Tuesday, May 10, 2005

People don't get it, do they? In order for me to create motivation to work for school, I need people who take my side. People who say: 'Yes, it's the SCHOOL's fault but just do the best you can.' But what do I get thrown in my face at school?
'Challenges? I already found out 2 years ago this school doesn't offer challenges.'
'Me? I'm almost done!'
'I'm doing great!'
'Motivation is something this school doesn't give, it is something you need to create yourself.'

True, you need to create motivation on this school yourself. But what I also need, is some freaking people at school who support me!! All I get to hear is how far THEY are and how great THEY are doing. I need support dammit!
Not just from my friends, from school as well! My mom supports me, but my dad doesn't show support at all. My mom says he does support me, but I just don't see it!

I need freaking support to get this college done before November!
And what I get is nothing! I just get some support from my best friends, but from nobody else. And I need more!

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