Monday, April 18, 2005

Please read this post carefully before you judge. I DO NOT approve of what is going on and I WILL be working on it. Also, the child will be called 'it' from now on, so nobody knows if it's a boy or a girl.

There is a kid in my internshipclass that is being left out occasionally by the other kids. Today I observed the child and honestly... I can only say... NO WONDER! The kid just barges in and demands it may play along. If it doesn't get its way, it sometimes 'steals' a piece of the puzzle. If I was 4 years old, and an other kid is known for stealing puzzle pieces and demanding it plays along... then I wouldn't want to play with it as well! Hell, I wouldn't want to play with it even if it was 18 years old!!
So, this means the child has to learn how to ask 'Can I play along' and accept it if the other child says no. Not everyone likes to work together 24/7. The other children, however, have to stay nice to the child, simply say 'no' and sometimes accept the child to work along. Plus, they need to learn how to say 'Can I play along' as well.
They are only 4 years old and need to learn a lot. But this behaviour, from BOTH sides is something I cannot accept. And actually... I wonder of the child gets enough attention at home... but I can't judge that.
Poor child anyway. I hope it gets solved soon....I do not approve of this; I also hope I can fix this.

Also, I saw 2 bugs today I had never seen before. Strange. I've seen so many bugs... but honestly, I have NO IDEA what that crawling thing was, or that flying black thing. I'll ask dad. He knows a lot. Mom knows a lot as well... but mostly what's on 4 legs and barks XD

I also bought a CD from Blof (can't make that o with a slash here T_T): Het einde van het begin (the end of the beginning) - their best songs. Oh my gosh I LOVE Blof!!! Too bad not all my friends love it XD

Oh yes, my voice is at 95% at this moment =D YAY!

Plus my swimming club laughed at me, at a dinner party, just because I was eating with chopsticks. I know, fries and 'frikandel' is typically dutch so they are not used to see it eaten like that but darnit, can't I eat the way I want to??! And at least I CAN EAT WITH CHOPSTICKS! Sjeesh; most of them can't eat with chopsticks but I CAN.
Also, I ate Sushi. With fish. Crab I believe. And I don't like eating fish. But I thought: I am a Japan Freak so I must eat Sushi once. And woopiedoo, was THAT what all the fuss was about? It hardly had ANY taste! So, I hope it was just bad quality. And I still dislike eating fish.
And I eat whatever I want with chopsticks! TRY AND STOP ME!

I am me and you are you. If you can't deal with it, it's not my problem (you in a general form; nobody meant in particular)

..... Ah, sweet sound of rain....

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