Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Wednesday, half over

Well, for the following few weeks, my scedule for work is different. I will work again in the morning, but not in the evening. Honestly, it's exactly the break I needed :) And on the right time as well!

We're watching Bold and Beautiful now (mom is turning into a soapie- Alert! Alert!) and one of the actresses from Golden Girls is in it (2007 or so in the USA?). We doubted for days, but now we know thanks to Wikipedia XP (that's how I know it would be around 2007 in the USA XD). We really like her and wow, she still looks strong for a woman over 80! Admiration there!

Well, tonight I still have to update my website and create a webcomic. That should be doable :) I just hope it won't freeze as much any more. It's slippery! Someone I know fell so hard on the head her head was bleeding! (She even had to go to the hospital) I hope she feels better soon, so ye all, be carefull!!

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