Wednesday, February 26, 2003

I'm back! And where to start? So much to tell....yet.... I want to keep this to myself since it was so great. I don't want to share this feeling ^_^. It was too cool.
And I think her sisters liked me too ^_^. But anyway Togepi and I talked and talked and talked and talked.... and then she slept and I tried sleeping =S. I hardly slept ^_^. I simply wasn't tired any more, but then again, I slept my whole saterday away. So, Togepi slept while I tried to sleep ^_^.
The next day we talked and talked and talked and talked..... until she brought me to the station with her mother. We had a cliché good bye through the window ^_^.
And when the train left and I sat down... I missed her. Yeah Togepi,. you understood it right! I missed you! I had too much fun!!! Please be careful in Japan!!!

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