Monday, May 18, 2009

Story Vault and First day off

Well, my first day off was filled with the same stuff as ever. Except, instead of spending it at work, I spend it re-reading FYE2 XD. Other than that, I did the same as ever. Will continue re-reading after this post.

Weather is bwech. It's hot, moist/damp and thunder is most likely in the air. Just rain already! This weather is no fun...

I also created a blog to post all my old and unfinished stories: . You are welcome to visit, but keep in mind, the English is in no way representive of my English nowadays! I wote these stories when I was still a teenager and most of my English is self-taught. Anyway, the first story is already up and I will try to update twice a week, on monday (English stories) and friday (Dutch stories).

Edit: Finished re-reading FYE2! Yay! I am sooo proud!

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