Monday, October 02, 2006

All right, let's give a little update...
- Wednesday will be the first day of my new job; Customer Service at the biggest Internet Store of the Netherlands. I hope I won't mess up! This is a job I might even really like!
- Friday I went to the Thinkquest finale ( I send in an educational website, together with my friend Uumie. And guess what! We won the 'Vakinhoudelijke Innovatie' Prize! (I have a feeling this has to do with taking a school subject and doing something completely new with it - we had music)
- I have a feeling my last depression was caused by the medicin for my shoulder and hip. I never reacted like this before. It was weird; I had never felt this bad! But ever since I stopped taking them, I start to feel better and better.
- I need to mail thinkquest. They misspelled Uumie's name twice on the papers. I cannot allow that!!
- I only need to draw 3 more calendar pages: fire, dragon and soul!
- So much little things I need to do... getting new bicycle brakes, mailing my old computer teacher, mailing someone from .... kyaah! They are small, but so many!!
- I also want to continue writing FY. Darn. Another thing on the list. I should take a day and reserve it for FY. Yeah.
- I just went level up in Knight Shift! That is a cute Fantasy RPG game ^_^ And guess what... someone from my mail deliverer work knows the game and played it! GASP!
- I should get started on that little things to do list.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yo Kitt! It's been awhile. Woah, congrats to you and Uumie for winning an innovative prize ( I cant read Dutch..-__-;;). Well, good luck on your new job =)