Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I FINALLY got SkyDoll part 3! Yay! So superduper YAY! *goes reading* What the... What do you mean, to be continued in part 4??! I already waited about 4 years for part 3! Waah T_T. I mean, yay for more SkyDoll, but that story goes incredibly slow! I thought it would be finished with this part *sighs*

Oh well, keeps the mind sharp XP. It also turned out that a recent collection/series I started, is already out of print. Way to go, Kitt, way to go... Instead of making your wishlist shorter, you only make it LONGER ¬¬.

Also got some Manga from my Archonia Wishlist. Bit stupid, since it means I am actually a bit more expensive XD Oh well, that's life! I have the manga now, instead of waiting 5 more months.

I also got the DVD The Golden Compass, which I won't see till August, since my parents will take it along to France and the movie will stay there in the Caravan we have there. And The Smurfs, for my mom. We still miss 1 new figurine.

I also couldn't find a VGA-splitter; so you can attach 2 screens to 1 laptop... *sighs*

This means, less on my to do list and MORE on my to do list. Gaaaah....

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