Tuesday, September 22, 2009

There's this little cake near my blogger logo on the login screen...


Anyway, I guess I forgot to add a blog entry yesterday. I guess I was too excited about gaming again XP I built a new Sims house (and darn it, it was too small again! I always give my sims too much stuff...) and accidentally destroyed a good looking pre-set house. It's okay though, I never use preset houses XD. I still have to decorate my house, but it's like rooms within houses. The building plan has a score of absolute zero though XD Well, that's what you get for awesomeness! Because it looks great!

Yesterday, when I was almost home, some high school kids were trying to sing 'Zie ginds komt de stoomboot', and with trying, I mean trying to sing it on the worst way possible. One girl decided to make an opera song out of it and darn it... she was GOOD! A real powerful clear voice! So she tried to **** a song, but horribly failed, because she was too good XD

Well, I'm off to do some High Speed Internet again. DA is down at the moment...Oh, there it goes!!

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