Hi Everybody!! Missed me? Has been WAAAAAAAAAY too long =D.
The internship.... finally over for the year 2003. It was tiring, VERY tiring. More things my teacher said to a collegue (which I overheard): 'I have a very smart intern student and she's a computer specialist too!!'
What the...? Just because I have a website, can unplug a computer (and later on hook it up again XD) and came to the idea to play a copied CD through the computer (because 3 other CD players wouldn't take it) I'm a computer specialist?! XD Flattering though, very flattering.
And just because I happened to notice a candle becoming very small and dangerous, I'm smart?? Oh well, thanks for the compliments =D
And guys, I'm truely sorry....... I'll be gone till wednesday evening so no posts till then.... okay, technically I'm not gone. Uumie will stay at my place! WOOHOO! And it's impolite to go behind the pc then ^_^. Unless she wants too. My parents always taught me: Guests First. ^_^. I can't wait!!! I'll pick her up tomorrow morning!
Okay, on with the BLOG! Last Saterday I got my christmas package from my job. It was filled with 3rd world products and to be honest..... last year's was better XD. Okay, the fact we had less than last year doesn't matter.... but.... it was filled with ORDINAIRY things! Only good thing is that we helped 3rd World farmers...
And yesterday was the busiest Saterday of the year at my job. All those Christmas Cards....But anyway, halfway our group manager came and gave us a bag with goodies! A 2nd Christmas Package because this year's efficiency has been way higher than last year! Heck, you dun hear me complaining =D It what was in it was actually BETTER than the Christmas Package XD.
Talking about Christmas, I got a Christmas Gift from my internship school as well.... just dun know where to place it XD. And I went to the school's christmas musical and was on stage as well ^_^. To keep the tone with the kids in the song XD Because they can sing too high if they forget the text XD. Went great!
And the World's Largest Christmas Tree stands in..... Lopik! Near my City! Okay, technically it's not a tree. It's a radio tower. With lots of lights you can even see in Odijk! And that's FAR from Lopik =D. It has been there all my life (only around christmas though) and because of the costs they didn't plan to do it this year... but everybody thought that was no fun at all and they found sponsors!!! And now it's here again!! YAY!
What more? I'm still a bit tired and I cleaned up my room ^_^. It once again looks like a room =D.
Oh, and my dad placed the Christmas Tree (2 actually) and this year I decorated them! (Mom was too tired...). The biggest one doesn't look that great, but the small one rules ^_^. And my mom used MY blue christmas balls! She didn't know they were mine but mom....... you only have silver christmas balls ^_^. Oh, don't get me wrong, I don't mind at all!! I was very surprised she used it! My mom is really great with decorations; she has a great taste!
And.... what more? Eh..... I can't recall XD. Need to prepare stuff for tomorrow......... I hope I can SLEEP tonight =D
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