Monday, December 21, 2009

So, there's snow?

It's strange. Everyone I know: "We've never had this much snow before!" Even my parents! And I'm like: "Really? We haven't? Oh..." I somehow have trouble believing that we never had 50 centimeters snow in my lifetime XD But appearantly, we haven't XP

As expected, I was one of the few with little problems with getting to work. The way back, on broad daylight and with some snow melted, was way more dangerous because of some car-drivers thinking it was crazy that some bike-people were on the road, instead of the heaps of snow. While most, and I mean about 75% of the drivers then, were careful, thought about the people on bikes, some people thought it was okay to keep the normal speed limit *rolls eyes*

Well, I have lots of mini chores to do. I want to write, but it's too busy now. I wrote yesterday, but it's missing The Spark. I want The Spark back *sighs* Why do I keep on losing it?

Oh well, we'll see... it's supposed to snow again tonight XP What shall we see tomorrow...?

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