Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Because someone stood up for me in the Live Journal Identity Theft, and used not so subtle language, all the comments were screened; meaning they are no longer visible.

And actually, I'm so glad that happened. Now I won't see her comments any more. That makes it easier for me to forget this all. Easier to close this all.

So yeah.... someone stood up for me (yay moment!) which resulted in all posts getting removed. And strangely enough, that makes me very happy.

I had to tell and convince them though, that I was not letting someone else fight my battles, which is true. If others post there, it's THEIR choice. I never told anyone to post there and say....whatever they said that caused these posts to be removed.

Actually, I cannot influence others that much. They are human beings (I assume) and do whatever they wish.

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