So much to say....lemme order things:
- I went to Holiday on Ice. It was nice. everyone went ooooo and aaaahhhh and I thought: what?! Never seen a figure skater before?! Oh, I agree, it was very pretty what all happened (she fell! sjeesh!) and I loved the part where there were 3 types of music through each other, but those people honestly overreacted with their ooos and aaahs. They reacted like they had never seen SKATES before.
- I was sick. For a day. As usual. I honestly felt brainless and that I would drop on the street. My voice was also gone, and it was hand in day- I HAD to get out. On the way back I picked up Lord of the Rings 12 DVD Special Edition for my mom and dad, bought some other stuff I gave to my sister and mom and dad, and managed to stay standing on my 2 legs.
- The day after, I was recovering, and Frodo, our 11 weeks and 6 days old puppy was ill. We all thought it wasn't that serious, so my mom left for a party she had to attend (otherwise my dad would be there all alone blah blah) and asked if I could see the vet with Frodo. Turned out that she had a light throat thingie, and that it was seriouser than expected. But, she's all jumpy now again, so no worries; she's better again.
- I just realised that I have more options in this blog, like this, and this on an easier way. Yay for IE 6!
- We now have new internet. Works nice! And I still have all the adresses ^_^ Yay!
- I realised that I have an intresting relation with half of my friends. You see, half of my friends.... either annoy me every now and then, or have really annoyed me at the start!!! Ief, my high school best friend, was someone I started out hating. Or Cat. She knows this; in the beginning I didn't like her at all. And she's still one of my best friends.
But I also have friends I liked from the beginning. And who cares what I thought about them in the beginning? What matters is what I think of them now. And I love them all.
- I especially currently love Craig and Demi. They know why. But I so love them at the moment.
- Thursday I'll be off to see Uum again. FINALLY again. Maybe, if Uum helps me, I can find WITCH collection novels 1 and 2. I have all loose episodes myself, but if Demi would like them, I at least have them. And otherwise I keep them myself ^_^
Ooooh, just look at these nifty options.........
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