Tuesday, September 30, 2003

I'm so sorry guys! Has been way too long! I simply didn't have much time =(. I kinda now have time again.... not much, but a bit.
My mentor suddenly said: 'I like this conversation much more than before; at least now you can handle critism!'
I thought: 'Huh?! I can handle critisism; I can't handle people saying I'll fail after 1 lesson!'
My mentor is simply plain stupid. She doesn't think; she only talks.
I couldn't go home after work. I simply couldn't. My collegue J. had taken along MY jacket instead of his, and my keys were in my jacket XD. Luckily we're often around the same time finished, so I only had to wait 10 minutes ^_^
I also noticed I missed a lot of phone calls. I wondered who they were from. Turned out that a father of one of my friends was verifying unknown numbers. I understand ^_^. We do that too.
I helped my sister in her house! Woohoo! I painted! A lot! And I didn't even get paint on myself!!
And then I went out of dinner with my parents and they had to embarress me..... DOH!
I was so tired, I napped during day and was still freaking tired.
Still freaking tired, and went shopping with my mom. I bought Melisande part.... eh.... the latest one. I planned on writing FY 76; but it's too late now XD. I'm so tired. Poor me!!

Thursday, September 25, 2003

Okay, I had to face my mentor again today. She asked if she could read my day reports, and I went a tad oops, because I mentioned the 'if you don't improve soon, it will all be lost'. I think I shocked her with that, because today's quote is......
'But I didn't mean it that way!!'
Of course you didn't, of course you didn't *sarcasm* You DID mean it that way. She actually said it again, but now in other words. 'If you don't improve soon, this internship shall be a lost one.'
She was übernicely to me today. And I stunned her with my story telling abilities. ^_^. She was gone and I had to fill time, so I let the kids clean their table and then asked them what I should tell a story about.
A kid said: "About a... I know! It looks like a snake, but lives in the sea...'
Me: An eal (spelling?)?
He: No, no!
Kids: I know a better one!!
Me: No, wait, let Chibi-M finish.
Turned out to be a Murene ^_^. It immediately reminded me of a t-shirt my mom has and I told a story. They LOVED IT! The actually wanted me to tell another story! Or the first one I told!!
These kids simply adore sea life ^_^. And especially sharks! I'd better make up some shark stories.....

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

For all you peeps who read my post yesterday. Today I had internship again; this time there would be a different teacher, and not that ***** mentor. I had to give words they had to form (they are learning how to write, read etc) and learn them a song.
Her comments about it (both things):
- It went great!
- You connected the words in a story; very intresting.
- Advise: They have been busy with the song very long; maybe an other song just to fresh them up again?
- Advise: You can be stricter ^_^ (I have trouble with that)
Great moments from today:
- Chibi K: 'Miss Kitt; if I have trouble reading, will you help me then? And why don't you sit down next to me? I would like that' (adorable little boy ^_^. He sometimes acts like he's 12 instead of 7)
- Chibi D (boy, school's out, so all kids have to go home. He had to wait for his mother): 'Miss Kitt, I really have to go to the bathroom, can I PLEAAAASE go?' (My reply: 'Of course you can! Would have been a silly thing if it wasn't allowed, right?')
And that was it. I like the other teacher more like that **** mentor. My counselor tries to call her tomorrow and she agreed on me meeting her. I shouldn't try to understand what my mentor said according to her, I should see it as a statement and nothing more.
Can I trade mentors?

Tuesday, September 23, 2003

I never, ever wished someone would get hurt. But, my new mentor from my internship... I just hope she breaks her leg or something like that. And that's already something bad if you know me. I taught myself how not to swear and not to hate someone. I simply can't wish something bad to someone... but today....

In case you didn't know already, I'm studying to become an elementary school teacher.

Today I had my 3rd day of the internship and it was my 2nd day my mentor saw me. I would give my 1st lesson in front of her eyes today. (Math)
My feelings: Hey, it went great! For once, something Junior High kids have trouble with, these 1st graders (3rd grade here) kinda understand!!! It went quite well! (All other math lessons I have given went like hell, so hence why I'm happy)
Her feelings: I'd better quote her: 'It went aweful. I doubt if they actually learned something. You picked out the wrong attention-points. If you don't do something about yourself, it will turn out into nothing'.
In other words: she thinks I'm hopeless, after seeing me 2 days and only seen 1 lesson I gave. How on earth can she grade me on that tiny moment?!
I cried about 2 hours about this 'tiny' remark. The fact she thought the lesson failed doesn't bother me. It's the way she said it.
She now wants to talk to my on-school mentor (already!!!?) so I gave her the name of my guidance counsoler. I already mailed her as well, just to tell her a tiny bit about what happened and asking for an appointment to talk to her.
You gotta admit; if you hear this on your 3rd day after your 1st lesson, it kinda makes you depressed. Especially since I already worked on this for 2 years.

Sunday, September 21, 2003

I can't wait till 2 pm. Uumie will then be online, and then I'll write the last episode of Forever Young season 1.... I'm so looking forward to it!! I'm so proud!!
Well, friday I finished up a drawing for the calendar. Now 7 pages left to draw.
Saterday I was somehow superhyper and annoying AND tired at the same time. Now I feel like hell XD. I drew a kissdoll base, and I hope to be able to scan and colour it soon.
Today I suddenly came up with new looks for Shelly Stellamare from Serenay Moon. I don't know if it will work out, but we'll just have to wait and see what comes out after I've drawn what's in my head.
Now, Must do homework! SOON! FAST! So I can do fun things quickly!

Thursday, September 18, 2003

I'm very happy with the fact that my new internship is only 5 minutes walking from home. I can leave my cellphone and wallet at home, so I won't be able to forget those. And, I can get up quite late!
But eh... can someone explain me where the hell I ended up with?! No wonder I was placed on the school next door and not this school! No wonder my school could never get along with this school I'm placed for internship now. My god; it's the Brainless Acadamy!!!
And then I'm not talking about the 1st graders of my class. I'm talking about my new mentor. If she had been my teacher, I would have never made it through elementary school.
She wants me to make a scedule about what I want to do and when. So she can plan. Only logical. I agree. But then I told her that I'm supposed to take over the lessons (and class) and that my only assignments are observations (which can be made any time).
Her reply (8 TIMES over the whole freaking day; and 6 times from her collegue who is there on monday till wednesday!!!): 'You should still make a scedule; that would make things clearer'.
Eh.... I can't make 'I'm supposed to take over all lessons' much clearer NITWIT! How can I make a scedule with all that will be in it will be: I'll do matchs, writing and reading... which is pretty much all they do in the 3rd grade. Okay, maybe some crafts, biology, history and geography as well, but all they have are 7 subjects (I'm not allowed to give PE)...
I CAN'T MAKE IT MUCH CLEARER! GET SOME BRAINS! Her students are smarter than her, and they can't even write and read that great yet!
This is gonna be one hell of an internship.....
I'm very happy with the fact that my new internship is only 5 minutes walking from home. I can leave my cellphone and wallet at home, so I won't be able to forget those. And, I can get up quite late!
But eh... can someone explain me where the hell I ended up with?! No wonder I was placed on the school next door and not this door! No wonder my school could never get along with this school I'm placed for internship now. My god; it's the Brainless Acadamy!!!
And then I'm not talking about the 1st graders of my class. I'm talking about my new mentor. If she had been my teacher, I would have never made it through elementary school.
She wants me to make a scedule about what I want to do and when. So she can plan. Only logical. I agree. But then I told her that I'm supposed to take over the lessons (and class) and that my only assignments are observations (which can be made any time).
Her reply (8 TIMES over the whole freaking day!!!): 'You should still make a scedule; that would make things clearer'.
Eh.... I can't make 'I'm supposed to take over all lessons' much clearer NITWIT! How can I make a scedule with all that will be in it will be: I'll do matchs, writing and reading... which is pretty much all they do in the 3rd grade. Okay, maybe some crafts, biology, history and geography as well, but all they have are 7 subjects (I'm not allowed to give PE)...
I CAN'T MAKE IT MUCH CLEARER! GET SOME BRAINS! Her students are smarter than her, and they can't even write and read that great yet!
This is gonna be one hell of an internship.....

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

Odd... at home it has the same old layout (Blogger)... I think it has to do with screenresolutions.... dunno.
Tuesday, Baka-J was nice at me, untill she remembered she was pissed at me XD. However, I stayed nice, so I think the mood is cleared. Today one of my classmates bellowed through the room what I've been thinking for a long time: 'I came here to actually learn something! If you want to talk, go to the cafeteria; otherwise be quiet!'
AND, todays stupidity:
At school I realised something. I had left my bag at home. My bag with my cellphone... my wallet... and thus my public transportation card O.o That meant that I didn't pay on my way to school! BAD ME!
I could use a cellphone of my classmates and asked my dad to bring my bag. He did so all things came well ^_^.
I think I'll write thursday 2 Forever Young Episodes, and I'll try to write 2 more saterday. Which means.... the last one of season 1 will be written on sunday....... (if all goes as planned!!)
And then, in less than a year time, I wrote 75 episodes of 1 story, all by myself! I'm so PROUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And then on to season 2 =D. It shall be less shorter ^_^. We'll see how for we'll get.
Odd... at home it has the same old layout (Blogger)... I think it has to do with screenresolutions.... dunno.
Tuesday, Baka-J was nice at me, untill she remembered she was pissed at me XD. However, I stayed nice, so I think the mood is cleared. Today one of my classmates bellowed through the room what I've been thinking for a long time: 'I came here to actually learn something! If you want to talk, go to the cafeteria; otherwise be quiet!'
AND, todays stupidy:
At school I realised something. I had left my bag at home. My bag with my cellphone... my wallet... and thus my public transportation card O.o That meant that I didn't pay on my way to school! BAD ME!
I could use a cellphone of my classmates and asked my dad to bring my bag. He did so all things came well ^_^.
I think I'll write thursday 2 Forever Young Episodes, and I'll try to write 2 more saterday. Which means.... the last one of season 1 will be written on sunday....... (if all goes as planned!!)
And then, in less than a year time, I wrote 75 episodes of 1 story, all by myself! I'm so PROUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And then on to season 2 =D. It shall be less shorter ^_^. We'll see how for we'll get.

Monday, September 15, 2003

Update on Baka-J. Each time I open my mouth, she looks devastating at me. Like I care Baka-J. BWAHAHAHA! CHILDISH!!! I also sat with those new classmates of mine... can you spell brainless bimbo? Well, they can't. Honestly. Dweeps!!! Just smoking, playing unintelligent card games (would have liked it if I played with my friends, but when they play it, it's unintelligent) and talking about unintresting things. I fled from there now; my brains were dying down. Well, my half an hour of socialising is over.
Mm, Blogger is having a new layout... again!
Anyway, I pissed off Baka J. from my class. Why? Well, it's quite simple. We were having class and I was listning. Soon, most people were talking to each other again. That was already annoying, but, I had no choice but accepting it. Then, half an hour later (like always) Baka J. came into class.
And, of course, she started chattering loudly and all. Then she (and how surprised she was!!) she didn't hear something and I looked devastating at her.
Baka J. : Hey, I'm at school, I can ask things!
Me: She just explained it!!
Baka J. : But I didn't hear it.
Me: Why am I not surprised?
She was so pissed off after that. In the following class, there were 2 chairs left. One next to her, and another further away. I sat down next to her (people never want to sit next to me =S What's wrong with me?! Are they jealous of my drawing skills or something like that?!) and after 2 minutes, she suddenly stood up and walked away to sit somewhere else.
And then she calls ME childish!! Sure Baka J. You may be 2 times my size, but at least I move on!!
Anyway, then the teacher started talking about scanning. Those who already knew how to scan could leave. So, I left. Duh. Kitty Ocean and not knowing how to scan.......

Anyway, I have a place for internship. I just called my mom. I told her she should bring me each day with the car to that place. Because it's so far away.
It's my old school =D. It's 5 minutes by feet away XD. Okay, it's actually only the building, but I went there to elementary school. It's gonna be weird... I just hope nothing went wrong this time, otherwise I won't have a place to stay XD. This is so awesome; I hope I'll like it there!
Anyway, my mom laughed about it. She thinks it's cool too. Don't worry, she doesn't have to pick me up by car ^_^. I'll walk. Ah.... the memories... I'll probably have to be in a class I was in as a kid as well!!!

What more? Well, I had 2 dreams last night. They were quite disturbing and odd. I actually don't recall them well any more =S. But, it had to do with running away and magical powers... I think.

Sunday, September 14, 2003

My neighbours (well, the ones who live behind my house) are a bunch of jerks. Yesterday, they had some sort of party and they played a LOT of LOUD music. It so frustrated me that I couldn't draw at all =(.
And I had an aweful dream last night. Please, don't let it be true. Uumie, come quickly online!!!

Saturday, September 13, 2003

Made the WITCH drawing: http://www.deviantart.com/view/3022731. I like how it turned out!!!
Well, I made an arrangement with my parents. If they do something about my wasp problem and I won't get any wasps on my room next year, I'll treat them on dinner. But if I will find them.... (gotta find something to ask back). Yup, yesterday once again a wasp. And I killed one of my plants T_T. Poor little catcus. I drowned him =(.
I wonder when my parents will come home.................

Thursday, September 11, 2003

My mood is so baaaaaaaaaad. And why? Well, once again I was called out of my bed:
Dumb Twit: Hello, is Mrs. Ocean there?
Me: Which one?
Dumb Twit: Mrs. J. Ocean
Me: That's my FATHER (dammit! for once, learn that!!)
Dumb Twit: Oh, is your mother of father at home?
Me: NO (leave me alone!)
Dumb Twit: (she didn't notice how cranky I was sounding) Okay! *chirpy* I'll call back later than!
I don't often throw the phone on the hook. Anyway, I'm cranky. Very cranky. And then if you get mails with just a tiny discussion, you get even more cranky. And then, if you read a comment on your art, that you miscalculated something, the mood simply drops. Especially if that miscalculation was already pointed out days ago.
Yesterday I talked to someone from 'The Eastern Coast' (I believe that must be the USA; can't miss) and she thought I was being sarcastic and mean, while I was not. She was an awesome artist and she seriously thought I was being mean to her! But, she later understood I was not and now she thinks I'm blunt, but nice.
What more? Well, my mom wrote me down a note about what I should prepare for swimming lessons tomorrow night, but I'm kinda confused about that so I gotta ask that first. Great. And I still gotta prepare stuff for saterday.
I don't wanna go. There, that's it. I hate it there. But I MUST go, otherwise I get into trouble.
I'm in a bad, bad mood. If you want to survive me, I suggest cheering me up >=(.

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Okay, went to school for 50 minutes to hear.... well, something. It was intresting though. But our assignment: 'Come up with 2 subjects that intrest you, and that hasn't been enough talked about in year 1 & 2'. Okay.... my memory goes till this morning.....HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW WHAT WAS INTRESTING IN THE LAST 2 YEARS!!!? This is gonna be a pain.....
And, I still don't have a place for internship. Goody...
And I wanna draw something for our WITCH magazine. Gonna do that tomorrow. Finished the layout pics for the fall layout today (not too happy about them though...)

Tuesday, September 09, 2003

Great. I STILL don't know if I'll have a place for internship. First they were suppossed to tell us last friday, then it became monday, and now it's tuesday!! Well, at least I didn't get the 'you have too little points; you're at the bottom of the list' letter. A friend of mine got that; while she does have enough points!
And check out The Realm of the CrystalStars. OMFG! Can people really be this low?! They took her art (Crystalfyre's), deleted her signature, and claimed it to be their own! HOW FREAKING LOW!
That is one of the worst things that can happen to an artist. She was one of my teachers! Okay, she didn't know it, but I learned a lot from looking at her art. She even encouraged people to trace her art if that would help them improve, and this is how she gets repaid??! *kicks evil people*
If I ever find one of those thieves, I'll grab their heads and push it in a pile of dogs*** (ain't I aweful?! I can't even swear!). This is so low.
Lucky for me I'm not as good as she is. XD. Sure, she's into furries now, and I'm not, but she's still one hell of an artist!
Now some good news. I have a pretty good feeling I may be able to finish Forever Young season 1 this year! May I add a 'Whoohoo!'? I'm so proud; I already wrote over 60 chapters by myself! Only problem is, that they sometimes get pretty long, and then I split them in 2 XD. Half of the time I have trouble filling 3 pages, and the other half of the time I'm at 6 pages XD. I try to keep an average of 3 pages for each chapter.
But somehow, I can't seem the character designs to work out =S. So far I only have looks for Naraku, Sushi, Grasshopper, Irina, Clover... and maybe Yume and Suta as well. But the others... especially the boys.... HELP! Oh yeah, I already have looks for Mah-Lin. XD How could I forget her! She's gonna kick my butt now. *gets kicked*
SORRY!!!!! *hides*

Monday, September 08, 2003

The Lovely Heroine
Required: brunette hair, heart-shaped face, sweet
smile. Must have basic knowledge of White
Magic (on-the-job training will be provided).
Must also be willing to gradually fall in love
with the Hero Without A Past.
CAUTION: There is a guarantee of near-death
experiences inherent in this job, with a 1-in-4
chance of actually dying. You have been

Examples: Aeris Gainsborough, Rinoa Heartilly,
Princess Garnet Til Alexandros, Yuna

A Final Fantasy Casting Call
brought to you by Quizilla

*burps* That was about it kinda. Yeah... My life is boring.

Sunday, September 07, 2003

Great. I dragged all my friends into that guestbook thingie. I'm not angry because people tell me the story I worked years on sucked; hell, I don't even care. What I hate is that I dragged my friends along in this stupid childish fight.
Flamers, I finished elementary school. I get tha message after 1 entry. No need to post 5 posts with the only message: 'You all suck'. You think I care? Heck, I don't. Not any more.
I'm not writing Serenay Moon for the peeps who hate the story. I'm writing it for those who DO like it! If you don't like the story, I don't care. Don't waste my time putting meaningless entries.
So, from now on, I shall delete meaningless entries.Everybody is entitled to their own opinion, but I don't accept childishness in my guestbook. Grow up flamers. Stop spamming my site just because you don't have a life.
And heck, if you read this... I don't care. If you go yell at me at the guestbook, I'll simply delete your entry. Not because I don't accept your opinion, but because you are not worth my time. If you mail me, I won't even reply. Because you are not worth my time.

I could rant hours more about this, but what would be the use? I think you all got the message now, so why waste more breath about it ^_^? Sure, I do want to rant more, but I don't want to bore you to death.

In the night from friday on saterday I had a weird dream... the weirdest thing? Well, it actually made sense! Sure, it was half a crossover between Elfquest and DragonBall GT, but the DragonBall GT part looked like a real episode!
In the Netherlands, they just started the part where Gohan, Goten and Vegeta (spelling?) got possessed by 'Baby' (huh???). And they are waiting for Goku. Well, my dream kinda was about that. Goku was now possessed as well, and Pan and Trunks were forced to fight him.
But I thought Bula was called Bra? Or did I hear that wrong? I'm talking about Vegeta's daughter ^_^.
Saterday I gave a swimminglesson and got reviewed. Well, the teacher thought I did way too little. EXCUSE ME?! They worked non stop! Poor kids! I never let them work this hard! So, I kinda disagree with his review ^_^.
Then I had that stupid swimming course, and, brace yourself... I... had... fun. Not that we did anything usefull...... But I did have fun! It turns out that L-chan reads my blog *waves at L-chan*. I believe her internet name is Acrocat? Gotta look that back. For now I'll call her L-chan ^_^.
That evening I celebrated my mom's b-day with my dad. We kinda had fun, but were way too tired XD.
I remember having a dream featuring me (for a change =P) being chased by people and a dinosaur who could talk? Huh? That didn't make sense.....
And when I woke up I didn't want my dad to know I was already awake so I dove back into bed, when suddenly I heard something heavy falling down the stairs. Usually it's followed by swearing, but this time not. So, I jumped out of bed and fear grabbed my heart when I saw my father's leg.
I was so afraid! But, all he had was a cut in his hand *is very releaved*. And, luckily, he fell from the last stair XD.
I was so happy he was all right. It could have been way worse!!!

Friday, September 05, 2003

Nowbody ever draws anything for me!!! *wails and ignores the pile of artwork people had done for her behind her*.
Okay, my 2nd day off. Man I'm tired. I think I shall go to bed early. Tomorrow I have that stupid course again. Yeah, I hate that.
I wrote FY 56 + 57 yesterday, and so far people liked it ^_^. I'm just too lazy and busy to make a decent website for it. Not to mention I hardly have any art.
Oh yes, and I thought I was finished with that stupid homework for that stupid course, but all of a sudden it's unclear which assignments you had to do... mwech. No fair.
Sunday I'll try typing FY again. Today, if I have time, I'll scan some stuff I got from Stevo ^_^.

Thursday, September 04, 2003

Yesterday I had a lot of class. And it was really boring. Only funny thing was when I had to write a poem about something I really disliked eating. It became 'Ode to the Brussel Sprouts'. After reading it to the others, they all said they would look different to Brussel Sprouts now =P. It was Dutch, but maybe I'll translate it once ^_^.
After that I had time off and checked my e-mail. I helped first graders with their pc =D. Then I went to the cafetaria and sat with my classmates and 3 new classmates.... my god. Either they are drunk 24/7, or on drugs 24/7! And only talking about 1 thing!!
They demanded where I had been, what I had done and what not more! I thought: 'Excuse me? Since when do I have to tell people where I spend my hour off???'. They were so nosy! I don't like them. *folds arms*
In the Serenay Moon Guestbook, 2 people have complained that we made a bad copy from Sailor Moon =(. I stayed nice, but it did make me sad. It hurt me, but it's only foolish to think everybody loves Serenay Moon. Not everybody can like it. But, the way they said it.... 'Try something original for a chance...'
And I worked 2.5 years on it!
So, I was a bit down when I came home (even though it was Cat's and my Mom's b-day), and then noticed something in the corner.
Wait a minute... could it be... no... this package could never be for me! BUT IT WAS! IT WAS FOR ME! Stevo send me übercute things! A LOT OF ÜBERCUTE THINGS! *hugs the package* It sure brightened my day up ^_^.
Some of the art I won't scan- it's something I want to keep for me alone then ^_^. BWAHAHAHA! And I got a family picture! I'm gonna look for a frame ^_^. Me and my little daughter and her father ^_^ *is still adored by it* But you peeps won't see that picture! That one is MINE!!
You can see the picture of my little girl on her prom ^_^.
Anyway, I'm very happy with it *hugs Stevo*. Now to stuff myself with the candy he bought ^_^.
Today I planned another episode of FY, as well as finishing that stupid summer course's assignments. I have a few left......

Tuesday, September 02, 2003

I'm in deep shit.... I'm so in deep trouble... well, it was nice knowing you guys. My dad's gonna kill me as soon as he finds out I forgot to give something to my mom... again...... Uh-oh....
Finished my secret thingie today, but it will arrive late. Just know that. Oh well, maybe it will surprise *grabs mouth* MUST NOT TALK.
I also made an über-hyper picture today. Will scan soon ^_^.
I also went shopping this morning. To find those missing books I'm looking for. The answer: not for sale... ever... any more.
Then I went to school and saw another shop... why didn't I look there sooner? The book I bought for almost 30 euros was so much cheaper there!!!! But... good thing is... I ALSO FOUND THE OTHER BOOKS I WAS LOOKING FOR!!! Yay me! I got all the books I wanted right now!!
Okay, maybe 1 not... Gotta keep on looking for that one then.
Then had school- a complete waste of time... again. After that I went to a Garden-shop (2 actually), and bought lots of things. Yup.
And when I came home, I remembered the thingie I forgot... G'bye people.... was nice knowing you.... *hides*

Monday, September 01, 2003

And this was my day today.... should have stayed in bed...
1st period/ class: I think it was intresting, but couldn't hear much because of the yapping ditzes behind me.
2nd period/ class: Okay, this was boring AND confusing, but I managed to find a group. Sjeez, only 1 period had passed and already people had formed groups to work together....
3rd period/ class till 5th period/class: No class. Answered a LOT of mail. Couldn't do much more. Shops weren't open yet =S.
6th period/class: Okay... I waited 3 hours to hear: Answer these 5 questions????! AAAAARGH!!!
7th and 8th period/ class were cancelled, so I went shopping in my city. I tripped over my mom in the mall =D. We went shopping together some more, bought some books blablabla.
Went home, started drawing again on a picture which I cannot tell anything about except that I have to have it finished very soon XD. And I'm still not done. My parents and next-door-neighbour love it so far though....
Now, 25 minutes left to post 6 pictures at Deviant Art... I have a feeling I won't be able to post much art this year of school XD.
Mwech- people will understand that. And if not... their problem =P