Copyright. A hard thing to understand. When is something from another and when do you have to give credit? Most people take pictures from a site and forget where they are from. Sometimes they don't, like the site from Mew Heart. She (or he, don't know that) draws Pokémon Characters. And she's pretty good at it too! On her first page there is a line: Copyright is not abandonded. This means you should give credit.
I have a small dutch site with someone else and she started uploading Mew Heart's pictures. I gave Mew Heart credit because she forgot to do that. However, she said she got it from another site! So I checked that out. Yup indeed, the pics were there. And I couldn't find credit anywhere! Underneath that page was a line: Do not steal any of these pictures. Why? They are not yours. And if you don't put credit somewhere, aren't you doing that what you don't want other people to do? I think you are. Do not steal and no credit.... in my eyes you'll be a thief.
I know I'm not Miss Holy Person or something like that, but I do understand more of Copyright now. I made mistakes, but I always try to set things right and always try to be honest. That's everything I can do....
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