kept on saying that as well; getting straight A's all the time- J. and H.)

Maybe I should give her a chance again. She wasn't not-talented (heck, part of me is jealous because she became totally famous and is AGAIN worshipped), so the fact she gets to play on all kinds of TVshows must be because she grew into a more talented person... but it's the arrogance I hate, as well as that everybody adored her, saying, and I'm not kidding about that, she could never make a mistake because she was soooooo talented. That's what I hated even more than her own arrogance: the fact people almost worshipped her as if she was a god (I am NOT kidding! I'm serious about this!).

The jealousy towards her may stay; that only helps me improve (I'm jealous at many friends of mine; jealousy and friendship CAN mix!)... but maybe I should give her a chance: people can change. Maybe she really grew out of her arrogance....

Yeah, maybe that's a good New Year's Resolution: give S. a chance to prove she indeed changed. I haven't given her that chance for ages (maybe a little bit childish of me ^_^', I admit!), so perhaps now is the time to do so.

Wishing you luck, S., and truely meaning it! If K. is indeed right and you lost your arrogance, then I wish you all the best and a beautiful carreer on stage, TV and heck, even Hollywood!

Closing off this part of my life... Right in time for the New Year!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Random title with a random blog. Yesterday I started a large drawing and I want to scan it before colouring... too bad I first have to do my webcomic; otherwise I'd have to scan twice! Scanning is not the problem, but booting up/shutting down the computer and the scanner twice.... 30 minutes I could use drawing my webcomic XP I want to finish my 'to do stuff' as soon as possible, so I can spend my New Year's Eve in peace! W00t!

Just closing off projects, so I can start new ones... and the new ones are for the Kumiko Event in may!!

Monday, December 28, 2009

*sighs sad*

A store I visited every 3 weeks has decided to close... and another store I liked has closed as well. So many stores, just before 2010... closing the doors. It's sad. It does save me about 2 hours once-every-three-weeks, so it does help... but to end it like that...

Anyway, on happier news... I survived christmas, had fun with friends and family... hold on, what was I going to tell? Oh yeah, I wrote some FY chapters! Finally, I was writing again! It felt so good! And tonight, I'll go drawing again :)

I do feel swamped again XD One thing at a time, please!

Wishing ye all well for the last few days of the year... and of course wishing you the best for the entire 2010!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Hope you had a nice christmas!

I had a fine one as well :) Though my brother in law is way better at any game at the Wii... Drats! A well, he games way, way more often.
I also noticed, in both the online as the offline world... people are really cranky nowadays. Whenever I try to help, show interest... they reply super snappy! Well excuuuuuuuse me (ala Link from Zelda) for being INTERESTED in your life. Or that I was trying to help!
I'd turn my back to them, but they are within my circle of friends and family... and co workers. I guess they all must have the Christmas Snappy Blues or so...

Well, I'm off to do some more online stuff, so I can continue my writing! Happy 2nd christmas day/26th of December!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

There's not much to say

Sorry, there isn't. Maybe tonight, though today if filled with work and cleaning up... I'll probably move my laptop to the attic as well XD It's colder there, but tomorrow the family will come for christmas and the table is needed for food.

Reminds me off, I need food XD

I wish you all a wonderful holiday-time... enjoy the time off!!

That you may get lotsa presents!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


All that title-making-up is getting tricky/hard XD. Anyway, it's cold here XP The snow is melting, or was melting today, so getting around by bike is getting easier. Work was okay, as always. Not much to say. A lot of people are stressed and will probably stay stressed.

After work I went with my mom to the garden mall because there was a sale; 40% off on the little houses people can put on a table or so. Just not Dickensville, because that is ugly painted XD (sorry!) We prefer department. We bought a castle today =D Hurray! But we spend quite a lot ^_^'

Anyway, I have 2 e-mails left to send and to update my site. The updating shouldn't take long, the mails either... but we wanna show stuff to dad and go to bed early XP

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Polar Express... *sighs*

Well, I saw the Polar Express yesterday and well... even though I had heard it wasn't the best one... I hardly watched it; focused more on online stuff and to do stuff. It was entertainable, but I honestly didn't miss a thing.
And why does Santa Claus need so much movies? To proove his existance? Do people have that little faith in him? St. Nicolas only now starts to get movies; for 500 years he did without.

No, the Polar Express is not the best one and I can't really recall a Christmas Movie I can watch over and over again. Most are sappy.

Talking about sappy... I just recalled: while in the way, way past they showed Labyrint each year, they now show Harry Potter each year. Movies 2 till 4 again. Not that those movies are sappy btw. I may not like the movies and story, but the effects are good. But to be forced to watch Harry Potter 2 for the 7th time? Okay, I'll be in my room, if anyone is looking for me.

Well, today work from 12:30 till 9 pm. Thus far no new snow has appeared, but they expect snow later today again. I'll get to my work, but the way back...? Oh well, it'll probably be fine. If I pay attention, if people pay attention....

Oh wait, that would mean thinking about others XD Some people think that's very hard XP

Monday, December 21, 2009

So, there's snow?

It's strange. Everyone I know: "We've never had this much snow before!" Even my parents! And I'm like: "Really? We haven't? Oh..." I somehow have trouble believing that we never had 50 centimeters snow in my lifetime XD But appearantly, we haven't XP

As expected, I was one of the few with little problems with getting to work. The way back, on broad daylight and with some snow melted, was way more dangerous because of some car-drivers thinking it was crazy that some bike-people were on the road, instead of the heaps of snow. While most, and I mean about 75% of the drivers then, were careful, thought about the people on bikes, some people thought it was okay to keep the normal speed limit *rolls eyes*

Well, I have lots of mini chores to do. I want to write, but it's too busy now. I wrote yesterday, but it's missing The Spark. I want The Spark back *sighs* Why do I keep on losing it?

Oh well, we'll see... it's supposed to snow again tonight XP What shall we see tomorrow...?

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Let it snow, let it snow...

Wow, look at all that snow... a table in our garden hasn't been cleaned ever since the snow started falling 3 days ago and wow... it's like 40 centimetres now! That's HUGE! And about 30 centimeters were from this morning!

And probably, tomorrow, I'm one of the few who won't have much problem to get to my work. If needed, I can even walk. Sure, I'd be on the road for about 45 minutes, but I can walk it. Though I'd totally prefer my bike XD Let's keep an eye on the weather...

Yesterday I went to André Rieu's Christmas Concert and I really enjoyed it! I doubt any of my readers will go tonight but if they do, you might want to turn away! Spoilers ahead then!

We planned on leaving early so we could be there when the doors would open, which would mean 2 hours early. Halfway we had to stop though, because I really had to go ^_^'. This stop only took 10 minutes, so we arrived at Arnhem only a tad after 6 p.m. (Doors are now open). We found the parking lot easy, but WOW! BUSY!
It took about half an hour to parc our car and then 15 more minutes to wait for the bus that would bring us to the concert hall. Seriously, there were way too little busses ^_^'. And it was cooooold!
When we got there, we had to look for our entrance, which was seriously on the other side. We first decided to make a little pitstop before looking for our places. Eventually, we were there half an hour before curtains. It took us almost 1.5 hours to parc the car and get to our places!!
I thought we had really great places, but alas... on the field is only interesting if you're in front. When everybody would stand up, I couldn't see a thing any more! Even if I stood up myself! And when I was seated, I could hardly see a thing as well. Luckily they had big screens, but to pay 75 euros to watch tv....
Anyway, the second song really reminded me of Kimu; too bad I didn't hear the name of the song *sighs*.
The music was awesome, especially when 400 trumpetplayers entered the hall to join them! 400 trumpets; all kinds of them! (Tuba, Trombone...). Amazing Grace then certainly gives goosebumps... btw, so does Memories (Cats) sung by Marusha (sp?), one of André Rieu's star singers.
Anyway, another surprise guest was Mr Wijdbeens, one of André van Duin's characters. Yes, André van Duin came as well ^_^. He's one of my fav comedians of the Netherlands. Sure, a bit over the top, but it was really funny. Such a big, big suitcase for a little conductor's stick XD.
He later came back with a woman, who he did more sketches with in the past. The photojoke was old, but still fun XD
After that sketch André van Duin came back and sang Het Dorp, a very sad, nostalgic song that's about 30 years old, maybe older. It was beautiful :)

Behind me sat a woman who sang along with every tune. And I mean EVERY tune in EVERY language. She either was part of the crew, had practised, or had visited a lot more shows. It was actually quite annoying ¬¬.
During the break, people all rushed to the restrooms. It was really crowded and you know... OLD PEOPLE ARE RUDE!

People from around 40-50 years old pushed in my back ('Hurry! Hurry!') or cut lines (and I just politely wait my turn...). Seriously, if another person from that age bracket dares to say 'Young people these days', they will hear a few things from me! Yes, young people can be rude, but seriously, the things I saw yesterday... Pot calling kettle black!!

On the way back home, I fell asleep in the car XP We were home around 1 am and I slept like a brick XD And when I woke up this morning, it has snowed again... and it's snowing still!

But hey, I'm in my bed, with a warm blanket (though I will get an extra jacket XD) and I have time... TO WRITE! FINALLY!!

Saturday, December 19, 2009


According to my Windows Vista Temprature Thingie, it's -10 Deegrees in the town next to mine. So, that means it should be -9, -10 or even -11 here. Wow... COOOOOLD!!

This morning I feared I would have gotten up early for nothing XD All the kids from swimming class were late!... though eventually only 2 showed up XD Mou, I could have stayed in bed, but I had a lot of fun with 1 kid XD

"Miss, can you hold my locker key for me?"
"Sure, just give it to me!"
*after class*
"See you next year, Miss!"
"No, see you later."
"No, it's vacation, so it's see you next year!!"
"I'm still saying, see you later."
*kid leaves, confused*
*6 minutes later*
"Miss.... can I have my locker key back please?"
"Told you: see you later!"

That is always fun :)

Also, we have a new tram here, that doesn't stop on all stations. It's meant for very busy hours... but of course, people forgot it doesn't stop on all stations and thus... missed theirs XD And of course, the usual grumpy people: "They paid so much for this piece of junk and I can't even sit!"
... It's a tiny tram that goes faster than the usual tram. Perhaps you should try REALISM for once! This person probably expects to get a 5 star dinner at a snack bar *shakes head*

Friday, December 18, 2009

Some girls buy bags...

I buy bags too!!...mainly laptop bags XD Or laptop sleeves. Or bags that can hold my art supplies... but never for fashion XD I know some people don't like that, but hey, better on functional bags than ehm... I dunno.... candy?

Though I bought white chocolate :) MJAM!

But I didn't find doilies XD Darn.

What else. Well, the entire day I'm freaking happy. Like I send my dad through cellphone: The sun is shining, the birds are whistling, the fishes are singing!

It's a very jolly day!!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

No post today

My mood is too bad for one. Everytime I arrange something, people eventually cancel... AFTER I spenned money! And now I AGAIN have to look for someone who will go instead....

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Me ish proud!

I did more of my to do list than I planned! Yay! That means I can play Knight Shift again tonight! I wanted to play the Sims, but that's on the computer on the attic and well... it's COLD there XD No heater there. I had a heater, but my baby-niece needs it XD And well, can't say no to a BABY, ne?

Today I had work. Nothing special. I thought about trying to find new Paper Doilies in the stores ( ) but I figured I could use the time today and still do it on friday or so. It's not like people NEED the brushes I'm making...

If you happen to have paper doilies (taartranden), I would MOST appreciate it if you'd scan one for me, with a red, dark blue or black paper behind it, so I can turn it into an Adobe Photoshop brush. I want to gather as much as possible!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Ahaaa! A day no post!

Aren't you all happy?! A day no post! Sunday I finished drawing Matsuru's reference, so that was about it. Now yesterday...

I started with working. Again a Belgium person who says we're discriminating Belgium people. Why does everyone agree with our terms except for those Belgium people?! French, German, Australian... they all agree! Oh, and we have a lot of Belgium Customers, but it seems the smart Belgium people don't say they are from Belgium.
Still, I have faith there are smart Belgium people; I know about 10 smart Belgium people! (which are all the Belgium people I know and call my friends XP). And I know plenty stupid Dutch people by the way. Had another high of Dutch Stupidity at work as well. Why do Dutch people NOT READ the terms of service and then claim we are being frauds? That's so typically Dutch! Hiding their own stupidity by yelling at others.

Anyway, after work I went home and called the Bike Shop to make an appointment for my 6 month check-up. "Oh, we are free now, can you bring it now?"... Eh, sure! So, my afternoon was totally gone.
But the dude who checked my bike... had poor eyesight. So I thought: "A BLIND guy is going to fix my bike?!" but he did an AWESOME job! I totally feel safe again! Two thumbs up for the Bike Store!

When my bike was done, dad wanted to show the new car they are going to get saturday or so and of course that meant hours and hours of talking.

I came home, stuffed my dinner inside and got ready for the presentation I had to give. I was allowed to give 3 presentations, but only the first time people showed up. But I don't mind, because the guy with the most critism came back and asked if Manga Art could be used for other things... and if it could help him pick up realism again. I told him it could offer a basic, but eventually practise was what was needed most.

And after that I went home and got to bed. I dreamt about a city that was like a zoo and a Tyrannosaurus Rex broke loose (why was it ther anyway?!). Of course it started munching people, but I told people to flood an indoor theater so we could save the pinguins and dolphins. And wow, people listened. For once, people listened to me and did what I told them to do.
I saved many people, but some still got chewed down and eventually the world inside (which turned huge!) was split among the people who saved the day... except me. I wasn't allowed to 'rule' a part of our zoo-world... Turns out the lady who split everything had a meaning with that, but of course I woke up before I found out why...

But there was a guy with a green/black jester suit and I wore a blue/black jester suit.... Just before I woke up. I seemed to be upset with him....

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Eh? Twice?

Yesterday my second order arrived as well... why does TNT deliver twice a day? And I'm not talking about parcels and mail; I'm talking about mail and mail! Straaaaange.
Anyway, yesterday... let's see:

- Gave swimming class; went okayish
- Came home, had breakfast/brunch
- Did some work for a student
- Art student came; had fun
- Afterwards working on another art reference. Images are done; needs some colouring and then Matsuru's Reference is done!

Today I once again planned to write, but if there's a visitor, I simply can't focus. It's impolite to stay in my room then; even if people tell me it's okay.
And crud, it took me 3 hours to do all my online stuff ¬¬. Slowness....

I'm very cranky today. VERY.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Worst Case Scenario

I order a DVD for my dad at the store I work for.
Yesterday I got a mail it was shipped; a day early. So, I was happy.
It didn't arrive in the mail today...
And the worst thing is that I know I don't have to mail the Customer Service because I know what the answer will be!
*sighs* I assume the DVD will come monday with the mail; probably has been mis-sorted or so. It happened before... but it's annoying because I know the procedures and because something that has been shipped later did arrive!!

But honestly... if it does get lost... I might even be better off...

Friday, December 11, 2009


Yesterday was a new level of stupidness on my work. Not only the customers, btw. But let's not say bad things about people who don't read what the other has said. Anyway, some people seem to think the world revolves around them and yesterday, I'm sorry to say it, 80% of the belgium customers acted like we were the bad guys.

"I don't live in abroad, I live in Belgium!"

... well yeah, from the Netherlands' point of view, you are living in a foreign country XD. Very abroad... Or maybe it's an expression of the wish Belgium should merge with the Netherlands...?

"You are obligated to ship that product to Belgium, because the European Union said borders should not constrict shops."

... but isn't it our shop? Isn't it our choice what we send abroad and what not? (Note: I won't say what it was, but you can assume it was a product that was very pricey and risky to ship I-don't-know-how-many-kilometres)

"I will report you with [name of Customer Organisation]!"

Oh, but this is serious then! Oh, wait. That's a Belgium Customer Organisation. Dutch shop, DUTCH LAW!

And an old one, but always a classic:

"I saw on your webshop you were open on sunday so I drove all the way to your shop and you weren't open at all!!"

We are a webshop. A 100% webshop. Our CUSTOMER SERVICE is open on Sunday. We don't even have a physical store!!

I am so glad I also know people from Belgium who DO have brains! So don't worry, I don't think Belgium people are stupid. Just the ones pointed out above ^_^. And it's a coincidence they are from Belgium, btw. It just has to be....

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Post 1001

...and live moves on.

Well, I slept very deep last night, dreaming about a lot of cars broken into as well as a teacher trying to kick from school, which she did, but a friend of mine made his own school and we all lived happily ever after.

Lately I'm not sleeping that great, probably because I'm going to bed irregular again. I need to be strong and just say: It's 11 pm, now I'm going to bed and not going to be distracted any more!... yeah right, like I can be that strong ¬¬

I'm also scanning Paper Doilies (sp?) lately, to make a brush set for my friends. If you want a brush set with those decorative papers they put underneath cakes, just let me know! And if you have some yourself, please scan they with a red or black background so I can turn them into brushes =D I already have 6 converted and got 2 donated!


Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Post 1000!

And let's waste it! W00t!!

Today I got gifts again, aaaaaalll the way from the USA. It even contained things from my wishlist =D Yay! I love my friends!! Special paper, special pens, Chobits Anime box... Japanese spoken, English subtitles! Yay! I checked it, and it seems like it's a complete edition. I wouldn't know for sure until I watched all; the japanese on the packaging... well... I'm not that good at japanese... kinda like... not at all XP

Other than that... I planned to pre-update my webshop, but alas: again no time XD Perhaps friday. The How to draw books I received gave me inspiration for Eternity 3's Cover, but I already had a few failed attempts XP.

Swimming class went okay. One of the kids had an exam, but she has a medical condition so she can't do everything a 'normal' person can. Still, she did a very intense part without resting, so we agreed the 2 metres under water she missed could be forgiven. We thought about splitting the assignment, so she did MORE than we expected :) Go for it, T!

And last night I dreamt about M. from High School. I always thought she was a friend, but I realised she never saw me like that when she dropped out. We were working on an assignment together and when she dropped out, she took along all the notes and left me with all the work. She doesn't look like the drop out type, but apparantly she couldn't wait before she did. I barely passed that class because of her; explaining it in my report that she suddenly left me with all the work... but the teacher was the kind of 'Heart of stone'. "Your partner left you behind? Your problem!" The things I did, trying to get the notes I needed... took me 3 weeks before her SISTER handed them over, while M. lived about 3 MINUTES from High School.
... So why did I dream about her, all of a sudden? I can't remember what it was about though.

Ooh, there goes my memory again: total blank. I woke up, was cold all morning, worked, went home, did online stuff, the dishes, received a package with GIFTS and left for swimming class... and updated my website.
That was about it. And now, off for bed! Yay!!

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Post 999

Almost 1000 posts... and I don't seem to care at all XD Maybe because I've been having 759 twitter posts already? Twitter is easier and even more random...

Well, last night I watched Flightplan on TV; that movie certainly had me fooled! Very interesting :) Kudos to the crew and actors! After that, I put on Hairspray, but I'm starting to get an overload XP Woops; I always do that with movies I like!

This night I dreamt my parents and I were getting a little vacation cottage... kinda, because it was in a tower and the top was filled with super awesome sporting equipment. Some girls laughed about how I looked and one tried to punch me, but I managed to defeat her easily. Then all the girls attacked me, as well as my sister, but I seemed unbeatable XP

I also started gathering Harry Potter items on Gaia Online again. That Memory Vial quest is soooo annoying. Seriously! It's so random!!

Monday, December 07, 2009

Post 998

I might have been a little bit too excited about Ponyo yesterday ^_^' . Woops! Anyway, I should have found my brain again.

Today I got my order of X the Movie, an anime that was euro 4.99. For that price... We'll see :) It's only JP/Dutch sub, so I can't watch it during drawing. That's a downer though, I like to draw and watch movies; it's often really relaxing... though drawing often goes very slow then XD

Anyway, I forgot to take my tablet along to work (I use it at work because of RSI-prevention) but things went fine. My company seems to have survived St. Nicolas; me ish proud of all the people who worked to make it a succes! Seriously, because a lot of orders were placed!! Kudos to all! (Not me, because I couldn't work overtime and I was pretty slow today XP)

Afterwards I went to change cards again and looked for 'Pie Papers', those decorative paper circles people put underneath their pies. I scan them and convert them into Adobe Photoshop Brushes. Thus far I had converted 3 and today I found 3 more. I actually only need 1 sheet though... but the rest can always be used in the future or be given away :)

So now I have 6 different sheets of Pie Paper, 3 already converted and 3 to be converted... but I could use more XP

Sunday, December 06, 2009


I'm watching Ponyo now; in Dutch, so I can be online and watch tv at the same time. It's cuuuute!! I prefer the Japanese version (I assume anyway), but it'll be a bit hard to combine otherwise..

Hehe... Baka Baka Baka Baka XD If you don't know what that means, you'll miss the entire joke.

Anyway, today I finished Grasshopper's reference and started on Matsuru's.

Yes, that is all I have to say. ... Did I even post yesterday? Typing a blogpost and watching Ponyo isn't easy to combine XD

Let's pick one!

.... *turns of the computer*


Saturday, December 05, 2009

Post 996

My employer's employer is so spoiling me XD Double value coupons because of a cancelled order, free shipment... This is fun XD Don't spoil me too much, I might get used to it!!

Also, my order:

"Oh, I just got home, let's see how far the shipment is, so I know if it will arrive soon."
- click, click, click -
"In distribution... all right, not within the hour at least. As soon as it gets 'Chauffeur on his way', I have to stay downstairs."
- closes screen, opens another screen -
"Good morning, Miss, your order!"
"...But I just checked 2 minutes ago! It said nothing about arriving soon!"
"Well, Miss, we are just fast today!"

Well, I'd say! Awesome dude, btw. I know he doesn't like dogs, so I keep my dogs in the room. He's very friendly and patient; way better than the previous one. That one = DING DONG GONE =.

Other than that... mwah, not much to say... but I can draw today! Which means YAY!

Friday, December 04, 2009

In Dutch

The following message will be in Dutch because I don't want certain people to know/read about it. Some already know it, so...

Also, I want to prevent a online translator still reveals the deal, so, excuse my creative writing.

Gisteren ging ik zoals altijd naar mijn werk. Nat, ja dat wel, maar ach, die regen... Op een simpel kruispunt, wat al jaren bestaat, zag een Oto (fonetisch geschreven) mij ietwat te laat. Ik kon nog net mijn been wegtrekken, anders had deze zo tussen de bumpur (bewuste spellingsfout) en mijn fiets frame gezeten.
De Oto schampte mijn achterkant, maar ik kon nog net blijven zitten. Uit schrikreactie even 'Wat een idioot' gezegd en toen, met mijn blonde domme kop... doorgereden. De bestuurder haalde me in: "Het spijt me, ik zag je echt niet! Ik zag je echt niet!" En ik weer, met mijn blonde stomme kop: "Het geeft niets, ik ben in orde, alleen maar geschrokken."

En beiden gaan hun eigen weg. 50 meter verderop: PSSSSSSS.... band leeg. Nou, niet echt leuk dus. En waar denk ik alleen maar aan: "Sjit, straks kom ik te laat op mijn werk!" En uiteraard komt het op dat moment met bakken uit de hemel.

Snel fiets parkeren en naar binnen. "Als ik maar op tijd ben, dan kan ik vragen of ik iets later mag beginnen om even bij te komen..." Kom ik de Planner en HR-manager (toch?) tegen: "Jeetje, regent het zo erg?"
"Oh, dat komt meer omdat ik net ben aangerijden (ja, bewust!)."
HR wil er uiteraard het fijne van weten en drie minuten later sta ik voor mijn Teamleader: "Hey, ik ben net aangerijden...."
"Ja, dat hoorde ik van (Planner)!"
".... Wanneer heeft hij dat dan verteld?! Zag hem drie minuten geleden!"

Enniewee, iedereen heel aardig en 's avonds opgehaald door mijn Pa. Fiets achterin, naar huis, en thuis bleek alleen het ventiel losgeschoten te zijn. Dus ik vannochtend blij dat mijn band nog vol was.... maar ik hobbelde de hele weg.
Een slag in mijn band of een bobbel in mijn band; dat is nog niet duidelijk... er is bijna niets zichtbaar, maar goed, ik ben in orde en die schade... misschien dekt de verzekering dit alsnog. Het is immers mijn eerste aanreding (ja, weer bewust!) in mijn hele leven....

Yeah, so that's what happened :)

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Dogs, rain and yawns

My dog was staring at her reflection for 2 minutes, totally frozen... until she finally realised nothing was going to happen XP Weird dog.

And it's raining again today; what a surprise! It has neeeeeeever rained here before! It's okay, as long as I'm inside, but I fear, that when I leave the house... it's not going to be 'I'm singing in the rain', but 'I'm growling in the rain'.

Man, I'm cranky. I woke up halfway an intense dream (half of the dream I was sick, btw) and I just know that when I lay myself down again, I'll fall asleep right away. I doubt the dream would continue plus there is stuff I need to do so crap, I can't go back.

Tomorrow I'll be rushing from one side to another again *sighs* And saturday I need to update my webshop... and I need to add new items as well!

When will I ever be able to write again?!

Wednesday, December 02, 2009


Waah, I ordered something from Marktplaats, the Dutch Ebay and I am sooooo excited!! The seller sounds really trustworthy (though no worries, I shall always be carefull! Been fooled before!) so I hope the books will arrive the next week...

But why did he tell me there were more books of that series?! I found another book I want XD I thought my wishlist would be smaller... but now it's getting bigger again XP Luckily with only 1 title (while there will be 3 removed - 1 book was send to me as a surprise gift, Hurray! Hurray!)

...OMG, Ron Brandsteder in his early years... that's like... WOW XD

Okay, that was random. Ehm... today I've been rushing from one place to the other, so I have like 30 more minutes to do my online stuff before I have to update my website...

And still my webcomic to do! These weeks are so crowded!

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Dimension jumping!

I dreamt about dimensions and space travels. It was cool. I was stuck on a space station and was forbidden to smuggle cd-roms and ink-for-printers (eh, wah?!) along. All I was allowed to take along was pencil and paper. However, the captain of the crew wanted to take it along anyway and I decided to play decoy. People expected me to take it along anyway, so let's play into that expectation to create a decoy!
... and the decoy worked so well even I managed to get the stuff along XD. Screaming seemed to help XD So we both had the 'forbidden equipment' along.

And in one dimension I helped to reunite a knight and a mermaid. That was adorable.

Well, I want to draw again :) I first have to finish Grasshopper's reference before I can start on a big drawing. I have 2 types of drawings in my mind; one with the FYE1-female cast and one with all the chieftesses (and 1 chief XD).

And maybe I'll be confident to draw the FYE1-male cast soon as well. The girls will have the theme 'The East' (kimono-like drawings) and the boys will then have 'The West', but what will be 'The West'?

Tips are welcome!!

Monday, November 30, 2009


Again a dream about getting late for work? In the dream, I know I must hurry up for work, but each time I'm getting close to work, something prevents me from getting in time. Road blocks, taking wrong turns... people who demand help... and each and every time the result is the same: late so much, it's useless to go even in... It always makes me feel... I dunno. Odd? Is that the word? Maybe it's dissappointment, but in what then? And why? I had this dream more often!

After that dream, I dreamt I went back to elementary school. The teacher was amazed I could write and speak english, and spoke very highly of me. One kid was jealous and tried to sabotage everything, so he or she got send to the principal. Then, the proud teacher, who helped me so much... asked me to write a simple line in Dutch. I asked if I could take a line from a Manga, because it sounded pretty. "As long as it's in Dutch!" - "Oh, I'll write it down in Dutch!"
... but the result was English. It remained English, no matter what I tried. I could no longer write in Dutch...
The teacher looked so disappointed...

And then, I finally reached my work. I was asked why I was so late and I told them because my house exploded... which wasn't true, because it was a vacation home we owned that exploded, which was also crazy. Oh, and a car backed out and ended up in our front garden, ruining all... while there isn't even a road attached to our front yard XD

So, delays, dissappointments, lies and destruction. Why did I lie about being late anyway?

But I DID like transportation vehicle I used to get to work XP It was a bike and an automatic machine that went faster and faster with a twist of a handle XP Awesome thing.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Went to bed late yesterday, but not as late as I expected. I had a birthday to attend and wow, the apetisers I made... They were on the table one minute, and gone the other! Wow, they certainly are popular XD The other apetisers would probably have been more popular if some people would have been in the room XP

Well, will be visiting grandmother today again. At least, I assume I will visit her today. Why would I not?

Still, this blogposting will be short. Will be working on my booklet and hopefully start writing again =D

Saturday, November 28, 2009


Wow, I never expected a conversation to escalate. Am I not entitled of my own opinion? I respect the opinions of others... even when they do not respect mine. But from some people, I had expected they would respect mine *shakes head*

It has happened more than once. People who totally go into defence-mode because my opinion differs from them. Doesn't difference of opinion colour the world? And I like a good discussion! It's fun, trying to convince others of my opinion, while they try to convince me!

Sometimes opinions do not change, but is that what matters? It's so awesome to see how other people think!

But alas, that opinion is not shared as well... I am expected to stay silent...

...And that is one thing I will not do. I have a voice and I belief in what I say. If you cannot share my opinion, that if fine, but do not expect me to change it just to please you.

I am not a hypocrit. That's one thing I do not want to be and one thing I shall not be.

And I'm darn proud of that as well!

Friday, November 27, 2009


It works! It works! Tape 2 is converted! Only 37 left to do! *dances around* And thank you, dear you-know-who, for convincing me to try it again! I am HAPPY!

Also, because I'm not really in the mood for a long post, some facts:

  • I dislike it a LOT that R. said my grandma is dying ¬¬. Only because she is over 80?! "But being so old is a nice age!" Yes, AND?! I had never expected her to say that. So what that my grandma is in the hospital, it's not a life threatening disease! It's only so she can get what more minerals.
  • I dislike Da. a lot as well at the moment, because I wasn't allowed to say I wouldn't join a group activity because I thought the 'fake money input' was too high. Opinion, people?
  • I bought some stuff for my brother in law's b-day. I seem to be famous with my simple recepie (sp?). Mon Chou, Hamm and ... 'Bieslook'

My brain seems to be down XP. I dunno why, but I feel like I have waaaay too much left to do!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

It isn't over yet!

I mailed the Webcompany I ordered the Cassette Converter from, to ask what I did wrong with placing my order. Because they were so kind, they changed the delivery date from tuesday to today!!... But I still don't know what I did wrong XD But thanks anyway, Dixons :)

Other than that... new artzies!!

A name that does not float by ~kittyocean on deviantART

The beautiful one by ~kittyocean on deviantART

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Cassette Continues!

Well, yesterday I returned the Cassette Converter, and got a full refund. That evening, I was thanked a lot by someone for the directions; he loved his tape converter!! I was like:


(BTW, no worries, I wasn't upset, I was just... '....' XD)

Anyway, I decided to try one again and ordered one online. 'Order before 22:00 pm, get it the next day!'. Since it was 21:45, I decided to go for it.

Order placed, confirmation received and... 'We hope to deliver it on the 1st of december 2009.'

And I was like:


You gotta admit, it's becoming pretty ironic. Honestly, I don't really care if it comes today or next week. The only pro of next week is that I am now forced to LET GO OF THE DRAMA and do some fun stuff :) After all, it won't come until tuesday!
However, I did mail with the question what the heck I did wrong ^_^. Just so I know what I did wrong.

Well, today my grandma had to go to the hospital, to get some fluids (infusion according to the google translator... yeah right! More a TRANSfusion) because she seems to be pretty low on calcium, magnesium and natrium (salt).

Now she suddenly has to stay, because they can't admit the fluids in one time... at least not in the amount she needs! I'm partly worried, but also glad. My grandma has been fainting a lot lately and she doesn't feel well... but the docters never gave it that much thought! She only has medicine, medicine and even more medicine pushed inside her.

Hopefully this treatment will make her feel better AND will they finally find out what the heck is wrong with her!!

(physcially wrong that is, because mentally my grandma is still totally 30.... only with a 'I don't understand all that progress' mentality)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The end of the tape converter

The tape converter ruined my test tape. So, I only did the logical action: I returned it. They were a bit hesitant at first, so I showed the ruined tape. So, I got my money back.

I am willing to try it again, one day, but not now. Not after so much misfortune. Maybe the time isn't right for it yet. Maybe in a year or 2, they will have tape converters that do NOT kill tapes.

Oh, and if any of my readers get a WORKING tape converter, please tell me the brand and where you bought it.

Other than that, slept very deep. That's about it. Day is already ruined due to rushing towards the store again (because it's not in my town). Luckily I'm totally apathic on thursdays and tuesdays...

Oh, and I got a second sponsor for my exposition in April. O.o I'm like: WOW about that

Monday, November 23, 2009

Cassette Continues?

Well, the first tape has been converted into 2 mp3. One from the A side, one from the B side. I could split it up in several MP3, but you know... you have like 2 seconds before the new story starts. It's so detailed work... I don't think it's worth it.

One cassette done, at least 38 to go. (from 1 series, that is)

I do wonder if one cassette will fit on 1 cd. I mean, most music cd's can contain 80 minutes of music... the cassettes hold about 80-90 as well! I mean... what the...?! What's the big upgrade from cassette to cd then?! (asides the fact cd's are less fragile, hold better quality, last longer...)

Oh well, we'll see :). At least I will make an mp3 DVD, to store them all. That's already half the quest =D

Oh, and it's raining today. And yesterday. Lots of rain. The water is already really high; I hope we won't get such floods like in the United Kingdom! That's crazy water!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Happy End?

Well, today was one of the worst days... with possibly a little happily ever after...

In my youth, I used to have cassette tapes with fairytales; Lekturama's Luister Sprookjes (the red tapes and books) and I really enjoyed them. However, Cassette Players are getting rare nowadays, so I wanted to convert them to MP3.

The first cassette deck we had broke down within 3 second. Very crappy, but we had plenty left.
The second cassette deck gave bad quality, but at least it worked.
The third cassette deck gave great sound... but was suddenly broken down this morning.
The second cassette deck suddenly gave even worse quality.

So, feeling totally craptastic, I decided to buy a 'cassette to mp 3'-set. Since the stores were open this sunday because of St. Nicolas, mom and I decided to go.

The first store said they never had them, while their site said they had.
The second store did have one, but refused to sell it to me since it was the last one they had left. The Floor model. They could order one for me though... But still, this set had to remain in the store so the people knew what they sold... while they had none in stock!
The third store... I already wanted to give up, but the man suggested calling a linked store for me. And they had one left! (I should have been nicer to that man, but being refused to buy something had totally pissed me off. I hope he can forgive me...)
So, we hurried to the fourth store and yes... there it was! Even kept behind the counter especially for me! I still wasn't miss Peachy still (and I'm still a bit ill-ish). Btw, this set was 1/3rd of the price of the big set I was refused to buy.

I get home, install the software, hook things up... and it doesn't work. Odd. I open the set, turn the cassette around... still nothing happens. I open the set... and the tape is wound around the spools!
Totally in panic, I quickly put it on the table and left the room.

Later that evening, mom looked at the set and phew, she could easily unwind the spools and the tape and the set were saved. And thank goodness, now it works! I can FINALLY turn my storybooks fairytales into mp3! It will take a while, 39 x 90 minutes and then splitting it all... and then my Alfred J. Kwak tapes... And my 2 Sesame Street tapes, but at least my niece can enjoy the same stories her mom and I enjoyed...

Mm, maybe I can also MP3 the Toddler Tapes we had... I wonder where those 2 are...

Saturday, November 21, 2009

I did it!!!

Okay, hitting send before having types anything, that's pretty stupid....

Anyway, I'm still not that healthy, but I'm feeling better... and guess what... yesterday I went to bed at 21:30/9:30 pm! That's like... freaking early! I could have used more though...

Anyway, the promised Book Festival Report.

For years I've been going to the book festival and each time I come home with less (which dad loves, btw XP). This year I even only found 1 comic and 1 manga! Maybe I would have found more if I actually checked all the tables... but since I was sick-ish, my mom was sick-ish and my baby niece had went along, we made it short.

I found two how to draw books I'd never pay full price for: Christopher Hart's Mecha and Cars. I don't have much with Mecha and Cars, but I may need it in the future and if you get it for 3,95 and 2,95 instead of 19,95... then yeah, that's a bargain :)

I found 1 Cinemanga from Avatar, 1 Suske & Wiske Pocket and 1 Manga: We Shadows. I met the author recently and he told me the only place I might find it, would be eBay... and I find it on the Book Festival! That's like.... finding a needle in a haystack! And I didn't even have to look! I'm so happy!!

Still, if I hadn't met him, I would have never bought it... or probably looked for it XD I only heard about it 2 days ago!

My mom didn't want to go into the crafts section, but I wanted to and we got a few crafts things I can give away as gifts. Then mom was tired of it and didn't want to check the last table... where I found a baby puzzle, an Alfred J Kwak Game and a Smurfs game!

So, I hurried to my mom and said: "Hug first!" and then I showed her the smurfs game (Mom is a smurfs freak. If you have leftover smurfs... this way please!)

The baby puzzle I bought was for ages 1 and up, but my niece is 6 months. Still, when we showed it to her, she immediately started trying to slide the pieces! Sure, she couldn't really slide it yet, but hey, it's a start! And that for only 6 months! She immediately knew what she had to do! (or she is very good in pretending to know what to do XP)

And then I went home, ate, to bed... stuff like that. I'm having weird dreams lately. Like going on a vacation... and then getting a temp job there! Delivering mail! Hello; VACATION!!!

And there were shoes involved. Lots of shoes. I recognised one pair of shoes I used to have....

And woooow..... getting dizzy all of a sudden O.o Let's take things easy today!

Friday, November 20, 2009


My rant yesterday may have been caused by me falling ill. I'm not ill-ill... just very tired, not feeling good... nothing a good sleep can't fix. Hence the shortness. But anyway, I went to the book festival today... I will give a list of what I found tomorrow. But highlights:

  • Alfred J. Kwak Board Game. Didn't even knew it excisted XD
  • We Shadows Volume 1. Why that is special, I will tell tomorrow...

And now I'm off, doing my weekly webcomic....

And hopefully, getting to bed early (I know, it's in my hands... XP)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

*cough, cough*

Has anyone seen my voice? I seem to have misplaced it...

Anyway, yesterday I slaved away all day to make my website Wii-compatible... or at least, give it a Wii-compatible entrance ( Sure, it's not handy for reading the stories, but now you can watch my art easily through the Wii; Yayness!!

I just wished my friends were just as happy or at least a fragment supportive ¬¬. Is it me, or are all my friends so caught up in their own worlds that they forget there are people out there who can be happy about something they worked all day on?

I'm not saying they should start a parade whenever I make something... but it would be nice if they would at least send some sort reply. ANY reply. Even a 'Man what a waste of time' would be welcome since I GET HARDLY ANY REPLIES WHATSOEVER!

I know people are busy with work, school, life... but is it so bad to ask SOME form of attention?

Or is my e-mailprovider not accepting their e-mails? Filtering and blocking them out? Because that is possible... but then... I still have that other e-mail adress and a thing that's called a PHONE.

And why do I even bother posting it here? More than once it feels like I keep on giving and giving and giving... and I get none in return. They expect me to be supportive of them, but when I ask support in return... I honestly get nothing.

Maybe I should become selfish. Stop doing things for others. I already stopped doing things for 1 girl. I don't care her favourite series came out on Dutch DVD. If she doesn't bother mailing me back when I ask her questions, send her text messages, why should I bother? I'm sick and tired of being the happy supportive friend for people who give nothing back whatsoever.

So if people stop supporting me... I will stop supporting them. It's not me who ends the friendship then. I would never end a friendship. But I'm not going to keep on giving either.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Letter to a friend

Dear X,

I miss you so much. I love how you make me smile, but I haven't seen you much lately. I know why and it's a perfectly good reason. It's important and about your future. It would not be fair to demand your attention...

But the fact I'm leaving you alone, as requested, does not make me miss you less. I know I am helping you, by not sending you e-mails, so you won't get distracted. But... it's so silent.

It's only like a month more and I will hang on... but I so miss our funny conversations, our little mindgames on MSN... and you're little slip-ups ^_^. Those slip-ups were so funny... I can't wait till you're done.

Hang in there. I know you can do it. And I can do it as well... because I know you will be waiting for me, as I am waiting for you.

Go for it. The finish line is near.... and neither will slip. I'll be waiting for you, on the other side. Handing you the flowers, the thropy, the glory....

... unless I totally forget about it. Because that's me as well... I have the brain alike a Swiss Cheese ^_^'

Missing you,
your dear friend for almost 10 years now,

Kitty Ocean

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I dreamt about a themeparc which was a mix between DisneyLand and Efteling ^_^ I had a lot of fun with friends there, even though we lost two halfway... but we found them back!
I also dreamt I was being followed by the maffia, but that might have to do with seeing Batman Begins yesterday.

I must admit, the movie was pretty good. Way better than the previous ones. A lot more realistic. Though, I missed about 10 minutes because of a power blackout...

Somehow I already had a feeling a power blackout would happen soon, so I bought 2 flashlights that don't need batteries. So, we could use them yesterday while looking for candles.... and when we found the candles, the power went back on XP

Ah, the irony...

Monday, November 16, 2009

Gaaaah, I'm hungry

I should eat something XP Ever since Fall started, I'm way more hungry. I now eat twice as much!!!... though I have to admit, I was eating insanely little in the summer XD No, seriously! I think I'm now heading towards a NORMAL decent amount of food.

Other than that... Nopes, nothing. Truely nothing. Except the same old poem once again...

I am alone,
alone in a room filled with friends.
Can't you hear me scream,
over the dreaded silence?

I have to admit, it's getting longer and longer XP I mean, I first only had the first 2 lines... and now I have 2 more!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

How could I forget him??!

If I hadn't seen that kid while walking the dogs, I completely would have missed St. Nicolas' arrival in the Netherlands! Whenever I see it, I just get filled with happiness... all those happy childeren! And it's awesome how the older kids can 'play' along better and better each year.

I do like the Sign Language Piet btw ^_^ Totally in style and giving small comments whenever nothing is spoken. Awesomeness....

And Hoofd Piet pretends to be St Nicolas XD So funny! He actually pulls it off nicely, btw. And this has a double meaning ^_~ You never know who might be reading this.

Can't wait till my niece is old enough to understand what is going on... I'd so love pulling her around =D

Friday, November 13, 2009


So, Winx Club finally is worth my notion... and then they ruin it again with the last episode. It's so un-winx-like! Complete disappointment. *sighs* I mean, killing off a bad guy is one thing, killing off an important character is another! Making a series more mature is also one thing... but this completely traumatised the peer group! Seriously, you should read the reviews, kids and teens cried (one compared this character's death with Michael Jackson's death O.o). A lot. Really a lot. Sure, that's also a compliment, if you can make people cry, but again: un-winx-like. Winx is (mostly) about happy flowers and kitties.

Talking about Winx Club... once again I got the comment my art style looks too much like Winx Club. I've been drawing from 1999, the Winx Club's oldest sketches (online) date from 2000. Elfquest is my main influence, not those fairies!
Also, I once heard that my drawing of the character Kitty Ocean was 'the worst Bloom' that person ever saw. And I was like... WHAAT?! They don't look alike AT ALL!

And people still don't see why I hate Winx Club. It's not because of the series, it's not about the art, not about the characters.... It's about the FANS! The fans, who keep on telling me I STOLE my art style from a series that got on TV years AFTER I established my art style.

The only Winx Club fan who I do like, is a kid who can see the difference. And guess what, she's an artist herself.

So, Winx Club fans, you have your work cut out for you! Can you all help me love a series that has been ruined by people who can't see the difference between a pear and a boat?

Also, Winx Club Artists... the correct phrase on the sign should be 'Open' and not 'Opened'. XP

Thursday, November 12, 2009

I've said it once before

And I'm saying it once again... I think it's utterly impolite to NOT answer on an e-mail. If I send you an e-mail, I expect an answer (unless it's obvious I'm not expecting anything). Maybe not within a day... but at least within a week! And especially if the mails concerns things I did for you, like redirecting you to someone...

It's quite simple: if you don't tell me about how things went while I arranged that for you... you can expect the road of friendship to get blocked... Friendship is a two way track and if I am the only one who does things to keep the friendship going.... I'll be doing less and less for you.

I'd rather spend my time on people who DO appreciate what I do for them. And if you do appreciate it.... TELL ME! Give me feedback. That is polite!!

And if I have to read on a(n online) newspaper you lost a competition you had invited me to (but I couldn't come because of work...).... then don't expect me to tell you I know. You should tell me. I am supportive... the least you can do is let me know the result.

It doesn't take more than 2 minutes.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Holy Wowzers!

Today I found back a password from an account I made back in... brace yourself, 2004!! It's a referall site/address and the owners contacted me: "Hey, you are redirecting to Geocities but Geocities is deeeeeaaaad."

But now, it works again!

Hurray!! Other than that... Well, I worked, bought a book, almost was asked to pay 8 euro's too much... but yeah, I checked the price beforehand XP If it was 27,50 in the morning, it should be 27,50 in the afternoon!

After that we went to Hornback, to get a few pictures framed. We'll be coming back there a lot more often... Hehehe *wicked grin* Manga Expo, here I come!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Social networking

Yesterday I went to a presentation about Social Networking... and well... let's just say that I had expected a lot more. While that woman had her specialty, I actually knew about 75% she told already plus I know a lot more on SOCIAL networking. She looks at it from a business side, I look at it from a social side... which is the most important think about Social Networking.

For example, Netiquette (which that woman called Net-etiquette; that term is soooo 2001). I know quite a bit on playing the digital fields. I know how I can convince a mass to jump and troll an innocent being. I know how I can turn a Flamer against himself. I know how and when to break off an argument, managing to make the other feel bad and people thinking he's a ****. And technically, I also know how to ruin a person's sanity by effectively trolling and flaming.

But the fact I know how to manipulate the digital social world, doesn't mean I do it. Actually, most of it was done to me, though I never was a flamer (I was a troll in my early, early, EARLY online days. 16 and helping out a friend... I learned my lesson and am not proud of those days).

Like the guy who started an argument that St Nicolas was a festival for racists. He tried to lure me back into talking to him by apologising, but I didn't even respond to that.

Like the girl who stole my character, nicknames and all, and when I confronted her, she send all her friends at me, who told me I stole every design in my gallery. If you know where to look, the comments are still there. If I'd hide them, I'd show my fear and defeat. You want to accuse me? Go ahead! I will keep your insults, reply to them with kindness and truth... and your false accusations will be online till the day DA crashes forever.

And the ruining sanity part: not done to me, but to a person I know. Plus I made a huge report about Internet Bullying. The reply: 'It's not that bad and it won't be that bad either'. Sure teacher, you might want to open your eyes and go online for a change. The online world is not filled with peaches and roses. It's filled with flamers, trolls and n00bs... but luckily, there's also friendship.

And that friendship can go a loooooong way.... In the real life people can have about 400 offline contacts? Well, if I'd count my online contacts... I probably know about 600 people; in the past till now. How many of them are business-possibilities?

Business is something from the real world. If a business goes on a social network, they have to know the rules to play the game effectively. At this moment, it's mostly 'Let's add as much people I know or who want to know me in the hopes they will one day come to me and ask me to do an assignment for them'. But gathering people means nothing if you don't know the rules; don't know the game. It's like gathering business cards at the moment. You keep them in a folder and you end up with 17 painters, 16 bank people and 10 chefs... and then you still take the one you met offline and know offline.

I'm sorry, but social networking is not ready for the business world. In my perspective anyway... because the business people don't know the laws of social internet. Only if you know how to play the game, you can be part of it.

And that's the biggest point the woman from last night's presentation missed. That's why the generation after me will be able to use social networking for business effectively. Not the generation now.

20% of them doesn't even know how to answer an e-mail properly.... ¬¬

Monday, November 09, 2009

Wow... never thought this would happen...

I just watched the latest Winx Club episode in Italian and wow... the ending. So unexpected. I'm still rooting for the happy end though, Winx Club and NOT a happy end?! Is that even possible? Season 4 is the darkest season I've seen... only now Winx Club is worth mentioning in my eyes. If the previous 3 would have been this well plotted, well thought through... Season 1 till 3 mostly were like "Ooh, I'm a fairy, look at me!" with stupid villans, but after Tecna's sacrifice, the story finally got deeper and better. And the villans are more evil as well.

What more... last night I dreamt I had to go to school by train, but there had been some sort of malfunction so there was no train for a long time. Eventually they came, but they were all too crowded so I couldn't get on. Eventually I realised that I didn't even have a scedule yet, so I had no idea what classes I would be having and where and then...
I suddenly remembered I had a dream like that before. Having no scedule, being late, and having no idea which classes I had to take. So in my dream, I recalled an other dream!

And then I went to some sort of aqua parc, which was fun. Water is always fun.

But that was it. And it's cold here XP Brrr!

Sunday, November 08, 2009


All my troubles seemed so faaaaaar away....

Okay, that was about it. Yesterday, I swam along with the Super Prestige Group again; I do so every now and then... but more then than now. XP Because of that, I'm often the slowest... and they always tease me about it XP. Still, they are also surprised that I can keep up quite often.

Asides that... when I came home I spend some time online, but can't recall what I did XD Oh yeah, updated my webshop! And after re-uploading it, I changed some things for the next update... added images, seperated Books and Comics... sure, you won't see that till next month, but hey, it helps the site looking better!

I also went to a special day for new companies in Utrecht. It was okay; a lot of information about finances... but since I just started out, my cash flow is not that big yet, so we can do it all ourselves. XP

And then... GASP! I DREW!... or actually, I coloured XD My Kai reference is halfway now. I first made a colour chart, so I FINALLY can remember which colour is which... And I found out that Neopiko and Copic have little similaritiets XD And probably half the colours I need are in the set I ordered about 3 months ago XP. The Yellow Ochre from Copic is a lot more yellow than from Neopiko... and the Neopiko one is perfect for Kimu! But I'll just have to manage...

Oh, and there's difference between Neopiko Technical and Neopiko Marker as well.. I have the grey markers and the same numbers in the Technical set have a slightly different shade.

So I have enough shades of grey for the rest of my life.

Saturday, November 07, 2009


Well, that whole Wasp-deal turned out to be one big... well, disappointment. I mean, not that I wanted to have drama but... it wasn't even red or swollen!! Sure, in the morning it was still a bit painful, but now it only itches like crazy. It's like I was stung by a mosquito!

But still, I'm lucky I'm not allergic to them... Anyway, I'm currently uploading my new webshop -> -> Winkel (or Store if you select the English flag first). Pacificators has been added!

I also FINALLY checked out the result of my Mini Comic Commission. Yeah, I had a mini comic commission XP. I'm quite pleased with the result! Check it out at or . Do note, I only made the comic, not the page or the page flipping stuff. Only the images (and the text was handed in from the company who ordered the comic).

This morning I had swimming classes and well... the kids were less concentrated than last week XD Maybe it's because St. Nicolas will come next week? Afterwards, I swam along with the Super Prestige Group and darn it... I will get you Wednesday, J., for calling me slow! (Well, compared to that group, I am, because they swim weekly and I swim... whenever I want XD)
I did like his comment to T., though: "I think it might be a wise deciscion to skip the coming 2 swimming classes on Wednesday..."
I will get you back, J., I will get you back!! >=D

Friday, November 06, 2009


My dad is allergic to wasps. He found that out this year, when he was trying to get rid of a wasps' nest (which failed, btw). We've been having wasps's nests for years now. Anyway, it's not fatal, but he is allergic.

When I was still sleeping in my old room, I've had wasps visiting me for 2 years as well. You can imagine how this resulted in Kitty sleeping on the attic.

Now, I sleep on the attic. It's quite the big place.

It turns out there was 1 wasp on the entire attic.

How do I know that?

Well, I SAT DOWN right on top of it! *growls* It soooo hurt! Luckily, the needle wasn't stuck in there (that would have been even more embarrassing!). And also, it turns out I'm not allergic to wasps.

It still hurts now, but it itches a lot more. And of course, I slept on the couch, which means I slept like hell. Luckily I only have 4 hours of work, 1 meeting and 1 Pen-i to do...

But I do feel a stock Pen-i coming up!

Thursday, November 05, 2009


Yesterday I read in the newspapers that the Mexican/Swine Flu has hit the Netherlands. Most people have it for 2-3 days and then it's over again... Well, guess what Kitty dreamt about last night? One of the 'new' symptoms had 'visited' me sunday, but it's the only symptom I had... until now, because of that dream, I feel like crap XD

I know I slept too little, worrying about my Pen-i comic (I need an approval but didn't get any yet), but I am not sick. At least not flu-ish. I already had a flu last year (I get it about once every 7 years).

... I hope anyway. The dream wasn't much fun, because I had the flu and people kept on coming to me. Fun part of the dream... well, fun because it didn't happen in reality. If it happened in reality, it was not fun at all. Seriously.

Fun part was that a lot of factories exploded in my dreams, as well as buildings that were still being built. In my dream, no one got hurt, but a lot of smoke, things going boom... it was awesome!

But trust me, if it would have been real life, it wouldn't have been awesome at all. So thank goodness for dreams!

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Meet Miss Swiss Cheese

My brain is being an idiot again XD Each morning I wake up, remember the dream, decide to write about it, get home after work... poof, dream gone! And then, when I lay myself down in my bed again... the dream comes back again! Gaah, idiot I am XD

Writing it down? Huh? My dreams are not interesting enough to get up again XD. Yes, me ish lazy. When it's midnight, I am lazy. So sue me.

What else... work was awesome today. Almost all calls were finished within 2.5 minutes, but a few calls above that totally ruined my score ¬¬. I could also do work for the main office again, but it didn't go that fast... the fact the system went flatline didn't help either XD I could have done seriously nothing, but I dislike just sitting and doing nothing, so I did random chores :)

Oh, and another drawing I made, but which is reserved for a friend's gallery only... Go enjoy!

Goddesses from the past... by ~Rose74 on deviantART

Oh yeah, and I plan to update my website tonight again, in case anyone is interested...

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Nothing to say :)

Sorry, really. Honestly. So have some links instead!! -- awesome psycedelic and fractal art. Truely awesome. -- pretty photos!! -- even more pretty photos! -- cute cute art! -- Hama Weaving made Art!

And goodness, this is team 1 from the DA meet as well!

Monday, November 02, 2009

Neglecting my own sites XD

I'm so neglecting The Story Vault, but somehow I have don't think it's much of a loss XD. How many people are actually reading my old-old-old stories?

Well, I haven't been on MSN for almost a week and frankly... I so needed that break. I know people want to talk to me, but seriously, when it was just too much for me at the moment! Besides, there's this thing called 'e-mail'. It may be daring, but you can try it ^_~. You might enjoy it!

I didn't sleep much last night; quite light. Luckily I can sleep a tad longer tomorrow XP. Today I had work, as ever and well... nothing special happened. Seriously, no big drama's... well, maybe one. But hello, we can't smell you're out of the country for 3 months! So, how should we know something went wrong... if you don't tell us?!

When I came home, I hooked up my cintiq and posted my last Okúta page *sighs*. Anyway, I PLANNED to do a Pen-i, but got distracted by watching YouTube XP Drawing the Pen-i took a bit longer than usual, with the GaiaOnline stuff as well... but almost done with the second account! And then only 1 account left!!

I'm now doing the text for the Pen-i, but this is the first time I need to send it to someone else before sending it in XD I'm quite nervous about this one!

Oh, and I watched Hairspray tonight. I want to buy the DVD, but I can't go to the stores till wednesday and I want to see it XD I so love that movie! Totally unexpected! Also, kudos to John Travolta. I didn't know it was him, until I read it XD I knew SOMETHING was odd about Edna...

But yeah, a really feelgood movie *nods* And darn it, I feel good now XD

Sunday, November 01, 2009


I dreamt about vampires this morning. I was the only one who was still human; every else was bitten and turned. Because of Halloween, you might expect this, but honestly... I haven't seen a vampire for days!! I have seen numerous of clowns, so you'd expect that, but no: Vampires.

Sonic The Hedgehog appeared as well (even more WTF); he was a vampire as well. Running over a dome that protected the last fortress of humanity... and slipping down from it XD

I'm still gathering items at Gaia Online. One account is almost done, one account is barely started XD And 1 is finished. If I have time left, I will FINALLY finish the Kai reference... I hope.

One of our dogs, Frodo, is being sick as well. We don't know why, but she (yes, she) seems to have stomach aches. We gave her an empty box she can hide in and she'd been doing that for hours now. We gave her some medication and she doesn't have a temprature, so we're certain she'll be fine :)

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Message was clear?

Well, I guess my message from yesterday was clear. Too bad that the people who asked me today if I was allright, weren't the ones who kept on bothering me XD Thanks anyway, to them.

Last night... well, I only remembered that I dreamt, not what I dreamt.

This morning, at swimming class, I planned to be totally wicked (Halloween and all)... but instead of that, it was an awesome lesson. The kids were wonderful; they really gave their best! For some children, it was still hard, but overall, I am proud of them!

I also made a drawing I wanted to do yesterday. I send it to the person who it belonged to, so it's waiting and hoping she likes it.

Oh, and I'm watching The Witches now. It's an okay movie. Never 100% liked the book and the same with the movie. Somehow, I'm not THAT fond of R. Dahl. It's just not really my style. I know a lot of people do like his stories, so it's okay :) It's not like I have to watch it...

And this is the drawing I made yesterday; it's an exclusive to this girl's gallery:

The Hero of the Gods.... by ~Rose74 on deviantART

Friday, October 30, 2009


Why do some people seem to think I have hours to spare?! "Could you do this?", "Could you do that?", "Oh, hiiii, just calling to ask if XXX has received...", "Oh, if you're not doing anything..."

Well, I AM doing something! I'm doing a LOT actually! While making a drawing for my promotion booklet, I now and then managed to refresh Gaia Online for the event (seriously, I could have been way faster if people left me alone!).

To add to that, our scanner was acting super weird, so I had to restart the entire computer again. Tadaaaaa; 10 more minutes of waiting for the system to shut down and restart. I could have finished the Pen-i comic in that time! (which I couldn't do, because I had to SCAN that!)

And walking the dogs twice, because, of course, no one else is here to walk them. All by all, I lost about an hour doing NOT what I had to do. Waiting, walking dogs... and then, OF COURSE, people complain that I haven't done much today. Well, I wonder WHY!

I wanted to do a Pen-i and 2 drawings. I only managed to finish the Pen-i and 1 drawing. And I bet I have to take care of myself with dinner as well. You'd think people would let you know in advance they aren't going to eat home! I keep on waiting and waiting... Place your bets people, Kitty is going to have an evening with bread again because people expect her to run around while they don't keep her informed whatsoever.

In case it wasn't clear: I'm absolutely pissed. And the minute I go online on MSN, half my list jumps on me and starts complaining about their lives, because, of course, KITTY IS NOT ALLOWED TO HAVE A FOUL MOOD!

All Kitty is allowed to do is listen and be supportive. Well, guess what: I am human too!

.... and could that darn Virus Scan finally be done?! It's making my computer super slow!!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Pen-i trouble XD

I thought I had an idea for my Pen-i comic, but alas, I don't think it's such a good idea after all. I have to think up of something new. Am I doing something special this week? Nopes. Is something special happening? Asides Halloween which no one celebrates - nopes. Has something special happened? Absolutely not. Waaah! This is so hard XD

If I won't make up something soon, I'll have to make a comic about not being able to make something up XD And trust me, once you've done that...

So, if you happen to live in my town and something interesting happened... please let me know!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Well, tonight once again a dream about school.

"Finish this report or you can't graduate!!"

... But I already graduated 3 years ago!! So why do I keep on dreaming about exams, essays, reports... all with the threat I won't graduate? Only once in my dream I seemed to 'wake up' and said: "Scr*w it, I already graduated! I don't have to do it any more!"

Work was quite heavy today. Not physically, but mentally. Things that happened that not a single procedure covered, no matter how far you stretched the rules. And is it fair that my company takes the blame, while we are not responsible for the thing at all?

I'm exhausted *lays head onto the table*. And I still have to do my Pen-i comic. I do have an idea for it, about my weird dreams. Not the first dream-comic, but it shows how crazy my dreams can be.

Like, why do I keep on having nightmares about T-Rexes who keep on eating people I know?! Dinosaurs don't even exist any more! Why can't I have NORMAL nightmares like NORMAL people?!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Good morning?

So if it isn't clowns that pester me in my dreams, it's dinosaurs. And not the cutey leaf-eaters, of cooooouuuuurrrrse not. Again the meat eaters who eat whoever doesn't listen to me. Though E. did listen to me and she still got eaten.

And S. returned again, as 'The girl who thinks she's so awesome she has to put me down'. She wasn't really like that in High School, but we didn't really get along that great. Once friends, but suddenly dumped without a reason. More friends did that to me... or should I say ex-friends? Maybe for the best, because otherwise I would have never met some of the crazy awesome friends I have now.

Anyway, I realised that when I start writing the Forever Young - Project KiMa saga, I will have a lot of nightmares... because it involves a T-Rex. Why a T-Rex? Well, the character Kimu is asking that herself after being chased by one!
Or maybe it will cause the end of my dinosaur nightmares... because that Dino is going DOWN!

Yeah, the Project KiMa saga is slowly getting more shape. The character Kimu gets lost in the story The Wizard of Oz, but it's quite different. She still keeps on clinging to the story and how it progresses, and thus makes a lot of mistakes and causes a lot of trouble. That's one of the lessons Mateo wanted to teach Kimu: "Stop clinging to one thing. Let it go AND MOVE ON!"

Monday, October 26, 2009

Kick of the day

I love it how people keep on thinking they can get away with fraud. Every once in a while, we get proof of fraud on our floor and when I show it to people I work with, they always follow this pattern:

- Already reported it?

Look, IF you decide to commit fraud to ANY company or ANY person, make certain you leave NO EVIDENCE whatsoever! And since that is pretty impossible since 99% of the people want to brag about their 'Oh-I-am-so-smart'-ness... we catch most >=D

Though it was getting tiresome to get another: OMG-YOU-PEOPLE-ARE-THIEFS-!!!111!!! e-mail. We are not thieves. If we would have been thieves, we would be out of business. Yes, we make mistakes, but that is because, brace yourself: we are human too.

Gasp!! I bet you didn't think that!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Clowns keep on scaring me

I have no idea why I dislike clowns more and more with the year. As a kid, I sometimes dressed up as a Pierrot, but ever since High School they started to scare me more and more. Could it be those painted smiles? Could it be their eternal happiness?

Or could it be that 3 second flash I saw of IT?

And then all those Halloween Advertisments with Horror Clowns don't help. Seriously. With the year, clowns scare me more and more.

Also, I don't really think clowns are funny. All that pie throwing, falling, doing clumsy... no, I don;t think that's funny. But that's because I can't laugh about the misfortune of others. All those 'Funniest Home Videos'? You won't make me happy by forcing me to watch them.

Oh wow, a car toples down a hill. Ha-ha-ha... *sarcasm* Those people are lucky they got out alive!!

So clowns and misfortune of others? Not my cup of tea *nods*

The reason for this blog posting? Hellendoorn's Halloween Advertisement ¬¬

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Having fun is fun!

I had underestimated today. A DeviantArt meet... I thought I'd be lost in the group... but that Arisa-tan had gone along really helped (And Acrocat was there as well! Hadn't seen her for so long!). I met some new people and everybody seemed to get along quite well.

The people who had organised it, had also organised a quest thingy- looking for things in Utrecht. We found quite a lot, but not everything. We'll see who the winner shall be =D (But hey, we had a lot of fun... truely a lot!!)

It's not really possible to describe today. So many impressions, so much things we've seen, so many walking (eeks, my back!!) and afterwards the people who had remained behind dove into the Mac Donalds.... and afterwards in the Media Markt. I played Guitar Hero drums a bit, but one tappingthing had died so I failed at Living on a Prayer! *sniffles*

But I did ROCK at... ehm... one of Michael Jackson's... can't recall.

Anyway, I had a LOT OF FUN! Hurray!!

Friday, October 23, 2009


I'm quite cold today... I don't know why. It started this morning. Or maybe, last night, when I suddenly got really really hungry. Not snack-hungry, but like I hadn't eaten for days. In the morning it repeated itself and that was what made me cold.
I'm cold again, even though I ate a good meal. I'm also really tired... maybe I have some underlying flue or something like that. Oh well, at least I can sleep longer tomorrow.

Tomorrow I'm going to see Zaylie again :) Has been so long since I saw her, even though we live so close. I've been totally neglecting her and I should spend more time on her. And how does she repay me for neglecting her? By giving me a ride to a meeting place! She's too kind!!

And then some people complain I don't spend enough time on them while I talk to them almost daily ¬¬

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Spanish Tomatoes

I don't know why, but that word popped up in my head this morning. Just like that - poof! As for the dreams... let's see if I can make this organised...

  • My family and I wanted to rent a cottage for a vacation. When we went to the pool, we started to looking for a 'wild water slide'. When we thought we had found it, it turned out we ended up in a new entertainment centre. Only my dad and I were left and we joined a ride which turned out to be a paid ride. For 1.5 euro's we joined, but my dad thought it was too crowded but got off. I went, but didn't want to any more. The ride was crazy and boring.
  • When I got off, I ended up in an aquarium. One of the aquaria was broken by me, intentionally, so all the water got out, but the mini sharks remained in (there was a bit of water left; no fish were killed)
  • Then I told someone I did that in a dream, so was it a dream in a dream?
  • Suddenly I fell ill in the dream, with throwing up and all. That was strange...

And then I woke up. I don't feel 100% btw XD Maybe I ate something wrong...

Also: Winx DDR Expert Mode = Kitty Fails all the time. But I have to finish it in order to get that last outfit and probably You're The One! I want that song T_T

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Why am I dreaming about High School so much lately? Last night I dreamt I had to write a bookreport about a book I read in my vacation (E. Rampo or something like that; old Japanese mystery book). I made a summary for myself partly, because it was a 'Live Exam', but when I came there...
I was the only one and was allowed to write a summary with my notes and the book present. So, what as the use again? Couldn't finish it btw...
There was also a fragment in that dream that left an icky aftertaste, but I only remember the aftertaste and not the fragment. Oddness.

Other than that... I almost accidentally wrote a banktransfer for 2***0 euros... I don't even have that kind of money XD! Stupid me. Luckily I saw it in time.

There's no swimming class tonight and frankly... those nights off are always welcome =D Hurray!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


This morning, I dreamt about (pie and) eggs. About 15 eggs I had to cook, bake, put into the oven (what the...?) so I woke up all nauscious. Still am. Bwech. So many eggs... the smell, the sight... bwech.

To add to that, someone called us way early in the morning to tell us we had to get a newspaper because my mom is in it. That is fun, of course, but couldn't she have called an hour later?! Because then I would have been up!! That newspaper will be here at 8 am AND 9 am!

I have to work today and seriously... I hope I manage to 'wake up' before leaving... if I lay down, I'll fall asleep without a doubt. Not that I'm tired. I'm just not... awake yet.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Has been a while...

Has been a while since I posted anything in the Story Vault XD Let's so that after this post. It's not like anyone reads those old stories anyway...

At work, for the first time, I asked my teamleader to contact the Head Office right away. Seriously, some customers... and no, I did not talk to a freaky customer... a customer was being threatened by a freak!! I was like: "Eh, no way we're gonna do things like this. Miss, don't worry, we'll take this on right away!" I just hope the Head Office will do something about it... I'll probably find out tomorrow.

After work, I rushed home, so my mom and I could pick my grandma up. We went to a Christmas Show at a Garden Mall (yes, they are that early...) They were not entirely finished yet, but at least it was calm and peaceful now.

When I came home, I walked the dogs... and it should be forbidden! First I smell a delicious meal coming from who knows where and when that heavenly smell dies down... I smell the town's cookie factory! Darn you, cookie factory! Making me all hungry again!!

Dad is on his first solo trip to Poland :) He's being send by the town council with other people and he's really proud ^_^... and the airplane was delayed with 5 hours XD Poor dad... but I bet he'll have fun!! Have fun dad!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

There's a Heron in our garden

I've been running towards the door twice now XD We only have 2 fish in our pond and we'd like to keep them! We do have a lot more frogs though, but we never put them in there. Bold, bold heron... We shall defend our fish!

Last night we went to the local pancake restaurant. The previous owner tried to make it more exclusive, which caused almost the place falling apart. It's a pancake restaurant! Not something for the high estate only!
Someone we know from the past has bought it, so as a support, we decided to grab a pancake. And it looks way better already! Sure, it's not finished yet, but the atmosphere is growing again.
The service was wonderful as well and when they found out we know the owner (who was off for a holiday), we even got 2 drinks free! We refused to accept the drinks for free, but they kept on saying we didn't have to pay them XD And in the end I got a little sea turtle toy as a gift XD Awesome.

De Middenhof is BACK! Hurray!!

Also, I think the Heron won't be coming back... VICTORY!!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Which day is it?

Seriously, I don't know O.o. I woke up this morning and a vague thought told me it was saturday, but I still had to grab a calendar to check it. Despite everthing saying it was saturday, it still feels NOT saturday. Why? I don't know O.o AT ALL!

Last night I dreamt that because a kid from the swimmingclub got injured, I quit my job, because no one supported me. Everyone was also totally mean to me, saying it was not my responsibility etc. Luckily, the kid was fine, but this dream left a nasty feeling. I was very irrational in this dream... VERY.

I didn't like that. I often have some sort of ration/control of my acts. Is it because I'm getting too stressed again?

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Noodles times 2

Two bags of noodles might not have been the best choice... *burps* I'm not certain what to write... AGAIN. Man, I'm boring! (Ooh, matches the title!)
Yesterday I updated the website, but it took way longer than usual, because of a sister-dear who kept on nagging me. However, in the end.. I was victorious in nagging her! MUAHAHAHA! You cannot defeat The Digital Mermaid!!

.... unless you are a hacker, I guess...

Let's embed a youtube clip, just for the sake of it. And yes, one of mine as well.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Eh... brain? Hello?

My brain seems to be... gone. Dunno. Again. Why? Somehow I'm just... flatline. I have a mail to answer (quite the important one), make a Pen-i and update the website. And I want to start my promotional booklet this weekend. Already one drawing made =D

Tomorrow I get to work at the main office; I'm quite excited! I always worry I say the wrong things, but I have worked more often there. It's not scary there... but still... MAIN office XD

Also, I bought my mom a gift and place it on her dairy/agenda.... she passed it 6 times now, she's sitting in front of it and STILL she doesn't see it XD Argh!! How can you miss THAT?! It's a huge Smurf!!

... I'm hungry. I want food. It's almost done...


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Need to learn how to plan/organise

That's my weakest thing; I can easily swamp myself.

What to say, what to say... the compliment I got yesterday caused one romantic dream, but no, I don't think I should think more of it than a dream :) I'm still a realist.

I had fun at Togepi's birthday last night; lots of talking and finally a good discussion again. I like discussions; it keeps the brain running.
Though mine left me during the evening... I have one birthday left this year, so of course this means I already start thinking about my own XD Which is in March!

Yes, I always start thinking this early. I never said I was smart. Who said that??!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Just wanted to let you know

I got the biggest compliment ever today. He just doesn't know he gave me a compliment, but it was a huge ego boost. I couldn't even tell him, because knowing him, he'd probably say I shouldn't think so lowly of myself XD

I don't see them much, but I have the best friends ever.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Wow, that was fast...

Wow, once again the book took an other turn than I expected. Yume is more spoiled, Graven is more mature and Blade is meaner than I expected. But hey, on Seken, talking does not bring food on the table, so Blade honestly wants what's best!
It's just so strange... here, on Earth, we try to let everyone read, saying that everyone should read. And on Seken... reading is a luxury people even discourage XD It's a world gone mad!!

... and I wrote it XD

Saturday, October 10, 2009


*sings and dances* I get to start book 5, I get to start book 5! I can finally introduce Yume, Graven and the new character Helena! She's only a plot-character (you know, a character that appears so there is a plot) but I hope to use her more often in the future.

Weee! I get to start a new novel! YAYNESS!

Friday, October 09, 2009

IE versus FireFox versus Chrome versus WHATEVER!

Honestly, I'm so sick and tired of those discussions that people should install *any other browser than Internet Explorer* because that one is so much better than Internet Explorer. It's like the discussion about Macs and Windows!


It's not the software that sucks, it's the USER!

I have used Internet Explorer ever since I got online and guess what... after 10 years only 1!! virus! (*knocks on wood*). I'm not saying that people who use anything else but IE are idiots, but seriously...

I know someone who has Firefox and she/he has about 1 virus a week
I know someone who has Opera and she/he has to buy his/her fifth computer

So it's not the browser, the software or even the hardware... it's the USER. If you don't click on messages from stranger, suspecious links and be picky on which sites you go... hey, then you will suddenly find out that using your brain means you get to enjoy your computer longer.

So, if possible...

Could you please stop telling me I should get another browser?!!?

Thursday, October 08, 2009

10 minutes till internet resets

I so hate it that the timezones exist. It's already morning here, but not in the USA. It won't until 9 am and only then the Neopets servers think a new day has started. Only then, I can start with my online stuff.

Yesterday I decided to swim along. I had to get my head clear. It didn't really work, but talking to E. afterwards helped a lot. There wasn't much I could talk about, but sharing means half the pain.
Though I bet the kids noticed I was off. I mean, it was the easiest lesson ever. Seriously. And the part I swam along... why are THEY tired?! They swim each and every week! And this time it wasn't much! And I wasn't even tired myself! (... that much). I haven't swam since the vacation.

I also finished my Pen-i comic (drawing) yesterday; I hope to scan it tonight so I can finish it tomorrow.

And (so my storytelling skills are still in bed; so sue me!) I have an interview in half an hour, so I'd better hurry!!

Oh, and I think I'm gonna start book 5 this weekend. I feel so crappy- writing the scene I've been wanting to write for years should make me feel better... or worse XD

Wednesday, October 07, 2009


Even though we never saw eye to eye,
you did not deserve to die.
You shall be missed, that's for sure.
Earth lost another soul, shining so pure.

Rest in peace, Tsuky0mi

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Why is my Naraku not a Mary-Sue

Yes, I'm still at it. Mary-Sue's are characters that are so perfect they get boring. And Naraku is perfect. Still, she has many, many flaws and therefor she is not a Mary-Sue. I have decided.

Her flaws:
  • She had to grow from 0 to now, mentally.
  • She has trouble understanding figure of speeches, but is finally getting there (after 8 years!)
  • She repeats expressions because she thinks it's an expected response, despite not knowing it's meaning
  • She can do anything... but she is so balanced she excells at nothing. (This is partly a reference to myself. I can write, draw, sing, code... but there's nothing I'm REALLY good at). She can fight well, but is exceeded by her teachers, who specialise in 1 weapon/skill
  • She has the attention span of a potato (meaning no attention span whatsoever)
  • She doesn't think before she acts
  • She gets depressed easily
  • She can't die (for numerous reasons, not only because of her awesome powers, but that would be a spoiler)
  • She is hated by 1 person, again for reasons I cannot say (book 4 revelation stuff)

I could probably think of more, but I had to convince myself my Naraku is not a Mary-Sue. Not even Konoai is one, because she has superiority and inferiority issues at the same time.

Monday, October 05, 2009


Mom = my mother. Kinda making sense, ne?
Other = someone we haven't seen for ages

Other: Hey! Hiiii! I haven't seen you in aaaaages! How ar you doing?
Mom: Fine, thank you. And you?
Other: Oh, I'm fine. I admire your strength, so much you've been through...
Mom: Well, yeah...
Other: Honestly, I never thought your husband would do such a thing!
Mom: Eh....
Other: To dump you for a younger woman...
Mom: Excuse me?
Other: And so courageous of you to get that divorce... but moving to Zeeland?
Mom: What??!
Other: But opening a Cafetaria (Cafe-kind); is that something you should do?
Mom:.... Where did you hear all of that???!

For the record: my mom is happily married and so is my dad XD He does NOT have a thing for a younger woman and they are NOT divorced. And that Cafeteria-part in Zeeland... Where did this come from?! XD It's aboslutely NOT TRUE!

Sunday, October 04, 2009


I'm watching a Smurfs-DVD now :) So old and silly XD Sure, badly drawn, but who cares! It's FUN! Doesn't require a brain either; always a plus for me.

Anyway, not much to say. My commission got approved, which is a plus. I found some time to start a new reference... actually, after this post XP And I edited 2 episodes for book 3.

But that is honestly about all XD Sorry! I'm sooo boring!

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Almost missed 2 days??!

Well, I was gone friday, so that's my excuse. I was in Rotterdam and well... I noticed that my sense of direction is still awesome, even in a town I've never visited yet. Sure, I went like... with a curve the size of an elephant, but I reached the place I had to be. And the way back... my response was: "Huh, how can I already be at the station!?" I found my way back, without a map... and going a complete different direction XD
I love my sense of direction. I have no sense of geography, but lotsa sense of direction XP

On my way back, I bought a Digital Photo Frame; pocket sized. I was like: so, I can fit about 50 pictures on it; nice for a portable portfolio.

Well... I added about 200... and I have space for I don't know how much more! It's an about 120 MB drive and I filled 10 mb with 200 images XD Highest resolution as well! Sure, it's a mini screen, but way better than those keychain photo frames. And only 29 euros! It's a Lenco and my recommendation if you want your portfolio with you all the time!

I also bought the Avatar Season 1 box (10 euros), the Enchanted dvd (10 euros as well), and 'Er was eens... Amerika' and 'Er was eens... De Ruimte'. I think I have the entire 'Er was eens...' series complete! Hurray!!

Thursday, October 01, 2009

New Reference Finished!

Yay, I finally finished the reference for Mah-Lin!: . I do hope Irina's will be done faster, though I doubt it... thing is, I have the drawings... but I don't know her. What is she like? What are her likes and dislikes? I hardly wrote about her, so I guess she still has to grow.
I do hope she won't take the same path as Hane XD I never liked him much; never got to know him XP

Reminds me off, let's send a new chapter to my beta readers =D Yay!!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Has anyone seen my mouse?

I seem to have misplaced my mini-mouse. It's Aqua Blue and has a retractable cord/plug. So if you see it...
I always THOUGHT I had taken along it on my vacation to France, but it was not there, so I guess it's still inside my home... SOMEWHERE. I just can't seem to remember where XD And I miss it too! Gaming is way better with a mouse that has NO ball inside it XP (you know, laser-mouse and all...)

Other than that... Nothing to tell. Had work. Lots of it. Updated my site. Made a Pen-i... holy crap, I have NOTHING to tell XD

Let's stop wasting your time.

Nothing to see here! Move along! *cleans out the tables*

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

It's tuesday!!

And I'm awake, early in the morning, babysitting my nice XP

I had 2 dreams this morning, both with a sad streak and one with a winning streak. With the first, I returned to High School to get some additional diploma's. I ended up in Geography Class, but the teacher totally hated me. Truely, hated me.

Whatever I said, whatever I did, she kept on trying to put me down (she totally reminded me of a certain someone... ¬¬) and even when I tried to compliment her in the hopes she would leave me alone, she never stopped. During an exam, I accidentally had a wrong dictionary with me (why did I have it in the first place) so at first she checked it (she didn't check other's) and then confiscated it. After the test I even said: "I'm so glad you checked it, I hadn't checked it myself yet!" Still, she kept on nagging and eventually she started nagging because I placed my coloured pencils from smallest to largest and on colour. Nobody in the class seemed to care, but she did and totally ridiculed me.
That was the time when I snapped and started yelling at her. I cleaned out my table and said that I would tell the other teachers a thing or two about her. She said she decided which teacher and predictably... she brought me to the principal.
She was totally confidant, I knew my days were numbered and the principal... "Kitt! Long time no seen! How are you doing???" It was on of the kind teachers of my first time of High School Xp. And he really liked me, so the mean teacher felt all her grounds crumbling away... Muahaha! I was suddenly the star of the school and during P.E. people still talked about it.

My second dream was less happy. I was walking through a nature reserve and saw a guy who planned to use big-*** guns to kill everyone in sight. Luckily, the machine was broken, but if you see a man with a Postal Services Jacket and a Machine Gun, you know something is fishy. I passed him, pretending I did not care, but of course I rushed down and warned everyone in sight; about 30 people. The Insane Guy realised what I did and started chasing us through the forest. Eventually we ended up in a city and we fled into the super expensive hotel called 'ABN AMRO', which is stupid, because that's a bank and not a hotel XD. Anyway, after some convincing we managed to hide there and when we thought we were safe, I decided to walk around with an other guy.
However, the Insane Guy was there as well and I suddenly displayed magical powers like invisibility. The Insane Guy suddenly turned into a Wolf Man named Wolverine (not really looking like THE one; my dream version was more werewolf like) and he found me, though I was invisible, saying he'd always find me because he knew me, through and through...
Of course, we fled back and an insane bouq... can't spell it, lots of flowers, were delivered in my name. It turned out it was a bomb, but I tripped with only 8 seconds left. However, the most complaining annoying irritatable guy grabbed the flowers and ran away with them...
About 15-20 people died in that explosion; one being the guy who sacrificed himself.
I wanted to leave the hotel and on the parking lot, my dad got our car, but a large trucky suddenly turned and literary crushed one side of the car. My dad was practically uninjured though...
That's when I woke up

The hairy face of the wolf man was the most scary one; I could really feel the hairs! Totally kyaah!!

Maybe the word I couldn't spell was bouqet... no, that has to be wrong...