How to start a blog topic... well, lately I feel like a counselor, and often a RELATION counselor. I don't have ANY experience with relationships and yet still people ask me for advice.
Oh, don't get me wrong, I don't mind. It's not that I dislike it. It's just... I always wanted to feel needed, and latelty, most of my time, I'm busy cheering up other people.
Advice about life, love; I try to give the best, but I'm not that experienced.
The only thing that makes it worth, is when they say: 'Thank you for cheering me up.'
Don't worry. It's almost my daily routine... I feel like a depression magnet. People come to me with their troubles, I do my best to cheer them up and we say good bye.
It's starting to ask a lot from me. I start to feel more helpless each time. I want to help... but I can't.
And, the other side of the coin... I'm often busy cheering up people... but... who will cheer me up?
Another topic. I think I will make a Forever Young website this summer, and post the story online. I always wanted to have a manga from it, and I've been browsing along artists and look who I could ask...
But I found out, there is only 1 person I want as my personal manga-ka. The only one who I consider good enough and worthy of drawing FY. But, he's too busy with his own projects, and I'm afraid to ask him. So, I found the perfect manga-ka... but I can't ask him. He already has too much to do.
I feel like ****
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