At work, I found out that K. and I share quite a lot of history... and I never recognised her! She did recognise me... and now it turns out she knows S. as well.
S., my childhood.... well, if I'd say nemisis, I'd be totally overreacting. But still, S. was very arrogant, but everyone adored her, thinking she was Miss Perfect.
And now K. told me: "Oh yes, I know S. as well! She totally hates it if people drool about her like that."
And I was like: '...Eh...? Are we talking about the same S.?'
She now seems to hate it if people say she is so wonderful all the time. She seemed to dig that during High School. So, that leaves me with 2 options:
1. S. outgrew her arrogant phase and grew some modesty. That would be like, totally wow.
2. S. only says that hoping she'd attract attention (which she used to do); kinda like: "Oh, but I'm not perfect at aaaaaaaaaaall, I don't know whyyyyyyy people keep on saying that?" (I knew 2 other people on High School who kept on saying that as well; getting straight A's all the time- J. and H.)
Maybe I should give her a chance again. She wasn't not-talented (heck, part of me is jealous because she became totally famous and is AGAIN worshipped), so the fact she gets to play on all kinds of TVshows must be because she grew into a more talented person... but it's the arrogance I hate, as well as that everybody adored her, saying, and I'm not kidding about that, she could never make a mistake because she was soooooo talented. That's what I hated even more than her own arrogance: the fact people almost worshipped her as if she was a god (I am NOT kidding! I'm serious about this!).
The jealousy towards her may stay; that only helps me improve (I'm jealous at many friends of mine; jealousy and friendship CAN mix!)... but maybe I should give her a chance: people can change. Maybe she really grew out of her arrogance....
Yeah, maybe that's a good New Year's Resolution: give S. a chance to prove she indeed changed. I haven't given her that chance for ages (maybe a little bit childish of me ^_^', I admit!), so perhaps now is the time to do so.
Wishing you luck, S., and truely meaning it! If K. is indeed right and you lost your arrogance, then I wish you all the best and a beautiful carreer on stage, TV and heck, even Hollywood!
Closing off this part of my life... Right in time for the New Year!!
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