Guess which one I am now. Come on, guess! I'm at Zombie now. Type? Do I have to? I keep on mistyping half the time...
Went to visit a school today again; last visit and they had a celebration. Let me say this: 40 children at a petting zoo (kinderboerderij)... no matter how much parents you have along, it's never enough O.o I'm so tired! And afterwards the kids could still run around!
It was the same petting zoo as I had the schminck job, last sunday, so some were a bit confused to see me again XP.
It was also freaky sunny! I put sun-tan lotion on, because I easily burn and I think I managed to stay safe for once. Maybe I did burn my neck a bit, it feels hot... and it itches. Oh well, who cares. It'll vanish eventually. There's also hardly any wind, so it's quite hot today.
Other than that: can't recall a dream, was busy with kids all day and am soooo hungry. Hungry and thirsty. And in need of a bed. I could use one right now... Not certain if I will go write Forever Young tonight; way too tired
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