Friday, October 31, 2003

*is too happy beyond words*

If I'm unlucky, my new internshipplace may be in Tiel... which means getting up at 5.45 am just to get in that place on time, which is 7.50 am. For one day in the week that is managable... but for an entire internshipweek? And my dad says I must accept it! Internship is internship! HELL, even for my work I never had to get up before 6 am!! And then he goes whining about getting my driver's license and that it would make things easier..... I'll never manage to get that thing before the end of the schoolyear so what's the freaking use of mentioning it?!
Why do I pray they say no right now? I don't want to get up at 5.45 am! Just because they messed up, I have to pay! I thought my luck had started changing for the better again, but no.... I think this is one messed up year. All because of school.
And everybody just keeps on saying I should stop complaining.........

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Sunday I had a terrible headache, and monday it finally cleared a bit. I went to school, but still no internship place. Yay me *sarcasm*.
At home, my mom and I went shopping for my aquarium... and then I was so embarressed at the cash deck. I suddenly so feel like a student. And this time, it's my school's fault!! *blows up school*
Luckily mom was there too. I felt aweful, but luckily I had a great friend who said today would be better.
And right now I have to hunt her down. *is armed with cookies and peanuts to throw at her*.
Today I had PE. Not such a bad thing to have since I can't do that much because of my bad leg. The result:
~ Tennisball in my face
~ Tennisball against my back
~ Bat against my leg
WHO SAID AGAIN TODAY WOULD BE BETTER?! *is armed* Only good thing was that it didn't happen at the same time. And the girls who caused it felt aweful. (And that, my friends, is why there exists a rule that says: put the bat in the basket; the darn girl let it slip from her fingers and woosh-woosh-BANG; I was a fieldplayer dammit! I need an extra life insurance when I play in the field)
And with picking teams, I suddenly heared whispering: 'Pick Kitt!' And I went all: HUH?! ME?! Why? The best players were picked, and then they started choosing less great players. I was among those. I was picked halfway instead of last!!! I was chosen before the twinkies!! WOOHOO!
And some girls of my class just can't handle loosing. When the ball went towards the bench, they grabbed it and tossed it over! The teacher saw that =P.
I also tagged someone out (it was some sort of indoors softball) but the teacher didn't see it. And my group went all: Oh, we know you tagged him out but it's just a game so who cares. And that's how I thought too!
Hehe, and we still won ^_^. Woohoo!
But honestly, since I got kicked out (oh, correction, pulled back) from my internship, I'm suddenly so populair =D. Cool! I gotta have misfortune more often =P.
And Mari-chan says I'm a good writer; she read the interview-report I had with that teacher from my internship. Hehee! People say I can write well! (She's number 4 or 5 already =D)

Sunday, October 26, 2003

Spider! Big Spider! Less then 1 metre away from me!!! *screams* I swear, my future husband musn't be afraid of spiders! I'm the one who needs to be saved! My sister is also afraid of spiders, but her boyfriend is more scared O.o I need a heroic guy to save me from these monsters....
It turns out that Yorkiddin, the channel that airs Sailor Moon, will stop to exist in January =(. And, they also annouced that they haven't bought any more eps of Sailor Moon, so I guess we're stuck =(. No more Sailor Moon.... just the first half of the first Arc of Sailor Moon R... no ChibiUsa... no Hotaru.... *sad, sad sighs*
What more? I went to the final day of theory with the stupid course. Dad and I left earlier because we had to. Was kinda a useless day and I don't have a great examination task.
'Enkelvoudige Rugslag', for those who understand Dutch. Wouldn't be such a problem, but my target group is end B begin C; which means they should already master it! But, my dad says that the group I'll get will be terrible so that I have enough to teach.
What more, what more? I bought an Aquarium, and I'll get fish from my mom, as well as plants, because she has too much in her aquarium. I also bought Pokémon 4Ever; intresting movie and halfway I already knew the truth about Sam XD. It was an intresting movie and all characters cried a lot. Oh yes, and Brock and Team Rocket all had new voices =(. No fun.
Oh yes, and been very tired past few days. And no kidding. I feel like I could fall asleep at the spot!
And I caught a cold. Not a great combination.
Anyway, I'm thinking about writing a new Mini Series for Serenay Moon. Season 3 still isn't finished and I doubt we'll end Season 4 in the year it will take to post Season 3.
Anyone has suggestions on how I could avoid weeks without updates? Or, that I'll change it to 1 week story, 1 week no update, 1 week other stuff, 1 week no update, 1 week story etc?
I could really use some advice. I'd rather avoid the every 2 weeks an update, but it might be the only way I can guarantee regular updates. I could really, really use some advice.
Oh, and I might not update in the Christmas Vacation. I hadn't had a Summer Stop this year, so I might as well have a Christmas Stop ^_^.
Oh, and the link you gave in the comments Sol Nuada... eh... I'm not sure where to look. Or is it a broken link or so?

Thursday, October 23, 2003

To the peeps with LJ's. I do read your posts, I just can't respond on it any more... I dunno why; it just never posts. Sometimes errors, sometimes they demand my LJ code. Which I don't have......

Warning! Talking about my dreams-rant! Some people thought this was actually happening to me, but they are all dreams! ^_^

Anyway, they always want me. At least, in my dreams. My mom says it's because of those stories I'm writing. But, I somehow base my stories on my dreams! Vicious (sp?) Circle? (Visieuze Cirkel) Or is there some other explanation?
Most of the time, my dreams are about these subjects. Last 2 nights, I had dreams about this.
Most of the time, there is a battle. Sometimes it's not a friendly one (like 2 nights ago), and sometimes it is (like last night). Most of the time I play an important role in the battle.
Sometimes I'm the leader, but sometimes I'm not (which rarely happens btw. Last night I was not the leader. There were only 4 girls in the groups, and 3 were in mine. Cat was also in my team, as well as a girl I can't recall. Anyway, I was not the leader, but I was the one who ordered to attack....). Sometimes I don't even feel connected to one team, or am litterary between the groups.
Either way, there are always people who want to kidnap me, or kill me. Kill me more frequent btw. Even if there is not a battle going on, people still often want to kill me. I'm a very likable target.
Last detail, is that often a guy plays a role in it.
2 night ago I had a dream that I was caught in a battle, while I belonged to neither groups. A few people wanted to kill me, and when it looked they would succeed, a guy saved me. It was a friend of mine I haven't seen for almost 2 years!
Last night there was a friendly battle. The opponent team attacked us without warning and stole things from us for fun (and that while we weren't even ready yet! How mean). People had accepted me (somehow) as a leader, but they disagreed at the same time. There were only 4 girls in the game. Spying was already out of the option (since the other team has only 1 girl) and we would be in great danger if any of us would be the leader. Cat was also in my team, and I didn't know the other girl.
Anyway, we faked an attack, and of course, it failed. The enemy thought we were easy preys and attacked us again, but I yelled: 'NOW' and tadaa! We trapped the enemy and the battle began. My team was so smart! ^_^
But now the connection with the guy I mentioned. A guy from the other team (he looked handsome!! *sees people staring at her*..... never mind) said he wanted to be with me, and even betray his team for me. And somehow... I disagreed. I thought it was too dangerous.

To be short, my dreams are mostly about battles (friendly or not), people wanting to kill or kidnap me, and a guy often plays a big role.
Unlike what many people think, these dreams are not scary. They may sound so, but I'm never afraid.
But if anyone has any clue what my dreams may be telling me.... Fire away!

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Gosh, I did so much yesterday and today. But all small things. Let's review....

I started off going to school to object to the fact I was send away from my internship. My councelor said I understood it wrong; SHE had made the decision and not that &*(^&*^%&* mentor. I told her I still disagreed because I couldn't defend myself, and she asked: 'What was there to defend? It wasn't anyone's fault!'
My dad's response: 'That wasn't what she said in the beginning'.
She also said that that school had certain rules and they expect us students to know that..... My response (as well as my dad's; btw, I thought this): 'Why didn't they tell me that?!'
But, we had little time, so I could escape quickly. Then I went to the station, and stepped on a train. Called Uumie, who wasn't reachable at the moment (even though she was) and when I called her again, the connection went up and down so it took us 10 seconds before we knew we had the right person XD.
On the station in Maastricht, I waited a while for Uumie. Man it was freezing there! She had some trouble reaching me, but in the end she arrived so it was all well... even though my toes are still freezing =P.
While having lunch, Uumie gave me this superawesomesuperdupermegatasticenormousfantasicüberkawaiicool framed picture of Naraku, and I immidiately had a scene in my head ^_^. I worked it out now. Okay, not that much, but Naraku will wear that outfit in the beginning of Season 6 ^_^.
Oh yeah, and I got the MTV video clip from Suteki Da Ne!! It's pwetty, but the pic of Naraku was prettier!!!
To be short: Had a great day. Was great to see The Uum again. Really great. I also bought 3 books for 6 euro, which I already wanted anyway. And Uum and I send a post card to someone.
And never mess with the Uum. Never. Ever.
On the trainride home, I finished 'De Griezelbus 5', which I thought was so not scary and unusual for the series, but it was AWESOME! It had a great ending! PAUL VAN LOON RULES!!! *throws herself at his awesome and all mighty feet*. If I ever meet him, I'm gonna thank him for being such an inspiring person.
It was also Demi's 21st birthday ^_^. Yay for Demi!!!! Uumie and I toasted on him and I thought a lot about him because of something that happened today....

Got bored to death. Made 2 drawings for the Calendar; gonna colour it soon... I hope.
Went shopping. Bought Christmas stuff (I'm so ashamed; Sinterklaas hasn't even arrived yet!!! I should be punished....) and a gift for my dad.... which he actually liked!!!! He often says I buy nice gifts, but that they are kinda useless. (But then in a nice way!)
I bought him a mini magnetic whiteboard with lots of magnets.
Went home, draw a bit more, and then had dinner. And, my mom never noticed I bought new figurines for her XD They were above her bed and she never noticed.
Went online, and after a while Demi came.
Le bird blauw has landed!!! Yup, my gift to Demi-chan ^_^. If you wanna know what was in it....... ASK HIM!!!!!! NYA.....
But I used too much tape, so he didn't notice there was a letter in the front O.o
(Courage: *pointing at Kitt* Baka, Baka, Baka)
Anyway, he said he liked it a lot, so yay for me, and my mom ^_^. And then he had to leave for school. He said he can use something I send him big time ^_^. Yay! Yay!!!
And another spelling for stroopwafels has been invented......

Sunday, October 19, 2003

Hotmail is acting très weird. Yeah. Very.
Anyway, yesterday I saw something that frightened me more than spiders and sharks. And anyone who knows me, knows I'm terribly afraid of those. Yesterday during work, I was simply minding my own business.
Suddenly, I saw a little kid, maybe 2 years old on his tricycle. A very cute view, how this tiny boy rode his bike ^_^.
ALL OF A SUDDEN THAT KID RODE ON THE ROAD! It seemed like he was actually looking if there was no traffic coming but oh my gosh... a 2 year old... on a tricycle... on a busy road!
I was so relieved the cars saw him so they passed him but oh my gosh... I doubted wheter I should get him or not... After all, he was not my business (nowadays if you save a kid, you get almost sued for touching him =S).
I already imagined seeing the mother running out and screaming for her kid. But no one came. Suddenly a larger boy came to the flat and yelled up:
'He doesn't want to come home!!' I looked better and I saw his friends had taken care of him; apparently it was his little brother.
'Then you watch him!' Oh my gosh?! WAS THAT THE MOTHER?! It was! She didn't care at all about the fact that her 2 year old (maybe 3) was crossing a busy road?!
I talked about it with another woman in the flat. She told me that a lot of people in those flats don't care about their kids. After all, last May a kid fell from the flat and died. And it seems no mother has learned from it...
I was so afraid... I already imagined seeing that kid being hit by a car...
But the mother didn't seem to care at all...

Friday, October 17, 2003

There is not much to say. Yesterday I watched the SPECIAL EDITION from the Lion King with the extra scene... wow... that was so... well, actually, I didn't like it that much. I like the original version better.
I also did 2 more drawings for the calendar yesterday. Just 3 to go....

Finished my day reports from my old sucky internship. Random quote:
'We now know how a Megalosaurus looks like, because men draw pictures of them on the walls of caves...' (quoted from Mia, that ***** who was the teacher and ready to retire)
Gosh, and I thought humans arrived on the planet a long time AFTER the dinosaurs got extinct!
Anyway, I found out one of our fish passed away. So, I sms-ed my dad (because he knows how to sms and my mom doesn't =S).
'A male gup died; the prettiest one.'
Reply: 'Memorial service? One minute of silence for the dearly departed'
Oh, so dad thinks he can fool me now?! MUAHAHAHA! This was MY reply: 'The family appreciates your sympathy.'
And then it got silent. I WON!!! (not that it was a contest.....)
Did some groceries and now off to update the website. All I have is art from me XD. Not much eh?

Wednesday, October 15, 2003

Yesterday I bought 2 My Little Pony DVD's. Ah, made me feel like a small girl again =D. It's so cute (and stupid at the same time XD hardly any real plot, sucky songs and so many mistakes)!!! I hope they'll bring out other eps I remember from my childhood. I remember an episode with a big stone dog that stoned everybody. And where a pony picked up Megan for the first time... they announced 2 more DVDs.... I wonder which ones are on it!!! And for only 5 euro.....
AND I'M CURSED! CURSED I TELL YA! Each time I want to sleep long, there is something that wakes me up. A beeping watch, a truck going through the streets, bricks being unloaded, and, the most frequent thing: THE FREAKING PHONE!!!! LEAVE ME ALOOOOOOOOONEEE!!!! *yells from a cliff accompanied by lightning*
Besides that, not much to tell. Drew a lot today. Colouring tomorrow. Won't post it... for a long time =D

Monday, October 13, 2003

Today I had my 4th meeting from someone online. So far this is the score:
~ Togepi (Went GREAT! She's AWESOME!)
~ Uumie (WAAAAAAAAAAAAI I'm gonna visit her soon again! 4th time then already!)
~ Sol Nuada (Great guy; I just talk way too much. AND I STILL HAVE MORE PREVIEWS THEN HE DOES!!)
~ F@ceman (He's really nice! I kinda felt like the little sister tagging along with her big brother ^_^).
And to be honest, all these great meetings make me more nervous for a really big one coming up next summer. WHAT IF I DISSAPPOINT HIM?!
Anyway, today I went to Alkmaar to meet F@ceman. I recognised him really fast; actually, I recognised his shoes =P. And somehow I just felt it inside. That was him. He tried to take me to a Comic Shop there, but he kinda forgot where it was so he called a friend. We found it and I browsed the Manga section. They have Chobits there ^_^. But anyway, no Sailor Moon or Tenchi Muyo ^_^. We were there so long; he was doubting wheter or not to buy some things.
We walked on and I had a bit of history information as well! That was quite intresting! If I'm on a tour I wouldn't be intrested, but since this was mentioned while we were walking, it was cool =D.
We ate in the V&D; he paid my lunch! I'm so not used to that XD Most of the time I pay dinner for others XD. We talked a lot, about being a teacher (he already is one... or a senior XD) and he said that the reason I got kicked out of my internship is not justified. He explained why and agreed on my subjects: 'you shouldn't show small kids how well you can draw' and 'when you only have an A swimming diploma, you shouldn't swim without parental supervision' (many people in the Netherlands think that when kids get their A swimming diploma (the first one) that they can let their kids go swimming witout them looking after them. It's only kinda okay when you have A and B, and preferably C as well); my internship disagreed on both points.
He also gave me some advice on how to teach. Especially maths, since I so suck at giving that.
He told me stories about his students and he sounds like such a great teacher!
Anyway, we walked on, and it turned out he was looking for a stuffed plushie from Bob the Builder. Okay, he may be a Comic Expert, but I'm a Toys Expert!! I found it for him =D. I also saw a Bulbasaur Treat Keeper and decided to take it along. At the cashdesk I only said: 'The treats are missing though' and BAM, from 1.29 euro to 0.50 euro! I didn't disagree at all =D.
After that he drove me to the station in his car and we said goodbye. And boy, some people on Utrecht Station are so PUSHY! Litterairy! Sometimes I just walk slower to annoy them; that shall teach them pushing me around!

Friday, October 10, 2003

I would like to thank everybody who supported me in the past few days. However, the war ain't over yet (in a figure of speech). I would really like to thank my dad and F@ceman. Both convinced me to go and talk to my mentor.
My mentor wasn't there, so I talked to the other teacher from that internship. The second I started noting, she became so cranky XD. On advise of my dad I can't tell you what she said, but well...
The reason I got send away... well... it's just too STUPID for words! Man, this is so UNFAIR! Because of 1 bad remark (which was intended as irony and anyone with brains would have asked what I meant) and because I didn't do as they expected. But... NO ONE EVER corrected me!!!
I admit I made mistakes.... but they never corrected me! That means THEY made mistakes as well!! Like I said to a friend of mine: you can't improve if you don't know what you've done wrong...
Anyway, during that talk I felt so superior; especially when I heard the reasons. Those are NO reasons to send someone away! At least... in my world =S (I hope others agree). I stayed polite, and kept on noting. NYA. She was so cranky.
BUT.... (this so works, thanks dad!)... the second I put the top on the pen and stopped writing (closed the notebook too) she was suddenly so nice, and I managed to get some statements out of her mouth which can be proven usefull one day. I hope I won't be needing these notes ever, as well as that the people from my next internship will have brains.
Still, the fact I got send away still bothers me =(. I still feel odd. So, some tips if you have to do a talk you know that will be unpleasant:
~ Write your questions down and make sure they get answered!
~ Stay very understanding, even if you disagree. Apologise if you feel it would improve the mood, but don't apologise for EVERYTHING!
~ Repeat and summerize some statements from the other (then you show you are listning)
~ Make notes. They feel threatened by that.
~ When you think you got answered all your questions, put the top on the pen and close your notbook. Don't touch it anymore. Get your brains ready, because the real talk starts then then!!! When the threat is gone, they say more and even things you never asked for.

Today I shopped for my 'tomorrow-my-friends-will-come-who-I-haven't-seen-for-a-long-time' night and THE BLUE BIRD HAS LIFTED OFF!!! Can't say muc more... WOOPS! Gotta go!!!!! Otherwise I'll come late for Swimming Lessons I must give!!!

Monday, October 06, 2003

My councelor told me how her conversation with my mentor went; concerning my internship.
'She has the feeling she won't be able to guide you the right way. Thursday is your last day.'
To be short, I've been kicked out of my internship. Reason? She is so closed-minded, and she was hoping for an intern who didn't need any guidance.
Oh wait, that's not what my councelor said. She said that we've started off the wrong foot and that it's my fault. They will look for a new place and I'll get heavy guidance.
She knows I want to continue this education (I said that a few times), and she still has faith in me... but she wonders if this is the right education for me....

Saturday, October 04, 2003

You won't believe it... today wasn't a complete waste of time! Yeah, I had that stupid course again. And many people still think I like them... Anyway, got critism about my lessons I would really shove it up their.... well, fill in whatever you want. Me? TOO playful? Then you've obviously have never seen me with kids!!
But, when we had a small break, I spend my time swimming in the pool. Has been a while since I was able to do that. And it felt awesome!! The sun was shining in the water, and I did everything I simply adored to do; which is mostly being under water and so ^_^.
Then I was wondering... how would it look what I was doing? I think it would have been pretty intresting moves to draw. I would really love to observe some figure swimmers just to get inspiration about how to draw stuff like that, as well as some new insights about the human body (aka: what can a human body do in the water, and what can't it do).
I know I'm not Miss Universe, but I would love to draw what I've been doing...
And, something else happened:

*Kitt goes to the bathroom*
Voice: MOMMY!! MOMMY!!
*peeks into the bathroom; sees nothing*
Kitt: Okay, calm down. Are you locked in?
Voice (girl): Yes (you could hear her about to cry)
Kitt: *smile* Don't worry, I'll get you out of here, and if not, I'll get someone to help you, okay?
Girl: .... okay...
Kitt: It's okay. Don't worry. Let's see if my keys will work.... mm.... not really *sees woman coming from the bathroom next to it* Could you please get some help miss?
Miss: Sure..... but first wash my hands.
Kitt's thoughts: 'What?! The girl was screaming, you calmly did what you had to do and now you want to leave that poor kid locked there even longer?! What kind of woman are you?! YOU WERE SITTING NEXT TO HER AND DIDN'T DO A THING!!!!
Kitt: Never mind, it's already working.

And the worst thing? I feel all proud.... and everybody else says it wasn't that special what I did... I bet they've never been locked in the bathroom themselves....

Thursday, October 02, 2003

I don't believe I posted yesterday. Not that something happened... during swimminglessons, I suddenly got 2 newbies. Wouldn't have been a problem.... weren't it for the freaking fact that the other kids are already on a too high level! I litterary have 2 groups now! And one group I can't pay attention to! So annoying.....
Today I went to my internship again. Gosh.... I actually like my mentor now!!! *looks outside* No, no pig flying.... Not only that, I actually only got 1 comment!!! The world is going insane.....