Sometimes you just have this.... urge you have no choice but to obey. In this case, it's a sudden wave of hatred against people you should not put me in one room with. The outcome will be nasty.... oh yeah, very nasty...
Number 1: Mister Art Thief
Crime: Stealing my art and posting it around; cropping my signature off
Possible outcome: A kick between the legs, yeah, only that, because he hasn't showed himself for quite a while now
Number 2: Mister Racist-No-I-am-not
Crime: Being completely racist, calling me a power-hungry dictator, acting totally egocentric and arrogant and pretending to be better than the rest of the world
Possible outcome: Being yelled at AND a kick between the legs. Tears of anger from my side might emerge
Number 3: Mister I-have-no-identity
Crime: For totally copying number 2, being a total jerk, not talking but only accusing and prettending to be better than the world
Possible outcome: Probably only yelling since the poor guy doesn't have his own identity
Number 4: Miss I-am-the-best
Crime: For always putting me down and thinking I'm a total loser
Possible outcome: She's a lot bigger than I am, so probably yelling and tears from anger, hatred and desperation
Number 5: Mister Law-Student
Crime: I don not know anyone who is more arrogant than he is
Possible outcome: Yelling. Already yelled at him once.
.... Ah, putting it down makes me feel a LOT better! All hatred is gone now and the above people are once again mildly forgiven (until their next crime). Don't get me wrong, I'm not a violent person and I hate conflicts... but sometimes some people just... well, you know the feeling. EVERYONE once dreams about putting people back onto their place with violence or verbal violence. But that doesn't mean I'm going to act on it.
No, I will NEVER act on it. It may be not having the guts, it may be because I don't want to hurt people... even if they keep on hurting me over and over again.
I will get back on them on an other way. Hehe, I'll become rich AND happy! Money can't buy all, so I want lots of money to live in this big-big house and find the time to live a happy and normal life. I want to be like the dutch artist Frans Bauer; he's rich and darn it, he's just almost like a saint! He's nice, sweet, takes time for his children... how I envy that guy. No gossip can be found about him, no matter how hard people try.
I want a life like that too: rich and happy. That's why one of the first thing I'm gonna do when I get rich is treat the ones who helped me get there. And I don't want to become arrogant; ever! So if I ever become arrogant; you may kick me!!
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