Thursday, October 31, 2002

Okay, yesterday I didn't type into my blog. Why? Simple, I was too tired for it. Okay, I admit, I used the whole afternoon to create some new sprites, but I was in the mood for that and not my blog. It was not that I had to tell you something. Okay, yesterday the lessons I gave (which did I give anyway? can't remember...) did go fine. The kids listened nicely and there wasn't chaos.
That evening I gave swimminglessons. I have... such a.... sweet.... kid. >_<. He always disobeyes and makes jokes and yesterday I had enough of it. I put him on the bench! =P. About 7 minutes later he came asking if he could go back into the water. My fellow teacher thought he was punished enough but knew I had to say it would be okay otherwise no one would respect me. Anyway, he asked and I told him to stop making jokes and stuff. According to my fellow teacher he was quite impressed! I was so PROUD!!!!
Anyway, today is Halloween. You remember? That day whole America celebrates and the thing the Dutch people don't? Anyway, I posted a special halloween thing at my site- go and try to find it! It's hidden! (but not too much hidden ^_^).
Today I gave 2 lessons. One went so bad and the other went great! My mentor told me that if a class is chaos it is not their fault; there is nothing wrong with them- something is wrong with the teacher (or the weather >_<; and I'm not kidding! All teachers say that!). And actually, I agree. He is so right! But unlike my previous mentor, he hasn't given up on me. He usually says: 'Well, I can do that because I have more experience'. My other mentor said: 'Maybe you should consider another career'. He even suggested that I should try a few things at my swimming lessons because I feel more secure there. Look! Look! Someone who actually tries to help me!! And gives suggestions how to practise! *sticks out tongue to previous mentor*. Okay, my mentor might not be really interested in me (meaning, he doesn't care what my hobbys are, or what I like to) but he keeps on trying to help me with becoming a teacher.

Tuesday, October 29, 2002

Oh, today was such a horrible day at my school I have to teach. I let the kids control me instead of me
controlling them! Sure, my teacher said I still have to gain a lot of experience but dang, this has to change! I can't teach a class being so soft! So, I decided I'm going to change. I don't care what they think of me any more. I'm there to teach them and they have to listen to me. Hehe... I saw the light ^_^. But dang, the actual teacher even bumped in! And if that happens, you know it's bad.............>_<
And during lunch break 2 kids started to fight. One of the kids was from my class and the other was from another class and had his grandfather with him. (I wasn't there). Another kid from my class tried to break trhem up but the grandfather pulled him away: "Let them fight!" He said. "Go grandson! Go!" What the freak?!
Meh... I'm tired. I'll go to bed early today.

Monday, October 28, 2002

Oh boy... my messageboard is getting too full and so far I have no clue how to delete topics without having to delete the RPG too (I can only delete posts older than *add amount of days here*). Mm, still looking for a way but the mb is weird and slow today. Bwech.
Mm, it was a bit windy yesterday. Just a bit... I think the last time it was this windy was 12 years ago. How windy? Let's just say cows suddenly could fly >_<.
Adding stuff to the weirdness zone: I never have seen a fish coming back to life before... AND I'M NOT KIDDING!
About a week ago I saw one of our 2 fish swimming veritical- meaning she would die soon. A day later she was gone and 2 days ago I found her at the bottom of the bowl. I forgot to get het out though and thought my mom would do it. This is what happened today when I came home:
Me: Hiya mom! I'm home! * sees something weird in the fishbowl* Odd, did mom forget to get Faia out of the tank? Howly crap, she bought a new fish! There is a new fish swiming there! Mom, what's the name of the new fish?
Mom: Which new fish?
Me: The one in the tank.
Mom: I didn't get a new fish, that's Faia!
Me: But Faia is dead!
Mom: Well, she looks pretty alive to me!
Me: But she was at the bottom of the tank! My god, it really is Faia! But she died!!!!

Sunday, October 27, 2002

Well, I did finish the poster yesterday; I finished it after we returned from the chinese restaurant. Man, when did I start eating this little? I could only eat one and a half plate!! Usually I get 2 or 3 but now only 1.5! I bet it has to do with the vacation; I only ate one meal a day then. Why? Because I wasn't in the mood for eating more.
Anyway, finished the poster at what... 10.20 pm? Oh, I so messed up Mika and Moka. I should have brought my pencil sharperner downstairs so I would have a sharper pencil... now he looks so grey >_<.

Things I still need to do (preferably today)
+ Christmas Card
+ Phoenix

Things I should start with:
+ Alena, Kasumi Warrior
+ All the things on the Serenay Moon process Page

Saturday, October 26, 2002

Good points about today:
+ It stormed tonight and I like storm when I'm inside
+ My bed was nice and warm and it rained like hell tonight ^_^
+ It was DRY when I had to walk my block while delivering mail
+ It was nice and windy today
+ I got to read the Dark Fires of Chyprys (sp?) chapter 4 and the first Side Story of TPAMS- both really cool stories
+ Clock goes backwards one hour tonight!!!!!!!!!!

Bad things about today:
+ It's cold and my dad wants me to put on a sweater instead of putting on the small heater on the attic >_<
+ When I walked my block I suddenly saw a guy walking with 4 dead ducks and a riffle... *sniff* I never imagined I would have a barbaric hunter on my block! Just think of those poor orphans!
+ When I came back a girl told me with a big smile they found some packages I was supposed to deliver but I didn't knew that. Then that girl didn't want to stay open longer so I could deliver the packages and return the ones of the people that weren't home. She had homework to do! Like it's my fault they hid my packages in someone else's bag! Managed to get back on time though
+ While replying to my mail, my dad insisted he would answer his mail at that time because it would only take a second... I finished 4 comics in that time because it always takes way long and then I'm not allowed to tell him it always takes long!
+ I'm cold *sniff*
+ I wanted to finished my secret project poster and do my christmas card but it turns out I don't have enough aquarell pencils (I thought I had enough, but not) so I have to do it with pencils again. And because my dad did the mail I'm still online 3 hours later just trying to finish everything!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAH! Now I can only finish my poster tonight... I hope....

Things I still need to do today:
+ Go to Neopets
+ Finish the poster
+ If possible, start the christmas card

+ Kendra
+ Christmas Card
+ Phoenix
+ TPAMS charachters as humans.... if possible

Friday, October 25, 2002

Not much to tell. I'm so hungry and tired! Maybe I will take a nap this afternoon (like I will actually do that >_<). Yesterday I went to my grandmother and interviewed her for school. It was quite intresting! Oh well, I really did a lot yesterday for the Kiss Doll Kendra and I'll try some more today- but first I'll make some Serenay Moon halloween sprites! I just need to make 6 of them. And some are really easy.

Thursday, October 24, 2002

Wow, I actually did homework yesterday! Not that much though- I found out I can't do that much because it's mainly group work. Bwech!
Anyway, I was really getting on the roll with the MessageBoard RPG when suddenly I saw a flash of light. Soon another followed. With the third (the one with the really big bang in it) I decided to shut down my computer immediately... and guess what... no more thunder after that! Grrrr!
I had a kinda nice dream but I forgot it. Argh, slept so short (I watched Angel; shouldn't have done that) and I'm going to interview my grandmother today. For school. See, I'm actually doing an asignment!
And you won't believe it! Today, they aired CCS and SM 3 minutes early!!! What are you, trying to make up for those 20 minutes you have started late already?! Thankfully I always get up 10 minutes before it starts ^_^.
I've never seen a dead woman playing such a big role in a cartoon/ anime before. I mean, Sakura's mother; we all know she is dead and all we see is a picture (except for one time; when we saw her ghost) but she IS part of the show... somehow... *cries* There was no Li in today's eppie. He's so cute! Mm, can't see to remember where tuesday's eppie was about. Li got a second card.... Oh well, I will probably remember when seeing the title again. Oh yeah! Kero ran away from Sakura!
And with Sailor Moon.... I think the American Title is Wedding Day Blues or whatever. Mm, didn't like all those wedding gows; especially Usagi's. Way too... poofy. I like simple dresses ^_^

Wednesday, October 23, 2002

Last time I was afraid to sleep was about 3 years ago. I dreamed that my mother's spirit was trying to kill me and some other people... as far as I know she is still alive, but that doesn't matter. I'm terribly afraid of ghosts, it's my number 1 fear! I would rather stand in a swimming pool with spiders or jump out of a plane than to see a ghost. (Note: I'm afraid of heights and spiders too) So, I woke up and was so afraid to go to bed again that I did some puzzles. After 15 minutes I was calm enough to try to sleep and it worked.
I had one of the best dreams ever then! I dreamed I was going to some country and met a guy. His father had some fighting gym (mm, must be because I watched Pokémon yesterday ^_^) and he fought himself and won a hard battle. And now the best part! This guy and I were so happy that we hugged! I could feel his arms around me and it felt great! *remembers now she has no boyfriend... and cries* I want that to happen in real life! *sniff* Anyway, we went out for a small walk and suddenly we were caught in a building of fire. We gathered a lot of people and managed to find a space were we would be kinda safe but the door was kinda locked with a computer so we tried to find a password but couldn't. Then I spotted the people outside and I yelled if they would be so nice to bring a ladder.
The guy asked: What's in it for me?
My reply: I can offer you my dazzling smile!
I kinda said it for fun since that guy was joking too. Then he gathered some people while there were hundreds of ladders next to them! They made a human ladder and we got out. However, stupid being me, I went back to check if everyone had gotten out and I found a guy. He was quite old and suddenly wanted to catch me! I had no other option and jumped out of the window (I suddenly wore a medieval dress) and guess who I landed on top off? Right, Him! (No names cuz it's too embarresing to put online)
Then things got weird and I got accused of witchcraft. My punishment was to never speak again but only the women could decide that. I woke up then because of the phone but I think I would have won.
And now another weird thing. Last night a shopping mall (small one) from my town burned to the ground (De Baten to those who know where I live). I had a dream of a building with fire...
The fire started at 2 am (it was on the news! Wow!)
My superduper nightmare was somewhere around 2 am too (I woke up at 2.30)
My superdupercool dream was between 3 and 8 am.
The fire was under control at 6.40 am....

Tuesday, October 22, 2002

Finished the Serenay Moon 2003 Calendar and actually did a bit homework, but most of the time planned stuff. I hope I can start with Alena, Kasumi Warrior soon. I really want to get to season 2, since there will happen something I've NEVER written before!
I'm dipped... yesterday.... I should have stayed in bed. I went to school and found out half of the asignments I needed to do were group asignments so actually I didn't do a thing. I went home and made some drawings- I'm planning to make how-to-draws; or at least diagraphms so you know how to draw Serenay Moon characters.
Then Cat came! It was really fun and we made lasagna.... I probably will hear this for a while... it was ready and I took it out... this really bothers me... I've NEVER messed up dinner before! I dropped the bowl! I dropped the bowl on the floor! So, there was dinner... on the floor.... and a bowl in shards. That NEVER happened to me before, NEVER! Actually I wanted to cry (yes Cat, now you know, but everyone was there so I couldn't). Then my sister suggested bread and I opened the freezer... the ice dropped out of it. Bang! Icecream on the floor (but still in their package). Had to bring it to our other freezer in the attic and dropped it there again.
So, with our oh-so-great-wasted-time-and-money dinner more things went wrong.
And to top things off, I slept like hell. I felt like being awake since 5 am and dreamed about how I messed up taping Card Captor Sakura and Sailor Moon. In CCS the sound was gone suddenly again, but now for only 10 seconds or so. In Sailor Moon they suddenly named Ami, Amy. And I didn't know Mamoru Chiba was pronounced as Mamoru Jiba. And that attacks were changed from 'Soap Bubbles, Conquer' and 'Fireball, Conquer', into 'Soap Bubbles, Fly!' and 'Fireball, Fly!'.
AND TO TOP THINGS OFF! They started 10 minutes late! I could have stayed 10 more minutes in bed. I'm so tired. I don't think I'll do homework today; I'll try... but knowing me... this is one hell of a year of school....

Monday, October 21, 2002

Happy Birthday Guardian Star!!
Ugh... I need to get to school for homework... yuck

Sunday, October 20, 2002

Happy 20th Birthday Demitiri!!! Hope you have a nice day!

Saturday, October 19, 2002

For the first time I deleted a comment out of pure disgust. Boy, if you are having some problems with your sexuality, don't fuck up my blog with your immature behaviour! If you need to let your sexual thing get out; just buy yourself a playboy or buy some hentai. Don't bother ME with it.
I hope that the next time you want to put sugar on something, it will be salt. Sorry, whatever someone has done, I can't wish them to death.
I may be 19, but that doesn't mean sex is 24/7 on my mind like my classmates. Excuse me for having a life!

Friday, October 18, 2002

Tired. Me... sleepy... this week... waste. Complete waste... drown school. Must flood school....
Watched Tarzan. Tarzan cool =). Jane reminded me of Kitt. Kitt is cool. Wanna write a Tarzan/ Serenay Moon crossover, but doubt if should do it....
Courage: What the freak is this?! Kitt, learn english!
Kitt: Me tired
Courage: Who cares? Get a life.... huh? *sees Kitt snoring* Oh great... so I'm not intresting enough?!

Thursday, October 17, 2002

More stuff for the twilight zone: Kitt is a lot smaller than Zach... while she is at least 1 year older than he is!!
Going to the Zuiderzeemuseum was a complete waste of my day. It was fun to go there and if possible I will go to that with my future class when I get my own, but today was a waste of my time. Why? Because I had 2 pushy brats in my group who decided they would go somewhere and that we should follow and because the exercise in the afternoon was complete bull. I'm not kidding: Trade experiences with a person from another group! They had sceduled that?! My god! We already do that all the time! (Gosh J. what have you done? Well K. I have done this and that! Was it fun J.? Yes, really K.!). We call that curiousity towards friends. They don't need to scedule that....
Oh, and the best news ever; but don't tell my sister or her boyfriend (you know who I mean).... but... they... both want to try to quit smoking!!!! Yay Sister! Yay Boyfriend!!! Yay!! Go on! Hang on!!

Wednesday, October 16, 2002

I so knew it; we all saw it coming! And today, it has come true! After many fights inside our Government they decided they couldn't rule our country any more this way... and they quit!!!! *cheers* Hurray for all of us who saw this coming!! Hehee, we were right! How can a Government rule a country when they can't even stop fighting among themselves?
Anyway, I heard that at school today. We had a very funny show in the morning and one of my classmates made lemonade. That guy is so cool; he made me cry because I laughed so loudly! It didn't taste that bad; a bit too sweet and it was purple =D. It tasted like bananas. ^_^
Then we went to Nemo, that is a scientific museum for kids in Amsterdam. I really liked it there but it was so busy and as a grown up I should let those kids go first. No fair; I wanted to do everything myself! But I couldn't because of a bunch of kids....*sniff*. Next time guys, don't plan an activity like this in a week the north of holland has vacation >_<

Tuesday, October 15, 2002

Today they forced us to listen to some guy and I really liked his theory until he told about Japan: 'And when they take up the phone they say: Hallo Sakura, but you hear it as Hello'. This so doesn't make sense. If I remember well, they say: Moshi Moshi and Sakura means cherry blossom..... His credibility went into a free fall immediately. I suddenly thought he was an idiot.
Then they wanted us to create a light. I made a light guys! Look how cool! Wait a minute... I'm studying to be a teacher. Why am I supposed to know how to work like an electrician? I'm telling ya, they are trying to steal me away!!

Monday, October 14, 2002

Today at school we had to make a 3 minute movie. Ours was quite fun to do and we had to travel a lot for it. I can't tell more about it cuz I don't wanna. It feels like I wasted my whole day, cuz can anyone tell me why teachers have to learn how to create movies?!
Anyway, I'm busy with something really secret. It has no use asking the other teammates about it- they don't know a thing about it. Half of the team doesn't even know I'm busy with a secret project. There is only 1 other person who knows what it will be about and I'm not gonna tell who that is. *sticks out tongue*. I just hope people will like this. I've never done this before... okay, once, when I was a small kid in High School

Sunday, October 13, 2002

Thanks for the adress Togepi, but that site redirected me to, the one where I usually look. So, still looking for it.
Yesterday I also looked up the dates when Demitiri joined the Serenay Moon team and it turns out he joined us officially on the 6th of Novembre. His first mail to me was send on the 11th of Octobre... which was last friday (and it turns out that's Togepi's b-day too! Weird huh?). So, Demitiri and I know each other for 1 year and 2 days now. Who would have thought, it feels so much longer!
That evening I went out with some friends, to celebrate 2 b-days. We went to Utrecht and Mr. Jacks; it's a student restaurant. It's not very expensive, but I don't like it there much. I've been there 3 times now, once with my graduation class (who disliked me), once with my job (who I dislike; in case you didn't find that out yourself) and now with my friends (who I really, really like!). It was great! Again the food wasn't the best, but I had a good time.
We also had our share of junks: 65 euro cent please? (why 65? huh?), Bike, 5 euro (I wanted to reply: Police, jail- cuz that bike has to be stolen! But I really wanted to get out of there). But even though I felt uncomfortable, I also felt secure. Unlike my graduation class and job, I just know these friends won't leave me alone to walk home in the dark (like my job did! Thanks guys! Midnight and walking to the station really makes me feel safe!)
After that we went to a pool centre and played some pool. I so suck at it (this was my second time) but really liked it. I guess it was because I was with friends. Let's do it again some day!

Saturday, October 12, 2002

The one who claims that you can find anything on the net is truly out of his mind. Currently I'm looking for Nick Cave and Kylie Minoque's (?): Where the wild roses grow; in midi format. Okay.. this is midi number 450 I'm not able to find...
Birthday season coming up! Tonight I'll got to 2 b-days and I'll have a lot more to come *money goes bai-bai*. Anyway, nothing to tell. It turns out I'm not the only one who hates Evil Ellen. That other girl said she thinks Ellen sees other girls as rivals. Dunno what for anyway. Okay, I'll try to finish Serenay Moon's next calendar today. Not that much work... I think. I think I'll sell them for 5 euro. Don't know how to sell them; but the price will be 5 euro. Unless 200 people want one, then I might need to raise the price since I have no clue how to print them. My home = bad printer. Dad's work = good printer, but not allowed to print that much >_<.

Friday, October 11, 2002

I've never been so ashamed for a classmate as I am now. For Geography, we had to create a lesson around the Aboriginals. In a book I found a story of how they believe man was made: it was made out plants and animals. Her words: 'I'm not going to tell the kids this! What a load of bullshit! Man, complete nonesense! Man made out of animals and plants?! Bullshit!'
I was astounded. She actually said that everything the Aboriginals believe in is bullshit! Like there is only 1 right religion; she doesn't allow people to have their own opinion about man was created! And she has to teach kids values?!
Yousef: But Miss Mandy, Allah created man!
Teacher: No Yousef, that's bullshit. The whole Islam is Bullshit. There is only 1 right religion: Chatholic! (or how you may spell that).
What the freak?! What ever happened to: People are allowed to have their own religion? I'm so ashamed for her. I can't believe I have such a nitwit in my class. Everyone should be allowed to have their own religion, whatever that one may be.
As for the rest; I came 2 hours earlier because one teacher was sick last friday or whatever and we had to come now. After that we had Music as a class; our only class that day: 'Guys, we are ahead of scedule, so I wanted to sing the whole lesson with you!'
I should have stayed in bed.

Thursday, October 10, 2002

I'm depressed. So sue me. Answer me this: who am I doing this story for?
Can anyone please tell me what the fun is of hacking? And what the fun is of destroying someone else's work? Yup, you guessed it; hackers again. What is the fun of hacking into my computer, reading what Episode 50 or whatever might be about?
And I never knew there was a group that created so much rumors.... should I be happy with it? And those who thought they knew me: even my parents don't understand me. You don't know me. No one does. Because if you know me... you would know what I will do if I ever met a hacker who hacked my computer. If you know me... you know my feelings about illegal stuff. You would know how I felt about hentai. You would know how I think about life. You would know what plays in my mind.
You think you know me? Tell me: what is my wish?

Wednesday, October 09, 2002

I wish Genie Gurl will be better soon * focuses* Drats.... I'm not a genie. Any genies in the house?
I finally finished the Little Wish series and dang how disappointing it ends. *sighs*. Great.... Probably cuz I'm so freaking tired.
Verder heb ik geen zin meer om in het Engels te praten. Ik ben namelijk Nederlands en het kost te veel moeite om nu na te denken. Ik ben veel te moe.
There, happy now?

Tuesday, October 08, 2002

Do you know, where you are going to?
do you like the things that life is showing you?
Where are you going to...
Do you know?

Do you get, what you are hoping for,
when you look behind you there is no open door
What are you hoping for....
Do you know?

Monday, October 07, 2002

What a waste of time! And today, for the very first time in my life, I have come late in class =S.
Period 1-3: free
4th period: Guys, there has been a mistake- you have no class. Bye
5th period: Sceduled lunch break hour
6th period: we were excused after 40 minuted
7th period: after 10 minutes we were excused
8th period: came 5 minutes late (still don't understand how it's possible!) but had class till 5.30.
At least I had a friend waiting for me ^_^. *waves at friend* Total time of class: 1 hour. Total time spend at school: way too long.

Sunday, October 06, 2002

I saw it coming, I just knew it would happen soon. feels so unexpected. At 7 pm Dutch time... Prince Claus has passed away. He has been ill for a very long time. I just think about it- I'm so happy he has been able to be at his son's wedding. At least he has seen the face of his daughter in law. At least he has been able to hold his newest grand child... yet.... it feels like someone I know passed away. The royal house is a part of our country and we all know who lives there. But... I've never met them. How can it feel like someone I know passed away.
Queen Beatrix, I wish you the luck with the coming days. Your husband was an angel; he gave everything up for you. It has been hard for you, I imagine, to marry a german man so short after the 2nd world war. Remember the days you had him near you. He was a true angel. I wish you luck, and your family.

Saturday, October 05, 2002

I finally saw the Buffy Musical,
and I know for sure, this is my favourite from all.
The songs went straight through my soul,
so badly I wanted a role....

It reminded me of a dream,
a dream they took away,
Will I ever find it again,
will it ever stay?

Songs are medicine for a broken heart,
seperating the sorrow and the joy apart,
Let me tell you, about a dream...
Let me tell you, what I mean...

It reminded me of a dream,
a dream they took away,
Will I ever find it again,
will it ever stay?

Once a joyeus song filled the air,
singing my song, just nothing to care...
Let me share you my wish, let me tell you what I mean
I just wanted to sing, that was my dream

It reminded me of a dream,
a dream they took away,
Will I ever find it again,
will it ever stay?

Each day hearing the same song
'Don't sing, everything you do is wrong
For once, don't be off key'
But singing, is just in me

It reminded me of a dream,
a dream they took away,
Will I ever find it again,
will it ever stay?

At last they finally leave me alone
not saying anything, pretending to be stone
I simply don't know what is worse....
It seems I'm trapped in a curse

When will I have my moment in the spotlight?
When will I finally be on stage and stay?
When will I be able to sing what I feel with all my might
Without being wistled .... away

I finally saw the Buffy Musical
The song simply touched my heart
It reminded me of a forgotten dream
I hope you understand... what I mean....

©2002 Kitty Ocean
I want to get the first with 100 messages on the board... yet... I don't want to cheat also.
I was asked to keep an eye on my cart at work. Last week (not saterday) someone stole a package, a bundle of mail and role the cart through some....... s**t. So, I kept my eye on the cart and nothing happens. When I'm almost finished, an old lady walks ate me: 'What did I hear, a package got stolen?' I was quite astounded.... how did she know that? She blaimed it on young kids anyway... and she was almost 70 I guess... but how did she know that? Weird................
And remember last week? I don't know if I wrote that, but I helped a lady with some mail problems. She had to put 2 words on the letter: retour and verhuisd. Today I got a letter with the words: retour.verhuisd. Could it be? Could it be that woman actually lives in my block and-
*suffocating sounds*
You-are... kid-ding............

Friday, October 04, 2002

I'm not riding a bike any more... I'm riding an angel! How great it feels to be on my old trusty bike again, not having any trouble with peddling- I went like hell! Hehee! It felt so great being able to ride fast again! I went a bit too fast though... ^_^'. If I had to brake on this full speed I would have probably flown from my bike!! ^_^.
And those who are curious:
My sister got her driver's license. My reply: Should I be happy or scared ( >=P )
One of our new fish died; Aurora. And she had such a pretty tail! I hope the other 2 will live a bit longer; we only have them since the 4th of Septembre!
*pant, pant* Finally! The update is done!
Okay, remember how I had to stay up late yesterday just to get the reports from others which I was supposed to put together? I got 2 of them 2 minutes before I wanted to go to bed; leaving me stay behind the computer till 11 pm. *snores*
I woke up at 7.30 and found 1 more report, but the last one I got about 4 hours ago so this report will be due monday. Thankfully it's not a big problem. But, I'm really tired.
I went tired to school finding out my teacher didn't show up. Where the freak was he?! I could have stayed in bed! And the next period was simply useless! We had to talk about how our previous day was but to be honest, we already do that before class!! So, it was plain useless. *grows* Should have stayed in bed.
After that I got an sms from a friend that she saw a Sailor Moon bag. I checked it out and found out it wasn't. *sigh*. So, went home and printed out Revelations. Yeah, I have it. The complete story! Not the pages, just the story. I'm trying to read it from the beginning again but the fact that I am typing here makes it a bit hard =S.
My mom dragged me along to a big sail. Bought a pair of paints, a vest and a new jacket (it's blue!). Went home, updated... and here I am now.... so.... tired......... and then I have to work tomorrow!!! AAAH! Almost forgot! I have to pick up my bike! It's fixed now (well, supposed to be fixed)
Planned to do that at 5 pm. Okay, have half an hour left. Good. Time enough.... to relax...

Thursday, October 03, 2002

Went to school, gave a lesson Dutch and I'm tired now *snores* Wait, I have to wake up! I have to make an asignment! Oh wait, MY GROUP MEMBERS HAVEN'T TURNED IT IN YET! Argh!! How on earth am I supposed to put it together then?! *growls*
I haven't seen the Buffy Musical ep yet; we taped it though. I still have to see Sailor Moon with Sailor Mars too. Long live the VCR. But I'm so tired.... so tired....
And I'm not that angry any more...except for Genie Harem. They still haven't mailed me.

Wednesday, October 02, 2002

I'm a tad angry so if you don't want to read a message filled with anger than skip this one. Do not take it personally. I hate loosing friends but even I can't take everything. Even I need to let things go once in a while. If you do decide to read it and you do take it personally then don't yell at me. I warned you not to take it personally.

Great; I got a new messageboard and BANG, I've already had more complaints than with the old one; while the old one was a lot more worse! The old one only saved a certain amount of messages so we couldn't have that much topics. You only had stupid icons to choose from when you post a message and Bravenet always has tuns of adds.
Oh yeah, and the newest complaint: the pictures. Time over time I get the same one with that the pictures aren't right and that I should complain about it- guys, it's a free service- I can't complain! Sorry to say it this rude... but: LIVE WITH IT. I'm starting to get ticked off. I only have 1 pair of hands and I only can get free services. I'm not rich you know. If you don't like it; leave. Or complain yourself at that service but not at me.
About the adds: the new one only has 1 add and if you leave it untouched it refreshes itself so it doesn't bother you again; it's like Angelfire. It's better to leave the Angelfire banners untouched so it doesn't bother you any more. Sure, once in a while it pops up again but then just minimise it and bang it's gone.
The new one also had a private message sending service. I don't recall Bravenet having that! The new one also has the ability to create polls: Boom, another thing Bravenet doesn't have. You can also climb up in rank and that's easier than people think because I already changed the rules. You only have to post 25 posts to climb up in rank; not 50 like in the beginning. Yet... for some people that doesn't seem enough.
The last part: people think I'm not mature. Hell, I'm 19. Sure, that doesn't mean I'm mature but ask Cat how mature I can be; I bet she can recall certain points that I was really mature; I just like being a child. Just compaire me to Chibi Luna; she prefers her kid side as well while she is pretty darn mature. I've seen more in life than most people think. Sure, I could whine about how I lost already about 20 people in my life; from relatives to a friend but that doesn't mean I'm mature. So, people, stop whining about me not being mature and forgive me that I want my sites available for kids too. Serenay Moon is All Rated or whatever it's called so keep it that way; even on the messageboard. I can handle mature things even though some parts are going to get a bit too far. I don't want to block or delete people but hello: everyone invited! Grow up and stop being a teenager who only thinks he or she is mature. Life is not all about that.
God, how great it feels to just let it out for once. I think I'll continue so that I can be happy tonight again.
Oh great, that was all the anger. I'm still feeling angry but I don't have any new points to complain about. Main message: Stop whining at me! I'm only HUMAN and I don't complain about free services. Don't look a given horse in the mouth, you know?

Tuesday, October 01, 2002

Hurray for Me! Hurray for Stevo! Hurray for Demitiri! Hurray for Tiamat! I counted it, and.... today... we managed to get a total of 359 pages! You might think, what the freak is she talking about? Serenay Moon of course! We wrote 54 episodes, 29 specials, 3 side stories and 2 movies!! And there will come more! I never expected it to become this huge! (why isn't my ice cream melting?). I don't want to stay busy with Serenay Moon my whole life, but I can just feel this is going to be the biggest story I've ever written! Hell, it already is!! I can't wait till January 16th (if I remember well), when Serenay Moon exists 2 years!! I've never been 2 years full time busy with a story! (yes, to me this is full time). And who do I have to thank?
First, of course, Stevo. My wonderful writing partner. Always managing to surprise me with his ideas and giving me faith in myself.
Second, Tiamat and Demitiri. Both mean a lot to me. Tiamat helped me improving my drawing skills (even though she doesn't even know that- I'm very jealous at her!) and Demitiri because he showed me a story can be and needs to be quite flexible (I hope he knows what I mean; I mean...ehm... the spoiler thing I'm not supposed to tell). And of course, to introduce me into the world of genies!
On the third place, there is a whole bunch of people. Kem, for letting me have a lot of fun with The Pikachu and Mew show and even gave me some ideas! Guardian Star, who was and still is a great friend. You sure helped me with writing even though you didn't know! Reading your Sailor Sirius stories helped me a lot! Uumie and Luna Puella; I always thank you for your support. I know you for quite long (I think more than a year by now!) and you always helped me when needed. Togepi; you too! I thank you for the sound clips you are willing to make for me! And of course, Cat. Quite new to the world of Serenay Moon, but sure being a great help kicking my butt when I made huge typos again ^_^. Did I forget someone? If I did, I'm very sorry, but I'm very gratefull that you are there.
On the fourth place: the fans. Not a huge crowd yet, but sure letting us know they are there ^_^. Thank you!

Okay, this sure sounded like I'm leaving Serenay Moon but I'm not. I just wanted to thank everyone because... well... I sure couldn't have done it without you! I'm just a stupid young learning writer and artist and it will take years to become as great as certain people I know *wink,wink* but one day I'll be there. And when I stand behind the microphone... I thank you all again.
Just watch everyone! Kitt is going to make it!