Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Oh my gosh!!! I'm so sorry! It has almost been a week since I posted here! Well, the reason is quite.... simple =S. I'm at school a lot (long days, little classes O.o) and lately I'm in the drawing mood (should have had it earlier, like, when I had to draw the calendar...) so I spend little time behind the computer. Let's see...

Went to school for some presentation and then had computer class. I so want a SMART board and Synchroneyes or whatever it's called is SO COOL! With 1 click you can turn of any computer in the same room! MUAHAHAHAHA!!! And the Smart Board is just one huge touchscreen!
Then went with my mom into Utrecht- I wanted to buy the new Elfquest Novel/Manga, but fortunate I had an e-mail telling me one page was printed double. Checked it and YUP! 191 (or 192...) was printed double, so I decided not to buy it.

I had swimming exams again, and for the first time in AGES, I had to swim myself again XD. I had to do ZV2 again, that's a kinda advanced diploma and I needed it so I can get my swimming teacher license. I hardly practised for it (I swam 15 metres underwater as did a polocrawl twice before the exam) and I was quite nervous.
My mom and dad were there too. My dad had went through his back big time wednesday (the doctors almost killed him!! They said: you can take 6 pills a day, while the prescription said: 1 a day - luckily he reads prescriptions before he takes pills...), but he could kinda attend. My mom was an examinator, as well as my dad.
I reached the surface after swimming under water, and the first thing I heard...
Mom: YOU CAN DO BETTER THAN THAT! (Made it anyway, but it was not that far)
After the swimming exam she did it...... and beat me with 2 metres. Luckily I beat her again with 3 metres after that =P
To be short: I passed it!! Has been a great day; everybody went all: 'GO FOR IT!'. And in the end, some teachers were thrown into the water, and my mom and me thought: heck, we'll beat them! And we went in voluntairly. I felt so happy!

I can't remember much of it. Probably lots of sleeping and finishing my report for the summer course. I'm almost done; need some copies and fix things. Maybe I also drew some things..... Don't remember.

Depressing day. Long classes, and the final one was 2 hours about Child Abusement. I also saw a video with grown people who were abused as a child, and all were suicidal *sniffs* It made me worried a lot, and I wrote down a poem (see my DeviantArt Gallery) about my feelings; the feelings I have for about half a year now. It's already a bad thing you know someone who is being abused, but it's even worse if that person forbids you to do anything =(. I want to help that person so much, but I can't....

That was yesterday..... mm, can't remember much of it XD. Long day, with PE. I kinda survived it ^_^. No big injuries this time, just some clumbsiness. Still no info about a possible internship. And still no report from Philosofy back... I WANT TO KNOW MY GRADE!! *huffs, puffs*. I guess that was it.

That was today............ *thinks deeply* I did some work for the site, and worked a bit on the Serenay Moon Kiss doll. Finished all the hairstyles from Mika, Kitt, the Ladies and their human forms. Then went behind this PC, checked a bit of DA and had to give swimming lessons.
Oh yes, and found out Anime Sultan has blocked me from the yahoogroup Dreaming Moon now as well!! He is so LOW! I'm so feeling sorry for him- I am so above him! At least I can handle flames; he just crawls away from them, or banns people so other people won't know the truth! I think he wants to restart Dreaming Moon again. People, don't join, don't draw for him. All his RPG's fail. He wants to be in total control, but he can't handle people. After all, it's an RPG - Role Playing Game. And you can't play that alone. Anime Sultan chases everyone away....
So, who is better than? (that was a retorical question).

*grins* Sorry, just remembered my very first flame. It was so funny. I said Bush was a jerk because he thinks gay people are not humans, and then the flame was: 'You act like gay people are human beings!' That was so fun! Of course gay people are humans! Why shouldn't they be a human being?
So, you kinda know what has been going around in my life. Still no internship, and lots of drawing time.... but that means I can't talk to you XD Argh, life is HARD!

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