Monday, August 20, 2007

Muahaha! I'm a Customer's Service WORST nightmare! Why?! Because I'm a Customer Service Employee myself! I know exactly how to recognise people who don't care a shit about what they do, I can ask exactly the right questions.... AND I can twist their words so they realise WHAT they just said! Oh, but I never twist them so that I pick out the opposite.

Her: "Yes, you need to pay that to registrate your dog in a foreign country."
Me: "But they already registered their dog there... Paid and all."
Her: "No, you can't register without that (piece of paper you will get)"
Me: "I understand that, that's perfectly clear. You need that to register your dog... thing is... they already registered it! So, if you need that paper, than how can they already register their dog, if they don't have it?"
Her: ".... It's not the Netherlands!"

Yes, AND?! I also asked a simply question: "Is this the last bill we will get, or will we get any more surprises?"

Her: ".... I can only see it for this dog.... and yes, this is the last one."

And saying that Belgium is not the Netherlands is a big DUH, but still the weakest attempt to get rid of ME XD. Sure, I'll pay. It's not my bill, but I'll pay. Not that much of an amount. But talking to people like that....

And later on I talked to the receptionist about how we were treated into the past. She did resolve to the "But we have our guidelines" once, which was a minimal sign of panic. You only refer to that if you don't know what else to say. It's a defense. But I easied her by telling her that rules simply exist and we accept that... it's the thing AROUND it! Customer Service means something and while the employees we met haven't heard of it (except for this Receptionist! Second one who treated us with respect!).... it still exists...

And moments like that make me feel awesome! I love my work. It gave me so much experience that I know how to be a total pain on the phone XD If needed though. I have two sides:

1. For the people I have a simple question to, or the places who treated me with respect: "Ultra nice and not wanting to be a boather."

2. For the people who act like uptight pricks and think they are above me: "Switching Roles Mode; combined with an Ultra Polite and Correct Attack!"

Most services fall into category 1. Thus far only 1 organisation falls under category 2.


  • Last Thursday there was no one in charge at work (due to illnesses etc). They asked ME to be in charge! I was so honoured!! Plus I did okay-ish for a first time :) No mayor issues :) We're pretty independent :) (Downside: I heard NOTHING about it the next day and eventually had to ask my superior: Any questions about last evening?. But hey, we're all busy. Would have been nice though...)
  • I'm waiting for my second shipment of books. Aaaah! I need them! People want my book and I don't have any left T_T. I hope they come this week...
  • They selected a group of people who will answer one kind of questions at work. This kind is the one send through the most often (appearantly...) and I'm IN that selected group! I'm so HONOURED!
  • Even though I don't get paid more for my specialised jobs (ones mentioned above), I do feel good about it. After all... THEY TRUST ME!!

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Waaah! T_T I burned my finger! On stupid flippin sticky RICE! I now have a burn spot on my finger that is like, .... actually the shape of a piece of rice XD. Seriously.

When was the last time I was actually injured?? I can't even recall... Well, there was that time during my last internship, which is now a year ago... I fell from the stairs. Couldn't walk and all for quite some time. Nothing broken, just sprained. Was up and walking in 3 days, up and running in 3 weeks or so.
And before that? Oh yeah... that stupid incident...

Dog A, still on a leash, goes left and then decides to run back... around my feet, going right! Dog B, on the other hand, still on a leash, decides to first go right and then left! Mom, who was holding both leashes, sees how the leashes go around my legs and decides to let go. The leashes decided it was fun to follow the dogs, causing a scar on the back of my legs; on the same height XD What a stupid way to get a scar...
Maybe I fell from the stairs during that vacation as well. I guess so. Couldn't walk for a few days, but was up when we came home from vacation. I could already limp during the last 3 days (I fell, like, 4 days before we left XD
Me: (after falling) Dad, I think I need some help here (ausch, autsch, trying not to cry and scream if pain)
Dad: (misunderstanding the text and goes to the neighbours) You need any help here?
Neighbour: No, I think something had fallen in your caravan.
Dad: Oh... Hey Kitt, they don't need any help!
Me: No, but I DO!)

And the vacation before that? Dog thought I was going after her ball so she leaped at it. I was simply passing through there XD Dog's nail in foot = autsch XD

I'm not that often physically hurt. And those sprained ankles were the worst things I ever had... so I'm pretty lucky ^_^

But to get a burn wound the shape of 1 grain of rice... BECAUSE OF 1 STICKY GRAIN OF RICE... is just plain STUPID XD