Monday, March 04, 2002

It's a world gone mad! Everything is twisted upside down. Enemies are friends, friends are enemies. I'm allowed to vote and I can go on like this for hours- well, actually not. I have to fill half an hour before I can feed my neopets and stuff. But there is hardly anything to do on the net. Tell me, what can I do around here? And I have to go to school soon too. Look at all those o's. I didn't knew there would fit so many in one message. Anyway, I have to do homework- but I don't wanna. But I have to. I really have to. And I can't sleep. I woke up at 7.30 am while my alarm clock would wake me up an hour later. I hate not being able to sleep. Yup.
And I don't get that much mail either! I used to be so popular!

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