Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Gosh, I did so much yesterday and today. But all small things. Let's review....

I started off going to school to object to the fact I was send away from my internship. My councelor said I understood it wrong; SHE had made the decision and not that &*(^&*^%&* mentor. I told her I still disagreed because I couldn't defend myself, and she asked: 'What was there to defend? It wasn't anyone's fault!'
My dad's response: 'That wasn't what she said in the beginning'.
She also said that that school had certain rules and they expect us students to know that..... My response (as well as my dad's; btw, I thought this): 'Why didn't they tell me that?!'
But, we had little time, so I could escape quickly. Then I went to the station, and stepped on a train. Called Uumie, who wasn't reachable at the moment (even though she was) and when I called her again, the connection went up and down so it took us 10 seconds before we knew we had the right person XD.
On the station in Maastricht, I waited a while for Uumie. Man it was freezing there! She had some trouble reaching me, but in the end she arrived so it was all well... even though my toes are still freezing =P.
While having lunch, Uumie gave me this superawesomesuperdupermegatasticenormousfantasicüberkawaiicool framed picture of Naraku, and I immidiately had a scene in my head ^_^. I worked it out now. Okay, not that much, but Naraku will wear that outfit in the beginning of Season 6 ^_^.
Oh yeah, and I got the MTV video clip from Suteki Da Ne!! It's pwetty, but the pic of Naraku was prettier!!!
To be short: Had a great day. Was great to see The Uum again. Really great. I also bought 3 books for 6 euro, which I already wanted anyway. And Uum and I send a post card to someone.
And never mess with the Uum. Never. Ever.
On the trainride home, I finished 'De Griezelbus 5', which I thought was so not scary and unusual for the series, but it was AWESOME! It had a great ending! PAUL VAN LOON RULES!!! *throws herself at his awesome and all mighty feet*. If I ever meet him, I'm gonna thank him for being such an inspiring person.
It was also Demi's 21st birthday ^_^. Yay for Demi!!!! Uumie and I toasted on him and I thought a lot about him because of something that happened today....

Got bored to death. Made 2 drawings for the Calendar; gonna colour it soon... I hope.
Went shopping. Bought Christmas stuff (I'm so ashamed; Sinterklaas hasn't even arrived yet!!! I should be punished....) and a gift for my dad.... which he actually liked!!!! He often says I buy nice gifts, but that they are kinda useless. (But then in a nice way!)
I bought him a mini magnetic whiteboard with lots of magnets.
Went home, draw a bit more, and then had dinner. And, my mom never noticed I bought new figurines for her XD They were above her bed and she never noticed.
Went online, and after a while Demi came.
Le bird blauw has landed!!! Yup, my gift to Demi-chan ^_^. If you wanna know what was in it....... ASK HIM!!!!!! NYA.....
But I used too much tape, so he didn't notice there was a letter in the front O.o
(Courage: *pointing at Kitt* Baka, Baka, Baka)
Anyway, he said he liked it a lot, so yay for me, and my mom ^_^. And then he had to leave for school. He said he can use something I send him big time ^_^. Yay! Yay!!!
And another spelling for stroopwafels has been invented......

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