Saturday, June 21, 2008

I just walked the dogs. The youngest of them had to undergo some surgery a few days ago (she went from 'she' to an 'it' XP if you catch my drift) so she's wearing a 'cap' to prevent her from licking her tummy open again. Usually I click the line to that same cap; but today, during a walk, the cap suddenly popped off! And I had just crossed a busy street! So, about 75 Doom Scenerio's crossed my mind, and I called out her name in fright... and she simply waited for me on the safe grass. She hardly ever listens to me (I think she has ADHD and Autism or so - no kidding!), but this time she was like: 'Eh? You called me?' I'm still a bit shaky about it - what if...? But she's still here. Nothing happened. I'd better focus on that then!

1 comment:

ConanThe3rd said...

Well, she didn't inadvertenly disembowl herself and that's the important thing.