Thursday, September 25, 2003

Okay, I had to face my mentor again today. She asked if she could read my day reports, and I went a tad oops, because I mentioned the 'if you don't improve soon, it will all be lost'. I think I shocked her with that, because today's quote is......
'But I didn't mean it that way!!'
Of course you didn't, of course you didn't *sarcasm* You DID mean it that way. She actually said it again, but now in other words. 'If you don't improve soon, this internship shall be a lost one.'
She was übernicely to me today. And I stunned her with my story telling abilities. ^_^. She was gone and I had to fill time, so I let the kids clean their table and then asked them what I should tell a story about.
A kid said: "About a... I know! It looks like a snake, but lives in the sea...'
Me: An eal (spelling?)?
He: No, no!
Kids: I know a better one!!
Me: No, wait, let Chibi-M finish.
Turned out to be a Murene ^_^. It immediately reminded me of a t-shirt my mom has and I told a story. They LOVED IT! The actually wanted me to tell another story! Or the first one I told!!
These kids simply adore sea life ^_^. And especially sharks! I'd better make up some shark stories.....

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