In case you didn't notice. I could complain about my job, but what is there to complain? Plenty of things actually, but I want to try and keep this a positive blog.
It's not helping if you're watching Cold Case then XP. Double episode and I must say... two impressive episodes. Both about childhood traumas and how they affect an adult... or a kid growing into an adult.
Anyway, after work I went towards a shop to the other side of town and decide to avoid the other shops that always manage to seduce me into buying stuff. If you avoid them, you can't spend money. The shop I had to go was to change cards.
However, the road home turned out to be blocked due to construction and I ended up on a side of town I never knew off. It's awesome there; I wouldn't mind living there! Probably freaking expensive there...
Ended up home about 15 minutes later than planned. Did an OkĂșta, made a Pen-i (in case nothing else happens) and looked for a new mouse in our home. My mini-mouse is missing *sighs* No idea where that pretty blue thing is... I'm also missing my expensive headphones and my old snorking goggles. The first two... I thought I took them along on my vacation, but when I was in France, they were not there. So, they are... SOMEWHERE in my house XP. I found my dad's old laser mouse he never used; maybe it will work with my computer as well. Those mice with balls are SO annoying and insensitive!
Other than that... gathering scrap-art in an old notebook. I've been doing that for a while now and today I found very old art. VERY old art. From when Serenay Moon's Halloween Special was still planned. Like... WOW!
Europe wants to limit the sound of mp3-players because they cause hearing damage. I'm more worried about the accidents because of people having mp3-players too loud....
Oh well. I might have time for some gaming... I hope...
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