Friday, October 23, 2009


I'm quite cold today... I don't know why. It started this morning. Or maybe, last night, when I suddenly got really really hungry. Not snack-hungry, but like I hadn't eaten for days. In the morning it repeated itself and that was what made me cold.
I'm cold again, even though I ate a good meal. I'm also really tired... maybe I have some underlying flue or something like that. Oh well, at least I can sleep longer tomorrow.

Tomorrow I'm going to see Zaylie again :) Has been so long since I saw her, even though we live so close. I've been totally neglecting her and I should spend more time on her. And how does she repay me for neglecting her? By giving me a ride to a meeting place! She's too kind!!

And then some people complain I don't spend enough time on them while I talk to them almost daily ¬¬

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