Tuesday, April 07, 2009

My final draft for the manuscript (Forever Young Eternity 2: Heritage) has been accepted and it turns out the book will be even thicker than book 1! The publisher estimates a maximum prize of 31 euro's, but I truely hope it will turn out to be a lower! O.o. People already complained book 1 was expensive (24 euro's), but they were forgetting they are getting a thick book (almost 400 pages, almost A4 size; book 2 will probably have about 60-70 pages more), created by a real publisher (so it's not some back-alley-printing or so; it's quality!) and that the prizes for Dutch books is decided by the Dutch Government (Wet op vasteboekenprijs).

I can look for a cheaper publisher (but not for this one; the contract is signed so there is no way back) for the following books, like lulu.com, but the problem is that there I have to do EVERYTHING myself and I get NO ISBN, meaning it can only be sold through me or lulu.com. All bookstores, bookchains, bookwebsites... you won't be able to get it through any place else. And an ISBN is expensive... So it can be cheaper, but a lot harder to get... is that a wise choice?

Also, really annoying but on a side note: www.sailormoon.com seems to be down forever; lost on the word wide web. I can still access the e-mailadresses I have there, but still... all the files I had uploaded there... gone forever. Luckily I only used that account to host images for Gaia Online XP Still, I hate broken links *sighs* Oh yeah, and the new mail server is sloooooow

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