Sunday, July 15, 2007

You know what sucks most? If someone starts a fight with YOU, totally uncalled for (not that I am a saint; I did make a mistake, but going all WAAHBOOHOOYOUNEVERTHINKABOUTOTHERSBUTYOURSELF-hangsupphone-* was totally uncalled for) and then in the end, you can't get it off your chest... at all! Not even in this blog, because there's a chance that person will read it!

Yes, I made a mistake
But I'm starting to see why that person has neighbour issues....

If this person thinks I'm selfish... then he/she will see selfish when my book gets popular. I will invite a LOT of people to my book parties.... but not him/her! I'm the trash of the family now? Then they won't have to expect a smile when they want to ride along on my success and work...

I called to my mom about it and did get a lecture (unexpected, but still, she can lecture me because she's my MOM)... but she said 3 more words before she hung up... 3 words...

"I love you."

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