A lot of things went wrong today. Seriously. A busload of mail, delivery being late, having to work an extra hour, being exhausted, falling on the ground, having to face every hail shower ever since 11 am. And yet, even though I have so much I could complain about......I don't seem to care. A part of me must have been prepared for this. Christmas means hell. Why continue complaining then? Or maybe it wasn't so bad at all. My elbow still hurts though. The woman was worried it was slippery on her turf. I bet that if I would have told it was slippery, she would have bought a busload of salt and throw it on the stones. I bet she still feels guilty. But actually, I was tired, wanted to go home, only had to do one more street, so well eh... I just didn't pay attention ^_^' And nature has a 'nice' way of remembering you you need to pay attention XD
And those hail showers...even though there were hailstones of about 1 centimetre... I didn't seem to care. Maybe because I knew I didn't have to worry any more about getting on time back. I didn't need to go back. All I needed to get and deliver was with me. Then again, I already didn't care when I DID have time pressure
Though, very intresting. Just imagine, a dark grey sky. Where you are standing, it's just dry. And in a near distance, you suddenly see a sash of white dancing through the air. Slowy, like a wave. And then you realise that is a hailshower there, in the distance. Such an amazing sight.
I did curse btw. I was about 500 metres from home, and my legs almost refused service. I was home close, no way they would let me down now! I was tired, getting cold because of the wet snow, and actually, nature was calling as well. And that thunder was bothering me as well.
So, I got home, sat down, and appearantly I forgot to answer nature's call. And before you go HAHAHAHAHA or so, I just remembered nature called about an hour later. Yeah. I sometimes forget such things. But never an accident or so. Anyway, half an hour later my dad came home. Pissed because the store didn't had what he wanted. And then he always goes whining about I need to clean up my stuff. I just get very cranky hearing that. So, I quickly left. Also found out later I got a letter which said a drawing of mine was turned down as decoration on my bank card (yeah, we do stuff like that in the Netherlands). Mom's finally arrived. So, dad will call on monday again, and if they can't explain it, I will have to take a different image and try for the 3rd time.
Just a small note. Friday I was visiting Uumie (it was GREAT! I teased a lot though XD), and later on her boyfriend joined. Since he is cool, I didn't mind. But on the way home, a thought occured to me. I'm almost 23. 23, and not even once my heart has been in love. I've had 2 boys who loved me, so I know that it's possible for boys to love me. But why can't my heart feel love? My dream is to marry and get kids. But if it goes on like this, it seems it's one dream that shall not be ful filled.
But to end with some happy news. I bought in Eindhoven: Full Moon (w)o Sagashite 1 and 4, Shin Tenchi Muyo ehm.... 3 and 5, and Sailor Moon Manga 12, in English this time. Some things suddenly make more sense XD
Edit: Yeah, revamped the page. Was it in terrible need off. I just didn't know an image =S Hope you like it. Anyway, because the YACCS or whatever comments seem to get down very often, I shall use the blogger comment system as a backup =D. I shall also tweak a bit more with the layout.
So this is how it works....
Kitt, die layout is niet echt handig voor mij... ik kan de helft van de tekst niet zien, het tekstveld is ietsjes te smal :S
I'm glad you had fun yesterday!!
It's for the 1024x720 or so layout, and it should fix itself after a lot of new entries are posted. Somehow I can't fix this :S I tried though.
Weird that you can't read it :S I guess I should look at school and look how it's there.
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