Hello, good morning everybody. How are you? Me, I'm doing fine. Yesterday I watered the plants and, go figure, this night we had a thunderstorm. With rain. Lots of them *sighs*. But that's okay.
On the dream scene area; it was a normal one. 'Gather items to save the world, climb through a portal and go back in time, get chased by an angry mob, have a car chase in the past... get a submarine...' You know, those very vague dreams you don't understand at all.
The thunderstorm we had was pretty hefty and strangely enough, I wasn't scared. There were flashes all the time, so you couldn't know which thunder belonged to which lightning. I tried to match the brightest flashes with the loudest thunder, but that would mean the storm was directly above me XD
Other than that... nothing happened. Continued on my watercolours (hope to get it almost finished today), watched Men in Black and wrote some FY. I finally have an idea how to continue writing. I'm gonna use flashbacks =D
Not that this information helps you XD Book 2 still has to be released XP So book 4 is still far away!
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