Wednesday, September 24, 2003

For all you peeps who read my post yesterday. Today I had internship again; this time there would be a different teacher, and not that ***** mentor. I had to give words they had to form (they are learning how to write, read etc) and learn them a song.
Her comments about it (both things):
- It went great!
- You connected the words in a story; very intresting.
- Advise: They have been busy with the song very long; maybe an other song just to fresh them up again?
- Advise: You can be stricter ^_^ (I have trouble with that)
Great moments from today:
- Chibi K: 'Miss Kitt; if I have trouble reading, will you help me then? And why don't you sit down next to me? I would like that' (adorable little boy ^_^. He sometimes acts like he's 12 instead of 7)
- Chibi D (boy, school's out, so all kids have to go home. He had to wait for his mother): 'Miss Kitt, I really have to go to the bathroom, can I PLEAAAASE go?' (My reply: 'Of course you can! Would have been a silly thing if it wasn't allowed, right?')
And that was it. I like the other teacher more like that **** mentor. My counselor tries to call her tomorrow and she agreed on me meeting her. I shouldn't try to understand what my mentor said according to her, I should see it as a statement and nothing more.
Can I trade mentors?

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