Friday, July 16, 2010

Yes, it's been long

And it will probably be a lot longer before I will post again XD Sorry, guys!

The reasons:

  • Promotion at work. It means a lot less time
  • Seriously, nothing important is going on in my life
  • Twitter is waaaay easier and faster. Sorry, it is! I can just type at random! Random mini blogposts make things annoying; can you imagine all my tweets as blogposts? Seriously, that wouldn't be any fun.

But don't worry, ONE DAY I will use this blog again. Moments of silence are not unknown for 'Kitty Ocean's Boredom' XP

Monday, February 15, 2010


My brain is totally wooo today. I'm seriously considering going to bed at 8 pm XP I don't know what caused it.

I didn't drink that much yesterday.
I went to bed hella late.
I didn't sleep that much.

And I can think about 75 more reasons why my brain went zombie.

Anyway, hardly anything interesting is on TV, so I wouldn't miss a thing. I just don't feel like doing anything...

...after writing a new Serenay Moon episode in RECORD TIME!

I so RULE!

*does a little victory dance and then falls asleep*

Sunday, February 14, 2010

There was something with today...

I just can't remember XD Anyway, I get to write a new Serenay Moon episode! Yay! I soooo know what will happen. 'Bound by light, bound by darkness'. All I have to do, is create the biggest chaos ever, that everything seems absolutely hopeless!

... but I don't know how to fix it yet XD I have to keep that in mind, since I may be the one who has to clean up the mess I created then as well.

Writing is awesome. Can't wait to finish the Serenay Moon story. And if I ever get time and energy, I probably will re-write it (with my co-writer, of course. All the way and always.)

Can you imagine, when the story is written and we start all over... we'll actually know what we'll be doing XD

.... maybe we can even publish it then as well XP That would be fun. Serenay Moon, published... hehe

Friday, February 12, 2010

Missed a few days!

Yeah, I missed a few days. I have my reasons!

First: tuesday. The Kumiko Event got cancelled. I was really looking forward to it! So, I was a bit 'whoever-talks-to-me-gets-all-my-negative-mood-over-him-or-her'. Plus I could only spill how terrible I felt. And since you deserve better, I put up some radio silence.

Wednesday: I worked till 2 p.m. and then hurried home, because dad and I would go to the Sign Fair - a fair about graphic-business. Since there was a bit of snow expected and it was a 1.5-2 hour drive, we left rightaway.
We arrived 7.30 pm. A lot of snow, traffic... and well, I needed 2 li'l breaks as well ^_^'. The fair wasn't interesting, or at least, not that much. It was most about presentation and equipment for presentation. Still, I got 2 click-photo-frames (mini size), 2 'Wuppies' (little synthetic balls with eyes; Dutch people seem to like them XD), 2 small notepads, some pens (which I need for my booklet promotion and 2 plastic 'commercial dolphin looking stands' which I plan to paint one day. All very mini, because it's free. Oh, and some new kind of promotional banner-standard.

I then challenged a printing company (with a big-a**-printer) to print one of my latest images; the cover of my 3rd book (and I found something I need to fix, but won't do that now XD). They accepted the challenge and I booted up my laptop.

Start up screen

I was like: huh? But I just worked on it in the car! With the power plug! (we can hook up our laptops in a car so we don't use battery)

Start up screen

I started to feel weird, so I went to another stand that had the same mini laptop as I had. I could borrow the cable, but again:

Start up screen

I started to panic... I just worked on it and I had't backed up the latest stories I wrote! I called my brother in law (he's my help desk) and suddenly I got a new screen on my laptop 'Checking cache'.

My brother in law told me he could back up my work in case everything crashed, but luckily the thing started working again... and I immediately put my latest work on an USB stick. At least that work was safe now.
Today I made a full back-up. Just so you know. My work is safe.

Anyway, the printing company took my challenge and well... the result was comparable to minor gif-result, but hey: I got a big a** print of my 3rd book cover... twice, because one had a spat of ink on it XP. So no complaints here!

The fair was then over and on the way back I took some big printed maps along. I don't care if there's advertisement on it :) I mean, I got a big map of the Netherlands now XP Maybe I can finally learn where the heck some important places are XD

We left at 10 pm and while the road was still bad, there was little traffic on the way back. The result was a 2.5 hour drive; 3 hours shorter than the first time; towards the fair!

We were back around 00:30, so no online time there. Slept around 1 am... and of course, I had to be shining brightly at 7:30 again XD And of course, I slept terrible XD I think I had about 5 hours sleep!


I don't think much people noticed what I zombie I was XD I even did quite some work! But 8 hours of work... when I got home, I didn't feel up to doing much XP I can't even recall what I did!


Only 4 hours of work, but still quite tired. When I got home, I tried to do some high speed internet, but alas: sloooow. I also made a Pen-i comic, finally XD Just send it in! And I turned one of the Wuppie's into a litt;e parrot. A guy I know plans to dress up as a pirate for Carnaval and I told him he needed a parrot XD I suggested a plushie and eventually thought about a Wuppie.
So, I made one for him :) Will give it to him tomorrow, that is, if he comes :) I wonder what he will say...

Monday, February 08, 2010


Last night I dreamt I was in high school, having to follow Dutch Language class... but for some reason I had to do different things. Things I really liked to do, but my classmates weren't too happy. I couldn't copy notes, they didn't pass on the assignments... usually, the reference to real life is vague, hidden... but this time it's pretty obvious. After all *sighs*

Is it bad if I enjoy my new task? I know I still have to ask a lot, but still... it's a job I wouldn't mind doing at all.
But it's only for 4 weeks...

Anyway, after work, I wrote a new FY episode. The last episode wasn't as bad as I thought and this one went pretty fine as well XD Now the trouble really began... because a little someone remembered a promise that was accidentally made weeks ago XD

Oh, how I love my little moon....

Oh, and hopefully I can write endless rain tonight... Yeah, it's due XD

Sunday, February 07, 2010


I planned to write today, but alas... I had to help up putting some Christmas stuff away (we didn't have it in the room any more, the boxes had to be moved) and then I started searching for stuff and well... then it was 3 pm. So, instead, I updated my webshop. And I will pre-update it after this blogpost.

And then, tonight. I dunno. I don't know what to do yet. I don't really feel like drawing and can I write a key-episode in such short time? It's a reaaaally important one, so I am a bit nervous.

Reminds me off, I need to send a new chapter to my beta readers...

Saturday, February 06, 2010


I came to the brilliant idea to start building my family a DVD database. That's like... trying to number all the stones of the piramide of Whatever, AFTER the thing is built XD And boy will a lot of entries stay blank because I have no idea what that movie is about... XD

If this works out fine, I might built one for our Comic Collection, my Manga Collection, my Book collection...

Btw, last night I found out I really have little shelf space left for my manga XD Luckily, my running series are slowly coming to an end as well XP.

But still, databases are handy to know which numbers you miss etc. Though, how to take it along to a Book Fair? I can't take my laptop along, nor a pile of papers!

Friday, February 05, 2010

Missed a day

I didn't want to write a blog yesterday. Work was wonderful and it was today... but then I found out about something... and believe me, I hate Elitists. Who are they to judge people? Just because I don't fit into their little perfect standard world...

I never fit into anyone's standard world! I'm not a copy, I'm unique!

And I thank two people who helped me cheer up last night :)

After work today, I went shopping with mom. I bought a few new Manga :) And some DVD. Planet Earth,- the 6 DVD box. 30 euro's is worth it. I bet Blu-Ray would have been better, but honestly, if I don't have that big a**-tv they have in that store, I honestly won't see the difference XD

Darn it, that screen was awesome. If I ever get rich and famous, I soooo want a big TV like that. And then I'm gonna invite all my friends for a Wii party XP

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Wednesday, half over

Well, for the following few weeks, my scedule for work is different. I will work again in the morning, but not in the evening. Honestly, it's exactly the break I needed :) And on the right time as well!

We're watching Bold and Beautiful now (mom is turning into a soapie- Alert! Alert!) and one of the actresses from Golden Girls is in it (2007 or so in the USA?). We doubted for days, but now we know thanks to Wikipedia XP (that's how I know it would be around 2007 in the USA XD). We really like her and wow, she still looks strong for a woman over 80! Admiration there!

Well, tonight I still have to update my website and create a webcomic. That should be doable :) I just hope it won't freeze as much any more. It's slippery! Someone I know fell so hard on the head her head was bleeding! (She even had to go to the hospital) I hope she feels better soon, so ye all, be carefull!!

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Tuesday is rolling forward

Wow, the melted snow from yesterday turned into ice. Slippery outside!! That kinda sucks, since I need to get out XD

Yesterday I suddenly got a headache, so I couldn;t draw *sighs* And once again I slept very chaotic. I'm beginning to think it's because of Dream Saga, the manga I read before bed. Dream Saga is not a complicated manga, but the names... The naaaaaames! They are sooo long and I don't know who is who XD At least my characters have a nickname that shortens it XD

Still, only 2 more volumes and I finished re-reading it again :) Then I can go to lighter stuff XD Like Tenchi Muyo or so XD

Well, an hour till work... what to do... and what to eat tonight!? (at work)

Monday, February 01, 2010

Monday has passed

Goodness, I love this episode of Little House of the Prairie XD. I love it when arrogant people get kicked by the loser XD Especially if the loser becomes the love interest of a wallflower who gave up so much... *romantic sighs*

Well, today was a weird day. Cold, snow, hail, rain, sun, snow, sun, snow, cloudy, rain and snow... I think. I think I covered it all now. Lots of snow, sun and rain on one day... Strangeness. I doubted about shopping, but I gambled and hurried home... just before another snow/rain shower!

Lucky me!

After work I also started writing on another episode of FY, but I got sidetracked and started reading about Anastasia Romanov. I found out the bodies they found a couple of years ago, were indeed the last children. It actually made me feel bad: none escaped that dreadful murder. I always feel bad when children are being killed, due to the insanity of men. Or when adults are murdered, btw. Why do people need to kill other people?!

Anyway, I finished my episode of FY during TV my mom put on. It sooo distracts. Took me 30 minutes to write a 10 line piece! Of course I could leave the room, but then I would have to unhook an entire system and reboot it upstairs where it's cold! For 10 minutes of work! I didn't go upstairs for a reason! ARGH!

I don't know if I managed to end the story well. I might re-read it tomorrow. I so hope warmth will return. That way I can spend more time on my room!
... but then people will think I'm anti social again...

...I just can't win, can I?

Sunday, January 31, 2010


Funny XD I'm watching Cool Runnings; I need some happy brainless movie XD And I just noticed the Swiss Bobsled has CCCP on it XD I know an other CCCP. And that's software!

You don't have to understand the joke, as long as I think it's funny XD

Yesterday I drew Iri and Tenshi; the first Twins of MorningSnow. While I like their hairstyle, I dislike their faces and especially Iri's clothes XD Way too sugar coated XD I may not even post it XP Or change colours digitally XP Iri's clothes looked great in my mind :(

Today I wrote 2 episodes for Forever Young. Things are going waaaay unplanned XD

"Hold on. Are you saying Stellus won the great war with MorningSnow... and nobody knows about it?! I even helped them?!"

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Ha-ha-haruhi XD

Lame title, I know. Anyway, finally watched the Haruhi Suzumiya episodes I was behind. Endless 8 ended not as good as I expected. You have 8 episodes that are practically identical and then you finish it up in 3 minutes?! You could have given it at least a 10 minute ending!
The movie making saga is cute XD Asahina-san is just plain.......... bad actress XD I guess that's what I like about it.

I hope I didn't spoil anything for some people. Someone asked me to stop spoiling things in my Twitter (had no idea I was spoiling anything, but I guess I was...) so I decided to stop watching the series for about half a year. Surely anyone who wanted to see it, had seen it by now! And if I still spoiled things... Hey, how am I supposed to know what you watched and haven't watched XD?

Outside there's quite the layer of snow again. Poor dogs, having clumps of snow in their paws... But one of my dogs really liked snow :) So she had the most clumps to her paws XD Oh well, at least she enjoyed it!!

Friday, January 29, 2010


My dream last night involved a cobra... strangeness. In a basket (like stereotype india and all) and wanting to get out... and I put that thing right next to my bed as well! Strangeness!

At work, I was called twice by a secret number; so I had no idea who could be calling. They never left a message either. How am I supposed to call you back when you don't leave a message?! Okay, I dislike Voicemails, but still... accepting the voicemail and then hanging up?! Gaaah....

And when I got home, I got a call: "Hey Kitt, I want to place an order at *webshop I'm working for*, how do I place an order." And stupid me ANSWERS XD. So, when I'm away from work, I STILL help customers XD

Oh, and yesterday evening, while coming home from work... so much Midlife Crisis Cars! I think I even saw a Porsche! (Midlife Crisis Cars = cars middle aged men buy to feel young again. Not that everyone I saw has a midlife crisis, but then you know what kind of cars I mean XP). I think I saw about 10 midlife crisis cars in 7 minutes XD Was there some sort event or so?

Wow, this journal post is so chaotic XD I blame the visitor that suddenly came so everyone is talking while I try to post a post!

Thursday, January 28, 2010


I watched Bewitched yesterday. On a scale from 1 to 10, I give it a 6. It's a decent movie for which you need no brain, but you have to know the old series Bewitched to actually understand half of it... and at the end it got messy. Reality and television got really mixed up. (Reality in the movie, that is XD) Somehow, my fav character was Isabel's father XD And he wasn't much in it!

Also, a book I wanted for years is on its way to me, through mail. Yay! I just hope it is indeed the book I wanted... otherwise I have to send it back XD

I'm also very, very hungry.... gaaaah, need breakfast XD But it isn't ready yet.

Wishing you all a wonderful day!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Post 1045

I still have no idea for my weekly comic. The only big thing that happened in my town, was that a 'playground' (Bouwspeeltuin) has been burned to the ground... on purpose! But how to make a 4 panel comic about that?!

I also finished reading Card Captor Sakura yesterday. A lot of details were noticed but still... the ending was like, 3 pages! Way too short XD They could have added a bit more drama/reunion XD They explain the bad guy's pupose in 2 chapters, but the ending is rushed into 3 pages XD

Other than that... it's wednesday again! And super cold XD So tonight I will go on my bike through super cold, to end up in a tropical swimming pool... and when I go back again, it's freezing again.

If that won't give me cold.... XD

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I think I know the reason why I suddenly have bittersweet dreams (just wished I could remember them!) I've been re-reading Card Captor Sakura high-speed, just before bed (just need 2 more volumes and I'm done XD) and well... that certainly has bittersweet parts.
Though I still think Toya and Yukito are not a perfect match XP As friends, yes, but I really can't see them as lovers XD Sorry, CLAMP! Yukito is cute, Toya is cool... but together... I'm just not seeing it XP

Other than that: did a lot last night- the dishes, folding about 50 cards, started up a drawing and finishing it! All in 5 hours! Well, I think I did a lot XP

Ah, work today. What wonders and funny things will I stumble across this time?

Monday, January 25, 2010


I had a cool dream this morning XD The main office came to visit at work and brought us delicious sandwiches... with Mozerella, lettuce, Sundried Tomaties... and Tuna salad... it looked totally delicious! But when I came back from my break, L. had stolen my seat XD I looked for an other place, but it was really crowded and there was no place left.

When I came to work, L. showed up later on: "Hey Kitt, how are you doing?"
K: "Not good, now that I've seen you!"
L: "HUH?!" (L. is an angel, btw. A true angel!)
K: "Just kidding! I dreamt last night you stole my seat, but you'd never do that in real life!"
L: "Oh, that's why! Don't worry, I'd never daaaaaare to take your seat!"

It was silly fun, but fun nonetheless.

Other than that... I'm pretty slow today XD I keep on forgetting small things. I'm making a scedule for my characters so I know what everyone needs to do. It's quite tricky though. They don't have that much different chores, but I already have no idea how to make this XD But in the end, it's better for my story.

As for drawings I still want to do:
  • Kimu at work (hope to do that one this evening)
  • The First Twins (Iri and Tenshi)
  • Eternal Dream Star (Naraku, Yume and Suta; have this one in mind for about a year)
  • Good morning, Kimu (Might do that for everyone else as well)
  • Next reference: Blade
  • Future plans: Family portraits, Other references, Signature art (Characters and their hobbies etc), Royal IceHunters (a drawing with all the chiefs of the IceHunters), East and West (Girls in Eastern Clothes, Boys in Western Clothes), North and South (Male High Ones in Northern Clothes, Female High Ones in Southern Clothes), and of course: Young High Ones.

But if you have any suggestions... feel free to suggest them! Who knows!!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Title unknown

Well, another day gone by. I wrote a new Forever Young Episode, but I'm not 100% satisfied with the ending. I might even revise it XD And trust me, I hardly ever revise anything!

I'm eating Oreo currently and I'm saying it once more: I don't get what the hype's all about XD They are not that special XD Sorry, but Oreo; I won't miss them if they are not inside my house XD And I won't buy them.

I guess that was everything. I'm going to create a time table for my characters, so I know exactly where everyone is on what moment. I have to make a few of them, in case characters go absent for a travel or so. I never did that before, hence why you can find slight plotholes if you look carefully XD Especially when it comes to guard duty!

Luckily, I doubt anyone will take the time to write down all the details and plotholes. Oh, there won't be big plotholes. Just more like: "How the heck can he be out hunting if they just had lunch!!" That kind of mistakes XD

Saturday, January 23, 2010


I have a little cutting work to do, for my expositions in April and May... dad offered me to do it, but I don't want him! He's doing so much already! It's crazy, how much he's doing for MY event. I guess that's just typical 'Dad-behaviour', ne? ^_^

Oh, and don't think I'm not working for my events. I'm creating order lists, make certain the webshop is ready, do the cutting work... I'm doing most of the digital work, he does most non-digital work.

I guess I should get him something XP But what to give to someone who wants nothing in return? Seriously, that man wants NOTHING!

I can't even get him some wine, because he still has so many bottles left.

Maybe I should suggest my mom that the two of us take him out for dinner :)

Friday, January 22, 2010

Tweets = Blog

I almost have the same amount of Twitter Tweets as Blogposted Blogs XD. Oi! Not only that, the tweets will easily surpass my blog, since twits are easy and blogs are... less easy XD

I almost finished everything from my To Do list today, just 1 more mail to send. I'm quite proud! I will probably spend my evening off-computer, my eyes and hands do need their rest. I have a lot of cutting work (cutting out images for an example book) to do.

Sometimes I really dislike not remembering my dreams. All I remember, is that it was a bittersweet dream... but what it was about XD?

Thursday, January 21, 2010


I'm trying to wake up XD

And that's about all I have to say. I'm being followed by 2 new people on Twitter and when I saw who I was like: KYAAAH! Though I doubt they'll actually read what I type... XP They are way too busy for little me!

What more... picked up my passport. Now I legally can say I excist. Weird, how a funny piece of paper is needed so I can prove I'm alive. You'd think not-alive people can't walk, talk, type, draw... Still, it's also so I can prove I am indeed me and not someone else. I guess it feels strange to me because I have no need to pretend I'm someone else. I am me, simple as that.

Oh, and good news! One of our dogs, had a growth on her chin and if it would grow, it would be bad news... but it hasn't grown! So that's good news! I'm soooooo happy! *huggles dogs*

And what the heck, hugs for my dedicated readers as well!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Nothing happened

Seriously. The most amazing thing I did today, was picking up a new passport. Woopie, so now I can prove I truely excist XD

Last night I once again dreamed/dreamt I was late for work... and I think we had a malfunctioning haunted elevator as well XP. And once again, even though I was late, I was forgiven XD But why? Why do I keep on worried about getting late for work?! I love my job and I've never been late before!

Oh well. That was it. Happy day!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Need inspiration XD I'm supposed to draw a comic this week, but all I can think about is the Bicycle-checking they did yesterday... on a very unlogical/illogocal place! (I mean, right before a crossing so people can't go through any more...)

Monday, January 18, 2010

The result

It tasted great! Everyone took seconds! No, I'm not a cook, but my experiments often turn out good. Only once or twice it turned out bad ^_^

On the dream scene, I had some odd dreams about Robot Dinosaurs, Real Dinosaurs and gigantic Romans... or perhaps I was mini myself. I also woke up about every 2 hours... *growls* That is NOT fun XD

And of course, I also woke up 10 minutes before my alarm would go off. I SO hate that XD

After work, I did some business stuff, which I will continue in a second. I'm also watching Ratatoille (or however you may spell it XD). It's a cute movie. I like Wall-e and The Incredibles better XP.

Oh, and it's raining outside again. How's THAT for randomness!

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Has been a while since I cooked... I'm going to 'Wok'; meaning (in my case): Kitty throws whatever she can find into one pan. We had Sweet Peppers filled with cream cheese in vegetable oil, but I prefer the peppers without oil.

So, I dumped all the vegetable oil with our meat, as well as Ketjap Manis and a dash of Chilli sauce... and we'll see how it will turn out XD And I didn't need to add extra oil for the baking!

Today I slept like a rock an did several behind things... like administration. For my company, for myself, for the event... and I think I finished the order-list I can take along to the event... Also made a flyer... You know, in retrospect it seems like I didn't do much, but I really did a lot! I almost did everything I wanted to do today.

I also started on another Evolving image. I made one 2 years ago (and it finished evolving January 2010) and people really seemed to like that concept. What people don't know, is that I'm always working ahead, so I have already enough images for the next 16 months!... and I'm not even halfway the image XD. I'm thinking about skipping a few images or posting 2 asides each other XD

Aaaaand, threw in some mushrooms with my 'Evolving dinner' XP.

I so hope I can continue on my evolving image tonight... So much still to do!!

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Ssst! Kitty Ocean is asleep. Do not wake her up. She needs her sleep...

(PS. Swimming Class was awesome. Kids were wonderful! I love my group!)

Friday, January 15, 2010

What I can't post

I can't post how work was today. While work went fine, some details may be used against people... people who really worked hard today! So I'm not going to talk about that. Though... I found out why I don't touch the settings of the Coffee Machine: somehow the coffee machine at work today freaked so much, a mechanic had to come.
Luckily I don't drink coffee and tea XD

Asides that, work was chaotic and busy. Managed to do some way, way behind stuff. Also, my eyes hurt due to sleep and lots of pc-activity. So today I'm not going to do more than needed!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

A new dream

Yeah, a new dream...

I was in a new zoo, which had a big pool/bassin that had sharks swimming around and people could pet them. Unfortunately, the sharks were HUGE and dangerous, so it was only for the thrillseekers. My dad and one of my swimming students (why him, from all I know!? O.o) were such thrillseekers and went into the pool.
Of course, kids fell into it as well, so they were snatched away before the jaws of death. The sharks also always tried to escape, which almost succeeded once or twice as well.

I didn't want to see it, being scared to death, so I went to see the koala's.... the koala's... Wow... And they were nocturnal in my dream as well! Which is... very strange.

But still. Huge Monsterous Killer Snatching Sharks.


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Crossposted with my DA Journal

Why type the same thing twice?

For a first, but it had to come!!

I'm going to attend the Elf Fantasy Fair (Haarzuilen; 24th and 25th of April)! No, not as a visitor... as an artist! I need to get a bit more information, but chances are big I will be there as well ^_^. Visit me if you go to the Elf Fantasy Fair! ( )

I will also attend the Kumiko Event! This one will be in Ahoy Rotterdam, on the 1st and 2nd of May ( ). It's the first Manga Exposition of the Netherlands! If you love Manga Art, that is the place to be! And cosplayers... you can win an awesome prize there as well!!

I'm totally excited about this and I hope to meet many Deviants there! If you go to either, or perhaps both, please let me know! You'll totally recognise me because I'll hang around art that has been made by me XP

And of course, to both I'll bring along things for sale, like greeting cards with my art, posters with my art... and my novels!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A list of positive news

  • Yesterday, at my town's business club, people started recognising me and walked to me. I also talked with two women a lot. I'm usually quite shy, having no one to talk to... so this was a good thing! Let's hope to keep it up!
  • Though my last entry was on the boarder/edge of 'is this wise?' I actually got quite some positive comments on it; especially through other ways. Funny how to see most guessed their spot exactly and how most said: "I don't need to know where I stand. I think I know and I'm happy with that." 2 people said that and man... that made me feel so good. Thank you so much!
  • My markers should be on it's way... will they arrive before work or not??!
  • I dreamt all my work's computers got infected by virusses. At first I thought I was to blame, but then it turned out it was not. My manager was all panicking so I got my brother in law XD He fixed everything easily... and then I woke up. My brother in law said he'd get that virus creator back (because it was a very simple virus) but I shall never know how... (seriously, the virus was a mah jongg mixed with hangman with bad pixels game)
  • Turns out two people parked their car on an empty spot. They didn't realise the spot was empty because it was on ice XD Poor people, coming back, seeing water till their windows... I honestly feel bad for then. I know, it wasn't positive news. For them anyway. I have material for a new Pen-i comic. Poor them.

Monday, January 11, 2010

My New Year's Resolution!

Yes, I finally made one! I'm going to spend less time on people who have Dual Personalities and are Attention Hoggers.

Dual Personality: People who are totally sweet & nice in real life, but when I meet them online, they are either cranky 24/7 or even act like I'm an idiot. Well, pardon me for breathing!!
People in my friends-circle who have that: 1.5. (one person is often cranky towards me in real life as well, but not as much as in the digital world!)

Attention Hoggers: People who want to keep on hearing how much I love their *insert artistic result of choice*, demand I follow their every move (yet not returning the favour...), or who seem to want to hear how much I consider them my friends. I have faith in our friendship; why can't you?! They also tend to go 'Woe is me!' or, and this kind I actually dislike most: they brag about how great they are. Some don't even realise they are doing it, though.
People in my friends-circle who are that: 3. I'm sorry, but I have my own life. I can't spend MY TIME on YOU all the time. A good friend knows how to give and receive, so they listen to me when I have a problem. I don't mind following up on your life, but don't call me selfish if I spend 30 minutes on my own problems.

Fun Fact: 1 Attention Hogger said I was begging for attention because of this blog. Well, DUH! This is MY blog! 'Kitty Ocean's boredom!'. But honestly, I don't care if you read it or not. It's something for me and if you honestly think I'm begging for attention because of this... *rolls eyes*. Notice the almost 3 year hiatus? I don't want to complain that much any more!

... yes, I know this blog post is a complaint. Again: my blog. Not yours. There's a little square with an 'x' in your upper right corner. Go ahead, click on it. Even if you turn away, I will keep on posting.

Why? Because I can.

As for my friends... I have a few zones.

The Super Special Zone: People who are the closest to me and who I consider my best of best of best friends. I have currently 2 people in this zone.

The Special Zone: People who are close to me and whom I truely consider friends. I have 3 people in this zone as well.

The Zone: My good friends. Some lean towards the Special Zone boarder, some lean towards the outer boarder... some are in the middle. Most people are here.

The Outer Boarder: People who are still in The Zone, but have to be careful. No, I'm not threatening. You have people who are in that region as well. They have hurt your feelings a few times, but you decided to forgive them, probably even thinking 'they didn't mean it that way'. Still, if they will hurt your feelings again, you will decide if it's worth keeping them.
The Attention Hoggers are in this zone.

Outside: People who hurt your feelings really good. You are willing to forgive them, but they have to do the first step. My quote: "They have a problem with me, I don't have a problem with them." I currently have 2 people in this zone. Willing to forgive them, but if they won't see they are ruining a friendship... their loss. Not mine.

Severed the Bond: You have to do a lot of mending to get back into one of the zones again. Currently I have 5 people in this zone. They betrayed my trust, my friendship and abused me on several ways (not physically, but mentally), or said things I can't forgive them. I won't be fooled again by them. Luckily, 1 person I won't be seeing again, and 2 people I probably won't be seeing any year soon XP

I don't give a ****: I won't forgive you. Ever. 1 person is in this zone. Oh wait. 2. I don't care what you think, but you've betrayed me so much, there's no word for it. Funny thing, 1 was during High School. I almost failed a class because of that person... and the reason I disliked doing group activities. The reason why I rather do a whole report on my own and others can tag along.

So, a little insight on me. I won't reveal who is where. If you want to know so badly where you stand... you have little faith in the friendship we share. Believe in it. I believe in you, so all you have to do, is believe it yourself...

Sunday, January 10, 2010

My new fav author!

I have a new fav author... my dad. Does he write? Nopes. But he translates my novels into Dutch. When I first gave it to him and read the first version, I was really tearing my hair out. And now, reading the 8th version... and WOW!

Is this written by the same person who did the first version?! He even added some smart-ass jokes! "That's Mardok's horse underneath your holy butt!" - I never used that in the English version! But it's sooooo fitting!!

I've honestly enjoyed reading my own book XD Is that bad?

Anyway, I'm really busy lately. Sometimes it feels too crowded, but I think I'm finding a balance now. One day I will find that balance!

Saturday, January 09, 2010

The result

I slept WONDERFUL! It was chilly in the beginning, but slept like a dream. I had a funny dream as well, about zoos and petting zoos. I helped out and I suddenly came across a guy who bought a new car (second hand). It was cerulean blue, but when he washed it, it suddenly got all kinds of colours, like red, orange... and ending up in yellow. The dude was totally ticked off, btw XD. Yelling how he was conned; he had bought a blue car!
I was forced to take a message and I wrote down the message in clay... that one was strange. And of course, someone deleted my message XD

I want to do all my online stuff now, so I have drawing time this afternoon/evening. Book 3 cover... here I come!!!

Friday, January 08, 2010

A list I did today

  • Slept like crap. Took me about an hour to fall asleep and then balanced on the edge/boarder of sleep and awake for about 45 minutes before having to wake up. Means I slept about 5.5-6 hours. To have to be able to put up some sort of honest smile, I need at least 8 hours. Hopefully, tonight will will bring something better...
  • Had work; luckily only four hours. If it would have been more...
  • Did some shopping. Bought chocolate. Haven't eaten it yet. Straaaaange.
  • Had to walk the dogs in the freezing cold. I hope they appreciate it!
  • Did some e-mail, scanned and realised how I don't want to treat other people. And the best way you learn that is when you're treated on a way you don't want to be treated yourself. No, I won't go into details.
  • Also, I can't seem to understand why I have a subscription, but often seem to get my magazines days after they get into the store. *rolls eyes*
  • Archonia decided to split up my order into 2 seperate cases, with the exact same result, but it means I will get my order... within the next week XP. So, if it's the same result... why not? Smaller means easier to take along/to handle! Also, because I had to wait about half a year, I'm getting a really BIG discount! I can buy 5 manga with that discount! Hurray for Archonia!
  • I now understand how frustrating it is if Customer Service does not read your e-mail. It's not that hard. Just open your eyes and let them walk over the words. Discover them. Take them in. ANSWER THE QUESTION I STATED IN THE MAIL. It would be nice.
  • And there's this whole empty spot in this afternoon. I know I worked quite a lot, but what... just here and there, this and that. But I can't seem to find the words. Probably scanning, webcomic creating and mailing.

Yes, I'm tired. Very. Never noticed? XP

Thursday, January 07, 2010

I forgot

I forgot how much I loved Maple Town. I found someone who has uploaded all(?) episodes on YouTube. I only saw a few clips and nostalgia kicked in. Maple Town is an anime as well; maybe that's why I already loved it so much. A children's series, dealing with the possibility of a miscarriage... if you read it like this, you may raise an eyebrow, but you should see the episode to know how-what-when-why.

I'm also watching Chi's Sweet Home... Cuteness!! I dislike cats (because they always put their nails into my legs or stuff their butt in my face), but Chi is just too adorable!!

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Biological Clock

No, no, not a midlife-crisis! Not even a quarter-life one! No, no, this is something diffent.

This morning, I woke up at 7:39 am. My alarm goes off at 7:40 am.
So, cranky, I get up. 'Couldn't I have stayed asleep for one more freaking moment... *mutter, mutter* Stupid morning....'
And then I noticed: 7:41 am.
And my alarm, which is my cellphone, did NOT go off!
'Eh... where is my cellphone actually?!'
Turns out my cellphone was still downstairs and if I hadn't woken up, I would have overslept!!... luckily I always have a back-up alarm XP That one goes at 7:45 am.

Also, if you're Dutch, check out -> Artiesten. See a familiar name there?? If you are a cosplayer, or know a cosplayer, then check out the contest! The prizes are awesome =D

And who knows, maybe I'll see you there =D

Keep In Mind will be there as well :)

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Too busy

Waaah, I'm so stressed today XP So much to do! So, I'm keeping this blogpost short today... THIS short XD Bye again!

Monday, January 04, 2010

I love to RULE!

I totally loved last night's dream. I went back to High School, wanting to graduate it for a second time. There was this twit (classmate I don't know in real life) who thought she was totally awesome and better than me, though. I raised my hand to give my own insight and she reluctantly gave me permission to speak... but she totally not listened!

When I noticed that, I got up angry. "At least have the decency to listen to someone!" I walked towards the door. "If Mister Baas asks, I'm not feeling good any more and going to the bathroom." Apparantly, my old English teacher was suddenly giving Geography, even though he was not present...

I felt bad about leaving the room though; I really regretted it. But when the break started, F, an old classmate from me, said I did the right thing. I also met up with Y, an old friend of mine, and we wanted to look for a place to spend our break.

"Oh, I don't think we can still claim our old spot." I said, and Y. suggested picking an empty block as our new spot. However, another (or perhaps the same?) bratty kid claimed this was her spot and that I, 'the loser', should leave. I grabbed her collar, looking directly into her eyes: "I came back to get my diploma for a second time... do you honestly think I'm scared of someone like you?!"

The brat was totally insulted and called her best friend; a tall, strong looking girl... I saw the girl and: "Hey, M!" It was a girl I'm watching on DA. "How nice to meet you! I'm the turtle freak from DA!" And we ended our happy conversation with: "I'll let the storytelling over to your friend... if she dares to speak the truth."

Then, I had to rush to classroom number 4, and getting late would mean the doors would be closed! But, as a newbie, I had trouble finding it, yelling: "Almost there, I'm coming!" Barely I made it in time... but was this the right room? There was a whole science lab! Oh wait, the cinema where I had to be, was right behind it.

During the movie, Miss Brat from the beginning tried to disturb the lesson, but accidentally set the christmas tree on fire. With a lot of trouble and effort, I managed to use my magical powers (eh??!) to control the fire within my hands... and then I had to rush outside! I muttered something, I don't remember what, but probably something like: "Why do I always have to clean up after others?" and let the fire go when I was outside.

The accident was then repeated from multiple angles XP And then I woke up!


Sunday, January 03, 2010


I've been having a lot of bad dreams lately. Last night I dreamt about going on a holiday... and a T-Rex came to eat them all. We got away, but I just knew the T-Rex could come back any moment. I also dreamt that I was back in the swimming pool building and that they changed the placing of the girl's and the boy's locker room. So I litterary threw out boys, while they were on the right place and I was not! Embarressing!
After that, I dreamt I was in a huge toy store... but somehow I couldn't get my eyes open. That happened earlier in dreams; I can't keep my eyes open then and if I finally succeed, I barely see anything. I'm not panicking then, nor am I tripping over things... but it isn't normal.

I guess I need to learn how to get to bed early again XP Holidays always throw me off.

Well, I'm off to write FYE5 again :) I got an awesome scene in mind, but darn it, that is for the end of the next saga XD Meaning I can't write it for months XD Drats!!

Saturday, January 02, 2010


Yesterday I tried watching 'The sixth sense'; a movie that is portrayed as the genre 'thriller'. I don't like thrillers. Thrillers scare me. Horror even more. Personally, I didn't think the movie was that scary, but the dreams I had that following night...

I'm not going to watch thrillers 4 hours before sleeping. Seriously. Ever again. And I'm not even going to try horrors. *nods affirmative*

Other than that... I wrote FY again today. Tomorrow is probably the last time I can write for a long time; luckily I can end the Helena-saga then. Took longer than expected! And again a Kai x Rain joke XD I just can't help myself XD

And even if Kai and Rain defend themselves... Kai always is the one to stir up the old rumours... XD

Friday, January 01, 2010

Just one line...

Wishing you the best for the New Year; that your dreams may be fulfilled in 2010!