Sunday, September 20, 2009


Yesterday I moved about 600 DVDs... today I re-organised about 100 other cd's (and way, way more to come as soon as I burned them XP). You might think: is that all? No, it was not.

I also moved my old computer back to the attic, copied all my sims items and installed the sims. And trust me... it was quite tricky to hook everything back up! I suddenly had 2 cables and I had no idea where to put them XP. My big *** LCD monitor and big old monitor are hooked up together, so I actually have 2 screens now, both showing the same. I doubt I'll use the one on the floor that often XP But who knows!

I also hooked up our VCR, that kept on falling out (eletricity-wise) last summer. I think it could be the heat... so let's test it! It was a bit tricky, but everything is now hooked up.

And then I noticed the powercable was about 1.5 metres short XD But that is now resolved as well!

Left to do:

- Saving my Knight Shift files from this laptop
- Installing Dungeon Keeper 2 so I can play all evil again =D
- Probably something I forgot...

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