Well, I saw the Polar Express yesterday and well... even though I had heard it wasn't the best one... I hardly watched it; focused more on online stuff and to do stuff. It was entertainable, but I honestly didn't miss a thing.
And why does Santa Claus need so much movies? To proove his existance? Do people have that little faith in him? St. Nicolas only now starts to get movies; for 500 years he did without.
No, the Polar Express is not the best one and I can't really recall a Christmas Movie I can watch over and over again. Most are sappy.
Talking about sappy... I just recalled: while in the way, way past they showed Labyrint each year, they now show Harry Potter each year. Movies 2 till 4 again. Not that those movies are sappy btw. I may not like the movies and story, but the effects are good. But to be forced to watch Harry Potter 2 for the 7th time? Okay, I'll be in my room, if anyone is looking for me.
Well, today work from 12:30 till 9 pm. Thus far no new snow has appeared, but they expect snow later today again. I'll get to my work, but the way back...? Oh well, it'll probably be fine. If I pay attention, if people pay attention....
Oh wait, that would mean thinking about others XD Some people think that's very hard XP
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