Tuesday, March 16, 2004

I'm at school now. It sounds odd, or maybe even whiney, but I could really use a hug right now. I'm not sure why... I just want one. From someone who cares a lot about me... and I'm serious about it too!
Last week was internshipweek. Darn those kids were jumpy! I couldn't control them T_T. I try so hard and so hard... but they were just too excited!!! ANyway, also had a meeting with my councelors and all blahblah blah. And to be short: I'll hear the end of the year if I get my points or not. So, that means, I hear the end of the year if I have to quit school or not.... oh.... great. And then they try to cheer everyone up with: Oh, don't worry! 15% of the school gets their diploma the first try!!

Okay........ if it just me, or does that tell a LOT about the school, and not about the students?

And, saterday and sunday it was that time again..... headache that can be compaired with getting a lamppost on your head, feeling hot and cold at the same time... sleepy...so sleepy.... Yup! Kitty Ocean had het 2 year annual illness!
Monday I still had some loss of hearing, but I'm okay now. Just hungry and in need of something to drink though XD.

Project week this week. I tripped over a great group. We're almost done! S-chan saw I was browsing kittyocean.deviantart.com and she so loved my art blahblah blah XD I'm kind used of it that peeps on my school love how I draw. They all start with:
"Why don't you do something in the cartoon business? You shouldn't let it get to waste!!"
Oh, I won't. I will become a writer and make my own drawings ^_^. Anyway, S-chan almost begged for the calendar so I printed one out for her. The class drooled over it again this morning XD
She also requested if she could get a copy of a drawing I made for school last year; the asignment was to make a cover for a book. Mine was called 'I am a Witch'- I will make story for it this summer- I hope anyway XD. Anyway, she said she would post it above her bed XD She's 20! Maybe even 21! I thought I was the only nutcrack who did that.........

But anyway, that's how my life has been. I hope to give you some news about an Anime and Manga project I made for school soon. I really love how it turned out.

BUT FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FRIDAY! WOOHOO! *does a boogie* Old Friends from High School for my b-day!!! YAY! Saterday: Family! WOOHOOO! Okay, except for that *insert ugly words* They made my mom cry! They blamed her for the ENTIRE fight while she did NOTHING!
Sunday: Being home alone, homework on my b-day XD Poor me.........
And then Monday: Celebrating b-day with internship
Then that Saterday and Sunday. I know Togepi will come..... Gotta call my sister for a detail about that day...... And maybe Uumie can come too!!!! *prays*

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