Friday, February 15, 2002

Wow, they finally came yesterday! We made lasagna (?), stuffed eggs and my friend made something that sounded like 'MonChou'- I don't know how to spell it, but it tasted okay. And we also watched Shrek last night- that was the 4th time this week- so I'm a bit tired of it now. I went home this morning (12 am, so not that late =P). It was very nice and fun there; too bad my best friends couldn't come...
We did this before; we ordered pizza back then. Now we made everything ourselves (though the lasagna was a bit... liquid ^_^*) and we are still alive! They probably want Cheese-Fondue next time... I don't like cheese that much.... I've never done it before... What is it like? What do ppl do?
Okay, last day off (I don't count monday even though I have the day off) so let's make the best of it! Darn, I almost forgot again! I have to update my site! I'll do that somewhere today

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