Saturday, April 29, 2006

Queen's Day Flea Market Treasure: 6 Turtle plushes, 1 Hippo with young plushie. My mom bought a little rhino plushie for the dogs to chew on. But it's actually so adorable XD
Also, the day started out sunny (hence why I woke up freaking early T_T), but when we finally got to the flea market: COLD! And a few miniature rainy moments. But cold, COLD! Kyaaah. I'm gonna start a petition to have Queen's Day moved to June T_T

Downside moment: seeing a kid, about 2 years old, stretching his hand out to get something from his stroller/ carriage. However, since the thing was packed, it fell over. And what does a woman who's near them do? SLAP! Simply slaps the kid in the face! I think it was his grandmother but HEY! That kid did NOTHING wrong yet got slapped! And that woman doesn't even apologise; nopes, she was very certain she had acted right. Poor kid.

Friday, April 28, 2006

So much to write... my dreams are starting to get crazier and crazier, as I start dreaming about people I've never seen in my life, except talked at them through MSN. And typical, last night I also dreamed about mermaids. But feeling rested? Not at all! Somehow I sleep freaking light and can't get my rest -_-.

I had so much more to write, but typical, I forgot about it again. Btw, To Infinity and Beyond has been posted again at

Also, I've been leaning towards 'that site' again, that offers to publish your own book, and 85% of the send in manuscripts get accepted. I will only get 8% of each book sold, but at least my book gets published then!

I will look up a few more publishers and will send mass-e mails today. Maybe I will get lucky... and otherwise it will mean you can buy Forever Young online, but also order it in a normal store, because it will have an ISBN number. At least, that's what they say.

But I REALLY want to have my book published.....

Thursday, April 27, 2006

While starting a text for an essay, I wrote down: almost everyone has a double life now. Meaning: an online and offline life.

And then it struck me.

I don't have an offline life.

Sure, I have one. I breathe and all, have loving parents, have friends, teach swimming lessons, have college.... but most of my life exists out of bits and bytes. More people know me as Kitty Ocean than as *insert real name*. If you type in my real name in google, you find 2 hits. One of them isn't even me. The other... I still have to ask the guy to just keep it on Kitty Ocean.
But if you type in Kitty Ocean in google, you get about 400 hits (mostly DA related).

It's like the real me doesn't really exist. I hardly ever speak to my friends; I mostly type. But I hardly see them as well (has to do with college, university, work etc etc).

But the real world has dissappointed me too much to care. I got called names over and over again. I can still remember the days where I travelled with public transportation, and people called me names while they didn't know me at all. (Weird, hasn't happened for a year or so any more O.o what changed?). I hardly had any friends. Now I have people who adore me, but they only know the online me.

How real am I? I'm starting to wonder that. Most people only know a digital me, and I often wonder, if they saw and knew the real me, would they still like me? Or in some cases, even adore me? There are people who adore my drawingskills. There are people who think I'm funny. There are people who think I can handle flamers like a charm.
But in real life, I'm not that funny. I'm not that assertive.

It's like there are two people living inside me. The Cool Kitty Ocean.... and the Silent and Boring *insert real name*.

I want to be cool in real life as well.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Intresting how I got the complaint yesterday that the Serenay Moon was having stupid updates lately. How I love it when people READ my reasonings.
The Serenay Moon site was supposed to go on a HIATUS (meaning; no updates for a while) because of my graduation that is (hopefully) coming up.
There were supposed to be NO UPDATES at all, while I still give a weekly update.

I'm sorry, but if you then still complain that the updates were stupid, I'm starting to lean to that hiatus. If you can't keep in mind that I'm in a hard situation, yet still want to update SOMETHING, and aren't satisfied about that, then I might consider stop updating the site as a whole.

I have a terrible allergy for ungratefulness. Just ask any of my friends.

As for happier news.... while I still have no inspiration for FY (even though a tiny scene appeared in my head - unfortunately I cannot use it T_T), my Buzz Lightyear fic is on a roll. I have 15 episodes planned for season 1, and after that, I simply might just skip to season 2. I can always add season 1 episodes later on, since it's mostly '1 episode episodes' - meaning there's a problem in 1 episode, and it gets solved in 1 episode as well. If you know how FY is, you will understand that kinda dissappoints me =S Usually there are about 2 cliffhangers before the issue gets solved.
But, this fanfic is supposed to be FUN and to pass time ^_^

And I am enjoying writing it ^_^

Friday, April 21, 2006

To Infinity and Beyond Website: -- or, if TK adresses hate you: . Just click on 'Projects'. It will get updated whenever there is something new.


It's online.The 1st 4 eps anyway.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

I wanted to give a status on all my story projects, but first I want to get something of my chest. Last night, I was giving Swimming instructions, as always. However, I have a partner and we give 1 group instructions together... honestly... last night he bellowed at a 10 year old kid! He bellows more often though, but last night I thought: I don't think I want to be your partner any more.... We soon forgot about it, when the Synchronised Swimming Coach was losing her temper again, and bellowed at her kids. She does that more often. We always enjoy the days she's not there.
Anyway, on my way home today, I saw the mother of the 10 year old kid, and she told me her son actually considered quitting. My first thought was: Heck, I can't blame him. I told his mother I did not approve of what happened yesterday, but that I also don't know what to do about it. I told her I would talk to my dad about it (he's a swimming teacher there as well), and he told me that we need to tell the mother to file an official complaint.
Now I'm keeping myself from rushing to the phone and calling the mother to tell her that. Let's first talk this through peacefully with my dad. This WILL affect the teacher's behaviour. This WILL affect the future. This WILL affect me. Sure, I know the kid is one of my fav kids, and I was pleased to hear that he understood I was picking his side and defending him at one point, but Jeepers, poor kid. And I told his mother to assure him it was NOT his fault. Because it wasn't. That teacher had NO reason to bellow at him like that. He's 10, not 14. He's coming there to have fun, and honestly, last night was NO fun at all.

And now my current story projects - links included if available!

Forever Young - No Site Yet - Main Project - Looking for a Publisher (you know, as in BOOK)
The story about Naraku, and her ever lasting quest for peace on the dangerous fantasy planet called Seken.
Currently I'm a bit without inspiration. I need about 5 filler episodes before I can more to the part that will massivly affect the future of the tribe. I don't want those 5 to be stupid filler episodes like you sometimes see on tv. I want them to make sense. And after those 5 episodes, I can finally focus more on Ao's pain, as well as on Naraku and Keiran.

Serenay Moon - / - Secondary Main Project - Together with Rocket Stevo
The story about Zach and his friends, in a futuristic time, where a battle between good and evil decides the fate of the universe.
My first really big story and first one that got online. I hope to get the next chapter soon, so I can write on. It's almost finished! Soon I can write about Chavi... ah... Chavi. Someone who is just as cool as Courage. Gotta love Courage and Chavi.

Project Endless Rain - - Group Project from Deviant Art
The story about the Mikomi tribe and their Chieftess Hitori, as they try to escape the cursed Valley of the Endless Rain.
A fun project that got out of hand. The site is outdated at the moment (about 10 chapter behind or so?) but it's a fun project. We get new writers, lose some, get new ones again... I finally wrote my chapter that was like.... 2 months due or so. I was SLOW T_T. But at least the people enjoyed reading it. Maybe because I chose an unique format for that story; something I call a ' circle' in stories. I first wrote the ending, then the beginning, and worked to the end again.

Waves (Code name) - No Site Yet - Together with Craig
I can't tell you a story synopsis, since we both agreed to keep this project a secret; hence why I posted the code name instead of the real title. I enjoy working with Craig. While Rocket Stevo (Serenay Moon) always surprises me, Craig always manages to get deeper into the story. I'm actually feeling sad we are almost finished; which means we almost ended the story. But hey, who knows, maybe in the future... Some art is posted on DA though, but since you don't know which images, you still don't know a thing XD

To Infinity and Beyond - No Site Yet - Solo Project
A fanfiction about Buzz Lightyear from Star Command... or actually, about a new rookie named Nané Sophia and her adventures.
It's supposed to be a fun project for me to pass time while waiting for inspiration for Forever Young. I hope the series will be just as funny as the tv series, but I doubt that. I tend to get depressed characters XD But still, it's supposed to be a FUN project. I will probably host it on . Old version (since I wrote a short unfinished version in 2001) and new version. How I love the phrase: " You can't hide from me, rubber-ducky-man!" (This only makes sense if you read the chapter XD)

Was that all? I hope so XD

Also, fun moment:
Sitting at the table after dinner, and then suddenly exclaiming ' KIP' (= Chicken), startling your parents and giving the feeling what on earth is possessing their daughter.
Ah, for such moments I just LIVE!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I think for once I will be very blunt, but this has been bothering me. For the past few days... correcting, 1 or 2 weeks, I feel neglected, alone, and forgotten. Why?
1. My friends used to spoil me. I get spoiled easily. Can't help it.
2. My friends have LIVES, RESPONSIBILITIES and OBLIGATIONS. I have them as well, but appearantly I can mix that pretty well with online time.

1) I do not expect my friends to spend time on me 24/7 now. Yay for them for having a life and me still lacking one.
2) I don't want my friends to go all: WAAH! I'm SORRY! - Again: YOU have a life, I still lack one.
3) I don't want people to spoil me again. It's NICE and all, but not my intention.

But it WOULD be NICE if people on MSN started talking to me again. And I'm not meaning those people who I have a conversation with that doesn't have more than 10 words.


How did this feeling start? Well, actually, when people informed me I was going too fast for them with keeping up with my stories. I just keep on writing and writing... and they can't keep up with me.

This means the problem lays with ME and NOT my friends.

So yeah... It's MY fault. Not theirs.

Not sarcastically meant. I'm serious.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Guess who owns Mermaid Melody Manga Volume 1 till 7 (German edition) Well? Well? ... Yes.... he does too. Yes... and about half of germany as well.... WAAAH! You are so mean to me!!! *runs away crying*

Anyway, my order FINALLY arrived yesterday. I loved the manga (I underestimated how hard the german would be, but then again, I only read it once and fast. Practise makes perfect), but the 7th Volume dissappointed me... BIG TIME. I mean... 2 stories related to Mermaid Melody... and then 3 short stories completely unlreated! I don't care how well they were drawn (though almost all boys seem to look like Kaito) and how well written it could have been (didn't read it all yet). I bought Mermaid Melody and expected only that.
Well, I AM honest about my feelings here. maybe you love them, and that is your right, but it did dissappoint me. Also, I LOVE Greek Mythology, but I disliked the story about that girl named Diana and the sungod and all... because appearantly, Mythology was all wrong and Diana and Apollo were not siblings?! Or did I just completely misunderstood her intentions? Apollo and Diana were twins; Moon and Sun, and suddenly, in this story, they are not. Ancient old Mythology has been ignored, thrown into a blender to make a sweet-sweet love story.... What's next? Hera and Zeus as the ultimate lovers and Zeus NEVER betraying his wife?
I know I've been the one to throw around and blendering mythical creatures, but at least I try to base it on some logic and science. Working with Mermaids means a lot more open access than Maythology. After all, you have Mermaids, Sirens, and ALL stories about their nature and how they look are a LOT different from each other. Some claim they were lifesavers, other claim they were killers.
But still, even after this ranting, I won't give my final opinion before I read all stories carefully and finally understand them. I always believe in a second chance.

What more to tell? Boy, this sure is a long post already, compaired to lately XD I am blogging! Anyway, I've stumbled on an interesting case of 'Flame War' and Anti-Cliqueing. I wished I could say I don't want to be involved, but unfortunately, after reading this, I already am. I won't mention names and all, since I don't want a flame war to appear here, or to get her 'minions' (she called them that! Not me!) on my page, spamming my comments box.
Anyway, this case is about a girl, who loves Cosplaying. Heck, we all have our own hobbies, so who cares? I'd love to cosplay one day ^_^ I wonder who I should dress up..... maybe Grasshopper from Forever Young XD Means I can bounce and jump around! Weee!
Anyway, appearantly this girl buys a costume and then says: I MADE IT 100%! Okay, dishonesty is still something I can understand. Art Thieves do this all the time. Annoying like hell and makes you want to kick people.
This girl appearantly also says: I AM *insert name of character* (as in: in real life, full blood, existance) and why does everyone cosplay as ME?! or even: I want to be your friend, and I can understand you think I'm amazing, but no butt-kissing please.
So, asides her thievery, massive ego and being completely lost into her own world, she almost also tricked her old boyfriend into marrying her. He bought a ring for her Cosplay costume, and she knew that, but claimed it to be an engagement ring.
Honestly, this case intrigues me! How can anyone be so lost in their own world, that they throw a tantrum and a hissy-fit... while they are ADULTS, or honestly believe they are a fictional character? I'm telling you, Psycology students, teachers and practisers will love this case. And I do too. I'd love to hear her side of the story, to figure out if she's really that lost in her own world.

Also, as a last thing, another publisher turned down my story for Forever Young T_T. A dissappointment, even though a tad prepared for it. Oh well, onwards to the next publisher!

Oh, and I made a new AMV (Haha! Not to come online! No hosting service can survive it's ultimate gloryness XD) and... and... I so knew what I was going to write about 2 minutes ago! Oh well....

See ya!

Monday, April 10, 2006

The publisher said no to publishing Forever Young.... even though I was prepared for that answer, I still feel dissappointed. But I guess that's no wonder. Worked for years on it, and then they won't publish it.

Oh well... on to finding another publisher......

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Please help me fix the coding of T_T Somehow you can't see the frame, and seems the text endless.... yet when I look at it in a preview screen, it looks perfect! Where did I mess up with the coding?...... or is my screen not showing it? Old IE problem?

Thursday, April 06, 2006

I forgot how annoying and hard it was to create a blog layout...... Oh well, at least this sugary layout looks fine in my eyes. Now to hope the other girl likes it too. -> Dutch though.

Okay, that was practically all I have to say XD

I wanted to blog again. I created a blog for my final essay at College (but after that, I still have 2 essays to do), which involves weblogs and education.

I should blog more.

And I hope to get my order of Mermaid Melody German Manga 1 till 7 tomorrow or the day after. YAY!

Saturday, April 01, 2006

I've been sick for quite a while now. It's strange; usually I get well in a day, and now I've felt sick for about 3 weeks now. No wait, 3 weeks precisely.

It started 3 weeks ago, on a saturday, where I came to work and felt sick. I had a dream before waking up where I was sick. An omen? A premenition? Anyway, that monday I lost half my voice and had a splitting headache. Thuesay, my birthday, the 21st, I lost my voice way more, and still felt sick. Friday I felt okay again, but saturday, last saturday, I felt so bad I went home during work, and my collegues had to do my work. Determent not to have them do it again this week, I decided to come, no matter how I felt. Who would know it would be such a terrible day?

Boss: 'There's little mail today!'
Me: *looks at huge pile* 'Someone forgot to inform my block about that'

It's typical. Each time there is supposed to be little mail, I get a busload. Typical....

Anyway, last night I celebrated my b-day for my friends (all 4! Okay... the ones I went to High School with =P). CK and Cat gave me what I wanted most, but never have been able to find affordable: A Dictionary Japanese English, English Japanese! .... But already I can't find Naraku, Misuteriasuna and another word I forgot T_T. Oh well, better than nothing! If I combine all my dictionaries, I bet I will learn a lot of Japanese! Weeee!

Oh yeah, it's April 1st today. I dislike that day. I can appreciate a good joke, but the problem is... there are hardly any good jokes! Only those that piss me off!


Anyway, what I made today as well, is on the left side of this message. 100% made by me! Yay! (It's my Gaia Online Avatar).

Oh yeah, and I send Forever Young Book 1 to a publisher who invited me to send it. Keep your fingers crossed!!!!